Научная статья на тему 'Tendency of distance education development in the system of independent education'

Tendency of distance education development in the system of independent education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
distance education / continuous education / Open University / computer technologies / information technologies / дистанційне навчання / неперервна освіта / відкритий уні- верситет / комп’ютерні технології / інформаційні технології

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Borzenko Oleksandra Pavlivna

The issues of distance learning in the system of continuous education have been presented in this article. The leading tendency in its development has been proved. The views of scholars on the different aspects of the distance education problem are described. It is made clear that the most researchers consider distance learning as an innovative educational product, and as the most effective means of ensuring continuing education, the content of which depends on the events occurring in society. It has been established that the generator of changes in the practice of distance education in the whole world became the United Kingdom Open University, which gave a high prestige to distance learning, and also encouraged the emergence of such universities in many, both developed industrial and developing countries. It is proved that the process of transition from industrial to informational society involves the introduction of the newest pedagogical technologies into the educational process of higher educational institutions, provides opportunities for updating the content and methods of teaching, the ways of presenting educational information, the use of computer technologies with high power. The importance and necessity of purposeful realization of scientific, comparative-pedagogical analysis of foreign experience in organizing distance learning, which will stimulate the mobile introduction of world innovations into the national system of pedagogical education and increase the possibilities of its integration into the world of pedagogical space, is emphasized. It has been established that with the formation of socio-economic, scientific and personal preconditions, distance education has acquired its historical significance for a person and society, has found a corresponding embodiment in real reality, its development is closely intertwined with the development of social and economic relations.

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Розглянуто питання щодо дистанційного навчання в системі неперервної освіти, обґрунтовано та визначено провідні тенденції його розвитку. Схарактеризовано погляди науковців стосовно різних аспектів проблеми дистанційної освіти. З’ясовано, що більшість дослідників розглядають дистанційне навчання як інноваційний освітній продукт та найефективніший засіб забезпечення неперервної освіти, зміст якого залежить від подій, що відбуваються в суспільстві. Генератором змін у практиці дистанційної освіти і престижу дистанційного навчання, а також появи подібних університетів у багатьох розвинених і країнах, що розвиваються, став Відкритий університет Сполученого Королівства. Доведено, що процес переходу від індустріального до інформаційного суспільства передбачає запровадження у навчально-виховний процес вищих навчальних закладів новітніх педагогічних технологій, забезпечує можливості для оновлення змісту й методів навчання, способів подання навчальної інформації, використання комп’ютерних технологій, які мають великі потужності. Наголошується на важливості й необхідності цілеспрямованого здійснення наукового, порівняльно-педагогічного аналізу зарубіжного досвіду щодо організації дистанційного навчання, яке стимулюватиме мобільне запровадження світових інновацій у вітчизняну систему педагогічної освіти та збільшуватиме можливості її інтеграції у світовий педагогічний простір. З формуванням соціально-економічних, наукових й особистісних передумов, дистанційна освіта набула свого історичного значення для людини й суспільства, знайшла відповідне втілення в реальній дійсності, її розвиток тісно переплітається з розвитком суспільних й економічних відносин.

Текст научной работы на тему «Tendency of distance education development in the system of independent education»

UDC: 377.4

Borzenko Oleksandra Pavlivna,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, the Department of Foreign Languages, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Ya-roslava Mudrogo, 25, tel.: (067) 165 80 21, email: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-6182-9267

Борзенко Олександра naeMieHa,

кандидат педагогiчних наук, доцент ка-федри тоземних мов, Хартвський нацо-нальний автомобшьно-дорожнш утвер-ситет, 61002, м. Хартв, вул. Ярослава Мудрого, 25, тел.: (067) 165 80 21, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-6182-9267 Борзенко Александра Павловна,

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков, Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Ярослава Мудрого, 25, тел.: (067) 165 80 21, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-6182-9267


Abstract. The issues of distance learning in the system of continuous education have been presented in this article. The leading tendency in its development has been proved. The views of scholars on the different aspects of the distance education problem are described. It is made clear that the most researchers consider distance learning as an innovative educational product, and as the most effective means of ensuring continuing education, the content of which depends on the events occurring in society. It has been established that the generator of changes in the practice of distance education in the whole world became the United Kingdom Open University, which gave a high prestige to distance learning, and also encouraged the emergence of such universities in many, both developed industrial and developing countries. It is proved that the process of transition from industrial to informational society involves the introduction of the newest pedagogical technologies into the educational process of higher educational institu-

tions, provides opportunities for updating the content and methods of teaching, the ways of presenting educational information, the use of computer technologies with high power. The importance and necessity of purposeful realization of scientific, comparative-pedagogical analysis of foreign experience in organizing distance learning, which will stimulate the mobile introduction of world innovations into the national system of pedagogical education and increase the possibilities of its integration into the world of pedagogical space, is emphasized. It has been established that with the formation of socio-economic, scientific and personal preconditions, distance education has acquired its historical significance for a person and society, has found a corresponding embodiment in real reality, its development is closely intertwined with the development of social and economic relations.

