Научная статья на тему 'Theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of public-public partnership in Ukraine'

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of public-public partnership in Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Public management and administration / public-public partnership / non-governmental organizations / “good governance” / state support / state policy / публічне управління та адміністрування / державно-гро- мадське партнерство / неурядові організації / “хороше управління” / державна підтримка / державна політика

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Drahomyretska Natalia Mihailіvna, Gordeeva Anastasya V., Zaporozhets Marya V., Kovaleva Lidia V., Ladunska- Amons Olga V.

The article is devoted to the demonstration of the results of the studies of the students of the master’s program “Public Management and Administration”. This is the development of theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of public-public partnership in Ukraine. All research was done in the process of studying the academic discipline “Public-Public Partnerships in the Sphere of Social Development”. This experiment created the conditions for the development of different models for the development of public-private partnership in Ukraine. The developed models of students are demonstrated in the article. We justified that consulting centers should be established on the basis of higher education institutions. These centers will help to introduce the introduction of scientific and applied developments into the practice of the authorities. At present, this is important for Ukraine. We emphasize the advisability of attracting students of master’s programs of higher educational institutions of Ukraine to the development of state policy.

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У статті висвітлено результати досліджень слухачів магістерської програми публічного управління та адміністрування щодо розроблення теоретико-методологічних підходів до розвитку державно-громадського партнерства в Україні, які було зроблено у процесі вивчення навчальної дисципліни “Державно-громадське партнерство у сфері соціального розвитку”. Цей експеримент дав можливість розробити різні моделі розвитку державно-громадського партнерства в Україні. Обґрунтовано можливість створення на базі вищих навчальних закладів консультаційних центрів запровадження науково-прикладних розробок у практику діяльності органів влади. Закцентовано увагу на доцільності залучення до вироблення державної політики слухачів і студентів магістерських програм вищих навчальних закладів України.

Текст научной работы на тему «Theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of public-public partnership in Ukraine»

UDC: 35.351:35.354

Drahomyretska Natalia Mihailivna,

Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences, Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 65009, Odessa, Str. Genuezska, 22, tel.: (067) 26139 27, е-mails: nataliadragomyretska1@gmail. com; [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-5713-6724

Драгомирецька Наталiя Muxa^ieHa,

доктор наук з державногоуправлтня, про-фесор, професор кафедри фшософських та сощально-полтичних наук, Одесь-кий регюнальний тститут державного управлтня Нащональног академп державного управлтня при Президентовi Украг-ни, 65009, м. Одет, вул, Генуезька, 22, тел.: (067) 26139 27, е-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-5713-6724

Драгомирецкая Наталия Михайловна,

доктор наук государственного управления, профессор, профессор кафедры философских и социально-политических наук, Одесский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65009, г. Одесса, ул. Генуезская, 22, тел.: (067) 261 39 27, е-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-5713-6724

Gordeeva Anastasya V., Zaporozhets Marya V., Kovaleva Lidia V., Ladunska-Amons Olga V., Lisova Marina V., Melnik Ruslana V., Miskov Sergii V., Fito Yana G.,

1st year students of the Faculty of Public Administration full-time specialization: "Public policy on social and human development"; Department of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences, Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 65009, Odessa, Str Genuezska, 22, tel.: (067) 261 39 27, е-mails: [email protected]; nataliaodessa@ ukr.net

Гордеева АнастаЫя В'ячеславiвна, Запорожець Марiя Володимирiвна, Ковальо-ва Лiдiя Валентитвна, Ладунська-Амонс Ольга Валеривна, Люова Марина Во-лодимирiвна, Мельник Руслана Володимирiвна, М^ьков Сергш Валентинович, Фтьо Яна Григорiвна,

слухач1 1 курсу факультету державного управлтня денног форми навчання спец1ал1-зацг "Публ1чне управлтня та адмжстрування"; кафедра фшософських та сощаль-но-полтичних наук, Одеський регюнальний тститут державного управлтня Нащо-нальног академп державного управлтня при Президентов1 Украгни, 65009, м. Оде-са, вул. Генуезька, 22, тел.: (067) 261 39 27, е-та1к: [email protected]; [email protected]

Гордеева Анастасия Вячеславовна, Запорожец Мария Владимировна, Ковалева Лидия Валентиновна, Ладунская-Амонс Ольга Валерьевна, Лисовая Марина Владимировна, Мельник Руслана Владимировна, Миськов Сергей Валентинович, Фитё Яна Григорьевна,

слушатели 1-го курса факультета государственного управления дневной формы обучения специализации "Публичное управление и администрирование"; кафедра философских и социально-политических наук, Одесский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65009, г. Одесса, ул. Генуэзская, 22, тел.: (067) 26139 27, е-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]


Abstract. The article is devoted to the demonstration of the results of the studies of the students of the master's program "Public Management and Administration". This is the development of theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of public-public partnership in Ukraine. All research was done in the process of studying the academic discipline "Public-Public Partnerships in the Sphere of Social Development". This experiment created the conditions for the development of different models for the development of public-private partnership in Ukraine. The developed models of students are demonstrated in the article. We justified that consulting centers should be established on the basis of higher education institutions. These centers will help to introduce the introduction of scientific and applied developments into the practice of the authorities. At present, this is important for Ukraine. We emphasize the advisability of attracting students of master's programs of higher educational institutions of Ukraine to the development of state policy.

Keywords: Public management and administration, public-public partnership, non-governmental organizations, "good governance", state support, state policy.


