Ravshanova N.K. senior teacher Foreign Language department Karshi engineering-economics institute
Uzbekistan, Karshi
Annotation: This article provides information on the basis of the system of using innovative technologies in improving the quality of education, the process of using innovative technologies in improving the quality of education, and the development of scientific methodical recommendations. Also, the content, form, method and means of using innovative technologies in improving the quality of education were discussed.
Key words: pedagogical technologies, identified goals, educational process, intellectual-professional approach.
Updates entering the education system make it necessary to revise and improve its content, structure, and methods. The field of higher education is no exception. Among these are the module system, evaluation based on rating, new pedagogical technologies, and tests, which are widely used in the higher education system. A modern student should have a broad outlook, a free-thinking person who can make an adequate assessment of reality, a sharp talent, a strong will, and in short, a high intellectual power. For this, it is necessary and necessary to establish new innovations in the educational system. It is necessary for the student not to become a (passive) listener-object, but an (active) participant - subject of the educational process.
So, what is the role of integrations in this process? First of all, let's consider the essence of the concept of integration. From a psychological-pedagogical point of view, integration is a socio-psychological aspect, which means the rapid application of something new to the social sphere and the acceleration of the educational process.
Innovations create conditions for overcoming various socio-psychological obstacles in the course of activity. Social groups with different goals, tasks and interests participate in this process. The type of character of motivations also affects the content and quality of innovative activity. In addition, in the process of implementing innovations, the principles, direction and spiritual and moral qualities of a person are also important to a certain extent.
In order to form students' readiness to receive news and participate in it, to increase the ability to receive news, it is necessary to use socio-psychological methods that activate the cognitive process. Examples of such methods include psychological training, role-playing games, etc. The process of new pedagogical
technology introduced into the education system is also a bright example of innovation and integration.
Expressing the identified goals and control tasks in concrete verbs clearly shows the plan of the student's mental activity, determines the direction of self-management. This is an example of a clear view of innovative activity. In revitalizing mental activity, this direction helps to set goals.
Clarity of purpose is productivity of activity. When the activity gives its positive results, this is the same period. However, in the organization of this process, there is a set of positive and negative factors that affect the educational activity of students:
> availability of modern technical means and tools in educational institutions; the existence of various circles, sections, houses of knowledge and the possibility to participate in them;
> material and spiritual conditions created in the family environment and mental stimulation of individuals;
> the continuity of communication with individuals and the rule of a warm interpersonal psychological environment in the family;
> the fact that the prestige of some professions is decreasing in the present period has a strong influence on the educational motivation of students;
> instability of feelings of patriotism and national pride in boys and girls, and the lag behind their formation; [1, 172]
Therefore, strengthening the positive factors in the home, determining measures to reduce and eliminate the effects of negative factors, paying special attention to innovative factors in the integration process, studying and analyzing their psychological basis will give a positive result. Independent opinion is the free expression of existing knowledge, thoughts and attitudes towards reality. Of course, this process does not happen by itself, especially in education. It is known that education is a set of pedagogical relations established between a teacher and a student. In these relationships, mutual trust, demand and order are important, that is, knowledge increases, intelligence improves. This is the main goal of modern pedagogical technologies introduced into the educational system. In the process of the new approach, knowledge appears on the basis of the students' own social order and affects the change of behavior. Expressing independent opinions, the student appears only as a subject of the educational process, that is, creates an educational dialogue with equal rights. In particular, the problematic organization of education has a positive effect on the student's academic activity. In order to make this process more successful, it is necessary to pay attention to the psychological basis.
When the educational process is organized on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies, there are several interrelated stages of knowledge acquisition, situations such as giving, written expression represent the levels of knowledge and understanding. At these levels, a creative approach is not required from the learner. At the next levels of mastering, students are required
to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, obtain certain results, complete, enrich, change, and have their own independent point of view. A problem-based approach is important for these mastery levels.
Organizing the educational process in a problematic way requires an approach to the audience from a specific psychological point of view. For this, there should be no psychological gap between the student and the audience, a warm psychological atmosphere should be created. It is recommended to conduct familiarization training in order to get psychological help. In the introduction training, each student should say his name, the meaning of his name, or say his name and express some quality that he has. Then the rule of effective conduct of today's training is accepted. This process is done together with the audience. The teacher asks the audience what rules students should follow to ensure the effectiveness of today's lesson. To ensure the effectiveness of the training, it is recommended to follow the following rules:
• Not interrupting, listening to each other, the ability to listen, the ability to speak in turn, following the rule of raising hands, being patient, mutual respect.
• In order to organize the lesson in a problem-oriented way, first of all, the student should be ready to debate, express his thoughts freely, and express a critical attitude. For this purpose, the concepts related to the problems are brought out. Then the problem is clarified and certain conclusions are drawn. This process is expressed in feedback. [2,140]
In order to ensure the active participation of the student in the process of solving the problem, the lesson can be conditionally divided into the following three phases:
• challenge phase;
• awareness phase;
• thinking phase;
The challenge phase is the first stage of the lesson, the students' existing knowledge is determined and the student's attention is drawn to the problem. Questions of the following form can be usefully used to organize the call phase:
• What information do you have about it?
• What do you want to know about it?
Understanding and solving the problem is assumed in the understanding phase. The use of various interactive methods is effective in this. In particular, it is possible to create microgroups, organize a discussion and ask questions in the following order:
• Any new information for you?
• What is your opinion on this issue?
• What aspect impressed you the most?
• What do you think is the significance of this?
• What do you think the result will be?
