Imanova N.
Senior Lecturer, SOCAR - Baku Higher Oil School Khojaly ave.30, Baku, Azerbaijan
The article provides a detailed analysis of research in the field of neurolinguistics in Azerbaijani linguistics. It is noted that neurolinguistics is a very young field in Azerbaijani linguistics. However, quite successful research has already been conducted in the field of neurolinguistics in Azerbaijani linguistics. The article notes that neurolinguistics was first mentioned in Azerbaijani linguistics in the work "Introduction to Turkish-Tatar language" written by Turkologist Bekir Chobanzade in 1924. Thus, here we look at the chronology of research in the field of neurolinguistics in Azerbaijani linguistics. The research deals with scientific research in the field of neurolinguistics by Gulmira Sadiyeva, Heydar Eminli and other researchers in Azerbaijani linguistics. The study also looks at the history of neurolinguistics in world linguistics, its theoretical and methodological aspects. In particular, it is noted that neurolinguistics originated as a branch of psycholinguistics and later separated from it. The article also provides extensive information about the essence, functions, theoretical and methodological bases of neurolinguistics. The study also discusses aphasia and its types, one of the main objects of research in neurolinguistics, and the causes of aphasia.
Keywords: Azerbaijan, neurolinguistics, aphasia, psychology, consciousness, linguistics
One of the newest, least developed areas of modern world linguistics is neurolinguistics. The term neurolinguistics is derived from the ancient Greek words neuro "nerve" and Latin word lingua "language".
Neurolinguistics is a new field of science related to psychology and linguistics. This field of science studies the brain mechanisms of speech activity, changes in the speech process under the influence of brain damage (2, p.369). This field of linguistics also explores psycholinguistic problems. Neurolinguistics covers both psychology and medicine. In short, neurolinguistics includes and studies common issues in the fields of linguistics, psychology and medicine. In particular, the field of neurology of medicine is closely related to linguistics. One of the key terms in neurolinguistics is aphasia. The study of the problem of aphasia studies the psychological and linguistic aspects of defects in human speech as a result of certain injuries. Neurolinguistics is also a slightly more practical field. Aphasia is primarily related to the study of the causes of speech pathologies. The terms dynamic aphasia and semantic aphasia are used in linguistics in connection with this field.
Neurolinguistics is closely related to the fields of psycholinguistics and semiotics of linguistics. Understanding the concept of neuropsychology in this field of linguistics is also important.
Although the foundations of neurolinguistics were laid in the 19th century, the development of this field of linguistics is connected with the 20th century (7, p. 325). Specifically, neurolinguistics as an independent field of science was fully formed in the late twentieth century.
It is known that language is primarily related to thinking. There is a dialectical unity of language with consciousness formed in the cerebral hemispheres. Any brain injury leads to impaired consciousness. Impairment of consciousness results in speech defects.
It means that a perfect, universal system has been established in the human body. It is known that the human mind and the human body are controlled by the brain and spinal cord. It is located in special layers of the brain with a system of neurons that balance human speech. Neurolinguistics primarily studies the effects of local changes in the brain center on speech. Neurolinguistics scientifically proves that certain areas of the human brain directly carry out the realization of speech, control the mechanism of speech.
The scientific-theoretical bases of neurolinguistics in world linguistics are formed by B. de Courtenay, L.V Sherba, A.A Potebnya, A.A Shakhmatova, LS Vygotsky, A.R Luria, A.A Leontyev, VA Bogoroditsky, R.O Jacobson, T.Q. That is, the common views of both linguists and psychologists led to the emergence of this field of linguistics. In particular, the emergence and development of cognitive psychology in science has given impetus to the development of neurolinguistics. Contributing to the development of psycholinguistics, A.R Luria expressed his subjective theoretical views on this field of linguistics in his works "Language and Consciousness" (14) and "The main problems of neurolinguistics" (13).
Linguists and psychologists, such as neurolinguistics and psycholinguistics, have limited views on the mechanism of language formation. Another difference between this field and psycholinguistics is that neurolinguistics is closely related to medicine. Usually, neurolinguistic research also comprehensively reflects the analysis of research in the field of psycholinguistics, structural linguistics, cognitive linguistics, paralinguistics. Neurolinguistics is based on the connection between speech and psychology, the brain and speech. At the heart of this linguistics is the interpretation of the neurophysiological aspects of speech. There is a direct
connection between neuropsychology and neurolinguistics.
The first research work on neurolinguistics in the history of linguistics belongs to R.O Jacobson. In Russia, T.V Akhutina also has interesting research in this area (3). T. Akhutina explains the mechanism of speech formation in his work "Neurolinguistic analysis of dynamic aphasia" (9).