Анотацiя. У статтi висвiтлено результати дослiджень слухачiв мапстер-сько! програми публiчного управлiння та адмшютрування щодо розроблен-ня теоретико-методолопчних пiдходiв до розвитку державно-громадського партнерства в Укра!ш, якi було зроблено у процесi вивчення навчально! дис-циплiни "Державно-громадське партнерство у сферi соцiального розвитку". Цей експеримент дав можливють розробити рiзнi моделi розвитку державно-громадського партнерства в Укршш. Обгрунтовано можливiсть створення на базi вищих навчальних закладiв консультацiйних центрiв запровадження науково-прикладних розробок у практику дiяльностi органiв влади. Зак-центовано увагу на доцiльностi залучення до вироблення державно! полгги-ки слухачiв i студентiв магiстерських програм вищих навчальних закладiв Украши.

Ключовi слова: публiчне управлiння та адмiнiстрування, державно-гро-мадське партнерство, неурядовi оргашзацп, "хороше управлшня", державна пiдтримка, державна пол^ика.


Аннотация. В статье продемонстрированы результаты исследований слушателей магистерской программы публичного управления и администрирования относительно разработки теоретико-методологических подходов, касающихся развития государственно-общественного партнерства в Украине, которые были сделаны в процессе изучения учебной дисциплины "Государственно-общественное партнерство в сфере социального развития". Этот эксперимент позволил разработать разные модели развития государственно-общественного партнерства в Украине. Обоснована возможность создания на базе высших учебных заведений консультационных центров внедрения научно-прикладных разработок в практику деятельности органов власти. Акцентировано внимание на целесообразности привлечения к разработке государственной политики слушателей и студентов магистерских программ высших учебных заведений Украины.

Ключевые слова: публичное управление и администрирование, государственно-общественное партнерство, неправительственные организации, "хорошее управление", государственная поддержка, государственная политика.

Target setting. The present dictates certain requirements for the development of public management and administration. New ideas and practi-

cal developments are needed for the development of public management and administration in Ukraine. Innovative councils and expert groups are

created in Ukraine and bring together well-known experts in their business. Students of "public management and administration' are the main source of innovative ideas. However, they are weakly involved in the consultative and advisory activities of the authorities. Most of them have practical experience in various areas of public administration, community activities, etc. Thoughts, views and their desire for change in public management and administration can be beneficial for the development of the public administration system. We can organize the learning process in such a way as to attract each student to innovate in the process of learning each discipline. This is the source of new offers and developed programs. This position was taken as the basis for conducting an experiment with students when they studied the discipline "Public-Public Partnership". The result of its study is to develop proposals for developing a model of public-public partnership in Ukraine. We took as one problem. New ideas appeared in the study of each subject of discipline and supplemented the options for its solution. The main problem is the construction of public-public partnership in Ukraine. Broader segments of the population and professionals should be involved. Wider segments of the population and professionals should be involved in it and bring their innovations. Based on this, students were invited to develop the most effective and least costly models of public-public partnership.

One aspect is the construction of a public-public partnership with the involvement of a wide range of people and professionals. World practice shows the

relevance of this issue for many decades, as the partnership requires not only interaction but also cooperation of several sectors: State (central and local authorities); Non-governmental organizations (public associations); Economic sector (business, entrepreneur-ship).Their partnership is important both for each partner and for society as a whole. However, there is no single general opinion on the content of such a partnership. Often, the content of the partnership is seen as follows: contacts between two or more parties; establishment of any form of cooperation; the establishment of contractual relations involving strictly defined rights and obligations. It is believed that the result of a partnership is only when the contacts between the partners are aimed at constructive cooperation, and not on the confrontation. Each state produces its own models for building such a partnership. The introduction of foreign experience is only the basis for building up its own model. The development of a very own model of building a public-public partnership, taking into account the traditions, peculiarities of state formation and development, is relevant to Ukraine.

We also took into account the fact that successful models of public-public partnership exist in the countries of the world. These models did not give the desired result in practice in Ukraine.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Scientists and practitioners of the world do not have a common view of public-public partnership. Model or model examples are given in foreign publications. We allocate some of them. Certain organizational structures provide support and development

for such a partnership. For example, the Center for Public Partnership and Research (CPPR) in the United States provides assistance to partners in solving complex social problems through targeted research and evaluation as well as integrated management of project management systems [1]. This Center has more than 50 grants in the field of early childhood, social protection of children, prevention of child abuse, education and solving of high-risk families. This Center works together government, public and non-governmental organizations to introduce research, capacity-building and major changes.

The second example relates to the long history of partnering military institutions with municipalities and other government organizations [2]. These are the results of RAND Corporation's research, which are presented in official reports. This corporation is a non-profit organization that helps improve policy and policy decisions based on research and analysis. Researchers believe that a public-public partnership has a potential value for the Ministry of Defense and its institutions. Such a partnership is based on the economic efficiency of its application. The subject of partnership is some problems: infrastructure and partnership management (in such areas as: water resources, energy, environment, transport, operation and maintenance, safety, rescue services); maintenance of military personnel, members of their families, pensioners, support of civilians by the Ministry of Defense (rest, children's services, adult education, libraries, social and medical services); military missions (training, research and development). It is noted that partnership relations within the

framework of public-public partnership give many advantages to institutions and community, in particular: economic value; expanding mission; location of auxiliary services; access to resources; economic and energy benefits; expansion of opportunities for solving regional problems; construction of military-public relations; support of public values.

