UDC: 339.138:005.4
Romat Yevgeny Victorovich,
Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing and Advertising, Kyiv National Trade-Economic University, 02156, Kyiv, Str. Kyoto, 19, tel.: (050) 343 43 21; e-mail: evromat@ ukr.net
ORCID: 0000-0002-5028-1379
Ромат €вген Вшторович,
доктор наук з державного управлтня, професор, 3aeidyeau кафедри маркетингу та реклами, Кшвський нащональний торговельно-економiчний утверситет, 02156, м. Кшв, вул. Шото, 19, тел.: (050) 343 43 21; e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-5028-1379
Ромат Евгений Викторович,
доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, заведующий кафедрой маркетинга и рекламы, Киевский национальный торгово-экономический университет, 02156, г. Киев, ул. Киото, 19, тел.: (050) 343 43 21; e-mail: evromat@ ukr.net
ORCID: 0000-0002-5028-1379
Havrilechko Yury Volodimirovich,
graduate, Kyiv National Trade-Economic University, 02156, Kyiv, Str. Kyoto, 19, tel.: (050) 332 68 48; e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1930-7638
Гаврилечко Юрш Володимирович,
астрант, Кшвський нащональний торго-вельно-економiчний утверситет, 02156, м. Кшв, вул. Шото, 19, тел.: (050) 332 68 48; e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0003-1930-7638
Гаврилечко Юрий Владимирович,
аспирант, Киевский национальный торгово-экономический университет, 02156, г. Киев, ул. Киото, 19, тел.: (050) 332 68 48; e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0003-1930-7638 DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i11.32
Abstract. The article is devoted to research of theoretical problems of the concepts of the subject and object of public marketing. The definitions of these concepts are considered in the article, the evolution of their development is studied. The article provides an analysis of the main approaches to the notion of subjects and objects of public marketing, their relationship and role in the processes of public marketing. The authors proposes concrete approaches to their systematization. These approaches allow us to identify specific types of public marketing and their main characteristics.
Relying on the analysis of the concept of "subject of public (state) management", it is concluded that as bodies of state marketing, most often act as executive bodies of state power. In this case, the following levels of marketing subjects in the system of public administration are allocated: the highest level of executive power; Branch central bodies of executive power; Local government bodies; Separate government agencies.
It is noted that the diversity of subjects of public marketing is explained, first of all, by the dependence on the tasks of the state and municipal government, the possibilities of introducing the marketing concept of these subjects and certain characteristics of the said objects of state marketing.
It is noted that the concept of "subject of public marketing" is not always the identical notion of "subject of public administration". First, not all public authorities are subjects of state marketing. In some cases, this is not appropriate, for example, in the activities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Secondly, state marketing is just one of many alternative management concepts, which is not always the most effective in the public administration system.
Keywords: public marketing, the subject of public marketing, the object of public marketing, types of public marketing.
Анотащя. Дослщжено теоретичш питання понять суб'екта та об'екта пу-блiчного маркетингу. У статт розглядаються дефшщи вказаних понять, до-слвджуеться еволющя !х розвитку. Стаття мютить аналiз основних пiдходiв до понять "суб'ект публiчного маркетингу" i "об'ект публiчного маркетингу", ix взаемоввдносин та ролi в процесах публiчного маркетингу. Автори пропо-нують конкретш шдходи до ix систематизации Щ шдходи дають можливють визначити конкретш типи публiчного маркетингу та ix основш характеристики.
Спираючись на аналiз поняття "суб'ект публiчного (державного) управ-лшня", зроблено висновок, що в якост суб'екпв державного маркетингу найчаспше виступають органи виконавчо! державно-!- влади. При цьому ви-
дшено таю рiвнi маркетингових суб'eктiв в системi державного управлш-ня: Вищий рiвень виконавчо! влади; Галузевi центральш органи виконавчо! державно! влади; Мiсцевi органи державного управлiння; Окремi державш установи.
Зазначено, що рiзноманiтнiсть суб'екпв публiчного маркетингу поясню-еться передуам залежнiстю вiд завдань державного та мунщипального управ-лiння, можливостей запровадження маркетингово! концепци цими суб'екта-ми та певних характеристик означених об'екпв державного маркетингу.
Акцентовано, що поняття "суб'ект публiчного маркетингу" не завжди е тотожним поняттю "суб'ект державного управлшня". По-перше, не всi органи державно! влади е суб'ектами державного маркетингу. В деяких випадках це не е дощльним, наприклад, у дiяльностi Мшютерства оборони Укра!ни або Мшютерства внутрiшнiх справ Укра!ни. По-друге, державний маркетинг являе собою лише одну з багатьох альтернативних концепцш управлшня, що не в уах випадках е найефектившшою в системi публiчного управлiння.