In the thinking phase, a solution to the problem is drawn and comments are made. The student makes his own conclusion. It is effective to ask the following questions to attract students' attention in the thinking phase:
> What do you think about it?
> What new ideas came up?
> Can you justify your opinion? [3,128]
We observed the following results in melancholic patients with strong internal psychological barriers:
> 44% of 300 students are melancholic, 8% of them are excellent,
> 47% are average, and the rest are satisfactory,
> 56% of students have average to high intelligence level. Lessons are interactive methods and non-traditional.
> 15% of students were excellent, 69% of them achieved good mastery, and 84% of mental abilities-intelligence dynamic increased.
The technology of using innovative methods in the course of the lesson. The developing mental maturity of current students, their thirst for learning, their endless interest in news and their demand for educational content, the teacher's work on himself, improving his skills and further developing his consciousness, among all the innovations in the education system demands to be informed. In recent years, new pedagogical technologies, innovations, new pedagogical and psychological concepts, which have been rapidly entering the educational system, have been mastered and used by the teacher, and have radically changed the educational process. it will not be a mistake to say. During the course of the lesson, a modern teacher should organize his students to look at science from a creative point of view, form in them the characteristics of inquisitiveness and, of course, organize a lesson using new pedagogical technology methods. For this, he needs to be familiar with new educational methods. [4,172]
Modern pedagogical technologies are all components of the educational process; it is a perfectly developed technological system that guarantees the setting of specific goals aimed at strengthening the mental potential of students and teachers of educational laws, content, methods, tools and forms, and their full implementation.
Interactive methods are a set of actions aimed at exchanging ideas, complementing each other's ideas, sometimes non-verbally, sometimes verbally. Interactive methods are intellectual activities built on the basis of interaction, which are not limited to performing the function of influence and motivation, but also direct the subjects of cooperation to creative research, help to open and discover an unknown situation can be expressed in comments. The following interactive methods are appropriately used in mastering the educational content, depending on the students' level of knowledge, level of mastery, source of education, didactic tasks:
S demonstration method of teaching;
• method of independent work;
• problematic heuristic modeling method;
• scientific research methods;
• problem-research and reproductive method of teaching;
• inductive and deductive method of teaching;
• method of control and self-control of teaching;
Various methods are used in lesson systems based on interactive methods. In this case, students are not prohibited from using books, notebooks and other tools, on the contrary, they are encouraged to use such methods. Innovative methods are classified as follows:
> methods aimed at acquiring new knowledge;
> methods aimed at practical implementation of acquired knowledge;
> filling, filling and control methods;
> methods of checking and evaluating knowledge, skills and qualifications;
> creative research and research methods;
The main basis of pedagogical technologies depends on the selected technologies so that the teacher and the student can achieve a guaranteed result in cooperation with the specified goal. If every educational technology used in the teaching process to achieve a guaranteed result according to the goal is a cooperative activity between the teacher and the student, if both can achieve a positive result, if the students think independently, It is effective only if they can work creatively, search, analyze, draw their own conclusions, and evaluate themselves and their group.
Each lesson, educational subject has its own technology, that is, it is a two-way process in which the teacher, the student-student are directed to one goal, planned in advance and aimed at providing a guaranteed result. In this case, the choice of technology is aimed at achieving a specific goal and result. In this case, the level of the students is selected depending on the nature of the group, the conditions, and the teacher needs to design the future lesson process in order to be able to see each lesson as a whole and imagine it. It is very important for the teacher to create a technological map of the lesson.
Because the technological map is created for each topic, each lesson based on the nature of the taught subject, opportunities and needs of students. For this, the teacher should be aware of pedagogy-psychology, pedagogy and information technologies, as well as be able to use interactive methods. In the process of teaching, pupils-students are treated as individuals, various pedagogical technologies and modern methods are used to make them feel the responsibility of independent, free thinking, research, a creative approach to every issue, conducting scientific and research work, analysis, enhances their interest in the effective use of scientific literature, reading, science, pedagogy and the profession of their choice. Achieving such results requires the use of innovative and information technologies in the educational process.
As can be seen from the above analysis, for the future teacher's professional competence, it is necessary for him to know the methodological foundations of the application of innovative methods in practice. Among the main, basic qualities that describe the professional personality of specialists, the quality of his education, include "technological competence, Competence in working with information, thinking skill" is listed. [5,264].
Logical-hereditary essence, their definition, structure, students for them, specific features explaining the development and formation of terms and concepts, opportunities to solve educational tasks with the help of concepts, ways of forming concepts and other issues N. Mamadov 2009 in the experience of innovative management of general education schools [6, 59.], M. Jumaniyozova in 2007 in the process of professional development pedagogical foundations of training teachers for innovative activities showed in their research.
The intellectual-professional approach implies distinguishing the concept based on their intellectual level, taking into account the hierarchical complexity and difficulties in the profession. A hierarchy of modules is formed, taking into account the concept level. In the construction of interdisciplinary modules of education, in the process of systematization of information, in addition to didactic principles, there is scientificity, systematicity and coherence, an intellectual-professional approach is used. Based on the intellectual-professional approach, the internal content, which is considered the core of the interdisciplinary module of education, is distinguished.
In conclusion, it should be said that every teacher who successfully uses interactive methods in the educational process will have the following opportunities:
S activates students' thinking ability;
S it is guaranteed that the teacher will achieve the goal of education;
S students are directed to discussion, debate, discussion;
S students are taught to think freely;
S students develop the ability to express their opinion;
S provides conscious and creative activity;
S an opportunity to develop critical thinking is created;
S forms positive motives for educational activities
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