Научная статья на тему 'Physical self-education of young athletes in healthy lifestyle the training process with the use of technology'

Physical self-education of young athletes in healthy lifestyle the training process with the use of technology Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
physical self-education / fitness of the device for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge / physical and mental condition / physical development / the process of teacher education / introspection / and self-esteem.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Valeriy D. Panachev, Leonid A. Zelenin, Nikolai L. Ponomarev

This study is of interest for the physical self-education to improve healthy life with active use of technology in young athletes. Self-education of young athletes will greatly complement and summarize the information in the theory and methodology of sports training, will help to enhance cognitive activity of subjects of educational process, to promote the formation of competence as a result of the educational process is necessary in the culture of physical education. Methods. Analysis and generalization of scientific-methodic literature, methods of self-knowledge: introspection, and self-esteem. Materials. Theoretical and methodological substantiation of necessity of creation of the personal diary of training sessions physical self young athlete in the formation of a healthy lifestyle with the use of technical means of increasing performance. Results. Developed "personal diary" physical self young athlete intensifies the pedagogical process of training classes that extends, develops practical skills, and determines the acquired assimilation of knowledge the education of the will to overcome difficulties standing in the way to the goal. Systematic filling of the diary of a young athlete is the effect of self-discovery demands themselves, self-reports on the work done for the day, actively associated with introspection, self-awareness and self-esteem. Conclusion. Filling in the "personal diary" undoubtedly defines the form of benefits in the manifestation of willpower. First, the young athlete, recording events, shows intense work of the mind in the ability to Express in verbal form various complex emotional States associated with the process of awareness of past events and experiences. Secondly, the conduct of sports diary allows in writing to fix your life experience and accuracy, and literacy writing complex sentences in the Russian language. Thirdly, in his diary to describe his past, allowing more deeply and fully to understand the dynamics of the development of his personality. Fourth, the diary allows you to give yourself feature, where description is combined with analysis.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Physical self-education of young athletes in healthy lifestyle the training process with the use of technology»

DOI 10.14526/01_1111_159


Valeriy D. Panachev — doctor of sociology, professor Leonid A. Zelenin - doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Nikolai L. Ponomarev — candidate of pedagogics, associate professor Perm national research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), Komsomolsky prospect, house 29, Perm, 614990, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. This study is of interest for the physical self-education to improve healthy life with active use of technology in young athletes. Self-education of young athletes will greatly complement and summarize the information in the theory and methodology of sports training, will help to enhance cognitive activity of subjects of educational process, to promote the formation of competence as a result of the educational process is necessary in the culture of physical education. Methods. Analysis and generalization of scientific-methodic literature, methods of self-knowledge: introspection, and self-esteem. Materials. Theoretical and methodological substantiation of necessity of creation of the personal diary of training sessions physical self young athlete in the formation of a healthy lifestyle with the use of technical means of increasing performance. Results. Developed "personal diary" physical self young athlete intensifies the pedagogical process of training classes that extends, develops practical skills, and determines the acquired assimilation of knowledge the education of the will to overcome difficulties standing in the way to the goal. Systematic filling of the diary of a young athlete is the effect of self-discovery demands themselves, self-reports on the work done for the day, actively associated with introspection, self-awareness and self-esteem. Conclusion. Filling in the "personal diary" undoubtedly defines the form of benefits in the manifestation of willpower. First, the young athlete, recording events, shows intense work of the mind in the ability to Express in verbal form various complex emotional States associated with the process of awareness ofpast events and experiences. Secondly, the conduct of sports diary allows in writing to fix your life experience and accuracy, and literacy writing complex sentences in the Russian language. Thirdly, in his diary to describe his past, allowing more deeply and fully to understand the dynamics of the development of his personality. Fourth, the diary allows you to give yourself feature, where description is combined with analysis.

Keywords: physical self-education, fitness of the device for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, physical and mental condition, physical development, the process of teacher education, introspection, and self-esteem.

Introduction. Training simulators actively influence physical self-upbringing of young sportsmen. Lessons with training simulators present a pedagogical process, which helps to develop oneself in orientation to a healthy life style, in desire to develop physical qualities purposefully and gradually. A young sportsman during trainings at training simulators uses a set of techniques and kinds of activity, which determine and regulate emotional, active position of a young

personality concerning own health, psycho-physical state, physical development and gained during education technical knowledge development [2, 5, 9, 10, 13, 16].