It is noted that partner relations require resources and time for development and not all in this partnership succeeds. There are certain barriers that can be overcome by fulfilling the following requirements: investing time and resources in partnership; definition of clear lines of responsibility within the partnership; drafting a written agreement; assistance to the initiators of the partnership; creation of the system of communications (messaging) at several levels. The partnership requires: continuous support for its development policy; technical assistance; education; exchange of information; promotion of strategic regional cooperation.

The third example concerns the construction of public-public partnerships in health in South Africa. The partnership concerns the African Regional Health Network (Equinet) and Municipal Services (MSP) [3]. Partners are the government, non-governmental organizations, state institutions and trade unions. Partnerships on an international scale are characterized by partnership development: partners come from a high-income government body along with a government body in a low-income country; cross-border partnerships between authorities of different countries, including international associations of state bodies, are

a characteristic of partnership as well. Researchers singled out the following types of partnerships: intermunicipal; government and communal institution; State body and community; Government and NGOs; State body and trade union; a high-income government body and a low-income government body; Government agencies from different countries; Government agencies of neighbouring countries.

In many countries, partnerships are developed in partnership with local populations, non-governmental organizations and trade unions or civic groups. This means that foreign specialists emphasize that the community plays a role in the management or delivery of services. An example is the development of a water supply project in Savelugu (a city in the north of Hannah). There the GWCL Company formed a partnership with the six regional committees with the support of international non-governmental organizations and UNISEF. These committees have developed tariffs. From 1998 to 2002, the proportion of households with access to safe drinking water increased from 9 % to 74 %. This is the level of infectious diseases.

Municipality's partnership with trade unions in providing water services and the establishment of new water supply organizations is popular in South Africa. The most well-known and successful projects are those relating to: restructuring of water supply and privatization agencies (Honduras); getting technical support and advice from public electricity companies (Ecuador); strengthening Citizen Control over Financing and Provision of Utilities (Brazil), as well as the development of budgeting mechanisms (budgeting

with the participation of citizens); Reducing water leaks and ensuring the continuity and reliability of supplies, which allowed the majority of the population to receive water 24 hours a day (Tegucigalpa).

Experts say that public-public partnership in Europe is most often built between two or more similar government bodies from different municipalities. This facilitates the implementation of orders on a larger scale in the same country. Such partnerships address the problems of providing utilities, water and energy. Also, district councils can combine to create a common internal audit service. For example, municipalities and health authorities have combined their budgets to address social responsibility issues in providing health services. Partnership relations may arise between different levels of government. For example, a public body that is at a higher level of government (usually a central government) can finance or guarantee the activities of a local authority. This body also contributes to the development of municipal loans in the country (Germany, France). An example of a partnership between the government and the municipality in extending housing construction, as well as bonds issue financing for school capital spending is in Canada. Examples of partnership between municipalities and health and social services to provide childcare and social assistance are in the UK, as well as between the unified cooperation and the merger of municipalities with the elimination of certain departments and offices are in Switzerland and Slovakia. Locals provide services through direct action or donation of free (free) labour in Pakistan in

solving social water supply problems. The credit agency, the municipality and citizens who donated their free labour to build water supply systems are partners.

These samples, and many others, became the basis for the formation of proposals on models of state-civil partnership in Ukraine.

The purpose of the article. The demonstration of the feasibility of attracting master's degree students to develop a state policy on the development of public-public partnership and highlighting the results of their own development, which was made during the study course "Public-public partnership in social development" is the purpose of the article.

The statement of basic materials is based on own conclusions and developments of the students of the first year of the Faculty of Public Administration of the day of studying in the specialization "Public Administration and Administration" (Department of Philosophical and Socio-Political Sciences of the Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine): Gordeeva Ana-stasya, Zaporozhets Marya, Kovaleva Lidia, Ladunska-Amons Olga, Lisova Marina, Melnik Ruslana, Miskov Ser-gii, Fito Yana. The experience of foreign states became the basis for our conclusions. We determined that in countries with developed market economies, an important role in the development of modern public policy is the interaction of business and structures of public authorities' bodies. In Ukraine practical implementation of public policy at present depends on the intensity of

the search and the involvement of internal resources at regional and local levels. Today more and more popular is the format of interaction between public authorities and civil society as a public-public partnership. Therefore, among the world's proven mechanisms to enhance economic and social growth that can generate a multiplier effect a leading role in Ukraine is becoming introduction of public-public partnership, the proper definition of which was generated in the course of our work, namely: public-public partnership — a deliberate action of the state, as well as active and proactive activities of public administration subjects based on solidarity, aimed at training, development and creation of conditions for raising civic awareness based on the principles of partnership, resulting in the creation and development of social economy, public sector, public organizations, leading to higher living standards and GDP growth.

The definition of "deliberate act of state", according to our investigations, characterized in that it provided in creating a legal framework, a special tax, customs, fiscal regimes for the development of social economy, attracting donors and developing partnerships between the actors of public administration and donors, non-governmental organizations, public associations, creating a grant system.There are a number of legal documents that govern public-public partnership in Ukraine [4-9]. The analysis of these documents was carried out by us from the point of view of the presence of factors of development of successful and effective interaction between the state and civil society (tab. 1).