Ключовi слова: публiчний маркетинг, суб'ект публiчного маркетингу, об'ект публiчного маркетингу, типи публiчного маркетингу.
Аннотация. Исследованы теоретические вопросы понятий субъекта и объекта публичного маркетинга. В статье рассматриваются дефиниции указанных понятий, исследуется эволюция их развития. Статья содержит анализ основных подходов к определению "субъект публичного маркетинга" и "объект публичного маркетинга", их взаимоотношений и роли в процессах общественного маркетинга. Авторы предлагают конкретные подходы к их классификации. Данные подходы позволяют определить конкретные типы общественного маркетинга и их основные характеристики.
Опираясь на анализ понятия "субъект публичного (государственного) управления", определено, что в качестве субъектов государственного маркетинга чаще всего выступают органы исполнительной государственной власти. При этом выделены следующие уровни маркетинговых субъектов в системе государственного управления: Высший уровень исполнительной власти; Отраслевые центральные органы исполнительной государственной власти; Местные органы государственного управления; Отдельные государственные учреждения.
Отмечено, что разнообразие субъектов публичного маркетинга объясняется прежде всего зависимостью от задач государственного и муниципального управления, возможностей внедрения маркетинговой концепции этими субъектами и определенных характеристик указанных объектов государственного маркетинга.
Указано, что понятие "субъект публичного маркетинга" не всегда тождественно понятию "субъект государственного управления". Во-первых, не все органы государственной власти являются субъектами государственного маркетинга. В некоторых случаях это не целесообразно, например, в деятель-
ности Министерства обороны Украины или Министерства внутренних дел Украины. Во-вторых, государственный маркетинг представляет собой лишь одну из многих альтернативных концепций управления, не во всех случаях является эффективной в системе публичного управления.
Ключевые слова: публичный маркетинг, субъект публичного маркетинга, объект публичного маркетинга, типы публичного маркетинга.
Problem statement. The analysis of an essence and roles of subjects and objects of public marketing is the basic principles of researches of public marketing problems. Determination of these concepts and a study of their main characteristics substantially influences results of the further analysis.
Analysis of the last researches and publications. Such foreign and Ukrainian researchers as: I. A. Zosimova [18], I. N. Rasskazova [17], E. O. Ro-manenko [19], K. M. Romanenko [20], E. V. Romat [6], A. A. Skopin [12], L. V. Smorgunov [13], V. T. Shatun [18], I. V. Chaplai [19] etc. were engaged in a research of development and formation of basic theoretical bases of public marketing (including the analysis of subjects and objects of public control).
Statement of objectives (purpose) article. To analyze the concepts "subject of public marketing" and "object of public marketing" of the system of public marketing.
Statement of basic materials. It is obvious that the research of the concept "subject of public marketing" is impossible without appropriate accounting of an essence of such basic concepts as "the subject of public control" and "the subject of marketing".
Proceeding from it, we will analyze at first briefly the concept "subject of public control". We will mark, first of
all, that this concept rather close, basic, and in its certain part is identical to the concept "subject of public marketing". We will consider the main points of view concerning the specified concept which are shown by the modern researchers. At once we will notice, that most of authors uses as synonyms, the concepts "subject of public control" and "subject of public administration".
In particular, authors of the relevant article in issuing "The encyclopedia of public administration" give such capacious definition: "The subject of public administration — the authority, institution, subdividing of the public administration apparatus or the official which develop and make state and administrative decisions concerning implementation of the control action on the subordinate objects of management or regulations of certain processes and the relations in different spheres of public activity" [2, p. 614]. As we can see from the above quotation, in determination of an essence of the concept which is considered authors, adhere to management approach.
One of the leading Ukrainian scientists in the field of public administration. V. D. Bakumenko laconically expresses such position: "A subject of public administration is the system of the government in the form of specially formed authorities, which interacting,
between which certain functions of public administration are distributed" [3, p. 13]. The similar position is taken by such domestic and foreign scientists as V. Ya. Malynovsky [4, p. 115], V. T. Chirkin [5, p. 31], K. V. Sibikeev [7, p. 22], etc. We will note what authors, listed above, fairly refer to subjects of the state (public) administration not only public authorities and their heads, but also socially active citizens and representatives of social organizations and associations. Justice of inclusion of these categories of subjects of state administration not only is confirmed by logic of the movement to civil society, but receives more and more confirmations in practice of public management. It is obvious that we have all reasons to use this approach at further definition of subjects of public marketing.
