Section 5. Pedagogy
Diyarova Shakhlokhon Rovshan qizi, doctoral student of Tashkent state pedagogical university named after Nizami,
Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. From the first days of its independence, the Republic of Uzbekistan has been committed to the harmonious development of the younger generation, independent thinking and responsibility, as well as respect for national independence, deep respect for national values, patriotic upbringing, physical and mental health were carried out a number of structural works. At the same time, a legal framework was created to ensure the protection of rights and legitimate interests. A crucial role in this is played the modern education system, which is aimed at forming a political, economic and legal culture of the individual, its active social, civic position, human dignity and responsibility for actions.
Keywords: Legal culture, social activity, civic maturity, intelligence, communication culture, tolerance, sociability, legal, ethical and aesthetic culture.
Having heard and discussed information of the ethical and aesthetic culture. Educational practice
Minister of higher and secondary special education needs new ideas for integrating the formation of
of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Minister of citizenship and legal culture of students in teaching
national education of the Republic of Uzbekistan on activities, and practical recommendations for their
the activities of educational institutions among the creative use in the educational process of higher edu-
population, particularly the youth, high legal culture, cation institutions.
respect for rights and freedoms, ensuring law-abiding A number of gradual reforms have been imple-
behavior of citizens, the Council of the Senate of the mented during the independence period to increase
Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan notes that the legal literacy of young people. As noted above, a
in this direction some works were done [1]. number of laws and regulations have been enacted
Modern conditions of professional activity of to increase the legal literacy of young people. These
higher education institutions require not only high- include the Law on State Youth Policy, the National
quality training of specialists, but also a high level of Program of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uz-
socialization, spiritual and moral personality traits, bekistan on raising legal culture in society, the Presi-
such as social activity, civic maturity, intelligence, dent of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Improving the
communication culture, tolerance, sociability, legal, Effectiveness of State Youth Policy and the activi-
ties of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, Decrees "On support" and "On the organization of the study of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan", the Cabinet ofMinisters "On a comprehensive program to improve the legal education of youth" Resolution etc. were stated [1].
Legal culture is a part of society's culture. It mediates all the main spheres of legal life of society: legislation, law-making, the rights and freedoms of citizens, the mechanism of the state, the principles and methods of its activities, legal awareness in all its types and levels, and, thus, is an important criterion for the quality of legal life of society, which can be expressed by the concept of legal culture. This is the level and degree of progressive legal achievements embodied in human activity and its results. Legal culture determines the measure of legal civilization of the state and society, their legal progress. This is an indicator of the height of the legal consciousness of society, it characterizes the most important cultural and legal values that serve as a kind of" pass " to the family of civilized people of the world.
The state of legal culture of any state is an important indicator of the degree of maturity of a specific historical legal system. The level of legal culture reflects the historical development of the country and people. Therefore, each country has its own level, it combines the norms of yesterday and today, and at the same time lays the Foundation for tomorrow's development of law. In its legal system, as in a mirror, the level of progressive legal development of society achieved at the turn of centuries and millennia are reflected [4].
The aim of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan is free, democratic and to build a humane legal state and society. It's about building a community further tasks of organizing a new social civic education in the process complicates. So far, the building of a democratic, legal society success is the level of socio-political consciousness of citizens, citizenship depends on the determination of their qualities and indicators of social activity. The social basis of
citizenship is a new socio-economic relationship, in which the personal interests of the citizens are combined with the interests of society.
People's ideas about legal culture are as diverse and complex as general ideas about what culture is in general and how to understand it when considering the various manifestations of this phenomenon in real life.
The concept of culture is a complex, multi-faceted and very peculiar phenomenon. The word culture comes from the Latin "cultura" and means the cultivation of the soil, its cultivation, i.e. the change in a natural object under the influence of man in contrast to those changes that are caused by natural causes [5]. The word "culture", which appeared in the period of antiquity, has undergone many conceptual reinterpretations. In the original meaning-cultivation, guardianship, care, first in relation to the earth, objects, and then to the souls of men. Over time, the concept also includes a set of skills and abilities that have been formed in society for the chosen purpose; finally, it acquires the meaning of the highest result of people's activities. Gradually, its leading meaning becomes to cultivate, care for, protect the person and society, to form the moral image of the individual.