Analysis of the factors of development of successful and effective interaction between the state and civil society in legal acts of ukraine

Legislation/factors of successful and effective cooperation between the state and civil society freedom market competition social diversity encouraging i ndividual innovation that benefits the whole society determining mutual rights and obligations of the state and society negotiation allocation of resources establishing different modes of representation and accountability functions of government and public institutions

Law of Ukraine "On public associations" + + + + + + +

The Law of Ukraine "On Principles of Regulatory Policy in Economic Activity" + + + +

"The strategy of public administration reform in Ukraine 2016-2020 years" (CMU's Resolu-rion "Some issues of public administration reform Ukraine" dated 24 June 2016, the Number 474-p) + +

The Law of Ukraine "On the principles of domestic and foreign policy" + + + + +

We also concluded that there was unfortunately no such thing as social economy enterprises and non-governmental organizations whose functions had to be making money on the region for its social and economic development. However, the implementation of state and public policy at present depends on the intensity of the search and the involvement of internal resources at regional and local levels. In fact, this is an extensive system of partnership between the state, non-governmental organizations and the economic sector, which is based on the civic consciousness (Fig. 1).

In view of the above, the development of public-public partnership state

should be aimed at creating the legal framework, a special tax, customs, fiscal regimes for the development of social economy, attracting donors and developing partnerships between the actors of public administration and donors, NGOs, community associations and the economic sector. Continuing our research, we stopped focusing on such a concept as "partnership" and came to the conclusion, that the partnership understands in the world in different ways (Table 2), in particular, this concerns problems: the economy; water resources; judge practice; nongovernmental organizations; interstate partnership; human potential; mental

Fig. 1. Schemeof public-public partnership

(Author's development of students)

health; new technologies of communi- disabled people; improvement of infor-cation; innovation; participation and mation and communication technolo-employment of people with disabilities; gies, etc.

Table 2

UnderstandingPartnershipinLegalDocuments (international Practice)

Practice (Partnership - is...) Legal acts governing partners Reports on the project within the partnership

1 2 3

promotion, information exchange and partnership Provision of sustainable financing activities under the UN Convention Report on data analysis IOM at the 7th meeting of the Conference of the Parties

Partnership - attracting and prevention of industrial accidents; Reducing frequency and severity; Mitigating the cross-border impact. Forming strategic partnerships for the organization of joint activities aimed at strengthening industrial safety and addition of one another (strategic planning) The long-term strategy for the Convention on Trans boundary Effects of Industrial Accidents

partnership should be a voluntary initiative/ project collaboration, performing public management bodies and relevant stakeholders, such as international organizations, NGOs, the private sector; • They should focus on the region and EECCA implemented internationally (through bilateral and multilateral programs) or national / territorial levels; • they must help achieve the objectives of the Strategy for environmental partnerships EEccA and should not substitute for the commitments made by governments and complement them; Ministries' Conferencing "Environment for Europe ": report on implementation of partnerships in Eastern Europe Caucasus and Central Asia (Submitted by a special working group on the implementation of the Program of Action for the Environment in Central and Eastern Europe through the Ad Hoc Working Group of Senior Officials) Report on the implementation of partnerships in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

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• they must represent initiatives/projects secured provided with funding cooperation at the project level (micropartnership) partnership focused on water management (IWRM and VCG), the preservation of biodiversity, the waste and chemicals

Interstated platform to promote cooperation and sustainable management of water resources in the pan-European region The draft vision of the Convention on trans boundary waters in the future Economic Commission for Europe Meeting of Parties on the Convention for the protection and Use of Trans boundary Watercourses and International Lakes; (Work group of integrated water resources management - seventh Meeting in Geneva, July 3 and 4, 2012) The Working Group on Monitoring and Evaluation thirteenth Meeting Geneva, 3 and 4 July 2012 Item 14 of the provisional agenda draft program of work for 2013-2015 and draft prospects in the implementation of the Convention in the future)

Commission calls on countries that have not yet taken steps to use the full potential of ICT as a means of significantly improving public involvement in decision-making on environmental issues, properly develop technically equipped national programs and strategies to ensure electronic public participation in such decision solutions Economic Commission for Europe Meeting of Parties of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decisionmaking and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters The Working Group of the Parties, Ninth meeting Geneva, 13-15 February 2008 Item 8 of the provisional agenda digital media design solutions for electronic media and information coordination mechanism. Draft decision prepared by the Bureau with the assistance of the secretariat

Implementation support tools ESD in schools (eco games, online courses), school teachers, etc. The participation of general public in the preparation of the National Report on ESD. Partner network of support for ESD; Progresses in Ukraine in implementing the UNECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for the years 2014-2015

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• Strengthening environmental management system based on the capacity of civil society organizations, implemented under the UNDP-GEF Small Grants Program

Increasing transparency, improving public access to information and promoting public participation in decision-making. Involving community organizations in intergovernmental meetings, capacity building for private sector involvement NGOs to intergovernmental meetings, while providing everything necessary for their constructive work to facilitate the implementation of the Convention with governments and the private sector. Capacity building for the private sector, provision with interaction with responsible contact persons from governments and among the objectives of the training Joint anti-corruption activities of UNODC and civil society structures

a) take measures to further develop the program of work of adjusting to changing circumstances and to prevent as much as possible duplication of water related activities of other United Nations bodies and other international organizations; b) the nomination of initiatives to enhance the implementation of the Convention; c) other tasks assigned to it by the Meeting of the Parties. Meeting of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Trans boundary Watercourses and International Lakes Economic Commission for Europe Seventh Session Budapest, 17219 November 2015 Items 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 of the provisional agenda Review of past activities and discuss future activities in different areas of work Opening Convention Cooperation partners Cooperation Protocol on Water and Health program of work for 2016-2018 years, the terms of reference of bodies established to implement it and the resources necessary for its implementation The draft program of work for 2016-2018 years appropriate reports to the Conference of the Parties. activities carried by coordinated centers that will regularly report on their advocacy

Partnership to deal with problems without borders, to respond to new problems with drugs, crime and terrorism, UNODC adopted a new medium-term strategy relevant to changing world UNODC Strategy for 2008-2011