Fulfilled with the help of technical means physical exercises give positive results in physical upbringing and education and stimulate the desire to fulfill self-upbringing and self-development. The lessons, held with the help of technical means, provide self-upbringing, which helps to intensify the

process of physical upbringing, masters, broadens and develops practical abilities and skills, which are gained by young sportsman during a training process [1, 3, 11, 14].

Trainings at the training simulators form and master volitional qualities of young sportsmen in overcoming difficulties on the way to achieving the necessary goal and it characterizes pedagogical process of self-upbringing. Self-upbringing is connected with other kinds of upbringing: moral, intellectual, labor, aesthetic and others. Trainings at the training simulators determine the main motives in physical self-upbringing: demands of social life and culture; desire to be accepted by collective; competition, imbalance realization between own abilities and the demands of social-professional activity. During the trainings at training simulators, in the minds of young sportsmen, as the motives, appear criticism and self-control, which help to realize own drawbacks [4, 7, 8, 12].

The aim of the research - young personality's motivation formation concerning physical culture lessons in a training process, using training simulators.

The objectives of a teacher's activity: 1. To provide healthy life style formation and young sportsmen's health improvement.

2. To activate theoretical and cognitive activity using training simulators in physical-sports practice.

3 .To form actively moral-volitional qualities of a young personality with the help of technical means in the training process.

4. To provide mastering the basis of physical self-development methodology.

5. To improve physical development and physical readiness of a young personality using different training simulators in accordance with the demands of physical self-upbringing program in educational-training process.

Research results and their discussion. Pedagogical process of physical self-upbringing at the lessons using training simulators includes three main stages:

I stage is connected with self-actualization of a young personality during the trainings at training simulators with positive

psychic and physical qualities revelation and also negative sides determination, which should be escaped. The use of training simulators, under the supervision of a trainer, helps to form self-discipline, ability to fulfill self-upbringing. The training process of young sportsmen at different training simulators uses the following methods of self-actualization: self-observation, self-analysis and self-appraisal [2, 4, 8, 11, 13, 15].

Self-observation - a universal method, which provides self-actualization and which depends on purposiveness and the ability of young sportsmen to observe systematically own qualities and features [2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 16].

Self-analysis of the lessons with training simulators gives information about the technique of sports movements, helps to reveal the reason for actions (for example, unfinished fulfillment of a planned complex of physical exercises in a training, caused by poor health state, tiredness) and determine the way to overcome unwanted fulfillment of exercises in the future. A trainer's activity stimulates young personality's self-analysis, which is conditioned by adequacy of self- appraisal as the means of own behavior, relations with people organization, attitude to success and faults and it influences effectiveness of activity and further development of a young personality under the direction of a sports teacher [4, 5, 7, 14, 15].

Self-appraisal of a sportsman's personality can be adequate, exaggerated and low. If it is low, there is lack of self-confidence and life prospects decrease. An adequate young personality is mainly determined by clear criteria of behavior, actions, attitude to trainings, state of an organism, physical qualities development and other things. Exaggerated self-assessment leads to the fact that a young sportsman has incorrect assessment of oneself and his behavior becomes inadequate. The first stage finishes with the decision to work on oneself [3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 15].

At the II stage the aim and the program of self-upbringing is determined and on their basis a personal plan of physical self-upbringing in the training process is revealed.

We present an approximate program, which is the orienting point of physical self-upbringing of a young personality under the direction of a trainer [2, 3, 11, 14, 16].

Created by us program takes into account the conditions of life, the peculiarities of a young personality and his needs, forms personal training plan-diary of physical self-upbringing, which stimulates effective activity and which is presented in table 1.

The III stage of physical self-upbringing with the use of created technical means is connected with practical realization of this plan [4, 9, 10]. It is based on the use of different technical means and the ways of self-action, directed at young personality

development (they are called methods of self-control). They include the following: self-order, self-suggestion, self-persuasion, self-exercise, self-criticism, self- encouragement, self-control, self-report [1, 12, 13, 15, 16].