One of the main problems studied by neurolinguistics is aphasia. It is known that aphasia is a speech disorder. T.Q. Wiesel in his book "Variable forms of aphasia" identifies the following types of neuropsychological aphasia: motor aphasia, sensory aphasia, amnestic aphasia, semantic aphasia, dynamic aphasia. From the neurolinguistic point of view, he identifies the following types of aphasia: phonological-expressive aphasia, phonology-impressive aphasia, lexical (amnestic) aphasia, morphological aphasia, syntactic aphasia (14, p.2-3).
For the first time, the well-known Turkologist Bekir Chobanzadeh touched upon issues related to neurolinguistics in Azerbaijani linguistics in his book "Introduction to Turkish-Tatar Linguistics" written in 1924 under the title "Spirit of Voices". Bekir Chobanzadeh even mentioned the French physician P. Broca, who put forward ideas about the basic theoretical foundations of neurolinguistics. The Turkologist writes: "The motor and sensory centers of speech and monotheism are located in the left half of our palate. Since we are pleased with the definition of the point of loneliness on the palate by the French scientist Brock, this point is also called "point-Broca" or "center-Broca" (3, p.34). In that work, Bekir Chobanzadeh also touched upon the issue of aphasia, one of the main problems of neurolinguistics. In the same work, he writes about aphasia under the heading "Emotional Center": "Once again, we can not do what we want". In this case, the center of action is paralyzed. This is called paralysis of the center of motion (motor aphasia). On a small scale, this happens every day. We have an idea of something, but we can't find a word to indicate it, we say it's on the tip of my tongue. But we are not able to find our members who will produce this word and mobilize them. The reason for this is that some of the sounds of this word take their rightful place in our minds (3, p.40). It should be noted that the French scientist P. Brock, named by Bekir Chobanzadeh, was a person with exceptional services in the development of neurolinguistics. As a result of his scientific research in the late 19th century, he discovered the source of speech disorders. Even the term Brock's aphasia is used in neurolinguistics.
In modern times, speech therapy is known as a science that studies language defects in children. Speech therapy is also directly related to neurolinguistics. It means that in modern times, it is very difficult to eliminate language defects in children without a perfect knowledge of neurolinguistics.
In 1861, P. Broka observed a strange phenomenon in two patients: they understood everything, but could not speak in a state in which the movements of the lips, tongue and larynx were completely preserved. During the dissection of the corpses of these patients after their
death, P. Broka found an injury in one of their brain areas, namely in the area of the third wrinkle of the left hemisphere. Thus, P. Brock assumes that the general motor center of speech, the articulated center of speech, is connected with this area of the brain. This hypothesis was later confirmed by a number of observations. The real scientific explanation of this strange fact became possible only 75-80 years after Brock's discovery. In this form of aphasia, as P. Broka calls it, he imagines that a special type of memory is impaired, which refers not to words, but to the action necessary for their articulation. For more than a century, this area of the brain has been called the speech center, or Brock's center (8, pp. 11-12).
During the years of independence, dissertations in this direction were defended in Azerbaijani linguistics, monographs were published. Gulmira Sadiyeva's work "Aphasia: Neurolinguistic Research" (Baku: Elm, 1999, 91 p.) Is the first work dedicated to neurolinguistics in Azerbaijan. In this work, the history of the problem of aphasia, the violation of the syntagmatic and paradigmatic bases of speech during aphasia, the linguistic nature of speech disorders during aphasia are studied (13, p.4-88). This monograph is a book version of the author's doctoral dissertation. Currently, G. Sadiyeva continues her research in this field at 9 Eylul University in Izmir, Turkey. G. Sadiyeva comes to the conclusion that aphasia is a complex disorder of speech, which leads to one or another degree of violation of all levels of language. However, each form of aphasia is characterized by a gross violation of a specific level of language (while others are relatively intact) (13, p.70). The researcher analyzes the linguistic nature of speech disorders during aphasia from three aspects: 1) speech disorders at the phonetic level of language; 2) speech disorders at the lexical level of the language; 3) speech disorders at the grammatical level of the language (13, p.45-63). In this monograph, G. Sadiyeva clarified the issues of violation of syntagmatic and paradigmatic bases of speech during aphasia.
G. Sadiyeva wrote this work on the basis of real experiments. Thus, the scientist observed patients with aphasia for a long time and observed the psychological and neurological processes occurring in them. In his research, the violation of the linguistic levels of speech of Azerbaijani patients as a result of various forms of aphasia was investigated and analyzed.
Gulmira Sadiyeva notes that we group the seven forms of aphasia identified by AR Luria, as well as confirmed by our observations at the clinic and embodying all the existing variety of speech disorders in brain injuries as follows:
1. Violation of syntactic bases of speech:
1) efferent aphasia
2) dynamic aphasia
2. Violation of the paradigmatic bases of speech:
3) sensory aphasia
4) acoustic - amnestic aphasia
5) semantic aphasia
6) amnestic aphasia
3. Violation of syntagmatic and paradigmatic bases of speech
7) afferent aphasia (8, p. 24).
