Научная статья на тему 'Socio-communicative aspects of state public marketingin the conditions of implementation of the model of the newstate administration'

Socio-communicative aspects of state public marketingin the conditions of implementation of the model of the newstate administration Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Ivanytska Olga Mykhailivna, Polska Tamara Dmytrivna

This article considers the preconditions of formation, directions of development and socio-communicative aspects of the public marketing. Research consistently proves that the establishment of public marketing has been influenced by two trends: the development of the theory and practice of social communications and the formation of a new paradigm of public administration. The researchers share the position that communication technology, especially the government and political public relations, was the core of the formation of marketing in the public sector. Public relations in the article was interpreted as a coordinating communicative strategy in the public sector, particularly public administration, as an inherent component of public marketing. Proved the value of new models of public management in shaping the theory and practice of public marketing, in particular the concept of “new public management”.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Socio-communicative aspects of state public marketingin the conditions of implementation of the model of the newstate administration»

UDC: 351:658.8:37

Ivanytska Olga Mykhailivna,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Professor of the the Dept. of Theory and Practice of Public Administration, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Igor Sikorsky", Ukraine, 03056, Prospekt Peremogy, 37, tel.: (063) 5845252, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6903-2452

1ваницька Ольга Михайл{вна,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, професор, професор кафедри теори та практики управлтня, Нацюнальний тех-тчний университет Украгни "Кигвський полтехнгчний тститут ш. 1горя Сжор-ського", Украгна, 03056, м. Кигв, проспект Перемоги, 37, тел.: (063) 5845252, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6903-2452

Иваницкая Ольга Михайловна,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, профессор кафедры теории и практики управления, Национальный технический университет Украины "Киевский политехнический институт им. Игоря Сикорского", Украина, 03056, г. Киев, проспект Победы, 37, тел.: (063) 5845252, e-mail: oivanytska@ rambler.ru

ORCID: 0000-0002-6903-2452

Tamara Dmytrivna Polska,

PhD of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the the Dept. of Theory and Practice of Public Administration, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Igor Sikorskyi", Ukraine, 03056, Prospekt Peremogy, 37, tel.: (067) 4362647, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4887-9002

Польська Тамара Дмитр1вна,

кандидат фшософських наук, доцент, доцент кафедри твори та практики управлтня, Нацюнальний технгчний утверситет Украгни "Кигвський полгтехтчний тститут т. 1горя Сжорського", Украгна, 03056, м. Кигв, проспект Перемоги, 37, тел.: (067) 4362647, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4887-9002

Польская Тамара Дмитриевна,

кандидат философских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры теории и практики управления, Национальный технический университет Украины "Киевский политехнический институт им. Игоря Сикорского", Украина, 03056, г. Киев, проспект Победы, 37, тел.: (067) 4362647, e-mail:[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4887-9002

SOCiO-COMMUNiCATiVE ASPECTS of state publíc MARKETÍNG ín the condítíons of ímplementatíon of the model of the new


Abstract. This article considers the preconditions of formation, directions of development and socio-communicative aspects of the public marketing. Research consistently proves that the establishment of public marketing has been influenced by two trends: the development of the theory and practice of social communications and the formation of a new paradigm of public administration. The researchers share the position that communication technology, especially the government and political public relations, was the core of the formation of marketing in the public sector. Public relations in the article was interpreted as a coordinating communicative strategy in the public sector, particularly public administration, as an inherent component of public marketing. Proved the value of new models of public management in shaping the theory and practice of public marketing, in particular the concept of "new public management".

Keywords: Marketing in public administration, state marketing, new public management, communicative technologies, government and political public relations, development of state marketing.



Анотащя. Основним предметом аналiзу в статл е передумови становлен-ня, напрями розвитку та сощокомушкативш аспекти державного маркетингу. Дослщження послщовно доводить, що становлення державного маркетингу вщбувалось шд впливом двох тенденцш: розвитку теорп та практики сощальних комушкацш та становлення ново!' парадигми публiчного управ-лшня.Дослвдники подшяють позицш, що комушкативш технологи, насам-перед урядовий i полггичний паблш рилейшнз, були ядром формування маркетингу в публiчному секторь Паблш рилейшнз в статт трактуеться як координуюча комушкативна стратепя в сферi публiчного, зокрема, дер-

жавного управлшня, як iманентна складова державного маркетингу. Доведено значення нових моделей публiчного управлшня в формуванш теорп та практики державного маркетингу, зокрема концепци "нового публiчного менеджменту".

Ключовi слова: маркетинг в державному управлшш, державний маркетинг, новий публiчний менеджмент, комунiкативнi технологи, урядовий i полiтичний паблiк рилейшнз, розвиток державного маркетингу.


