Научная статья на тему 'Система инфинитных форм глагола худуцского говора сирхинского диалекта даргинского языка'

Система инфинитных форм глагола худуцского говора сирхинского диалекта даргинского языка Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
инфинитные формы / инфинитив / глагол / масдар / причастие / деепричастие / литературный язык / часть речи / наречие / говор / infinite forms / infinitive / verb / masdar / participle / gerund / literary language / part of speech / adverb / dialect.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — С С. Айгубова, А А. Джакаева

В данной статье рассматриваются инфинитные формы глагола худуцского говора сирхинского диалекта даргинского языка. Анализируются основные особенности инфинитных форм глагола в анализируемом диалекте в сравнении с литературным даргинским языком. Описываются формы и форманты причастия, деепричастия, инфинитива и масдара в говоре. Кроме того, приводятся примеры форм совершенного и несовершенного вида инфинитива глагола, противопоставление которых реализуется при помощи инфикса или аблаутного чередования гласных. В статье также анализируются сходства и различия инфинитных форм глагола в морфологической парадигме худуцского говора сирхинского диалекта даргинского языка и литературного его варианта. В отдельных случаях рассматриваются процессы, которые обусловили появление у исследуемого говора тех или иных характерных признаков.

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The article deals with verbal infinite forms used in Khudutskyi dialect of Sirkhinsky dialect of the Dargin language. The main features of the infinite forms of the verb in the analyzed dialect are studied in comparison with the literary Dargin language. The forms and formants of participle, gerund, infinitive and masdar in the dialect are described. In addition, The paper gives examples of forms of perfect and imperfect forms of the infinitive, the opposition of which is realized using the infix or ablaut alternation of vowels. The article analyzes similarities and differences of the infinite forms of the verb in the morphological paradigm of Khudutskyi govor (variaty of dialect) of Sirkhinsky dialect of the Dargin language and its literary version. In some cases, the processes that led to the appearance of the studied dialect of one or another characteristic signs are considered.

Текст научной работы на тему «Система инфинитных форм глагола худуцского говора сирхинского диалекта даргинского языка»

УДК 801.52

Aigubova S.S., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Dagestan State University (Makhachkala, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

Dzhakaeva A.A., Candidate of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Dagestan State University (Makhachkala, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

THE SYSTEM OF INFINITE FORMS OF VERBS IN KHUDUTSKYI GOVOR OF SIRKHINSKY DIALECT OF THE DARGIN LANGUAGE. The article deals with verbal infinite forms used in Khudutskyi dialect of Sirkhinsky dialect of the Dargin language. The main features of the infinite forms of the verb in the analyzed dialect are studied in comparison with the literary Dargin language. The forms and formants of participle, gerund, infinitive and masdar in the dialect are described. In addition, The paper gives examples of forms of perfect and imperfect forms of the infinitive, the opposition of which is realized using the infix or ablaut alternation of vowels. The article analyzes similarities and differences of the infinite forms of the verb in the morphological paradigm of Khudutskyi govor (variaty of dialect) of Sirkhinsky dialect of the Dargin language and its literary version. In some cases, the processes that led to the appearance of the studied dialect of one or another characteristic signs are considered.

Key words: infinite forms, infinitive, verb, masdar, participle, gerund, literary language, part of speech, adverb, dialect.

С.С. Айгубоеа, канд. филол. наук, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Дагестанский государственный университет», г. Махачкала, E-mail: [email protected]

А.А. Джакаева, канд. филол. наук, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Дагестанский государственный университет», г. Махачкала, E-mail: [email protected]


В данной статье рассматриваются инфинитные формы глагола худуцского говора сирхинского диалекта даргинского языка. Анализируются основные особенности инфинитных форм глагола в анализируемом диалекте в сравнении с литературным даргинским языком. Описываются формы и форманты причастия, деепричастия, инфинитива и масдара в говоре. Кроме того, приводятся примеры форм совершенного и несовершенного вида инфинитива глагола, противопоставление которых реализуется при помощи инфикса или аблаутного чередования гласных. В статье также анализируются сходства и различия инфинитных форм глагола в морфологической парадигме худуцского говора сирхинского диалекта даргинского языка и литературного его варианта. В отдельных случаях рассматриваются процессы, которые обусловили появление у исследуемого говора тех или иных характерных признаков.

Ключевые слова: инфинитные формы, инфинитив, глагол, масдар, причастие, деепричастие, литературный язык, часть речи, наречие, говор.