G.Sadiyeva's work "Aphasia: neurolinguistic research" proves that new fields of linguistics are developing in Azerbaijan. Unlike traditional linguistics, in the era of globalization, the study of the multidisciplinary relationship of linguistics with defectology, medicine, psychology allows to obtain new information about the essence of language.
Abulfaz Rajabli's "Theoretical Linguistics" (Baku, Nurlan, 2003, 515 p.) Discusses the essence and main aspects of neurolinguistics under the title "Neurolinguistics". Abulfaz Rajabli notes that in order to turn the facts collected by psychologists and neurologists into a definite principle, linguistics must move from description to accurate analysis of basic language units, and the clinical description of speech disorders is followed by physiological and neuropsychological research (12, p.325-332).
Thus, during the period of independence, some research has been conducted in Azerbaijan in the field of neurolinguistics of linguistics. But, of course, this is just the beginning. There is a great need for more fundamental research in neurolinguistics. Because neurolinguistics is a practical field of direct linguistics, and any successful research in this field allows us to understand the essence of the process of a more realistic understanding of the mechanism of language and speech.
It should be noted that one of the main problems of modern Azerbaijani theoretical linguistics is the expansion of research in this area. Because the scientific results obtained in the field of neurolinguistics will lead to the development of neuropsychology, aphasiology, speech therapy, psycholinguistics.
1. Adilov M, Verdiyeva Z, Aghayeva F. Lingistic Problems. Baku: Elm; 2019. p. 404.
2. Adilov M, Verdiyeva Z, Aghayeva F. Explanatory Lingistic Terms. Baku: Elm; 2020. p. 656.
3. Akhutina T.B. Neuro-linguistic analysis of dynamic aphasia. Moscow: Moscow university; 1975. p. 143.
4. Akhutina T.B. Generation of speech. Neurolinguistic analysis of syntax. Moscow: Moscow University; 1989. p. 215.
5. Chobanzade B. The Introdction to Turkic-Tatar Linguistics. Baku: Sharg-Garb; 2007. p. 333.
6. Eminli H. Neurolinguistic analysis of the process of speech formation and development. Baku: 2008. p. 153.
7. Esgerov M. Linguistic psychology or psychology of language. Baku: Elm; 2011. p. 308.
8. Esgerov M. Linguo-psychological unity theory. Baku: Elm; 2015. p. 192.
9. Leontyev A. Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics. Moscow: Smisl Academy; 1999. p. 288.
10. Luria A.R. The main problems of neurolinguistics. Moscow: Moscow University; 1976. p. 253.
11. Luria A.R. Language and Consciousness. Moscow: Moscow University; 1979. p. 319.
12. Rajabli A. Theoritical Linguistics. Baku: Nurlan; 2003. p. 515.
13. Sadiyeva G. Aphasia: Neurolinguistical research. Baku: Elm; 1999. p. 91.
14. Vizel T.G. Variability of forms of aphasia. Barnaul: 2015. p. 271.
15. Yakobson R.O. Two aspects of language and two types of aphatic violations // Theory of metaphors. Moscow: 1990. p. 110-132.
Vagizieva N.A.
PhD in Philology,
the Institutе qf lаnguаgеs, literature аnd Arts n.a. G.Tsаdаsа qf the Dagestan Federal Research Center qf Russian Academy qf Sciences, 367000, Russian federation, Dagestan republic, Makhachkala, M. Gadjieva Street, 45
This article is devoted to the description of some word-formation elements in the morphological system of the Kadar dialect of Dargin language. The author of this article describes some suffixes that are commonly used in the morphology of the Kadar dialect and compares them with those ones in literary Dargin language.
Keywords: Dargin language, Kadar dialect, morphological system, word-formation, suffixes.
E.I. Borisoglebskaya, V.P. Gurchenkova, A.E. Kurbyko noted that "in the process of the historical development of the language, its vocabulary is constantly replenished with new words. The main means of enriching the dictionary with new words is word-formation "[1: 54].
Therefore, studying word-formation, we trace the ways and means of replenishing the language or dialect with new lexical units. Word-formation usually involves word-formation elements (morphemes) that already exist in the language, which makes it possible to quickly and deeply reveal the meaning of any new or unknown words. In this regard, it is important to take
into account the morphology and problems of the morphological structure of the word.
According to M.-S.M. Musaev's point of view "word formation, which we are considering in this case in morphology, although for some specialists it appears either as a section of vocabulary or as an independent discipline, it is characterized by the following main ways: word-combination in the noun, adjective,numer-als and in the verb, suffixation exclusively in the noun, adjective,numerals and prefixation only in the verb" [2: 89].