Научная статья на тему 'Peculiarities of youth developing in the conditions of forming of civil society'

Peculiarities of youth developing in the conditions of forming of civil society Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
youth / person / social activity / political activity / social policy / new conditions / civil society / market economy

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Subhanov Nodir

In this article some aspects of the social activity of youth and social policy on creating conditions for social activity of youth in the Republic of Uzbekistan are considered.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Peculiarities of youth developing in the conditions of forming of civil society»

Section 10. Sociology

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-1.2-171-173

Subhanov Nodir,

The Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan

Doctorate student Director of the «Yetakchi» Centre of Youth Tashkent, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]

Peculiarities of youth developing in the conditions of forming of civil society

Abstract: In this article some aspects of the social activity of youth and social policy on creating conditions for social activity of youth in the Republic of Uzbekistan are considered.

Keywords: youth, person, social activity, political activity, social policy, new conditions, civil society, market economy.

The harmonious development of young people is a priority of the state policy in Uzbekistan. For this reason, the development and formation of civil society organizations working with young people in the country paid much attention. Uzbekistan has created a large number of community groups of citizens, many of whom have their own regional and local offices, have a set of rights and duties, allowing them to actively participate in the reform of society. Taking into account the human rights issues of importance, the solution of which is not only the state, but also in society as a whole, a task focus and efforts of non-governmental organizations on this issue, to focus their activities on the implementation of a permanent public monitoring of the observance of the rights of people by state authorities and officials of any rank.

One of them is "Kamolot" [1]. As a public organization formed in 2001 and consists of five million young people between 14 and thirty years. The "Kamolot" has the Republican Children's Organization "Kamalak" [2] numbering in its ranks more than three million members from 10 to 14 years. Also there are Public funds "Bolalar" [3], "Sog'lom avlod uchun" [4] which activity are aimed to charity and work in the area of youth policy. All political parties are open youth sector, working with the young electorate, and the Fund "Mahalla" [5].

The "Mahalla" Fund is engaged in charity work in the communities, that is, citizens' self-governing agencies. It should be noted that the history of the mahallas begins its existence with the city of Samarkand. Mahalla is a quarter of the city area where citizens live. Since Uzbekistan is a densely populated country, the majority of citizens are young people, especially the teenagers part.

It should be noted that Mahalla because it incorporated the principles of democratic local self-government is an important historical value requiring an extremely careful attitude. Any ill-considered experiments with social institution like mahalla may lead to irreparable mistakes. On the basis of the mahalla, its original structure can successfully develop new principles oflocal self-government is more practical and transparent business management, most goodwill towards people, eradication ofvarious manifestations of bureaucracy etc.

Mahalla as a government agency in regions can be the basis of a healthy civil society, and thus the foundation of a strong and

democratic state. It is worth noting that there are different from the above point ofview on the role of mahalla institute in modern society. Mahalla in its structure is the cradle ofyouth morality. It is place of customs and identity of the people.

It should be noted that today in Uzbekistan there is an understanding that the particular individuals, specific people depend entirely on goal orientation, dynamism and effectiveness of the reform processes. From what is this person in the short term, how spiritual, cultural and moral values, it will be committed, and success depends on our reforms, the future of our country. The challenge is to create a state-legal mechanism that would reliably guarantee equal starting opportunities for all people of disclosure and the realization of their ability to meet their needs.

"A democratic society is primarily a civil society. High sense of true democracy is a harmonization of interpersonal, inter-ethnic, national, social and political relations, when a man and society, society and the government live in peace and harmony".

Civil society is a society of conscious individuals who are actively involved in solving social and political problems, where the rule of law, eliminating arbitrariness and interference of the state where the citizens and the state act on the basis of partnership. Although the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and no definition of civil society, it secured the legal basis of creating and activities of civil society institutions, the principles of their interaction with the state.

Public bodies are increasingly developing and extending their cooperation both with NGOs and other civil society institutions. Almost every public body created its own system and mechanisms of cooperation with NGOs in the field of human rights.

Today we can state certain stagnation in the national revival parties. It is obvious that a serious activity of all political parties should be working with young people. I would like to focus exactly on the middle age group of young people (18-24 years) is a kind of "transitional age" from youth to the state of "young adults". In general, young people can be divided into two broad categories — students and "working youth". Of course, for each of these groups is characterized by its electoral style, their political imagination, but what you need to work with them, it is a fact. Youth is a "society in the

Section 10. Sociology

society" and as an adult environment — it is very heterogeneous. For example, so-called "working youth" is different and a high degree of absenteeism, and support for the existing system. Due to its mass medium — special education (mostly technical), it works, and make them interested in politics is extremely difficult. A small group of the politically active part of the pro-governmental youth structures (as a rule, lower levels), is a small indigenous representation in the party organizations, which can be explained in principle.

Politically active students can be divided into "systematic", trying to use the proximity to power, as a kind of "social lift" and "off-systematic", as a rule, adhere to the moral and material interest, pragmatism and boyish.

It should be noted that young men and women in Uzbekistan took an active part in the large-scale reforms aimed at further deepening democratic reforms and formation of civil society in the country. The active participation of young people in the parliamentary elections and the presidential elections in the Republic of Uzbekistan testifies to the growth of its social activity and the strengthening of citizenship.