Partners have always played a key role in the implementation of the Convention (...) implementation of the Convention at the global level is not possible without additional partnerships Meeting of the Convention on the Conservation and Use of Trans boundary Watercourses and International Lakes Economic Commission for Europe The Working Group on Inte-

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grated Water Resources Management Seventh meeting * Geneva, 3 and 4 July 2012 The Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment Thirteenth meeting * Geneva, 3 and 4 July 2012 Item 14 of the provisional agenda draft program of work for 2013-2015 and the draft prospects of implementation of the Convention in the future design vision of the Convention on trans boundary waters in the future

Network policy development in the field of renewable energy in the XXI Century (REN-XXI) and the International Energy Agency (IEA) for their commitment to the work of the Expert Group and its Bureau, highlighting progress in preparing the report on the status of renewable energy and called for further interaction with key partners in this regard Report of experts on renewable Energy on its second session Economic Commission for Europe Committee on Sustainable Energy Group Experts on renewable energy Second session Geneva, 12-13 October 2015

regional economic cooperation and integration assistance in the creation of four working groups of experts in specific fields and promote their activities Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Seventy second session Bangkok, 15-19 May 2016 Item 3 of the provisional agenda - Consideration of issues related to supporting the structure of the Commission, including the work of regional institutions overview progress made in implementing the resolutions Commission

Joint work of Member States to "create a strong infrastructure, co-action to ensure comprehensive and sustainable industrialization and innovation" requires large investments in infrastructure and innovation. Committee on innovative, activities and public-private partnership Economic Commission for Europe Ninth session Geneva, 3-4 September 2015 Item 1 of the provisional agenda Adoption of the agenda Annotated provisional agenda of the ninth session 1

Practices ads conflicts of interest and prevention or announcement by judges any affiliation to social causes that may cause the perceived or actual conflict recognized Strengthening the judicial honesty and integrity with the use of financial disclosure for judges

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the existence of both public and non-public registers of assets and incomes of judges in a significant number of countries and made an agreement that "it will be a good measure for preventing corruption". Unique platform judges worldwide to share best practices, support and advice to each other and the development of tools and materials designed to guide the courts in their efforts to strengthen the integrity of justice and the prevention of corruption in the justice system

Strengthening national statistical systems to monitor the achievement of sustainable development and monitoring progress to achieve them, and to replenish lack specific data. On development issues, in order to assist countries in connection with the introduction of indicators to achieve the objectives of sustainable development and strengthening statistical capacity Statistical Commission Forty-eighth session 7-10 March 2017 Paragraph 3 (a) of the provisional agenda * Matters for discussion and decision: data and indicators for the agenda of sustainable development for the period 2030 Work on reviewing the achievement of sustainable development General Annually and report \ On progress towards sustainable development

Restoration and revival of balanced economic growth Investing in people Decision of total environmental issues The balance of interests and social justice UN Special Program for Economics and Central Asia (SPECA) Economic Forum 2016 "Improving the efficiency of Zur-based collaboration" Ganja, Azerbaijan, November 22-23, 2016 Achieving sustainable development in North and Central Asia Session II: Review of the implementation of sustainable development in National level Session IV: Environmental sustainability and resource efficiency

• International cooperation is crucial for the realization of the MDGs for all, especially for people with disabilities, including persons with mental health and mental disorders. Efforts should cooperate to ensure access and participation of disabled people in all policies MDGs and their implementation, in order to ensure that they are agents and beneficiaries of development. • The least developed countries that are landlocked, countries and small island that are developing, have essentially unad-dressed mental health and psychological needs. • New technologies, such as those relating Mental health and development: Integrating mental health into all development efforts, including the MDGs

1 2 3

to information and communications should be available for persons with intellectual and mental disabilities. Efforts on cooperation should ensure the participation of people with disabilities, including persons with intellectual and mental disabilities. Efforts on improving information and communication technologies, the need to integrate mental health and disability perspectives

Different definitions of partnership isting documents and in those that have exist in the Ukrainian legislation: in ex- become invalid (Table 3).

Table 3

Understanding partnership in legal documents of Ukraine

Practice Legal acts governing partners Reports on the project within the partnership

1 2 3

Partnerships - providing openness and transparency in decision-making, their compliance with the expectations of citizens. ACTION PLAN the proposed initiative "Partnership" Open Government "in 2016-2018(APPR0VED Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 30 November 2016, the. number 909-p) [10] +

Support for joint management of supplies On signing the Agreement between Ukraine and NATO support and delivery of partnership support joint management of supplies Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 02.11.2016 number 801-p [11]

Cooperation between the parties aimed at ensuring improvements in the transparency of government bodies, promoting the reduction of corruption and prevent unfair (dishonest) behavior regarding business entities in Ukraine Memorandum of partnership and cooperation between the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the Council Memorandum Ministry of Justice of Ukraine; business Council [12]

On cooperation in the field of biological and chemical security and nuclear/radiological protection in the framework of the Group of Seven "Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction" Agreement (by exchange of notes) between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on cooperation in the field of biological and chemical security and nuclear / radiological protection in the framework of the Group of

1 2 3

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Seven"Global partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction" Agreement of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; Germany; International document, dated 07.28.2015, 03.04.2015 [13]

On cooperation in the field of biological and chemical security and nuclear/radiological protection in the framework of the Group of Seven "Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction" Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine On approval of the Project Agreement (by exchange of notes) between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on cooperation in the field of biological and chemical security and nuclear/radiological protection in the framework of the Group of Seven "Global partnership against the spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction" of 22.07.2015 number 763-p [14]