The relevance of the problem under consideration is due to the need for a detailed study of the morphological features of the Khudutskyi dialect of the Dargin language, and exactly of the infinite forms of the verb, and the defining of their place in the system of areal units of the Dargin language. There are still few works devoted to this theme. P.K. Uslar, Z.G.Abdullaev, Temirbulatova S.N., Abdullaev S.N. and some other scientists did research on this morphological category but regarding the literary language or some local dialects. The infinite forms of the Khudutskyi idiom own some peculiar, distinctive features that allows to differentiate them from the infinite forms of the verb of other Dargin dialects and the literary language.

The system of infinite forms of the verb of the Khudutskyi idiom is represented by the infinitive, masdar, participle and gerund.


The infinitive form of the Dargin verb is this the most common name for an action or process. However, the degree of uncertainty and the composition of the components that make up this uncertainty of the Dargin language infinitive are specific. S.N. Abdullaev, who noticed this peculiarity of the Dargin infinitive, wrote: "If we compare the Dargin infinitive with the Russian, then we must admit that the Dargin infinitive is more specific in meaning than the Russian one" [1: 148]. A similar concreteness is expressed in the fact that the infinitive form of the Dargin language class verbs is characterized by the characteristics of grammatical categories such as class and number categories, i.e. it indicates the class and number of the subject or object. In addition, in an infinitive form, to one degree or another, there are signs of a number of other verb categories, in particular, person, type, time and mood. But despite this, the infinitive differs from finite forms, for which the marked signs are absolute. The content of the action expressed by the infinitive is characterized by a greater abstraction and, in contrast to finite forms, does not contain the necessary signs of predicativity, i.e. signs of mood, time and face in their full and absolute volume. Consequently, the infinitive of the Dargin language is a non-predicative verbal formation, like participle, gerund and masdar. However, the infinitive does not contain signs of two different parts of speech: a verb and any other part of speech.

The infinitive expresses an action or a procedural state without indicating the person, time and his attitude to reality. In the analyzed dialect, the infinitive is formed with the help of the affix -uu (-iy) instead of -ec (-es) of the literary language. For instance:

Khud.dial. Lit. lang.

гьайсий касес «take»

баркьий барес «do»

хъумертий хъумартес «forget»

бахьий бегес «sow»

беркий беркес «eat»

еебч1ий бебкес «die»

бемттий бумдес «swell».

In the Khudutskyi dialect, as well as in the literary language, the infinitive possesses the perfect and imperfect forms. The contrast of such forms is implemented using infix or ablaut alternation of vowels, ex.:

Perfect form Imperfect form

Samuu «leave» Sanmuu «used to leave»

5ui{uu «sell» 6uрцuu «used to sell»

баркьий «do» биркьий «used to do»

берччий «drink» буччий «used to drink».

In addition to its main meaning - the name of the action, the infinitive has the meaning of the goal (учий витагур "went to study"), in the sentence acts as an object, adverbial modifier, subject and the main part of the compound predicate [2: 79].

Speaking about the meaning of the infinitive, we can emphasize its proximity to the meaning of the name of the dative. The structural parallelism of categorical morphemes of a name and a verb is one of the characteristic features of the internal typology of the Dargin language [3: 167]. An example of the structural parallelism would be the formants of the infinitive of the verb -c, -з, -й, -с on the one hand, and the dative of the name on the other hand, -c, -з, -й, cf .: руццилий- lit. рузилис "sister" (datve case); баркьий- lit. барес "make." Masdar

Masdar is a non-finite form of a verb denoting the name of an action and possessing the attributes of a name and a verb.

Verbal signs of masdar: in this form the specific opposition, agency and verb management are preserved. Masdar varies by class, number; has the form of negative; verb stems and semantics are preserved in it [3: 168]. Preserving the verb semantics, masdar expresses: the action - белчун "read" (verb) - белчни "reading" (masdar), белкун "writing" (verb) - белкни "writing" (masdar), ракиб "came" (verb) - ракни "coming" (masdar); the state - уси "slept" (verb) - усни "sleeping" (masdar).

Masdar also posseses property of a verb to vary by numbers with the help of class indicators, cf .: вакиб (I class. singular) "came", and вакни (I class), i.e. "arrival, coming" (of a man or any representative of intelligent male creatures), ракни (II class singular), "arrival", i.e. iiсoming" (of a woman or any representative of intelligent female creatures) and бакни (I and II class plural) i.e. "Mming" (several men, women, or any representatives of intelligent creatures of male and female sexes), дакни (III class plural) "Mming" (several representatives of class III, for example, several dogs, cats, or someone). Nevertheless, it is quite obvious that this feature does not apply to non-class verbs and their masdar forms. Masdar, like the verb, changes in accordance with the category of rationality / unreasonableness, i.e. with the help of class indicators of plural forms , the class of people is opposed to the class of non-people, cf. адамти бакни "the coming of the people" and унци дакни "the coming of the bulls", etc.

