Section 16. Philosophy
Mamatkulov Shuhrat, Independent researcher of the TSEU E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Today, the concept of "social activity" is discussed in the wider scientific community. In this article we are talking about government policies increasing social activity of youth.
Keywords: Youth, public policy, youth social activity, innovation, projects, traditions, values.
Youth is played a leading force of society, the future of our state. Under the leadership of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. Karimov in our country removed special attention to youth policy as a priority of national importance. Every year we increase the social activity of the youth of our region, it achieves significant results in all spheres.
The effectiveness of positive Patriotic attitudes of the young generation is reflected in the interest in the history of the Motherland, its historical heritage, which is reflected in the formation of the youth a sense of belonging for its future. The researchers emphasize that national identity associated of the youth with the spiritual identity of the nation, customs and traditions, national independence of Uzbekistan, a rich and meaningful history of the people, a great heritage of ancestors, native language and culture.
The education of young people is a complex process. In this case it is necessary to ensure continuity of work coordination and improvement of the approaches of education in accordance with national interests and current requirements. In the era of globalization and intensification of information exchange cannot be limited to the achievements and be given the indifference, this leads to a regress.
As noted by Islam Karimov, we always had and an aware that the state and society, which do not pay due attention to careful preserving, enriching and multiplying its historical, cultural and intellectual heritage, as well as educating the younger generation on the basis of universal and national values, do not set a goal-the formation of a harmoniously developed, independently thinking person, having their views, their choices, their civic stance,- such the state and society are doomed to be on the sidelines of history. According to many researchers, social participation is the ability of a person to produce socially significant transformation in the socio-cultural environment based on the assignment of material wealth and spiritual culture, manifested in the works, volitional acts and communication, where the essential characteristic activity of a person is an active attitude of man, expressed in his ideological adherence to principles, consistency in defending their views, the unity of words and deeds.
According to Russian researcher V. L. Marduhaeva social activity can be seen as a set of methods, procedures aimed
at changing social conditions in accordance with the needs, interests, goals and ideas for the nomination and implementation of social innovations, the formation of the necessary social qualities.
Of particular interest is determination of criteria of social activity. Various authors have singled out these criteria on the basis of the creative approach of the individual in carrying out activities, time, initiative and independence, responsibility, the criterion of intensity. The most important criterion of social activity of the personality is the motivation to self-development, accepting the other and promoting other people in their activities.
It should be particularly noted that the basis of all our achievements are primarily growing consciousness and outlook, firm faith in the future, social activism and civic position of our people, especially our rising youth, which actually becomes pivotal force of the society. This attitude to life creates a solid and reliable foundation for the present and the future of our country. Effectiveness of creative work contributes to a comprehensive support young people in Uzbekistan, the introduction of a carefully developed system of training of young scientists striving for scientific search and has a new way of thinking.
In many scientific literatures indicated that the criterion of social activity usually considered intense activity of a teenager, namely:
- participation of the subject in various activities and readiness at a high level to achieve the goal;
- the manifestation of personal qualities in activity;
- social significance of the material or spiritual product, obtained as a result of the activities.
On the one hand, young people are one of the least interested in social and political activities of the population, and on the other hand, young people do not want to remain indifferent to society, and seeks to show their social activity.
In social activity it is possible to allocate following types:
• political activity - form, implemented in the sphere of political activities;
• civic activity - the activity (form of activity), aimed at solution of social problems, change, power, manifestation of civil qualities;
• cultural activity - form providing the creation, development, preservation, dissemination and further development of spiritual and material values;
• creative activity - a form that generates something qualitatively new and different uniqueness, originality and significance;
• labor activity form, manifested in the implementation of intellectual and physical potential of the workforce in the course of employment;
• communication activity - form, aimed at finding the contacts necessary for the implementation of activities;
• business activity - intensive activities in the field of
profession and position, the term "business activity" is most commonly used in the areas of management, economic and economic activities. From the presence of people with a business depends on the success of the enterprise, the organization of the event.
The criterion of social activity usually considered intense activity. Are usually three activities:
1. The participation of the subject in various activities and readiness at a high level to achieve the goal;
2. The manifestation of personal qualities in activity;
3. Social significance of the material or spiritual product, obtained as a result of the activities.
4. In General, the program of additional measures aimed at realization of the state youth policy in 2016 in the Republic of Uzbekistan, is a continuation of the reforms in the education of harmoniously developed young generation in line with the noble goals and aspirations of the people.
This program identifies such important measures as the formation of immunity to ideological threats in the process of improving the legal culture of young people, their education, and individuals with a firm attitude, broad outlook and
profound knowledge as well as social protection of youth, creation of conditions for mastering modern professions, employment and attraction towards entrepreneurship, etc. The state program is planned to expand the scope of work to support talented young people, realization of their creative and intellectual potential, wide involvement to physical culture and sports, promotion among the young generation a healthy lifestyle, prevention of delinquency and crime among minors, the protection of the consciousness of the youth from the negative impact of harmful ideas, its upbringing in the spirit of religious tolerance and ethnic harmony.
The most important task is the deep training of the youth, increase of its spiritual life, adoption in the hearts and minds of young people the feelings of love of country, devotion to ideas of independence, respect for national traditions and values. It is important that in the current context of globalization, the actual importance of such issues as the strengthening in students a healthy outlook, to inculcate in them the ability to confront the various spiritual and ideological attacks.
Representatives of youth of Uzbekistan actively participate in the project "My business idea", "the Young businessman - the backbone of the country", "My contribution to the development of the Motherland" aimed at attracting young people, particularly graduates of professional colleges in small business and private entrepreneurship. In 2015 to support entrepreneurial projects of graduates of secondary special, professional educational institutions, commercial banks allocated more than 17 billion sums of loans.
Today the social activity of young people is growing, increasing her sense ofbelonging to hold in our country reforms. Such events play an important role in the upbringing of the young generation in the spirit of devotion to the Homeland and respect for national values; shield it from the effects of "mass culture" and other negative phenomena.
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