On appropriate cooperation onConsultation, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance MEMORANDUM of Understanding between Ukraine and NATO Communications and Information, represented by General Manager of the Agency NATO communications and information concerning cooperation on consulting, control, communications, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance within the NATO "partnership for peace" Memorandum of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; NATO; Sample Agreement, International Document of 04.24.2015 [15] + All written documents, correspondence and reports submitted by Parties will be English

Cooperation within the framework of the "RSKYU" project the according to areas and conditions and principles specified in this Agreement AGREEMENT partnership between Ukraine and the Supreme Court of Canada Consulting Ltd. Ahritim. concerning the project "Reform of the criminal justice system for minors in Ukraine" Signature Date:19/12/2012 Effective date for Ukraine: 19/12/2012 [16]

Partnership and cooperation between Ukraine and the European Communities and their Member States, on the Since LAW LAW OF UKRAINE On ratification of the Protocol to the Agreement on Partnership and Coopera tion between Ukraine and + Parties notify each other through diplomatic channels that

1 2 3

Framework Agreement between Ukraine and the European Community, on the general principles for Ukraine's participation in Community programs the European Communities and their Member States, on the Framework Agreement between the European Community and Ukraine, on the general principles for Ukraine's participation in Community programs [17] the procedures required for becoming valid Protocol (attached)

Public-private partnership -cooperation Law of Ukraine On public-private partnership from 01.07.2010 № 2404-VI [18]

social partnership - cooperation of public authorities, employers and trade unions in the definition and implementation of coherent socio-economic policy, employment policy relations and relations between employers andtrade unions aimed at ensuring the coordination of their interests in accordance with the law Model Law on Social Partnership Adopted at the twenty-seventh plenary session of the Interparliamentary Assembly of CIS (Decree № 27-14 of 16 November 2006) [19] + The parties that have signed the collective agreement, report on During its performance at the general meeting (conference) of the labor team in terms stipulated by the collective agreement, but not at least once a year

Partnership for Africa's development United Nations Declaration on the New partnership for Africa's development; Declaration Resolution, International Document of 16.09.2002

to promote interregional economic cooperation, integration of Ukraine into the European and world economics pace International Forum on Economic Cooperation "Partnerships in the name of peace and development" (Order of the President of Ukraine of 14.07.2001 number 191/2001- rp) [20]

Alliance Member States and the other states subscribing to this document, resolved to deepen their political and military ties and further enhance security in the Euro-Atlantic area, hereby establish within the framework of the NACC "Partnership for Peace". Partnership is established as an expression of common conviction that stability and security in Euro-Atlantic region can be achieved only through cooperartion and joint action [International Act] Partnership for Peace Framework Document NATO; Statement by International Document 10/01/1994 [21]

Having generalized the knowledge, we concluded that partnership — is a set of activities, compatible forms of cooperation to solve important social problems in which both parties are responsible for one another (the state responsible for the public, and the public for the state). In view of the above mentioned, we can conclude that our scheme (Fig. 1) is not perfect, because it does not reflect forms of cooperation sectors i. e. this old management model. Since this new model provides partnership between sectors for a more efficient activity, which is provided by a clear definition of needs locally in each sector and in, general in Ukraine, and reducing time needed to resolve issues (Fig. 2).

Creating a public-public partnership, according the new approach involves the origin of the social economy — a system of social and economic relations based on diversity of ownership, freedom of entrepreneurship,

healthy competition in the conditions of strong social policies which provide a decent standard of living and ensure its social protection based on the high level of economic development of regions and Ukraine in general. Public organizations are unitary enterprise based on the ownership of public organizations or associations to carry out economic activities specified in the statute, for profit. Modernization vector of public-public partnerships should aim at achieving the highest possible level of coordination of economic public interest entities. The degree of coordination of socio-economic interests of economic entities and their implementation through the institute of public-public partnership forms a social community resilience and competitiveness of economic country development. Features of public-public partnerships include the joint activities of state and non-state actors, agreement-making by public authorities' bodies with the

Fig. 2. Model public-public partnership between sectors

(Author's development of students)

representatives of public delegation of power. A more detailed analysis of foreign ideas led us to understanding that civil society — is a condition for democratic governance and for more rapid and efficient development of civil society, able to solve social problems and to contribute to the GDP of the state. Therefore, we have developed our own model of civil society (Fig. 3-10).

With properly constructed public-public partnerships through information platform one can provide applications to competitions for grants and implement their own projects for the development of Ukraine. We have analysed the main areas of grant programs for the period from 2008 to 2015. The research results are presented in Table 4.

Fig. 3. Author's model proposed by Gordeeva Anastasya

Fig. 4. Author's model proposed by Kovalova Lidia

Fig. 5. Author's model proposed by Ladunska-amons olga

Fig. 6. author's model proposed by Zaporozhets Marya

Fig. 7. Author's model proposed by Lisova Marina

Fig. 8. Author's model proposed by Melnik Ruslana

Fig. 9. Author's model proposed by Miskov Sergii

Fig. 10. author's model proposed by Fito Yana

We concluded that problems of realization of projects on public-public partnership are the lack of experience of effective state management of pub-

lic infrastructure in market conditions. That is why we consider it is necessary to create conditions for the operation of public-public partnerships, such as:

• allocation of funding; Creating fa- • consolidate the legal framework cilities and resources; aimed at comprehensive development;

• program development; • creation grant system.

