Научная статья на тему 'Scientific-theoretical basis of gaining knowledge using training simulators at physical culture lessons'

Scientific-theoretical basis of gaining knowledge using training simulators at physical culture lessons Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
technical means (anthropotechnics) / health improvement with the help of technical means / the basis of knowledge gaining / physical (conditional) qualities / motivation of training at simulators.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Leonid A. Zelenin, Alexsandr N. Legotkin

The article considers theoretical training with physical exercises introduction into educational process, which are fulfilled at training simulators and devices. Theoretical training gives necessary scientific knowledge concerning the use of technical means, correct fulfillment of physical exercises using them, helps to choose corresponding exercises, methodology of their use, dosage and load and also forms abilities and skills for training simulators use in order to improve health of those, who train. Research methods: scientific-methodical and special literature analysis and summarizing, the method of non-traditional training at training simulators, general-pedagogical methods of influence, the method of conjugate impact and the method of circuit training. Materials. With the help of scientific-methodical and special literature necessary theoretical and methodical knowledge was gained, physical exercises fulfillment with the help of technical means helps to form actively abilities and skills of independent thinking, develops self-control and self-analysis skills of own organism and own activity. Results. In a pedagogical process technical means help to consider educational-training process as an integral whole, organically connected unity of the elements in the ability to enlarge the range of means, approaches, techniques and methods of technical, physical, tactical, psychological, theoretical, intellectual and other kinds of training. Power training at training simulators (artificial environment conditions) psychologically directs to a rational, correct fulfillment and a high speed of information and feedback of programming handling in motional actions technique fulfillment in conjugate development of conditional qualities. Technical means present the elements of novelty, which stimulate the opportunity of power abilities development, activate intellectual activity, improve emotional state and problem tasks setting in motional actions technique realization is an organizational-methodical instrument of pedagogical process. Conclusion. Scientific-theoretical knowledge, gained at the lessons with the use of training simulators and technical means, gives students an opportunity to fulfill independently physical exercises with a correct methodology, corresponding load, approaches and necessary techniques, actively provides power, speed-power, power endurance, coordination of movements development, in particular, improves balance, activity, flexibility and endurance. Physical culture with the use of training simulators helps to reduce time for controlling movements, typical for a definite lesson motional qualities and abilities mastering; provide abilities and skills of control and self-control formation in mistakes prevention and correction.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Scientific-theoretical basis of gaining knowledge using training simulators at physical culture lessons»

psycho-emotional loads of professional activity, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogical-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 33-35. DOI 10.14526/01_2017_181

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_182


Leonid A. Zelenin - doctor ofpedagogics, professor, Alexsandr N. Legotkin - candidate of pedagogics, associate professor, Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), 29, Komsomolsky Prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. The article considers theoretical training with physical exercises introduction into educational process, which are fulfilled at training simulators and devices. Theoretical training gives necessary scientific knowledge concerning the use of technical means, correct fulfillment of physical exercises using them, helps to choose corresponding exercises, methodology of their use, dosage and load and also forms abilities and skills for training simulators use in order to improve health of those, who train. Research methods: scientific-methodical and special literature analysis and summarizing, the method of non-traditional training at training simulators, general-pedagogical methods of influence, the method of conjugate impact and the method of circuit training. Materials. With the help of scientific-methodical and special literature necessary theoretical and methodical knowledge was gained, physical exercises fulfillment with the help of technical means helps to form actively abilities and skills of independent thinking, develops self-control and self-analysis skills of own organism and own activity. Results. In a pedagogical process technical means help to consider educational-training process as an integral whole, organically connected unity of the elements in the ability to enlarge the range of means, approaches, techniques and methods of technical, physical, tactical, psychological, theoretical, intellectual and other kinds of training. Power training at training simulators (artificial environment conditions) psychologically directs to a rational, correct fulfillment and a high speed of information and feedback of programming handling in motional actions technique fulfillment in conjugate development of conditional qualities. Technical means present the elements of novelty, which stimulate the opportunity of power abilities development, activate intellectual activity, improve emotional state and problem tasks setting in motional actions technique realization is an organizational-methodical instrument of pedagogical process. Conclusion. Scientific-theoretical knowledge, gained at the lessons with the use of training simulators and technical means, gives students an opportunity to fulfill independently physical exercises with a correct methodology, corresponding load, approaches and necessary techniques, actively provides power, speed-power, power endurance, coordination of movements development, in particular, improves balance, activity, flexibility and endurance. Physical culture with the use of training simulators helps to reduce time for controlling movements, typical for a definite lesson motional qualities and abilities mastering; provide abilities and skills of control and self-control formation in mistakes prevention and correction.

Keywords: technical means (anthropotechnics), health improvement with the help of technical means, the basis of knowledge gaining, physical (conditional) qualities, motivation of training at simulators.