Culture is a specific human way of being and activity that goes beyond the scope of purely natural existence, the totality of all the achievements of people in their material, social and spiritual life, the most rational, aesthetically acceptable and morally worthy way of acting to obtain any results. Culture is based on reason, speech, creativity, moral and religious beliefs and their consequences - knowledge, practical life and communication. It is not created alone - it is the result of the creative efforts of many people and the connection of generations. They distinguish between cultures of different historical epochs, socio-economic formations, labor culture, artistic culture, political culture, etc.
N. Kogan defines culture as a measure and a way to realize the essential forces of a person in his social activity. Such well-known cultural theorists
as V. Vernadskiy, N. Berdyaev, I. Ilyin, V. Rozanov consider culture as a set of real circumstances, phenomena, objects, lifestyle and activities that have distinguished a person from the natural environment; this is all that is created by human hands and thought (the creation of human hands). The most general concept of "culture" means a set of material and spiritual values created and created by people, a set of all types of transformative activities for the production of these values that characterize the level of development of society [6].
In the broadest sense, culture refers to everything that is created by people in the process of physical and mental labor to meet their various material and spiritual needs (and that can be contrasted with natural phenomena that exist independently of man). In this context, this concept is used to characterize entire historical epochs, not to mention specific societies. The formation of a legal culture of an individual as a scientific problem has several approaches:
- general philosophical, revealing the General patterns of formation of the culture of the individual, its essence and manifestations;
- private scientific, describing on the basis of private scientific theories (pedagogy, didactics, psychology, theory of state and law, ethics, etc.) the features of the formation of personal culture;
- socio-psychological and specifically-sociological, revealing the social functions, conditions and mechanisms of action of the culture of the individual in public life.
Each of these approaches sets and solves specific tasks and is studied by means of a specific social science [7].
A productive solution to the problems of students ' culture formation is possible based on the analysis of the experience of educational and organizational work, generalization of the conclusions of theoretical and sociological research at the intersection of higher school pedagogy, theory of personality and culture. The works ofYu. P. Azarov, SI. Archangelsky, A. A. Verbitsky, I. F. Isayev, V. A. Slastenin, M. I. Dy-
achenko, E. F. Sulimov, E. A. Yakuba and others have created a solid theoretical and practical base for solving the actual problems of forming culture and improving the quality of training of specialists. In a number of dissertation studies, scientific and methodological and psychological and pedagogical bases for the formation of legal culture of youth (T. V. Budilina, E. A. Zorchenko, V. V. Golovchenko, V. N. Parshin, E. Z. and others) were developed.
At the same time, analyzing the current practice in the system of higher professional non-legal education, we can conclude that, despite the understanding of the importance of the problem, the technology of the formation process, the study of the formation of the legal culture of students of non-legal specialties is not sufficiently developed.
In our article, we have made an attempt to analyze and summarize the available research on this topic and offer our own vision of the problem of the process of forming the legal culture of students.
Legal culture is based on the stereotypes of consciousness and legal behavior inherent in this particular social community. Legal stereotypes are formed in the mass consciousness in the process ofhistorical development of society. It should be noted that it is impossible to quickly and painlessly move from a society where law and legal culture were given too little space, to a society where law occupies its proper place, and citizens would have a high legal culture. The formation of a legal culture is a complex and lengthy process: it involves increasing the level of legal awareness, legal activity, and legal knowledge of citizens, improving the effectiveness oflaw enforcement, conducting judicial reform, and improving the culture oflaw enforcement and law-making, as well as the quality oflegisla-tion. Legal culture is formed by systematic purposeful educational and educational activities of the state and depends primarily on the level of development of legal consciousness of citizens, on how deeply they are aware of the basic legal values.
The ordinary level is limited by the everyday framework of people's lives when they come into contact
with legal phenomena. The specificity of everyday le- The highest goal of education is to form a highly moral,
gal culture is such that it manifests itself at the stage of creative, competent citizen who accepts the fate of the
common sense, is actively used by people in their daily motherland as his own, who is aware of responsibility
life while observing legal obligations, using subjective for the present and future of his country, and who is
rights, and represents a huge array of lawful behavior. rooted in the " spiritual and cultural traditions.
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