Table 4

Analysis UN Grants

a s c .=

.¡2 +3 ie ai

3 Grant State Key figures Result T3 £

o v> r < e a -3 X c w -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Promote projects related to active NGO promote +

and social activities, the rule and support

support of law and human rights, democracy

democracy. in <D consolidation of women's

z 2014 re rights, increased activity

to < of youth public life, fixing the position of civil society in its dialogue with the government, the media and freedom of information

Financing Thanks to a grant, preventive Minis- Bythe end +

tuberculo- measures will be covered try of of 2014 with

sis control about 34 thousand injecting Health antiretroviral

2009 in drug users (IDUs), 24,000 men who have sex with men (MSM), 8.5 thousand female sex workers (CSWs) and 50,000 prisoners. The project provides for updating existing and developing new programs for schools, teachers and parents. By 2014, 90 % of schools will have been in- combination therapy will be provided 4,000 people living with HIV (MZHO), which will be 95 % of the total MZHO in need of therapy. It is also

z 3 re a m cluded into their programs expected to

of study in the field of HIV prevention. In addition, in 10 religious institutions of the country will be courses on AIDS. It is also expected to create favorable conditions at the national and local levels to achieve universal access to prevention, treatment and care and strengthening of national human resource strategy in the health system create favourable conditions at the national and local levels to achieve universal access to prevention, treatment and care and strengthening national human resource strategy in the health system







democracy and human rights 2008

UN Democracy Fund announced a call for proposals, the best of which will be awarded grants. The fund provides grants to winners up to 500 thousand US dollars to projects designed for two years. During the previous four contests foundation has supported over 330 projects in 115 countries totalling 93 million Us dollars

Nongovernment al organizations

The winners will receive grants to finance activities in the development, maintenance of law and human rights, strengthening democracy, expanding participation of youth and women in society, media development. Applications under go a rigorous selection process

o z


development of the North Caucasus region the program aimed at the development in the North caucasus youth entrepreneur-ship 2012

■■Sü o f * £

O M (Ü

= _Q_C -Q30



is Q> nah

CO:* ~

Q.E <

The program focuses on the development in the North Caucasus of youth entrepreneurship proactive participation of young people who are ready to make your first step in creating your own small business and youth organizations

Non-government al organizations

Economic independence

• T3

s ar

» «


O *

O 5

h u tp







Transport, wind energy onshore wind on the sea; Heat pumps; Energy saving Solar (Photovoltaics); Solar Thermal insulation (thermal); Waste; Biofuel; "Smart" meters; Biomass/biogas; superconductivity; Hydropower; Balancing; Liquefaction of biomass/gas

Features industry

• High capital intensity of new technological developments

• link between technology developers and end-asset own ers-developers

• A huge investment in con





1 2 3 4 5 6 7

struction assets as payback for the necessary guarantees and subsidies • High capital intensity of new technological developments • link between technology developers and end-asset owners - Developers Needed huge investment in building assets as payback for the necessary guarantees and subsidies • Technology o Early stage, but large capital o Expertise, Technology o Reliance on statistics o Bet on the team, the team select and implement projects o Unable to master significant capital o Local business • Infrastructure o Huge investments. o not engage in selection (Local business) => synergy with developers o The high predictability of cash flows => low risk

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Fighting The Fund plans to provide Two The main +

HIV 151 million dollars for the NGOs - objective of the

cn 2010 implementation of five-year Ukrain- new program -

o < program "Support for HIV / AIDS prevention, treatment ian Network of reduction of HIV trans-

> x and assist the most vulner- People mission and

sz able people in Ukraine". In Living morbidity and

CP the first phase of the pro- with HIV mortality from

o c gram (August 2007 - July /AIDS it by provid-

"O —1 2009) Ukraine will receive and the ing assistance

3 1 1 _J from the Fund 29,600,000 Inter- to the most

re US dollars. After that, the national vulnerable

.Q O Foundation Board will re- HIV/ groups - drug

o view how these funds were AIDs users, prison-

a) .£= used and decide on further Alli- ers and women

1— funding ance in who provide

Ukraine commercial sex services

Financing c CP n Help women in their quest UN expanding -

projects for re CD co en for democracy, equality and state- economic op-

c o women's CO 3 LU political participation. The mem- portunities for

CO empower- Cß < c < re Fund for Gender Equal- bers, women and/or

"O c ment CO cp iD ity, initiated by Spain, is the their political

3 o 2011 o CO LU cp O TD engaged in programs that private participation at

LL z < CO expand economic oppor- sector local and na-

3 c CP E O 0 E < C CO tunities for women and/or their political participation at local and national levels and individu-als tional levels

o "Supplying on leadership and innova- indi- promoting sus- +

o the future tive developments in the vidual, tainable energy

<5£ that we field of energy for sustain- organi- development

.. M— want" W able development zation through the

o< c « CP o 2015 o CO or com- funding of fu-

in pany ture capacity-

!= 0 iE co < building activi-

cô ag cp re Q Z 3 ties in this field

We must note that in recent years, the issue of public-public partnership has become an important and integral negative interaction of business and social structures of government. As a result of this interaction, we get a raise living standards, namely: The labor market, employment — ensuring full, productive employment, expansion of employment

by creating new jobs, deshadowing of employment; Incomes and wages — raising wages, prevent wage arrears at economically active enterprises of the city, improve people's lives; Social Protection — ensuring the right to social security, based on giving to those who are in difficult circumstances, complex social benefit services, taking into ac-

count the new realities. Activities of social benefit services built on constant analysis and feedback; Education — improve learning conditions and education of children, youth, creating conditions for ensuring access to quality education based on timely and full financing of the budget sector; Development of Information Space — improve the quality of city management and active ensuring of government transparency; search for innovative solutions to urgent problems of the city on the basis of free access to information, its exchange and create high-quality market information products; software to create a modern image of the city, increasing its attractiveness and competitiveness in the region and Ukraine; further development of infrastructure; Health care population, aimed at realization of the rights of local community residents to obtain qualified primary and specialized medical care, preservation and improvement of health, the inte-

rests and needs of people in health care, management of financial and material resources.