What nouns and masdars have in common is that they answer the question what? and vary by cases. In the Khudutskyi dialect, as well as in the literary language, the masdar is marked with the -и indicator attached to the primary verb stem, cf .:

Khud.dial. Lit. lang.

белк1ни белк1ни «writing»

бахни багьни «recognizing»

аргъни аргъни «understanding»

буч1ни буч1ни «reading». Participle

Participle is one of the complex, controversial, and little-studied categories of the Dargin language. According to the frequency of use, the diversity of forms and functions, the participle takes one of the main places. Together with the verb stem, the participle of the Dargin language receives all the main categories of the verb: type, voice, tense, grammar class, transitive - intransigence. The morphological peculiarity of the participle lies in the fact that it is similar to the adjective: the participle, like the

adjective, has two related types of forms - unformed and formed. - and materially identical suffixes: -cm (singular), - Tu(plural). The participle, being a verb adjective, by its syntactic function, is an exponent of attributive relations between itself and the determined name. But one cannot identify them in everything - there are significant grammatical differences between them: the participle, as a verb name, in contrast to the adjective, corresponds with the concepts of type and time inherited from the verb stem. The participle can show the sign of the determined object through the nature of its action or state in time, and the adjective does not have such characteristics.

One of the distinguishing features of the dialect under study is that the past participle here has the suffix -uu, and in the modern Dargin literary language this form is formed by -cu.

Khud.dial. Lit. lang.

буцибци буцибси «caught»

баркьибци барибси «done»

вач1ибци вак1ибси «come»

батурци батурси «abandoned»

гьак1убци ак1убси «born»

It is well known that the participle combines the properties of a verb and an adjective. The morphological features of the verb in the participle are the expression of the meanings of the class and number (at the same time), type, time. Khud.dial. Lit. lang.

вач1ибци (I кл.ед.ч.) вак1ибси «come»

рач1ибци ( II кл.ед.ч.) рак1ибси «arrived»

бач1ибци (III кл.ед.ч.) бак1ибси «arrived»

бач1ибти (I-II кл.мн.ч.) бак1ибти «come» дак1ибти (III кл.мн.ч.) дак1ибти «come»

белч1унци (сов.в.) белч1унси «read»

буч1унци (несов.в.) буч1уси «readable»

Class participles vary by class and number, and the number is expressed twice - prefixally and postfixally [4: 155], cf.: рарччибци рурси - lit. рарчибси рурси "found girl"; барччибти рурсби - lit. баргибти рурсби "found girls".

In the Khudutskyi dialect, according to the structure there are formed and unformed participles. The latter do not have a derivational affix. In their form they usually coincide with certain temporary forms of verbs. For example, the verb вач1иб in the speech of the Khudutskyi people is also used in the meaning of "come" in the role of the participle. However, it should be pointed out here that such unformed participles in the Khudutskyi dialect differ from past tense verbs by stress, which is not observed in the Dargin literary language, where homonymous formal participles and the past tense form of the verb are differentiated only positionally: the unformed participle takes a preposition, and the past tense verb takes a postposition, cf .: ва'ч1иб адми "come man" and адми вач1и'б "man come". Gerund

The gerund, which is one of the important grammatical categories of the Dargin language, is a non-finite form of the verb that combines the features of two parts of speech - the verb and the adverb. Communion refers to an action as a sign of another action. The action, "indicated by the participle, is secondary and subordinate to the main

Библиографический список

action expressed by the predicate in the sentence" [5: 128]. Verbal formations having similar semantics are common in languages of various types. In the Dargin language, there is a number of different gerund word forms, which form a rather complex system. The gerund of the Dargin language in our understanding is a specific form of the verb, which includes the signs of an adverb. At the same time, in the linguistic literature, participle is often defined as an unchanging verb form. In our opinion, such a definition does not quite correctly reflect the nature of the participial of the Dargin language, since, the gerund of the Dargin language to one degree or another varies by class, number, person, and individual categories of the participle and by case.

The most widespread use in the Khudutskyi dialect is the gerunds of the action, which are divided, like verbs, into the gerunds of a perfect and imperfect form, cf .: 6amyppu "leaving" (perfect form) and 6apmyn "leaving" (imperfect form). The gerunds of the dialect under study are in the past and present tense.

