football and box, swimming and basketball, and others. Componential analysis was worked out by E. Nida, H. Kasares, Y. Apresyan and R. Ginzburg. It is still successfully used in Lexicology as one of the most fruitful and effective methods of analyzing the semantics of the word. In the work we used this method to analyze the words denoting "sport".
Lexicology as a branch of linguistics has its own aims and methods of scientific research, its basic task being the study and systemic description of the vocabulary of some particular language in respect to its origin, development and current use. Hence Lexicology investigates words, word-groups, word-equivalents and morphemes which make up words. There is also close relationship between Lexicology and Stylistics or, to be more precise, Linguo-Stylistics, which generally treats of a selection among the linguistic units investigated by Lexicology and Grammar, of the styles of speech and stylistic expressive means with relation to the contents expressed. The following example is to illustrate the different approaches to a word. In studying the word "football" the phonetician will investigate the phonemes and their allophones that go to make up its phonetic shape and the distribution of the stress.
The lexicologist will first inquire into the semantic structure of the word, i.e. he will analyze its meanings; he will then turn to its morphological structure, i.e. he will classify the word as a derivative; he will finally consider the various types of word-groups in which the word "football" commonly occurs, such as "to play football", "football match", and others. In examining the word "football" in terms of its historical development he will establish its origin and combinative power or collocability evolved in the course of the development of the English language. The grammarian will point out that the noun "football" has no plural form, nor it is used in the possessive case, and that in speech it is always followed by a verb in the singular.
Used Literature:
1. Kreidler, Charles. Introducing English Semantics. New York: Routledge. 2002 - 154 p.
2. Palmer, F.R. Semantics. (2nd ed.). Cambridge, 1983. - 65 p.
3. Daniyeva M.Dj. Text as a product of discourse activity//Information technologies and automation of learning in modern conditions. Abstracts of VIII International scientific and Practical conference. Munich, Germany, 2024. - p. 240-247.
© CaMflOBa y.C., 2024
УДК: 80. 801. 3310
Turakulova N. A.
1 st-year Masters' Degree student of University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan Scientific supervisor: prof. Daniyeva M. J.,
Doctor of Sciences in Philology, University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan
The article is devoted to one of the first tasks of English grammar - to deal with parts of speech. And adjective is one of the most interesting between other parts of speech. This qualification paper is devoted to reveal the term adjective, it is functions in the context order and types in Modern English.
аdjective, vocabulary, function, specific group, grammatical feature, comparison.
Туракулова Н.А.
Магистрант 1 курса Университета Экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан Научный руководитель: проф. Даниева М.Дж.,
Доктор филологических наук, Университет Экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан
Статья посвящена одной из первых задач английской грамматики — изучению частей речи. Прилагательное является одной из самых интересных частей речи. Данная квалификационная работа направлена на раскрытие термина «прилагательное», его функций в контексте, порядка и типов в современном английском языке.
Ключевые слова
прилагательное, лексика, функция, специфическая группа, грамматическая особенность, сравнение.
Adjectives can be identified using a number of formal criteria. However, we may begin by saying that they typically describe an attribute of a noun. Here, the modifying word locates the adjective on a scale of comparison, at a position higher or lower than the one indicated by the adjective alone.
This characteristic is known as gradability. Most adjectives are gradable, though if the adjective already denotes the highest position on a scale, then it is non-gradable. As well as taking modifying words like very and extremely, adjectives also take different forms to indicate their position on a scale of comparison. The lowest point on the scale is known as the absolute form, the middle point is known as the comparative form, and the highest point is known as the superlative form. here are some more examples. In most cases, the comparative is formed by adding -er, and the superlative is formed by adding -est, to the absolute form.
The category is constituted by the opposition of the three forms known under the heading of degrees of comparison: the basic form (positive degree), having no features of comparison; the comparative degree form, having the feature of restricted superiority (which limits the comparison to two elements only); the superlative degree form, having the feature of unrestricted superiority. It should be noted that the meaning of unrestricted superiority is in-built in the superlative degree as such, though in practice this form is used in collocations imposing certain restrictions on the effected comparison; thus, the form in question may be used to signify restricted superiority, namely, in cases where a limited number of referents are compared. Cf.: Johnny was the strongest boy in the company. As is evident from the example, superiority restriction is shown here not by the native meaning of the superlative, but by the particular contextual construction of comparison where the physical strength of one boy is estimated in relation to that of his companions. Some linguists approach the number of the degrees of comparison as problematic on the grounds that the basic form of the adjective does not express any comparison by itself and therefore should be excluded from the category. This exclusion would reduce the category to two members only, i.e. the comparative and superlative degrees.
However, the oppositional interpretation of grammatical categories underlying our considerations does not admit of such an exclusion; on the contrary, the non-expression of superiority by the basic form is understood
in the oppositional presentation of comparison as a pre-requisite for the expression of the category as such. In this expression of the category the basic form is the unmarked member, not distinguished by any comparison suffix or comparison auxiliary, while the superiority forms (i.e. the comparative and superlative) are the marked members, distinguished by the comparison suffixes or comparison auxiliaries.
In English, some comparisons are regular, like the ones that add -(i)er and -(i)est, or more and most. And some are irregular, like good-better-best. So too in Latin: there are some adjectives that show predictable changes and some that do not. Used Literature:
1. Dixon, R. M. W. Adjectives. In K. Brown & T. Miller (Eds.), Concise encyclopedia of grammatical categories pp. 1-8. 1999.
2. Bryant M.A. Functional English Grammar N-4 1945
3. Бархударов Л.С. Штелинг Д.А. Граматика английского языка М., 1973
© Туракулова Н.А., 2024
УДК: 80. 801. 3310
Xalilova G.A.
1 st-year Masters' Degree student of University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan Scientific supervisor: prof. Daniyeva M. J.,
Doctor of Sciences in Philology, University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi city, Republic of Uzbekistan
The article is devoted to describe the role of Mark Twain in the American literature, emphasize his great influence that had changed a sense of literature of the nation, his incomparable humor that became the pride of the American literature. Humor is great relaxation. If literature is spiritual rest, humorous literature then is like a treatment of soul that often gets tired and exhausted of everyday worries, problems, and even sorrow.
American literature, humorous story genre, literature, society, discussion.
Халилова Г.А.
Магистрант 1 курса Университета Экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан Научный руководитель: проф. Даниева М.Дж.,
Доктор филологических наук, Университет Экономики и педагогики, г. Карши, Узбекистан
Статья посвящена описанию роли Марка Твена в американской литературе, подчеркивая его