A personal plan-diary of the training lessons is a form of self-control, self-report concerning fulfilled work during a day. Making self-report of own actions, a young sportsman gets to know the qualities, which should be formed first of all and which drawbacks should be got rid of in order to improve own personality and what changes should be made in a personal plan of training lessons.

Days of The used means

lessons Objectives and methods Content and means of the Notes

training lessons

Health Morning A training process with During the

A improvement, exercises, aerobic abilities of an process of

training cold exercises for organism development training pay

lesson hardening, general with a simultaneous attention to

into healthy endurance, power increase of power qualities volitional

life style qualities, at training simulators. qualities, which

involvement exercises at - endurance race 2,5-3 km stimulate

training - bench press, jerk with physical self-

simulators, two hands, a bar shoot up, upbringing

hygienic factors bar lifting with the back,

of health, bar twisting, back squat Health state -

methods of (18-25 kg 2-3 series 15-20 good

repetitions, times each, rest 1,5-2

methods of min.). exercises for

connected organism rehabilitation 5-

influence 7 min.

Coordinating Exercises Complex of 15 exercises To show

A abilities and fulfillment for for motional coordination persistence in full

training power qualities coordination and with simultaneous increase realization of the

lesson upbringing power qualities of power abilities of an whole training

using training development organism with the help of process, which

simulators using training technical means. provides self-

simulators - endurance race 2-3 km upbringing.

- exercises for

coordination of Health state -

movements 18-30. good

- barbell bentover rowing

to breast, weight jerk with

Table 1 - Personal "plan-diary" of a young sportsman's physical self-upbringing training


the right (left) hand, bar

lifting with two hands to

the breast (18-25 kg, 2-3

series, 15-20 times, rest

1,5-2 min.). Exercises for

organism rehabilitation 5-7 min.

Persever Healthy life Morning Complex of 15 exercises; It is necessary to

ance style in health exercises, contrast shower, day, show volitional

formatio improvement physical exercises sleep, nutrition regimen qualities in

n with with morning for flexibility, fulfillment, 30 min following day

volitiona exercises connected with promenade before regimen

l fulfillment, hygienic factors sleeping; going to work or

qualities water University and back home Health state -

demonst quenching of on foot good

ration an organism

A Endurance Morning A training process with Endurance and

training upbringing exercises, aerobic abilities of an speed-power

lesson with speed- moderate speed organism development abilities of an

power abilities running, training with a simultaneous organism

of an organism at different increase of power qualities stimulate

development training at training simulators. volitional

using training simulators - endurance race 2-3 km qualities, which

simulators - military press and bench press at the training simulator, bar jerk, weight jerk with the right (left) hand, outleap with a bar from squat (10-15 kg; 2-3 series; 15-20 times; rest2-3 min.). Exercises for organism rehabilitation 5-7 min. provide self-upbringing. Health state -good

A Endurance Morning A training process of To demonstrate

training upbringing exercises, endurance upbringing by patience with the

lesson with moderate speed means of running and use of endurance

simultaneous running, one more power qualities and power

mastering fulfillment of the development with the help qualities, which

power exercises for of training simulators. stimulate self-

qualities, using power qualities of Morning - exercises for upbringing.

training an organism flexibility, stretching and Health state -

simulators development, using training simulators activity development - endurance race 2-3 km, good

- 15-18 exercises for power abilities of an organism development. Exercises for organism rehabilitation 5-7 min.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above we can define two kinds of self-report: current and final. Current self-report is held within a short time period- a day, a week, a month, three months. A final self-report is held within a long time period - 6 months, a year. Self-analysis characterizes behavior of a young personality in different situations, circumstances and the results influence morphofunctional, psychic and psychophysiological state of a personality [3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16].

Conclusion. Thus, for a young sportsman it is important to notice and define even insignificant changes in own training activity. It creates self-confidence, provides further development of a personal self-upbringing program in a healthy life style realization, which helps to achieve sports result.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Submitted: 28.11.2016 Received: 01.12.2016

Valeriy D. Panachev — doctor of sociology, professor Perm national research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), Komsomolsky prospect, house 29, Perm, 614990, Russia

Leonid A. Zelenin - doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Perm national research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), Komsomolsky prospect, house 29, Perm, 614990, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

Nikolai L. Ponomarev — candidate of pedagogics, associate professor Perm national research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), Komsomolsky prospect, house 29, Perm, 614990, Russia

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