The common suffix for gerund in the Dargin language is -nu. However, in the Khudutskyi dialect, where the gerunds have undergone some changes, the suffix -u is not represented at all in a number of verbs, but is presented in a number of verbs, but with the loss of the original vowel, cf .: 6apmyn - lit.6apmynnu "leaving".

In the structure of a whole series of past gerunds in dialect there is a morpheme -u6, absent in the literary language (in the literary language, the reduced suffix -u corresponds to it).

Khud.dial. Lit. lang.

6yuu6nu 6yuunu «having caught»

6apKbu6nu 6apunu «having done»

eauIu6nu eaKiunu «having come»

Joining - to the end - in Khudutskyi dialect causes progressive assimilation: 6axyp+nu^6axyppu "recognizing". In the literary language, we have regressive assimilation: 6aгbyp+nu^6aгbynnu.

The participles of the past tense action form are formed on the basis of the indicative mood past tense with the suffix -pu (cf .: 6aTyp "left" and 6aTyppn "having left"), and the present tense forms are based on the imperfective verb stem (cf .: 6ap-tm " leave "and 6apTyn "leaving"). The main feature here is that instead of the past participle form of the literary language, formed from the stem of the past tense verb through the suffix -u, a form with an affix -- appears in the dialect, for example: Khud.dial. Lit. lang.

6epKyHHu 6epKu «having eaten»

6auyHHu 6auu «having plowed»

dyuiyxbyHHu dyuiyxbu «having run»

6enKiyHHu 6enKiu «having written»

In conclusion, it is necessary to point out that in the course of our study, we discovered distinctive features in the system of infinite forms of the verb of the Khudutskyi dialect. The infinitive, for example, is formed in the dialect by means of the suffix -u, and in the literary language -ec. As in the literary language, in the Khudutskyi idiom, the infinitive has 2 forms, the contrast of which is realized with the help of infix or ablaut alternation of vowels. One of the distinctive features of dialect is that past participles are formed here with the help of the suffix -u, and in the modern Dargin language this form is marked with the indicator -c.

1. Абдуллаев З.Г Даргинский язык. Москва, 1993; Т. 2. Морфология.

2. Мусаев М.-С.М. Роль причастия в образовании глагольной инфлексии даргинского язык. Глагольные образования в кавказско-иберийских языках. Черкесск, 1989.

3. Мусаев М.-С.М. Даргинский язык. Государственные языки России. Москва, 2002: 83 - 95.

4. Муталов РО. Глагол даргинского языка. Махачкала, 2002.

5. Лингвистический Энциклопедический словарь. Москва, 1990.


1. Abdullaev Z.G. Darginskijyazyk. Moskva, 1993; T. 2. Morfologiya.

2. Musaev M.-S.M. Rol' prichastiya v obrazovanii glagol'noj infleksii darginskogo yazyk. Glagol'nye obrazovaniya v kavkazsko-iberijskih yazykah. Cherkessk, 1989.

3. Musaev M.-S.M. Darginskij yazyk. GosudarstvennyeyazykiRossii. Moskva, 2002: 83 - 95.

4. Mutalov R.O. Glagol darginskogo yazyka. Mahachkala, 2002.

5. Lingvisticheskij 'Enciklopedicheskij slovar'. Moskva, 1990.

Статья поступила в редакцию 01.06.20

УДК 82.091

Bedariova I.A., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Gorno-Altaisk State University (Gorno-Altaisk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

Martynova N.A., student, Gorno-Altaisk State University (Gorno-Altaisk, Russia)

FOLKLORE AND MYTHOLOGICAL IMAGES IN V.G. BAKHMUTOV'S PROSE. The article studies folklore and mythological images in stories of the Russian-language writer of Altai V.G. Bakhmutov. The paper reveals the key points of the writer's biography and creative life, presents a look at his work in the assessment of contemporaries - L. Chashchina and D. Kainchin. The central place in the article is taken by the consideration of folklore and mythological images in V.G. Bakhmutov's collections "Signs of time", "Autumn ice", "Semigorki". Analysis of images of rainbows, mountains, rivers, trees, and others allowed us to conclude that the writer's picture of the world was filled with Slavic pagan and Orthodox images. Russian Literature has modified the semantics of traditional River and Mountain mythologies, which allowed us to conclude that the main images in the Russian literature of Altai are gradually moving away from the traditional functioning.

Key words: regional literature, literature of Altai, folklore, mythology.

И.А. Бедарева, канд. филол. наук, доц., Горно-Алтайский государственный университет, г. Горно-Алтайск, E-mail: [email protected]

Н.А. Мартынова, студентка, Горно-Алтайский государственный университет, г. Горно-Алтайск

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