One cannot ignore the large dependence of success of socio-economic development from innovative factors. Public-public partnership is realized in the construction of regional innovation system, innovative development as a means of improving competitiveness, capacity of the region; innovation culture; forming consortia partners for joint projects; model of interaction in the chain "education-science-business-government-community". This partnership concerns the existence of a community mutually interested, interacted, creative individuals and functional structures involved in most of the regional innovation system.

So, given the experience of the US, Britain we propose to create a system of public-public partnership Department of Social Innovation as follows (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Author's development: Department of social innovations in public-public partnership

At the local level, creating structures of public-public partnership envisages involvement of local communities to manage local infrastructure. As a result of this work we propose by the order of the director of the Institute to create Consultation Center (hereinafter — Center) wanting to train citizens, public organizations that want to create a strong region in attracting public-public partnership. The process of establishing a public-public partnership should go through the information platform under which representatives of community partnerships are trained.

The work of the Center will be provided by the following methods: counseling; conducting and creating regular training programs; implementation of joint projects and initiatives; signing agreements on mutual understanding and cooperation. The objectives of the Center include: conducting the international conferences; conducting collective consultations on specific issues and strategies; creation and content the website information (database of organizations, foundations and similar institutions which have a formal partnership with the Center) to strengthen relationships and increase visibility of cooperation; involvement for the development and implementation of activities of the Center; publication of any other relevant information about the partners; cooperation with the world organization of the UN and UNESCO. Center work will allow: improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of programs/activities; enhance the visibility and impact of the Center's action, and the presence at global, regional and governmental level; strengthen the implementation and

control of the regulatory framework; increase their potential for achievement of all segments of the population to be beneficiaries of the Center's action; attract investors and grants for programs; multiply the results of the Center.

Further, by own example you can pass experience for opening similar centers and work on a more global level.

Conclusions. Student work demonstrates a large number of approaches to solving one problem with the same derivative data. These proposals can become the basis for developing a state policy on state-civil partnership. The creation of the proposed Center and the development of its work can be a significant tool for the authorities to solve a number of national problems.

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список використаних джерел -

1. The site Wkipedia "Public-public partnership" [Електронний ресурс]. -Режим доступу : https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Public%E2%80%93public_ partnership

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бггаицтва [Електронний ресурс]. -Режим доступу: http://zakon4.rada. gov.ua/laws/show/966_003

13. Угода (у форм1 обмшу нотами) мГж Кабiнетом Мтс^в Укра!ни та Урядом Федеративно! Республши Нiмеччина про сшвробггаицтво у сферi бюлопчно! та хГмГчно! безпе-ки i ядерного/радюлопчного захи-сту в рамках шщативи Групи Семи "Глобальне партнерство проти роз-повсюдження збро! i матерiалiв ма-сового знищення" [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/ show/276_101

14. Розпорядження Кабшету Мшкл^в Украши вщ 22.07.2015 р. № 763-р "Про схвалення проекту Угоди (у форм1 обмшу нотами) мГж Кабше-том Мтс^в Укра!ни та Урядом Федеративно! Республши Шмеч-чина про сшвробггаицтво у сферi бюлопчно! та хГмГчно! безпеки i ядерного/радюлопчного захисту в рамках шщативи Групи Семи "Глобальне партнерство проти роз-повсюдження збро! i матерiалiв ма-сового знищення" [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/763-2015-%D1%80 (2015)

15. Меморандум вщ 24.04.2015 р. "Про домовлешсть м1ж Урядом Укра!ни та Органiзацieю НАТО ¡з зв'язку та iнформацii, яка представлена Гене-ральним менеджером Агенцп НАТО ¡з зв'язку та шформацп стосовно спiвробiтництва з питань консуль-тацiй, управлiння, зв'язку, розвщ-ки, спостереження та рекогносцировки в рамках програми НАТО "Партнерство заради миру" [Елек-тронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/ show/950_030

16. Угода "Про партнерство м1ж Вер-ховним Судом Укра!ни та Агртм

Канада Консалтинг Лтд. стосовно реалiзащi Проекту "Реформування системи кримшально'1 юстицii щодо неповнолiтнiх в УкрашГ [Елек-тронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/ show/124_050

17. Закон Украши "Про ратифiкацiю Протоколу до Угоди про партнерство i сшвробггництво мiж Укра'1-ною i бвропейськими Сшвтовари-ствами та 1х державами-членами про Рамкову угоду мiж Украшою та 6в-ропейським Спiвтовариством про загальш принципи участi Укра'1ни в програмах Сшвтовариства" [Елек-тронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/ show/ru/3764-17

18. Закон Украши "Про державно-при-ватне партнерство" [Електронний

ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2404-17

19. Модельний закон про сощальне партнерство [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/ ru/997_g07

20. Розпорядження Президента Украши вщ 14.07.2001 р. №№ 191/2001-рп "Про Мiжнародний форум економiчно-го сшвробггництва "Партнерство в 1м'я злагоди та розвитку" [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/ show/191/2001-%D1%80%D0%BF

21. М1жнародний акт "Партнерство за-ради миру. Рамковий документ" [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/ laws/show/950_001

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