Before passing to the analysis of the concept "subject of the state marketing", it is expedient to analyze more general concept "subject of marketing". The concept of subjects of marketing is researched in works of many scientists, however determination of their essense is described by the authors quite seldom. So, authoritative representatives of marketing science, the Ukrainian professors A. F. Pavlenko and A. V. Voychak noted: "Subjects of marketing are the enterprises, the organizations or individuals between whom there are marketing communications" [8]. Thus, the authors propose that the main criterion of classification of the enterprises and organizations to subjects of marketing is existence between them the marketing communications. Most of other authors, considered this problem, (for example, G. V. Bakanov [9, p. 117]; Yu. A. Shevchenko [10,
p. 21]; S. U. Nuraliyev and D. S. Nuralie-va [11, p. 77], etc.) despite rather wide list of subjects of marketing, did not define either essense of the concept "subject of marketing", or provided the range of marketing subjects.
Having analysed the approaches given above, we will define own position to the most important in the plan of our further analysis of the concept "subject of marketing". In our opinion, this concept is defined as the subject of management which bases its administrative activity in a certain field of activity on the principles of marketing and actively introduces instruments of practical marketing in its activity.
Thus, in definition of the considered concept we consciously have departed from a specification of the sphere in which the marketing principles and practical tools will be introduced.
Let us consider in more detail the concept "subject of the state marketing". The famous expert A. A. of Skopin limits understanding of this category only to participation of state authorities in regulation of marketing activity of subjects of business: "The state as the third subject of marketing near sellers and consumers carries out a specific role in the market. Without satisfying directly need of consumers, it has to regulate this process and promote achievement of a compromise of interests with the minimum expenses of society. It is caused by need to consider economic and social processes in unity and interaction. At the same time the state unlike the separate enterprise is interested in effective functioning of economy in general" [12]. Without denying the important regulating function of the state as one of the main el-
ements of the marketing environment of any organization, it is possible to approve need of the analysis of rather wide sphere of direct application of the concept of the state marketing by public authorities that will be a subject of our further analysis.
In the textbook published edited by of professor L. V. Smorgunov, it is maintained that: "In the state marketing the subjects are public authorities and institutions of management of all levels from nation-wide to local act" [13, p. 91].
Specifying the definition of the concept "subject of public marketing" provided by the scientists quoted above it is possible to offer it. The subject of public marketing is an active participant of public and marketing activity that puts significant effect both on object of public marketing, and on processes of marketing and transaction processes and degree of success of achievement of the public marketing goals.
Being guided by the analysis of the concept "subject of public (state) management", it is logical to come to a conclusion that bodies of the executive government most often act as subjects of the state marketing. At the same time it is possible to suggest to underline the following levels of marketing subjects in the system of state administration:
1. The highest level of executive power.
2. Branch central bodies of the executive government.
3. Local public authority.
4. Separate public institutions.
A variety of subjects of public marketing is explained, first of all, by dependence on tasks of the public and municipal administration, opportunities of introduction of the marketing
concept by these subjects and certain characteristics of the specified objects of the state marketing [6, p. 270-275].
It should be noted that the concept "subject of public marketing" isn't always identical to the concept "subject of state administration". First, not all public authorities are subjects of the state marketing. In certain cases it isn't expedient, for example, in activity of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Secondly, the state marketing represents only one of many alternative concepts of management that not in all cases is the most effective in the system of public management.
As shows the analysis, among the main types of subjects of public marketing in absolute majority of cases bodies of the executive government are listed. Definition of the main characteristics of the concept "subject of public marketing" as formulated by us above, allows us to expand the list of subjects of public administration. It occurs due to criterion "significantly influences the main administrative processes of marketing (planning, organization, control) and defines degree of success in achievement of the marketing purposes".
Given this, besides the main types of subjects of public administration, it is necessary to carry to subjects of the state marketing also society in general, specific subjects of political and public work, separate active groups of the population and specific active citizens. It corresponds to recent trends of development of civil society. In favor of the similar decision it is possible to adduce the following arguments:
1. Voluntary exchange and obligatory need for exchange, realization of
transactions is the integral condition of any marketing activity including in public administration. Presence of good will at the main participants of state and marketing activity, their readiness to exchange certain resources (actions) with public authorities is a necessary condition not only for the success of state and marketing activity, but also fact of its implementation.
2. In the conditions of development of civil society within a certain state there a growing role of political and public organizations without which participation the solution of rather wide range of problems of public management is impossible.
3. The fact of powerful influence of political and public activity subjects on degree of success in achieving goals of state and marketing activity is indisputable.
The analysis of an essence of the concept "subject of public marketing" requires a research of its communications with the concept "object of public marketing". When analysing of this concept it is important to note that this term is inseparably linked with the concept "subject of marketing". It may be added that boundaries in between in the modern conditions are quite conditional.
It is difficult to resist the Ukrainian scientist, professor M. H. Koretsky who fairly notes: "The main contradiction of public administration is that compliance of the subject and an object of management is never absolutely complete as it both is set, and is broken at the same time. This infinite problem situation is aggravated and solved from time to time by certain reorganizations or less global changes" [14, p. 14].