Introduction. Actively developing scientific-technical progress attracts great attention to the problem of man training for this or that kind of activity fulfillment, using technical means and training simulators, which help to intensify all spheres of material and spiritual production. Nowadays physical exercises fulfillment using training simulators is very popular because of their beneficial influence on a person's organism in general [1, 12, 14]. At higher educational establishments students got an opportunity to improve the level of physical fitness, improve health state during the process of academic Physical culture lessons and independently, going to private gyms or training at home. Training technique introduction into educational process demands the level of students' education increase in the sphere of physical culture, in particular, in the sphere of physical exercises fulfillment at training simulators and devices, taking into consideration set aims [2, 4, 10]. Theoretical lessons, held by a teacher at training simulators and training devices, give students an opportunity to realize different physical exercises independently and correctly, stimulate to train and increase power effect, which is important for young people.

The aim of the research is the influence study of gaining scientific-methodical knowledge by students under the direction of teachers-trainers at the lessons using different technical means (anthropotechnics) in order to increase the effectiveness of educational-upbringing and training process.

The objectives of the research. 1. During health-improving-training lessons at technical means, training simulators and training devices gain theoretical knowledge, which motivates students to search for objective information, optimal variants of motional actions technique, taking into consideration individual abilities of sportsmen. 2.To provide scientific-theoretical knowledge gaining in physical exercises fulfillment at training simulators, which help students to determine own sports prospective and see the limiting factors and weak points of the system of movements, which in natural conditions restrains his motional potential

realization. 3. By means of technical means and special equipment, directed to different elements of the technique of movements and the definite motional junctions mastering, provide consciousness of education and training upbringing, which increase motor density of educational-training process and working capacity of students. 4. With the help of training simulators stimulate the search for new, more effective ways of conjugate influence on sportsmen's physical qualities and technical mastery improvement.5. With the help of training simulators provide the mastered technique of movement fulfillment, which helps to avoid mistakes.

Research methods: scientific-methodical and special literature analysis and summarizing, the method of non-traditional training at training simulators, general-pedagogical methods of influence, the method of conjugate impact and the method of circuit training.

Scientific-theoretical basis of

gaining knowledge. In order to increase the effectiveness of educational-upbringing and training process teachers-trainers, students, and sportsmen use different groups of instruments, devices, equipment, things, which present technical means (anthropotechnics). Technical means, on which physical exercises are fulfilled many times, transfer information about the technique of sports movements, which is maximum objective, available, visual, easily mastered by those who train. Using mentioned above sports equipment a trainer-teacher actively stimulates conditions formation for an effective perception of the studied physical exercises. Technical means provide theoretical knowledge formation, help to transfer studied information about the technique of movements by small "portions", control tempo, rhythm and quality of its mastering and help to estimate objectively gained theoretical knowledge. At the same time, technical means help to set a cognitive goal correctly, reveal biomechanical parameters of any exercise and optimize information exchange between a teacher and a student.

A teacher should methodically correct show and teach how to fulfill an exercise at

training simulators; select exercises, which correspond to dosage and load, which develop power abilities of a person's organism and form students' skills and abilities to use health-improving-rehabilitation physical culture means [1, 3, 13].

Theoretical material of a program study, concerning the discipline "Physical culture" showed, that it contained no information about the methods, approaches, techniques of different training simulators use in physical qualities development: power, quickness, endurance, dexterity and flexibility and also their use in order to improve health and prevent different diseases. That is why the aim of our research work is to give students (1-2 courses) this information at physical culture lessons using training simulators, portative rods, dumbbells, kettle balls and other things and by means of necessary theoretical knowledge gaining at practical lessons. Gained theoretical knowledge while training at training simulators and using other different things and means is invaluable, propriety and stimulating direction of a student's motivation increase to self-actualization as a personality. At the same time, the individual gets an opportunity to compare all the time: what he does better/worse, what should be corrected, improved in comparison to other people, who train and how to achieve the ideal and correspond to it [6, 8].

Thus, each student, who goes in for power exercises at training simulators and using different technical means, has an opportunity to fulfill self-estimation - the result of comparative self-actualization, not only state own abilities. In terms of self-evaluation fulfillment such kind of personal qualities as self-respect, ambitiousness and superbity are formed.

It is necessary to mention that gained theoretical knowledge will help a student to get the definite purposeful orientation of own knowledge use in practical activity, actively form the skills and abilities of independent thinking, develop skills of own organism and own activity self-control and self-analysis. In theoretical training methods of oral

presentation (explanation), exercise demonstration and independent work were used. In this case technical means of teaching (TMT) can help a trainer - slide projectors, tape-recorders, mechanic training simulators, radiotelemetric systems and automatic complexes, which help to realize didactic principles of visualization, consciousness and activity more effectively and provide higher quality of the formed abilities and skills and education individualization [1, 6, 8, 11].