Аннотация. Основным предметом анализа в статье являются предпосылки становления, направления развития и социо-коммуникативные аспекты государственного маркетинга. Исследования последовательно доказывает, что становление государственного маркетинга происходило под влиянием двух тенденций: развития теории и практики социальных коммуникаций и становления новой парадигмы публичного управления. Исследователи разделяют позицию, что коммуникативные технологии, прежде всего правительственный и политический паблик рилейшнз, были ядром формирования маркетинга в публичном секторе. Паблик рилейшнз в статье трактуется как координирующая коммуникативная стратегия в сфере публичного, в частности, государственного управления, как имманентная составляющая государственного маркетинга. Доказано значение новых моделей публичного управления в формировании теории и практики государственного маркетинга, в частности, концепции "нового публичного менеджмента".

Ключевые слова: маркетинг в государственном управлении, государственный маркетинг, новый публичный менеджмент, коммуникативные технологии, правительственный и политический паблик рилейшнз, развитие государственного маркетинга.

Target setting. In a democratic state at the stage of development of the global information society, with all its contradictions and conflicts, it is necessary to develop a coordinated strategy in the field of public policy, as well as the use of modernized instruments of state control, based on a new paradigm of social development. Public marketing in the dichotomy of integration of theory and practice of modern communications, on the one hand, and market-

ing management, on the other, in this close link serves integrating modern management component of the state.

Emerged at the beginning of the last century, marketing as the concept and management activities accompanied the development of public administration, the latter providing a wide arsenal of communications between the government and the public. Theory and tools of marketing enriched by the works of such famous scholars and lea-

ders as EdwardBernays, Jacques Ellul, Manuel Castells, GustaveLe Bon, Ivy Lee, Gabriel Lippmann.

Analysis of recent research and publications. However, the state marketing as a special kind of marketing withits own substantive tools and instruments finally formed after the conceptual development and practical implementation of new models of governance, including the "new public management". Apologists of the new trend of public administration are D. Osborn, T. Gaebler, John Wilson [13], R. Levy and others.

There are numerous works, including those of Ukrainian scientists, which highlight the issue of government marketing. In particular, publicationsby N. Likarchuk [1], Ye. Romat [2], K. Ro-manenko, I. Chaplay [2] mustbemen-tioned.

Manuel Castells and Niklas Luh-mann considered the fundamental issues of transformation of communicative discourse in the information society. Ukrainian researchers S. Datsyuk, N. Mantula, E. Muza, L. Synelnikova focused on integration processes in the social and communication sectors and stressed the strategic direction of public relations, as well as the need to improve cooperation between authorities and society.

The purpose of the article is to define incentives in regards of social and communication formation and development of public marketing in the era of the formation of new paradigm of public administration.

Meanwhile, the role of two factors in the formation and development of public marketing, namely social communication and new models of public admi-

nistration — present in modern scientific discourse is not accentuated.

The statement of basic materials.

The ambiguity of interpretation of the term "public marketing" in the context of changes in the theory and practice of public administration necessitates separation of the two most significant milestones in its evolution. For a long time foreign literature used the term "Marketing in Public Administration", "Marketing in the public sector", "Marketing in non-profit organizations". The latter concept was first applied by P. Kotler and R. Levy when scientists in 1968 published a paper which considered performance of marketing functions in non-profit organizations. In August 1970 American Marketing Association held a conference, which was clearly defined areas that belong to marketing in non-profit organizations and, in particular, noted some structures of public administration [3]. Since then a successful pace of marketing in public administration started, and during the processes, the enrichment of technology, tools, concepts and ideas has taken place.However, the term "marketing in public administration" means the first use of the marketing function and specific marketing tools and technologies without a fundamental change in the principles of public services. A block of varieties of social and political marketing (such as an election marketing, a regional marketing, local government marketing, and others.) developed in parallels.

However, we underlined that the public marketing as a specific marketing activities and management concept called for the formation for a number of assumptions that have contributed to

its development as an independent type of marketing.

These prerequisites we assign as:

• developing social communications, the organization of parity dialogue between the government and the society;

• growing together public and private structures, creating hybrid institutions that are united not only with capital, but also formed a special type of entrepreneurial culture and moral values;

• converting passive recipient of administrative (public) services to its customer with a higher level of complexity and the culture of consumption, enabling the performance of the functions of control and supervision;

• "managerialism" of activities of officials and public servants learnt from techniques are used in industrial marketing.

Thus, the state marketing we define as a concept and a specific type of management, which has the task: (i) the formation of special, trusting relationship between the state through its agents (companies, organizations and individuals) and people of their own and other countries; (ii) improving social communication between all members of the marketing process; (iii) best meet the needs of consumers of public services and products — accompanied by the use of theoretical concepts, technologies and tools marketing.

The communicative aspect played a significant role in shaping relations between the state and society. This communication technologies, especially the government and political public relations, was the core of marketing in the public sector.