We meet confirmation to this situation in many works scientific and important regulations. In particular, in the Concept of administrative reform in Ukraine, the named concepts are considered as basic elements of public administration system:
"a) subjects of management (executive authorities),
b) objects of management (spheres and areas of public life which are under organizing influence of the state),
c) administrative activity (process), that is certain public relations through which are implemented" [15].
It is also important to emphasize that according to article 5 of the Constitution of Ukraine: "The carrier of sovereignty and the only source of the power in Ukraine are the people. The people carry out the power directly and through public authorities and local governments". Further, in the 38th article of the Basic law it is said: "Citizens have the right to participate in administration of state affairs, in All-Ukrainian and local referendum, to freely elect and be elected to public authorities and local governments" [1].
It should be noted that the term "object of the state marketing" is close, but it isn't identical to the term "object of state administration". So, it is possible to agree with V. B. Averyanov who claims that not only the population and certain groups of people, and certain material resources, elements of production and spiritual human life — natural, material and financial resources, territories, material objects of culture, that is all those objects which are at the disposal of subjects of public administration, are defined by objects of public administration [16, p. 29].
Professor N. H. Koretsky notes about it: "Object of management are various forms of the public relations, communications, behavior and activities of people to which influence of the subject of management is directed. The object of management always is in dialectic correlation with the subject. This communication is shown in particular that the object of management is a product of activities of the subject of management in a certain measure. The subject of management can be an object of management also, if it is at the lowest step of hierarchy of control. Concerning society in general, its specific, rather independent cells, these formations to some extent can be at the same time both an object, and the subject of management" [14, p. 17].
Defining the concept "object of public (state) marketing" it is necessary, in our opinion, first of all, to mean citizens of the state. Though quite often researchers specify also presence of other target groups.
Analyzing the list of objects of public marketing, authors of the monograph under L. V. Smorgunov's edition specify in the text: "In state marketing [... ] objects are citizens, social groups, communities, the state and private organizations (as production, commercial and noncommercial, and non-productive)" [13, p. 91].
Through relations of subjects and objects of the state marketing the researcher I. N. Rasskazova considers an essense of the analysed concept. However, at the same time she uses the concept "political marketing": "We put such sense in the term "political marketing": it is not just realization of marketing activity at the level of the state, and knowledge
by the subject of public administration system as process of interaction and interference of two its components: operating and operated. "Political science" means also a possibility that learns (that is already has marketing information) to plan and therefore, to operate, this process (interaction of power structures and the population) and to correct it in case of need" [17].
Quite branched system of public marketing objects is represented by V. T. Shatun and I. A. Zosimova: "Act as objects of marketing in public management:
• public services and public benefits (goods, services, etc.). They can be divisible: pension provision, medical care, general and professional education, and indivisible — public safety;
• the enterprises and the organizations which are in state ownership and are subject to privatization and privatization and also the stock of the enterprises and organizations, state which are owned and subject to sale;
• state bodies and local government — for increase in their prestige, improvement of image and ensuring assistance of their activity from the public, commercial organizations and natural persons;
• the rights, duties and the functions of citizens and the organizations significant for existence and development of the state and society — processes of consumption of public services, payment of taxes, participation in elections, execution of a compulsory military service, judicial and other civil duties, functions;
• norms and rules of conduct, values, programs, ideas which are supported by the state and useful to society;
• territories — country, regions, interregional educations, cities and other areas ' [18, p. 182]. It should be noted that definition unites a certain list of objects, but not definition of their essential nature.
Conclusions. Summing up the intermediate results of the analysis, let's define the concept "object of public marketing". In a broad sense object of public marketing are all objects to which purposeful public and marketing influence for the purpose of the goals achievement of subjects which carry out public and marketing activity, is directed.
The main types of objects of public marketing act:
• citizens of the state, the population, society in general, groups of people identified on any sign and other target audiences, to which transaction operations are performed and on which activity (inactivity) the success of state and marketing activity directly depends. In this sense the specified objects can be considered as "the market of the state marketing";
• services and the ideas (which are considered in respect of "goods" in state marketing);
• certain territories and settlements which demand use of marketing tools;
• other elements of a complex of the state marketing ("price", "sale", system of state and marketing communications), etc.
Considering these concepts of the system of public marketing it is necessary to realize clearly that their concepts cardinally differ from the corresponding concepts of the "traditional" theory of commercial marketing. First of all, it concerns such concepts as "goods",
"price", "sale", "market" in public marketing, etc. So, from the point of view of methodology there would be categorically incorrect a mechanical transferring of the marketing principles to the system of public management not only from the market sphere of their use, and even from much closer branches, for example, from the system of social, territorial or political marketing [6, p. 264].
Consumers act as an important element of system of public marketing and one of the most important types of its objects. This concept will be considered in our further publications.
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