G.Sadiyeva's work "Aphasia: neurolinguistic research" proves that new fields of linguistics are developing in Azerbaijan. Unlike traditional linguistics, in the era of globalization, the study of the multidisciplinary relationship of linguistics with defectology, medicine, psychology allows to obtain new information about the essence of language.
Abulfaz Rajabli's "Theoretical Linguistics" (Baku, Nurlan, 2003, 515 p.) Discusses the essence and main aspects of neurolinguistics under the title "Neurolinguistics". Abulfaz Rajabli notes that in order to turn the facts collected by psychologists and neurologists into a definite principle, linguistics must move from description to accurate analysis of basic language units, and the clinical description of speech disorders is followed by physiological and neuropsychological research (12, p.325-332).
Thus, during the period of independence, some research has been conducted in Azerbaijan in the field of neurolinguistics of linguistics. But, of course, this is just the beginning. There is a great need for more fundamental research in neurolinguistics. Because neurolinguistics is a practical field of direct linguistics, and any successful research in this field allows us to understand the essence of the process of a more realistic understanding of the mechanism of language and speech.
It should be noted that one of the main problems of modern Azerbaijani theoretical linguistics is the expansion of research in this area. Because the scientific results obtained in the field of neurolinguistics will lead to the development of neuropsychology, aphasiology, speech therapy, psycholinguistics.
1. Adilov M, Verdiyeva Z, Aghayeva F. Lingistic Problems. Baku: Elm; 2019. p. 404.
2. Adilov M, Verdiyeva Z, Aghayeva F. Explanatory Lingistic Terms. Baku: Elm; 2020. p. 656.
3. Akhutina T.B. Neuro-linguistic analysis of dynamic aphasia. Moscow: Moscow university; 1975. p. 143.
4. Akhutina T.B. Generation of speech. Neurolinguistic analysis of syntax. Moscow: Moscow University; 1989. p. 215.
5. Chobanzade B. The Introdction to Turkic-Tatar Linguistics. Baku: Sharg-Garb; 2007. p. 333.
6. Eminli H. Neurolinguistic analysis of the process of speech formation and development. Baku: 2008. p. 153.
7. Esgerov M. Linguistic psychology or psychology of language. Baku: Elm; 2011. p. 308.
8. Esgerov M. Linguo-psychological unity theory. Baku: Elm; 2015. p. 192.
9. Leontyev A. Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics. Moscow: Smisl Academy; 1999. p. 288.
10. Luria A.R. The main problems of neurolinguistics. Moscow: Moscow University; 1976. p. 253.
11. Luria A.R. Language and Consciousness. Moscow: Moscow University; 1979. p. 319.
12. Rajabli A. Theoritical Linguistics. Baku: Nurlan; 2003. p. 515.
13. Sadiyeva G. Aphasia: Neurolinguistical research. Baku: Elm; 1999. p. 91.
14. Vizel T.G. Variability of forms of aphasia. Barnaul: 2015. p. 271.
15. Yakobson R.O. Two aspects of language and two types of aphatic violations // Theory of metaphors. Moscow: 1990. p. 110-132.
Vagizieva N.A.
PhD in Philology,
the Institutе qf lаnguаgеs, literature аnd Arts n.a. G.Tsаdаsа qf the Dagestan Federal Research Center qf Russian Academy qf Sciences, 367000, Russian federation, Dagestan republic, Makhachkala, M. Gadjieva Street, 45
This article is devoted to the description of some word-formation elements in the morphological system of the Kadar dialect of Dargin language. The author of this article describes some suffixes that are commonly used in the morphology of the Kadar dialect and compares them with those ones in literary Dargin language.
Keywords: Dargin language, Kadar dialect, morphological system, word-formation, suffixes.
E.I. Borisoglebskaya, V.P. Gurchenkova, A.E. Kurbyko noted that "in the process of the historical development of the language, its vocabulary is constantly replenished with new words. The main means of enriching the dictionary with new words is word-formation "[1: 54].