Treating public marketing as part of social marketing D. Akimov determines that it is caused by natural necessity in the face of government institutions and non-government organizations to "dialogue" with the people, on the basis of mutual exchange of ideas, values, principles, rules of life [4].

Given the transformation of communicative discourse in the information society and social communication in its highest stage formed a human-oriented public management, government public relations.

Public relations (PR) as a communication technology influencespublic consciousness and plays an increasingly important role in all spheres of social life, especially in politics. Since the beginning of the PR clearly separated direction of integration and communication management.

Nowadays in the scientific community it comes understanding the public relations as a strategic management of communication technologies, not just one part of marketing communications mix, subordinated to the common goal of marketing. It is clear that the goals, objectives and mission provided by communication technology PR is more global in the current development. In modern conditions scientists generally refer to "giving new meaning PR" as the integrator of communication practices, "communications leader" [5, p. 50-51].

Ukrainian researchers L. Synel-nikova and H. Mantula noted that it was PR that brings together different communication practices and develop innovative technologies, including the Internet and multimedia. Nowadays researchers consider the role and function of PR, are based on the new angle

of view, the postmodern paradigm, which emphasizes its integration, societal function [6, p. 264].

A. Trunov believes that public relations occupy "central place in the process of adjustment of meaningful dialogue between individuals, civil society and the state" and expresses the view that "global society ... can not in principle exist, operate, develop without virtual technology "public relations" and even provides public relations status "specific basic technology civilization" or "basic social technology postmodern ... [7, p. 11].

From the beginning of marketing in public administration public relations paved the bridge between marketing theory and practice, between the introduction of its principles in public and business institutions.

In the context of public administration, public relations techniques serve the primary tools of governance according to general decline in confidence to the authorities, and it has its extreme (negative) manifestation of generating information wars and complex manipulation systems. However, the public relations' main task as acom-munication technology is to harmonize relations,search for understanding, creating a tolerant atmosphere of communication and dialogue, which is especially important in the field of relations between the state and society. Public relations modern technology provides feedback to the public and may be mechanisms of the government public relations implementation.

In the article we considergovern-ment PR as connections between the government and the public in the process of governance that involve the use

of tactical and strategic communications to provide the desired values, positive attitude and properly formed public opinions on the perception of public authorities and their policies.

The difference between the communication technologies of the government public relations and other communication technologies contained in this feedback mechanism of action, double vectors of communication flows. However, political public relations do not guarantee the availability of manipulative discourse in public administration. The feedback alone is not sufficient enough to prevent political manipulation. It is the only condition for interactivity as the recipient answers the content message sender, implementing the principles of public policy deliberation process of open discussion and argumentation alternatives and agreed between the parties of communication choices.

Specificity of public relations in government bodies and in general in public administration depends not only on specific technologies, but also on a certain mission. If PR aimed at the public interest and the principle of transparency in government, it smooths contradictions and harmonize the interests of society. In such circumstances public relations plays the role as an important structural component of public administration. Moreover, information governance in terms of prediction of events, forecasting processes taking place in the field of political communication is an important function of public relations as strategic communications.

However, the lack of understanding of strategic human-oriented focus of public relations both in domestic and

foreign policy of the state leads to serious consequences.

In modern conditions of social development scientists generally refer to the provision of new content of PR as part of state marketing and specific information and communication technologies. Inherent self-organization and self-development give rise to new forms of interactive communication, which in turn raises new problems and challenges for the whole of the public administration and public marketing in particular.

The goals, objectives and mission of PR communication technologies are becoming more global [7] that goes beyond the concept of public marketing andbecomes a prerequisite of interstate marketing and inter-governmental global marketing.

With the development of information and communication technologies and globalization, public space communication gets new performance options, winning the Internet as a "global social space" as it characterized by M. Cas-tells, calling this new world of communication as "mass self-communication" [8].

However, the question arises about the quality of this social reality, its control over a person and "authenticity" of the Internet communication. Ukrainian philosopher S. Datsyuk studied in the Internet Theory generally come to the conclusion that "... the network is not reflect the real world", "web event is a virtual event" [9]. However, the question: "Will the Internet and its attendant technologies really revolutionize the political sphere or the stench will be adapted to the current status quo?.. Will these technologies expand our po-

litical ability or restrict democracy — or, alternatively, to carry out a little this and that" [10, p. 10]. The answer lies in the regulation of Internet communication and censorship of its content. As part of government marketing, public relations establish a specific dialogue to create a certain community. Dialogue in the system of public administration is the ability of the authorities to communicate with the public, to create ethical communication that respects the rights of citizens and leads to understanding the mutually agreed interest as well as tolerant attitude to power. The government PR should work out the technology of the Internet, social networks, using these as a "global social space" in the positive adjustment of desired communications.