Education was planned in a way, that gained by students theoretical knowledge was connected with practice at training simulators and with different means (apparatus, things), which realize all main didactic principles of: scientific content, theory connection with practice, system character and succession, visualization combination with abstract thinking development, awareness and activity, availability and strength of knowledge mastering, individual approach in terms of collective teaching [2, 4, 10, 14]. This training was mainly organized in the forms, which characterize connection of educational process with practical activity. Such kind of organizational forms were reports with their further discussion, independent study of scientific-methodical and special literature, independent activity results analysis connected with physical abilities development, sports diary keeping, conversation analysis, inquiry-conversation, questionnaire survey[1, 5, 10, 11, 14]. Scientific-methodical research activity is characterized by two main units. The first unit includes the following directions:

- theoretical basis of a person's organism structure and functioning [6, 8];

- systematic physical exercises and sport influence on a person's organism [6, 8];

- personal and social hygiene of a person [6, 8];

- labor and rest regimen, nutrition, water quenching [6, 8];

- medical control, self-control, injuries and diseases prophylaxis [6,8];

- first aid provision [6, 8];

- rehabilitation measures during physical exercises [6, 8].

The second unit includes the following directions:

- different training simulators, which influence spine, breast, hands (biceps, triceps, delta), legs muscles [14];

- training simulators and training means, which activate power abilities development [1, 10, 12, 13, 14];

- training simulators and training means, which provide speed-power qualities of an organism increase among those, who train [7, 10, 11, 14];

- training simulators and training means for quickness development [7, 10, 14];

- training simulators and training means for power endurance development [1, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14];

- training simulators and training means for coordination of movements and dexterity development [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 14];

- training simulators and training means for flexibility development [1,7, 10, 14].

Necessary theoretical knowledge gaining is realized with the help of technical means and training devices, which are used for theoretical information transfer and the means of information control (computer devices). They help to transfer effectively necessary information by definite portions, control tempo, rhythm and quality of its mastering and estimate objectively gained knowledge [1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 14].

Movements teaching at technical means and training simulators is considered as a difficult cognitive process, which includes all principles of didactics. This cognitive process mainly depends on practical work of a trainer, new approaches, which correspond to the principles and the definite methodical techniques of teaching, on students' cognitive and motional activity organization. The essence of pedagogical process is in the fact that theoretical and practical problems can be solved (on the basis of the achieved level) by a directed activation of cognitive and motional activity of students, which is provided by correct education organization and special technical means use. Motional tasks are given to those, who train in

a form of different biomechanical models and purposeful pedagogical programs [2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13].

Technical means use at physical culture lessons gives an opportunity to develop the main parts of educational process: an active perception of necessary informational part for students is demonstrated, correct exercises fulfillment at training simulators, their control and a corresponding correction, theoretical base of knowledge is gained. Lessons with technical means, training devices create artificial environment conditions, help to train the ability of independent knowledge gaining, help to form and develop skills and abilities. Nowadays students at physical culture lessons use training simulators, equipped with modern computer devices, which provide urgent information about quantitative, time, space and dynamic characteristics of different elements of the fulfilled movements. Urgent information about the fulfilled by a student movement with some made mistakes will help to correct mistakes not during the next lesson, but immediately. Technical means use during the lessons activates the process of self-control, stimulates the realized estimation of the final and intermediate results of own activity with its further regulation in order to achieve better effect [1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14].

Lessons with training simulators create psychological and emotional mood, which helps to avoid mistakes.

Psychological structure of a motional action at a training simulator includes its aim, peculiarities of perception, attention, thinking, movements, which help to realize this motional action. In psychological training of those, who train simulators direct to the range of psychological-pedagogical events and corresponding conditions of motional activity understanding, to such kind of psychological systems and organism states, personality features creation during training, which in educational-training activity create success in pedagogical problems solution [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10,13, 14].

Conclusion. Pedagogical observations over students, who had the course of theoretical training at physical culture lessons with the use of training simulators, showed considerable increase of their educational level, activity, skills of control and self-control, which influence realized estimation demonstration of own activity results with its further regulation in order to achieve better effect.

The main stimulus, which directs a personality's abilities development, is the need for training at training simulators during physical culture lessons. The need for training at training simulators always has a wide spectrum of reasons, among which is own body correction by means of the volume of muscles change, their strengthening; health improvement for a harmonious personality development, many-sided training and morphofunctional systems of an organism development. The need for movement and physical loads with the use of weight at training simulators, for communication, contacts and free time spending with friends, for rest, emotional relaxation, self-affirmation, own "Self' positions

Submitted: 23.02.2017 Received: 26.02.2017

strengthening, need for cognition, aesthetic pleasure, comfort also appear.


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Leonid A. Zelenin - doctor of pedagogics, professor, Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), 29, Komsomolsky Prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

Alexsandr N. Legotkin - candidate of pedagogics, associate professor, Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), 29, Komsomolsky Prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia

For citations: Zelenin L.A., Legotkin A.N. Scientific-theoretical basis of gaining knowledge using training simulators at physical culture lessons, The Russian journal ofphysical education and sport (pedagogical-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 36-40. DOI 10.14526/01_2017_182

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