Surayyo Ibragimjomovna Jo'rayeva
Master student of Namangan State University
Komiljon Abdug'anievich Abdullayev
Senior teacher of Namangan State University
This article is about using innovative educational technologies in the lessons for schoolchildren and creating opportunities for children to think healthy, mainly working with children and also using these technologies at home and parents are expected to help.
Keywords: Society, Independence, Development, Independence, Education, Training, Innovative Education Technology, Developmental Learning Technologies, Problem-Based Learning Technologies, Person-Oriented Techniques Learning technologies, Collaborative learning learning technologies, Interactive and active learning technologies, Modular learning technology, proof, verification, explanation, conflict, situation, methods.
Analyzing the experience of development of our society during the years of independence, based on the principles of the ideas of national independence, the educational process as an important part of social life has changed. The process began with the creation of a legal and educational framework for public policy in the field of education. Raising education to a high level on the basis of the ideas of national independence is a strong demand of our time and a social demand of society. Primary education is a complex and important part of the system of continuing education.
In the implementation of reforms in all areas of our country, first of all, the further improvement of the education system, the types of education and their further development are among the most important and urgent issues. As noted by the head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev, "We will mobilize all the forces and capabilities of our state and society to be happy". In the implementation of the National Program of Personnel Training, first of all, it is important to establish a proper system of primary education. As a result of large-scale reforms carried out in the years of independence,
the foundations of our national statehood have been strengthened, the sovereignty of our state, the inviolability of our borders have been ensured, peace and tranquility, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance in our society Great work has been done to realize the rights and freedoms and interests.
Primary school is a basic and important part of the education system. At this stage, the first steps are taken to guide the child to perfection.
That is why it is important to pay special attention to this stage today is considered a problem. Today in the world on the basis of integrated approach to education to increase the level of knowledge of primary school students, to create a modern methodological support of the creative educational process through the development of creative abilities of teachers, to develop students' science-oriented skills, as well as The issues of increasing the social role of primary education in the process of ensuring the quality of education are being studied as one of the current areas.
The use of innovative teaching technologies by teachers in the teaching process helps to further develop education and broaden students 'worldviews.
In recent years, teachers have increasingly attracted the attention of developing educational ideas, with which they have linked the likelihood of change in the school. Developmental education aims to prepare students for independent "adult" life. The main goal is to provide modern school students with the acquisition of certain skills, knowledge and abilities that will be needed in professional, social, family spheres of life.
Developmental Education Theory I.G. Pestalozzi, A. Distervega, K.D. Ushinsky et al. The scientific basis for this theory is given in the works of L.S. Vigotskiy. Later development took place in L.V.'s experimental work. Zankova, D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova, N.A. Menchinskaya et al. In their understanding, learning and development are manifested as a system of dialectically interrelated aspects of a process. Learning is recognized as a driving force in the mental development of the child, the formation of all the features of personality in him. The complexity of the development of this topic, and at the same time the positive side, lies in the organic, natural combination of problems of pedagogy and psychology: teaching is an integral part of didactics, and development is a psychological process.
Developmental learning is understood as a new, active learning method (type) that replaces the explanatory-illustrative method (type).
Modern science has found that any movement of mental development is related to reflection in the brain of the external environment, which is the acquisition of experience of learning, cognition and activity, and in this sense, learning. Education is a form of human mental development, a necessary element of development. Any learning develops and enriches the bank of memory and conditioned reflexes. In planning: independence, will, creativity, initiative, organization.
The modern stage of pedagogical practice is the transition from information-explanatory teaching technology to technology that develops activities, forming a wide range of personal qualities of the child. The knowledge gained is not only important, but also the ways of mastering and processing learning information, developing students 'cognitive powers and creative potential.
L.S. Vygotsky wrote: "Pedagogy should be guided by tomorrow's development, not yesterday's." He singled out two levels of child development:
1) real area (level) of development - already formed qualities and what the child can do on his own;
2) close development zone - actions that the child is not yet able to perform on their own, but he can cope with it with the help of adults.
The proximal developmental zone is a great or small opportunity for a child to move from what he or she can do independently, to what he or she can do, to what he or she can do together.
Determining the external boundaries of the proximal developmental zone, separating it from the current and unattainable zone, is a task that has hitherto been
solved only on an intuitive level, depending on the experience and skills of the teacher.
Conclusion on the research problem: development occurs as a complex process of interaction of external and internal factors, i.e. the individual, deep qualities of the child. Such an understanding of the relationship between education and development corresponds to a special type of training, in which, on the one hand, special attention is paid to the structure of the training, its content, principles, methods, and so on. On the other hand, the reflection of social experience, social order - as if a special attention is paid to the inner world of the child: his individual and age characteristics, his needs and daughter-in-law.
The ultimate goal of developmental education is to meet the need for self-transformation and through learning, that is. to be able to want, love and learn.
The 21st century is the age of highly developed educational technologies - the era of intellectual workers. "... The 21st century in which we live is a century in which the highest levels of intellectual values, knowledge and education are in demand and dominate."