Unlike public relations, propaganda as a communication technology, updated in today's world of conflicts and the information-psychological war, propaganda assumes the character of division, discord, and derivesaggression, hatred in response. Propaganda perceives an object in unidirectional impact manner and ends when public relations start.

Thus, public relations is treated in the article as a coordinating communication strategy in public management, including public administration, as an inherent part of public marketing.

However, the state marketing as an integrated concept formed under the influence formation of a new marketing product,for instance administrative (public) services; a new type of consumer; new nature of relations between public authorities and the public in providing services; a fundamental change in the nature of management. The new impetus to the development of market-

ing in the public sector, which led to its evolution to the public marketing, gave upgraded model of governance, namely the theory of "state service", "new public management" and so on.

Having been developed from the phenomena of "marketization" of the state (70 years of the twentieth century) [11, p. 17], these new models have leaked into the organs and structures of public administration, where in the 90s became the dominant paradigm of theory and practice in many countries. Thus, the theoretical foundation for the formation of the theory and practice of public marketing is the concept of "new" administration, in particular the concept of "new public management" (New Public Management, NPM).

As noted by Professor John. Siltala (Juha Siltala), "New public management (NPM) has fitted public services into quasimarket models and introduced punishments and rewards to produce better services with lesser staff" [12]

Practical application of new public management was based on these "pillars" such as: marketization (including the creation of a quasi-market, market testing, compulsory competitive tendering organization); disaggregation (decentralization of decision-making and, consequently, the level of responsibility, monitoring outcomes rather than process and etc.);inventiveness (targeted application methods, focusing on achieving organizational efficiency, etc.) [13, p. 55].

In implementing the new model, the nature of public organizations chang-esnamed the phenomenon of "commercialization", goal-setting modernization, problems solving with preventive

measures, the principles of public reporting. When building a social communications take into account not only the form and content of the dialogue. The new type of state activity created, aimed at expanding the existing range of products, understanding the needs of consumers of public services and their best satisfaction.

Citing D.Osborn and T. Gaebler, John Wilson identifies ten attributes that characterize the development of public organizations "entrepreneurial" type [13, p. 52]:

• "promote competition between service providers,

• empower citizens by pushing control out of the bureaucracy,

• focus on outcomes not inputs,

• are driven by goals and not by rules and regulations,

• redefine clients as customers and offer them choices,

• prevent problems before they emerge rather than simply offering services afterward,

• earn money not spend it,

• decentralize authority, embrace participatory management,

• prefer market mechanisms to bureaucratic mechanisms,

• catalyze public, private and voluntary agencies to solve community problems".

As it can be seen from the list, there are many relevant points and tasks that are implemented in the performance of marketing organization functions.

Analyzing public marketing statement in Ukraine, particularly in terms of political communication, public relations in public administration, it may be noticed that most public displays of

marketing is in the process of embryonic development. In some of its parts, in particular in political marketing, itis more successful, mainly active borrowing international experience, technologies and concepts.

Analyzing the stage of political communication in the field of Ukrainian mass media, everybody can say that instead of effective dialogue,the trend of monopolizing media space and imposing a single understanding of vector is followed up. The media is shaped as to dictate public opinion and were largely ineffective in establishing public discourse, which should take into account the diversity and differences of social and political interests. In many cases, the media were not the objective mean of informing the audience but, instead of, politically engaged instrument of a policy.

In general, a meaningful analysis of the socio-cultural and political communication in national governance, its direction and shape indicate imperfect communications as a tool for dialogue between public authorities and society needed to clarify their positions of power and making reform and receiving support from the public, providing a sufficient level of public confidence in government. It is not working mechanism of feedback and do not incorporate the interests and positions of citizens on "consumption" products of public administration.

Conclusion. Thus, the formation of the state marketing took place under the influence of two trends: the development of the theory and practice of social communication, on the one hand, and new models of public administration on the other.

Public administration as a kind of public administration realized through communication technologies, the importance of which in the development of the information society is increasing. Communication technology has become a vivid sign of the existence of the state of marketing. They are constantly improved both in technology and in mass-media aspects.State puts marketing head angle to the interaction of government and civil society is impossible without effective communication process that in the field of public administration implemented through government public relations. To be an effective mechanism for coordination of policies, decision-making of public, state communicative mechanism should focus on the tasks of settling relevant principles of democratic governance, which requires adversarial positions, dialogue, promote stabilization and development.

The concept of New Public Management contributed to the formation and development of state marketing enriching its focus on results and effectiveness, measurability and close cooperation with customers of administrative services. Together with social communication, the concept of new public management were the basis for the formation of the public marketing led to its forward movement development. However, subject to further researches is to expand the list of concepts, practices, and technologies that lead to the further evolution of the theory and practice of public marketing.


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