Participation in the election of representatives of the young generation is important in the formation of the country's democratic state and free civil society. During the projects "Youth is ready for elections", "Your voice matters," "Today — the student, tomorrow — the voter" further enrich our knowledge about the changes in the national election legislation, preparation and conduct of elections. Today, like all peers, young people voted for a worthy candidate.

Representatives of the "Kamolot" in the Lower house of Parliament are 17 deputies. It speaks of the active citizenship of activists of the youth organization.

Modern political, socio-economic and cultural-ideological changes taking place in Uzbekistan provide an opportunity for every citizen to be a full-fledged subject of state-legal relations, actively participate in the formation and development of a legal democratic society. In this context the importance of acquiring the degree of development of civic activity of the person, which forms its moral and legal behavior.

Morality consists in the knowledge and acceptance of the values of the individual as a person with rights, freedoms. Formation of a full-fledged citizenship should be provided by society, family, social environment and reality surrounding the person. An important place in the process of its formation takes educational institutions. Speaking of civil legal education, in the context of the formation of citizenship, modern sociologists, pedagogues and psychologists refer to the following:

- teaching and educational activity;

- social and moral education;

- practical activity aimed at the implementation of social projects.

It is important to understand that civil-legal education as a separate area of educational work requires a holistic and integrated approach to achieving its goals and objectives. This approach primarily entails:

- emphasis in the process of education, attention to solving major social problems, aiming to unite in moral and patriotic identity;

- formation on the level of personal understanding of the values and ideals of citizenship, social solidarity and responsibility;

- ensuring the integrity of the individual personal development and self-determination of its collectivist.

An integrated approach should take into account the public task of patriotic education of citizens of our society, the specifics of the

region and the overall educational environment, as well as the interests, life orientation and abilities of students.

It is important to understand that the educational environment of high school not only affects the subject of the educational process, translating the value priorities, but also demonstrates the importance of each individual in the university system of values. Student involvement in the educational environment of the university through its awareness of the environment, provides interactivity and positive psychological effect, under which students respond to these challenges, offering personal-significant decision

The foregoing leads to the conclusion that the formation of civic stand modern students is a complex, multifaceted activities, the most important role in the educational system which executes. Adolescence, characterized by an active formation of attitudes and values, views and interests is the period during which the establishment and development of a sustainable civil position will be the most intense and effective [6].

We would like to refer to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Constitution provides follows:

- public citizens' associations (trade unions, political parties, other associations of citizens) must be registered in the manner prescribed by law;

- impossible creation and activity of political parties and other public associations, infringe on the constitutional order, sovereignty, integrity and security of the republic, constitutional rights and freedoms of its citizens, advocating war, social, national, racial and religious hatred, the health and morality of the people, as well as paramilitary organizations and political parties based on ethnic and religious grounds, secret societies and associations;

- public association shall have equal legal possibilities for participating in public life, the State shall ensure the observance of their rights and legitimate interests;

- state bodies and officers shall not interfere in the activities of public associations, and the latter does not interfere with the activity of state bodies and officials;

- political parties are obliged to submit to the Oliy Majlis or the authorized agency public reports on their financial sources;

- state does not interfere in the activities of religious organizations;

- dissolution, prohibition or restriction of the activities ofpub-lic associations may take place only on the basis of a court decision;

- mass media are free and act in accordance with the law, censorship is not allowed;

- the order of elections, the organization of work and powers of self-government bodies shall be regulated by law.

The above-mentioned constitutional principles of civil society institutions received their specification in the law "On public associations", "On the non-state non-profit organizations", "On public funds", "On Political Parties", "On the financing of political parties", "On citizens' self-government bodies", "On trade unions", "On mass media", "On professional activity of journalists", "On freedom of conscience and religious organizations" and others.

Civil society as an intermediate association, which is neither a state nor a family (in the broadest sense of the word), ie civil society including voluntary associations, companies and other corporate entities.

The concept has been used with different meanings by many authors since the XVIII century, but the above which used today is the definition belongs to G. Hegel [7].

The youth is generation of people undergoing maturation stage, ie identity formation, acquisition of knowledge, social values and norms necessary to place as a full and a full member of society. For

proper understanding of youth as a social group should focus not period of life between 14 and 30 years — between childhood and

on demographic criteria and socio-psychological referred to as a adulthood [8].


1. "Kamolot" - "harmony". Social youth movement.

2. "Kamalak" - "rainbow". Republic child organization.

3. "Bolalar" - "children". Children's Fund.

4. "Sog'lom avlod uchun" - "For health generation". Charity Fund.

5. "Mahalla" - "living block". Social Fund.

6. Фортова Л. К., Базалей Е. А. формирование гражданской позиции современной учащейся молодежи как актуальная педагогическая проблема. URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/formirovanie-grazhdanskoy-pozitsii-sovremennoy-uchascheysya-molodezhi-kak-aktualnaya-pedagogicheskaya-problema

7. URL: http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/politology/47/Гражданское

8. URL: http://www.grandars.ru/college/sociologiya/molodezh.html

9. Закон Республики Узбекистан "Об основах государственной молодежной политики" - 20.11.1991. - № 429-XII - URL: http: www.lex.uz

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