Boyqo'zi Xursanov Abdumalik Latifjonov Urinboy Abdulhakov
Fergana Polytechnic Institute
The article recommends the use of innovative pedagogical technologies in improving the quality of education. It has been shown that these methods can only be implemented through the collaboration of educators and students.
Keywords: educator, teaching skills, quality of education, interactive education, interactive style, student activity, independent thinking.
In his reports on the further development of higher education, the President said that the level of education of students and the quality of training is a key priority in the socio-economic development of the country.
Interactive learning, interactive methods are methods based on regular communication and are a system of teaching and methods with the collaborative and active participation of students.
The process of such pedagogical cooperation has its own characteristics, which include:
- The student is not forced to be indifferent during the lesson, to think independently, to create and research;
- Ensuring the continuity of students' interest in science in the learning process;
- Strengthening students' interest in science with a creative approach to each issue independently;
- regular organization ofjoint activities of teachers and students.
The indicator of quality in the field of education is the development of today's students as highly educated, modern personnel who can meet the requirements of world standards in the development of our economy.
When I say that the quality of education depends, first of all, I would say that it depends on the teacher's teaching skills, the ability to use interactive methods, that is, to interact with the learner, students learn from each other, art and quality. No matter how much you use visual aids based on innovative pedagogical technologies, if the teacher is not able to control them, if there is no necessary literature, if he is unaware of advanced scientific pedagogical methods, or if the teacher is mentally alert and in high spirits before without noticing, students will not be able to attract attention, and mastery will be low. The teacher should also be aware of daily information and events in the world and in our country, spiritual and political, must have a thorough knowledge of the
changes taking place in economic areas, the state policy aimed at improving the living conditions of our people. Because it is natural to have such questions from every student who is staring at you. Know that a student will not only rate you on your reading skills, but will also evaluate you based on how well you are aware of all the knowledge you have. As a result, his attention span increases, he listens to the topic of the lecture with interest, and his mastery is high. evaluates you based on how much you are aware of all the knowledge you have. As a result, his attention span increases, he listens to the topic of the lecture with interest, and his mastery is high. evaluates you based on how much you are aware of all the knowledge you have. As a result, his attention span increases, he listens to the topic of the lecture with interest, and his mastery is high. At the meeting on the further development of higher education, improving the quality of training, expanding the integration of science and industry, the head of state noted the high tasks facing professors and teachers of higher education institutions. Most importantly, they stressed the need for modern personnel for a rapidly developing economy, the need to select qualified professors and teachers, and to reconsider the level of specialists to meet global demand. Indeed, the issues discussed in our scientific and methodological work today are devoted to this direction.
The question of what mechanical engineers studying at the department of "Technological machines and equipment" should pay attention to in order to acquire better quality knowledge is the essence of our work, such a high priority is assigned to the teacher. Teaching also requires an actor's role, skill, art, he has a delicate taste, high culture and soul.
In other words mohir, if he does not have a talent for the art of innate teaching, the student will not leave the lesson in a satisfactory mood.
Therefore, the main problem facing every higher education institution is the introduction of new innovative technologiesis to select personnel who love their profession who can apply it diligently. We will look at the mastery indicators of students after reading the lecture.
There are many types of lectures. Let's analyze some of these.
1. The teacher goes in front of the students, lists them without calming them down, and slowly reads their syllabus. In such an environment, 60-75% of students sit looking at you with their thoughts and imagination, some write, but their mastery does not exceed 30-40% after the lesson is over. A year later, the student remembers only 20% of the lecture.
2. Read according to the above method. The teacher looks at his abstract from time to time, often writing on the board and explaining to the students with his back turned. He does not notice that they are listening to the lecture calmly and attentively, nor does he warn them. Such a read lecture can remain in the mind of the student up to 50-55%. A year later, 20-25% of the lecture content will be remembered.
3. If the teacher reads the lecture at a high level, without looking at the abstract at all, in his own words, in the eyes of students, in the attention, the level of mastery is 70-75%, after a year 40-45% will be remembered.
4. The use of pedagogical technology systems based on innovative technology, exhibitions and posters, equipment for showing videos in the reading room, and the content of the lecture can be increased by 80-85% if it is explained in a free way with videos and images. . After a year, 60-65% may remain in the student's memory.
5. If the fourth method is further enriched with content and guided by a lecture read at a high level with experience and practical work, the level of students' memory after one day can increase by a little less than 100%. The results of the interview after one year will be no less than 85%. In general, whether you were able to get the attention of the audience by coming to the podium or from the pulpit, you have reached the level of a teacher who reads a "mature" lecture.
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