Keywords: distance education, continuous education, Open University, computer technologies, information technologies.


Анотащя. Розглянуто питання щодо дистанцшного навчання в систе-Mi неперервно'1' осв^и, обгрунтовано та визначено провщш тенденцп його розвитку. Схарактеризовано погляди науковщв стосовно рiзних аспекпв проблеми дистанцшно!' осв^и. З'ясовано, що бшьшють дослвдниив роз-глядають дистанцшне навчання як iнновацiйний освiтнiй продукт та най-ефективнiший засiб забезпечення неперервно'1' осв^и, змiст якого залежить ввд подiй, що вiдбуваються в суспiльствi. Генератором змiн у практищ ди-станцiйноï освiти i престижу дистанцшного навчання, а також появи подiб-них ушверситепв у багатьох розвинених i крашах, що розвиваються, став Вiдкритий унiверситет Сполученого Королiвства. Доведено, що процес переходу вщ iндустрiального до iнформацiйного суспiльства передбачае запровадження у навчально-виховний процес вищих навчальних закладiв новiтнiх педагогiчних технологш, забезпечуе можливостi для оновлен-ня змюту й методiв навчання, способiв подання навчально'1' iнформацiï, використання комп'ютерних технологiй, якi мають великi потужносл. Наголошуеться на важливостi й необхщносп цiлеспрямованого здшс-нення наукового, порiвняльно-педагогiчного аналiзу зарубiжного досвiду щодо оргашзацп дистанцiйного навчання, яке стимулюватиме мобшьне запровадження свiтових iнновацiй у влчизняну систему педагогiчноï ос-вiти та збшьшуватиме можливостi ïï iнтеграцiï у свловий педагогiчний простiр. З формуванням соцiально-економiчних, наукових й особистiсних передумов, дистанцшна освiта набула свого вторичного значення для лю-дини й сусшльства, знайшла вiдповiдне втiлення в реальнш дiйсностi, ïï розвиток тюно переплiтаеться з розвитком суспiльних й економiчних вiд-носин.

Ключовi слова: дистанцшне навчання, неперервна освта, вiдкритий уш-верситет, комп'ютернi технологи, iнформацiйнi технологи.


Аннотация. Рассмотрены вопросы по дистанционному обучению в системе непрерывного образования, обоснованы и определены основные тенденции его развития. Охарактеризованы взгляды ученых по различным аспектам проблемы дистанционного образования. Выяснено, что большинство исследователей рассматривает дистанционное обучение как инновационный образовательный продукт и эффективное средство обеспечения непрерывного образования, содержание которого зависит от событий, происходящих в обществе. Генератором изменений в практике дистанционного образования и престижа дистанционного обучения, а также появления подобных университетов во многих развитых и странах, которые развиваются, стал Открытый университет Соединенного Королевства. Доказано, что процесс перехода от индустриального к информационному обществу предполагает введение в учебно-воспитательный процесс высших учебных заведений новейших педагогических технологий, обеспечивает возможности для обновления содержания и методов обучения, способов представления учебной информации, использование компьютерных технологий, которые имеют большие мощности. Отмечается важность и необходимость целенаправленного осуществления научного, сравнительно-педагогического анализа зарубежного опыта по организации дистанционного обучения, которое будет стимулировать мобильное введение мировых инноваций в отечественную систему педагогического образования и увеличивать возможности ее интеграции в мировое педагогическое пространство. С формированием социально-экономических, научных и личностных предпосылок дистанционное образование обозначило свое историческое значение для человека и общества, нашло соответствующее воплощение в реальной действительности, ее развитие тесно переплетается с развитием общественных и экономических отношений.

Ключевые слова: дистанционное обучение, непрерывное образование, открытый университет, компьютерные технологии, информационные технологии.

Target setting. Today, the need for continuous education is a natural phenomenon. The rapid development of technologies prompts changes. Continuous improvement is a feature of the professional life of a modern person.

Distance learning involves the use of advanced technical means. An important requirement for student learning is the organization of educational process in the system of continuous education in the information society, where the

methodological, theoretical, educational techniques are updated in educational process.