High-quality intellectual work based on creativity will be valuable for the activities of organizations. Thus, the modern era requires a high level of freedom of thought, intellectual staff, and imposes a special responsibility on teachers in the education of our children. Achieving such a level of freedom of choice-based thinking not possible with established teaching methods. Therefore, in recent decades, there has been more and more talk about the use of interactive learning, which is evolving in the arsenal of teachers in education.
The types of education cannot be clearly delineated, the names of the thinkers, the methods of work applied, etc. are often interrelated. But the focus on the humanization of education is characterized by the term "person-centered approach". "A personal approach is a teacher's consistent approach to the student to the individual, a self-aware, responsible subject of educational activity. The idea of a personal approach has been developed by scientists since the early 1980s. XX century. In connection with the interpretation of education as a subject-subject process».
Person-centered education is a study that prioritizes the student's personality, his inner value, the subjectivity of the learning process. "A personal approach allows the learner to understand himself as a person, to identify his potential, to reveal, to shape self-awareness, to define self-determination, self-awareness and self-awareness. 'includes assistance in the implementation of self-important and socially acceptable methods of self-awareness. affirmation.' usually in opposition to the
traditional lesson, which leads to the following differences between the lessons: Person-centered education is based on the notion that a person is the sum of all the mental characteristics that make up his personality. The purpose of the lim is to create conditions for the full development of the following individual functions: the individual's ability to choose; the ability to reflect, evaluate your life; the search for meaning in life, creativity; formation of self-awareness; responsibility (according to the content). I am responsible for everything); personality autonomy (as it develops, it becomes more and more free from other factors). model structure. Based on it, the student's personality becomes not only a subject, but also a priority object, providing inviolable, non-contradictory conditions for development. Equal teacher collaboration is observed throughout the teaching process: goal setting, content selection, process management, and assessment become creative endeavors. This means that a pedagogical system is a person-centered education that combines well-established didactic problems and technologies to solve them. Person-centered education requires the integration of all types of education. Integrated pedagogical technologies, in turn, ensure that students think independently.
Emphasizes the importance of using students' science experiences for educational purposes. Subjective experience is the experience of the student's own life, his experience of knowledge and self-knowledge, socialization, self-development, self-awareness. However, many studies have "shown that in the long run, emotional intelligence is a more important factor for successful communication, relationships, and leadership than mental intelligence." This means that in education, the first priority is to establish a specific relationship between the teacher and the student in the process of self-learning, rather than knowledge, skills and abilities.
Problem-based learning is the process of creating a problem situation by setting a problem for students to solve in the learning process and finding a solution to it during the lesson. The problem can be posed by the teacher or by the students.
Problem-based learning technologies are based on activating and accelerating student activity.
The basis of problem-based learning technology is that human thinking begins with solving a problem situation and has the ability to identify, research, and solve problems. Problem-based learning plays an important role in developing students' creative thinking and creative abilities. Ways to create a problem situation:
The teacher explains to the students the conflict situation related to the topic of the lesson and invites them to find a way to resolve it;
- To state different points of view on the same issue;
- Suggest issues that are insufficient or redundant to address, or that the question is incorrect.
Levels of problem solving:
- The teacher sets the problem and solves it himself;
- The teacher poses a problem and finds a solution together with the students;
- Students solve the problem themselves and find a solution.
Ways to solve the problem:
- Study and analyze the problem from different perspectives;
- Comparison, generalization;
- Identification and application of evidence;
- Draw conclusions about the situation;
- Students ask specific questions and so on.
Stages of problem learning: 1. Creating a problem situation. 2. Formulation of problem-solving assumptions. 3. Check the correctness of the solution (by systematizing the information related to the solution obtained).
Problem solving steps:
1. Proof - This is done by finding out if the problem is related to a previously recognized cause.
2. Verification - this is done by justifying the correctness of the problem being solved as a result of the chosen cause.
3. Explanation - This is based on identifying the reasons why the solution to the problem is correct
Problem-based learning was used by the American psychologist, philosopher, and educator D. Dewey in 1894 at the Experimental School in Chicago. Research in this area was conducted in the 1960s. By the 70-80, it was widely introduced into practice. An in-depth study of problem-based learning began in the 1960, based on the idea that "thinking begins with a problem situation."
The ideas and principles of problem-based learning in terms of the psychology of thinking were developed by S.L. Rubinstein, M.I. Mahmutov, V.Okon, I.Ya. Lerner.
There are three types of problem-based learning from a scientific and methodological point of view.
1. Creating a problem situation.
2. Problem statement.
3. Find a solution to the problem.
Problematic system
Problematic situation
Problem situations can be created in all classes. How much to shape it in the classroom depends on the teacher. The importance of a problem situation is that it focuses students' attention on a problem and teaches them to search and think.
Problem-based education creates a problematic situation under the guidance of a teacher, which involves the organization of the educational process that allows students to creatively master theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities and develop intellectual activity as a result of active, independent work. .
Tasks in problem-based learning Students are given research, heuristic, problem-solving tasks.