Therefore, studying word-formation, we trace the ways and means of replenishing the language or dialect with new lexical units. Word-formation usually involves word-formation elements (morphemes) that already exist in the language, which makes it possible to quickly and deeply reveal the meaning of any new or unknown words. In this regard, it is important to take
into account the morphology and problems of the morphological structure of the word.
According to M.-S.M. Musaev's point of view "word formation, which we are considering in this case in morphology, although for some specialists it appears either as a section of vocabulary or as an independent discipline, it is characterized by the following main ways: word-combination in the noun, adjective,numer-als and in the verb, suffixation exclusively in the noun, adjective,numerals and prefixation only in the verb" [2: 89].
In the Kadar dialect, there are inherent formatives for the formation of parts of a speech: a noun, an adjective, a verb, adverbs, forms of participles, etc.
S.N. Abdullaev writes that "Dargin nouns are not rich in derivational suffixes, and most of those suffixes
that are present now seem to have turned to stone, become unproductive" [3: 85]. Nevertheless, the most productive suffixes of the nouns of the Dargin literary language are: -ala, -chi, -ri, -la, likh, - agi etc. And in the Kadar dialect some of them correspond to a zero indicator:
In the Kadar dialect In the Dargin literary language
Kaj «a talk» Kajala
iza «desease» izala
In the Kadar dialect, there are inherent formatives for the formation of parts of speech: an adjective, a verb, forms of gerunds, adverbs, etc.
In the literary Dargin language, adjectives have the indicator -si, while in the Kadar dialect the indicator of this part of speech is -ai, -il, -a._
In the Kadar dialect In the Dargin literary language
'awaj «oily» 'awasi
zawgaj «beautiful» zagasi
zu?il «salty» zuq'isi
mir?il «sweet» murisi
murxil «deep» murxsi
c'aba «dark» c'absi
c'aq'il «loud» c'aqsi
As for the verbal forms of the Kadar infinitive, they have formant -es, which is characteristic to the literary Dargin language, and -as which is characteristic to the Kadar dialect.
In the Kadar dialect In the Dargin literary language
birq'was «to dig» bur q'es
uk'as «to talk» ik'es
ukas «to eat» ukes
Temporal participles have different suffixes than in the literary Dargin language (-madajni, - kem, -arama), which distinguish the Kadar participles from literary ones (-leli, -mad, - ci, -erm).
In the Kadar dialect In the Dargin literary language
-madajni -mad
ajzuwamadajni «as soon as he got up» ajzurmad
bircibmadajni «as soon as he washed» bircibmad
kebailemadajni «as soon as he saw» cebaibmad
ukuwamadajni «as soon as he ate» ukunmad
-kem - ci
barajkem «till he does it» barajci
belk'ajkem «till he writes» belk'ajci
usajkem «till he falls asleep» usaajci
-arama -erm
baq'ilearama «after he heard» baq'iliermi
bicilearama «after he sold» biciliermi
kawsilearama «after he killed» kawsiliermi
N.A. Vagizieva writes that «the study of the vocabulary of the language, and dialects is aimed at identifying the features that distinguish this type of language from its national literary version». [4: 236] Thus the author comes to a conclusion that the Kadar dialect is one of the unique dialects of Dargin language. The word-formation suffixes of Kadar dialect differ from those ones in Dargin literary language.
1. Borisoglebskaya E.I., Gurchenkova V.P., Kurbyko A.E. A guide for applicants to universities.
4th ed., Rev. and add. - Moscow: Vysh. shk. ek., 1998 .- 445 p. [Published in Russian]
2. Musaev M.-S.M. Dargin language. / Ed. M.E. Alekseev. - M: Academia, 2002 .-- 184 p. [Published in Russian]
3. Abdullaev S.N. Grammar of the Dargin language (phonetics and morphology). - Makhachkala, 1954. - 216 p. [Published in Russian]
4. Vagizieva N.A. Lexic dialectisms of the Kadar dialect of the Dargin language // Bulletin of the Institute of Language, Literature and Art. n.a. G. Tsadasa. 2015. No. 8. pp. 235-239. [Published in Russian]