Analysis of basic research and publication. The problem development and application of distance learning technologies is wide. Studies of domestic and foreign scientists are diverse in nature, namely:

• study of general tendencies and perspectives development of distance learning in the system of continuous education. To this issue, were devoted the works of T. Andersona, V. Andru-shchenko, R. Harrisona, T. Desiatova, I. Ziaziuna, V. Kremenia, M. Moore, D. Taylor, J. Hess, B. Shunevycha and others. Scientists have established that the development of distance learning is divided into periods that coincide with the beginning of industrialization, informatization, society globalization, and also consists of different generations of media;

• use of information technology in the process of distance learning. The mentioned problem was dealt with by G. Ball, V. Bykov, B. Hershunskyi, J. Grimm, O. Dovhiallo, P. Klifford, M. Jacobsen etc. The researchers studied the impact of these technologies to improve the system of distance education, they found out that information technologies are gradually replacing traditional means and methods of transmission of educational materials and provide educational services of different nature in remote areas;

• use of media, information and communication technologies in distance learning. To this issue, devoted his studies such researches as C. Woodleya, R. Hurevych, S. Kozei, C. Meredith, G. Onkovych et al., who defined mo-

dern approaches to the educational process, focusing on the teacher's use of interactive technologies and networks, treating them as interactive interaction;

• definition of the computerization influence on psychological and pedagogical aspects of distance learning technologies. The mentioned problems were dealt with by M. Zhaldak, Ye. Heltyshcheva, J. McQuaid and others. The authors note that teachers have to understand how electronic materials online are perceived and also be aware about the dangerous aspects overuse of computer programs and emergence of addiction;

• study of the consequences of the use of virtual worlds. These issues are highlighted in the written works R. Vitsilaki, M. Castells, O. Kyvliuk, N. Tapsis etc., who disclosed the vir-tualization features within the educational environment of informational pedagogy and emphasized that virtual learning environment contributes to greater interaction between students in study and their joint work in distance and mixed learning;

• organization of independent work of students, determination of the ways to increase the efficiency of feedback of teachers with students. To these problems, were devoted the studies of C. Dobbyn, V. Kozakov, O. Mukoviz, F. Chetwynd and others. Specialists have established that the use of computer technologies forms the ability for independent cognitive activity, independent work is considered as a method of training in the field of distance education, feedback is mainly carried out in the form of written remarks.

The analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources shows that the issue of

determining the tendencies of distance learning in continuous education system was not specifically studied by scientists.

The purpose of the paper is to clarify the main tendency of distance learning development in the system of modern continuous education.

The statement of basic materials. Education in the modern world is a social and spiritual basis of human life. The development of society directly depends on the qualitative training of specialists, the level of their knowledge. Provision and formation of a high intellectual level of a person can be facilitated by distance education, which offers wide opportunities for obtaining educational services in an unlimited geographical area.

The distance education is increasingly being implemented globally also in Ukraine. By right, it can be considered an innovative educational product. It can be considered as one of the means of implementing the principle of promoting educational services among various categories of persons who have some restrictions in full-time education.

Distant education is the education of modern society; it is the organization of education throughout life. Today, distance learning has been seen as the most effective means of providing continuous learning.

Adult education and continuing vocational education are closely linked to human life. V. Andriushchenko, I. Ziaziun, V. Kremen confirm that "today the society needs a professionally mobile specialist capable of moving up the vertical steps in his field, and in parallel — from one branch to another.

The preparation of such specialist is an urgent problem of high school" [3].

The national strategy development of continuous education throughout life envisages providing support for young professionals after the completion of the institution of vocational education, improving the quality of educational services of the vocational education system, and creating and providing support to organizations providing educational services for the adult population [9, p. 71].

Consequently, every country tries to stimulate the development of its citizens and encourage them to participate in continuous education, since it is information and knowledge that is the basis of competitiveness and its economic growth.

At the present stage of development, the idea of continuous learning has become widespread throughout the world. In many countries of the world: the United Kingdom, Spain, Canada, Korea, Finland, France, Germany, Sweden, Japan, the concept of continuous education formally forms the basis of state policy in education. Similar processes take place in the countries of Eastern Europe — Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Slovakia [5, p. 42].

Realizing that virtually every sphere of life requires knowledge and high qualification, people begin to study or return to study, having already a certain basis. Confirmation of this thesis can be found in the "Action Plan on Adult Education and Continuous Learning in Quebec", Canada: "Globalization, competition and technology development require continuous education and training for adults in the workplace. In the modern socio-economic context,

every adult should be guaranteed regardless of their labor market situation, continuous learning support and support in their efforts to improve, as well as improve their knowledge on a general basis, so that they are aware of changes in technologies" [2, p. 15].