This also can be modified above:
• on non-standard issues;
• with an unformed question;
• with excessive information;
• Independent generalization based on own practical observations;
• Describe the nature of an object without using instructions;
• determine the limits and levels of application of the obtained results;
• determine the mechanism of occurrence of the event;
• Assign tasks such as "instant find".
The algorithm for solving a problem situation is implemented in the following order: Problem statement, database collection, processing, solution identify the model, collect additional data and reflect them in the selected solution model, identify the contradiction between the new data and the solution model, find a solution to the conflict, create a new solution model.
Interactive method - serves to activate the acquisition of knowledge, the development of personal qualities of students by increasing the activity between students and the teacher in the educational process. Using interactive methods can help increase lesson effectiveness. The main criteria of interactive education: the possibility of informal discussions, the ability to freely express and express the learning material, the creation of opportunities for students to take the initiative,
small group, large group, assignments to work as a class team One of the main directions in improving the methods of teaching today is the introduction of interactive methods of teaching and learning. consists of. All science teachers are increasingly using interactive methods in the classroom. As a result of the use of interactive methods, students are able to think independently, analyze, draw conclusions, express their opinions, defend them reasonably, The skills of communication, discussion and debate are formed and developed. Some differences between traditional and interactive lessons.
№ Basic concepts Traditional lesson Interactive lesson
1 Level of application It is used in the form of lessons that are convenient for them on all topics. On some topics, interactive lessons are used in the form of convenient forms of lessons. For other topics, the traditional lesson will be used
2 Course Objectives Formation and strengthening of knowledge, skills and abilities on the subject of the course. Independent thinking on the topic of the lesson, drawing conclusions, explaining them, teaching to defend.
3 Teacher responsibilities and working methods Explain, reinforce, supervise, assign assignments to a new topic. Organize, manage, monitor, and justify students' independent work and presentations.
4 Requirements for lesson preparation Preparation of lesson plans, abstracts and didactic aids. Preparation of interactive lesson plans, assignments for independent work, handouts, other necessary tools.
5 Student Preparation Requirements Complete the tasks from the previous lesson. Learn the basics and background information for a new course topic.
6 Student tasks and methods Listening to and mastering the teacher, completing assignments. Independently think about the tasks given by the teacher, compare their opinions and conclusions with others and come to the final conclusion
7 Time distribution Much of the class time is spent explaining, analyzing, Much of the class time is spent on students completing independent
explaining assignments, and monitoring learning. assignments, exchanging ideas, observing, and summarizing and defending their conclusions.
8 Lesson modules and algorithms The modules and algorithms of the lesson are used by each teacher according to the method he / she uses. Each lesson is conducted according to pre-prepared modules and algorithms, projects.
9 Level of activity required of students The teacher is active in all respects, students are active in focusing, understanding, thinking, completing tasks. Forms of communication: teacher-group; Both the teacher and the students are very active. Forms of cooperation: teacher-student; student-student; student-small group; small group-small group; student-teacher; small group teacher;
10 Basic ways to acquire knowledge teacher-student; group teacher
11 Forms of training student-student; Communication, reading, observation, discussion, negotiation, debate, discussion, reflection, analysis, and more.
12 Expected result student-teacher; Lectures, group or pair work, presentations, discussions, debates, roundtables, practical work, etc.
Using interactive methods in the classroom does not mean abandoning traditional methods.
Role play
Problem-based learniniT
Project education
Creative education
Heuristic education
In short, interactive learning allows you to solve several problems at once. Most importantly, it develops students' communication skills and abilities, helps to establish emotional connections between students, teaches them to work in a team, to listen to the opinions of their peers. ensures compliance. At the same time, practice shows that the use of interactive methods in the classroom eliminates the nervous tension of students, allows them to change the form of activity, to focus on the main issues of the lesson. Selection of interactive methods according to the purpose of the lesson. There are many types of interactive lessons, which are selected according to the characteristics of the subject and the intended purpose, and are prepared accordingly. There are specific requirements for the readiness of students to participate in interactive lessons, which include the acquisition of knowledge necessary for active participation in the lesson, readiness for communication, interaction, independent thinking, the ability to express and defend one's opinion freely, and so on.
Efficient use of time in training is a must. This requires the proper selection and preparation of the necessary tools, as well as a clear definition of the facilitators and their responsibilities. There are specific differences between interactive methods and traditional teaching methods, and each teacher should compare these differences, their advantages and disadvantages in relation to each other, in choosing the methods of lesson planning and conduct. should be taken into account.
In this case, the most appropriate interactive for the transfer of new knowledge, the formation, development, strengthening of skills, repetition of knowledge, practical training, as well as for training on each topic, taking into account the specifics of the subject. or the correct choice of other methods.
Using the right methods will make the training fun and effective. Interactive methods are related to the theory of constructivism, and the following main conclusions of constructivism should be taken into account when applying these methods in practice:
The student must learn on his own, otherwise no one can teach him anything; The teacher organizes a process that helps students "discover" knowledge; Knowledge is not copied from being, it is shaped by man.
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