The idea of teaching a person throughout their life in all states and at all times remained relevant, never losing its vitality, thereby confirming the eternal desire of a man to know the world around them and at the same time change it. People who already have higher education continue to study. The scientist J. Heckman confirms that knowledge is the result of learning, and skills learned in childhood influence further learning and achievements [7, p. 1-34].

Another great German poet, play writer and thinker J. Goethe wrote: "Our predecessors could be content with the level of education they received in their youth. As for us, then we must start learning again every five years if we do not want to fall behind life".

The process of transition from industrial to information society at the end of the second half of the twentieth century envisaged introduction of the newest pedagogical technologies into educational process of higher educational institutions, provided opportunities for updating the content and methods of teaching, ways of submitting educational information.

During this time, in the educational systems of many countries in the world, the significant structural changes have happened, due to the significant influence of scientific and technological progress on the vital activity of the society.

Every worker begins to need the higher education necessary for the survival of the mankind.

A well-known Polish scientist B. Su-chodolski emphasizes that "the speed of technological change imposes the obligation on every employee to continuously update their basic training ... " [13, p. 61].

It should be noted that one of the progressive forms of education that provided a system of training and continuous support at the high qualification level of specialists was distance education, which corresponds to the principles of innovative development of the society in interests of every person.

The global tendency of transition to non-traditional forms of education can be traced also in the growth of the number of universities that are training on these technologies. The long-term goal of developing distance learning in the world is to enable every student who is studying anywhere to do a course in any educational institution. This involves moving from limited concept of physical movement of students from country to country to the concept of mobile ideas, knowledge and learning to share knowledge through the exchange of educational resources. Global distribution of communication channels ensured the fulfillment of this task [6, p. 26].

Leading domestic and foreign scientists (B. Bykov, C. Woodleya, G. Gaskell, T. Desiatov, C. Dobbyn, M. Zhal-dak, H. Kozlakova, V. Kukharenko, V. Kusherets, C. Meredith, V. Oliinyk, J. Richardson, G. Wilmot, B. Holmberg, F. Chetwynd, B. Shunevych, etc.) have contributed to scientific works on the development of distance learning.

Investigation by researchers has identified the place of distance education as an educational technology in the context of continuous education, which appeared, on the one hand, as the response of educational systems to the objective tendencies of globalization and informatization, the growth of the dynamics of socio-economic development, and on the other hand — as a reaction to the rapid development of information and communication technologies and the possibility of their application in educational practice. Therefore, the formation and development of distance education is closely intertwined with the development of social and economic relations.

American researchers G. Wilmott, B. Holmberg have emphasized that traditional and distance education can not be opposed, because, despite the different methods used, the essence of the educational process remains unchanged [8, p. 114-122].

Distance learning is not the invention of the twentieth century. This idea has more than two hundred years history and coincides with the intensive development of mail, which allowed sending of educational materials (correspondence training).

In the process of study, it was found out that correspondence education originated in Europe earlier than in North America [12]. This means that the industrialization of society in Europe from the point of view of the theory of industrialization of teaching provisions by O. Petersa [10, p. 19-34] began earlier than in the countries of North America.

"If you are going to implement an industrialized form of education",

O. Peters warns, "you must be prepared to live with problems that the industrialization of education brings" [10, p. 19-34].

To launch the Open University of the United Kingdom, which offered full programs for university degrees, courses and the use of innovative methods, new technical means of training, has led to changes in practice of distance education throughout the world. The Open University has given high prestige to distance learning and encouraged the emergence of similar universities in developed industrialized countries such as Canada, Germany, Japan, as well as in the developing countries.

Throughout the history of the distance education development in Europe, the spread of its scale was observed; mainly "open universities", which constantly used new technical means. Audio recordings were used to teach the blind, as well as to teach foreign languages all classes of students. Laboratory complexes were used for teaching such subjects as electronics and radio engineering.

In the United States, distance education arose on the basis of television education. In the early 30s, the University of Iowa, Purdue University, College of Kansas began experimental television programs that became accredited only in the 1950s. The Western Reserve University was the first to conduct a series of television courses.

The rapid dissemination of educational television contributed to the satellite technology, which appeared in the 60's years of the twentieth century. Funding in the United States and Canada at the federal level experiments such as the Appalachian Educa-

tion Satellite Project demonstrated the possibility of teaching through satellite television. The first state-of-the-art learning system Learn/Alaska was created in 1980. Twenty-four-hours it broadcasted a non-riding educational program, and a privately owned company the Texas-based TI-IN Network, now transmits various courses for high school students in the United States through the satellite.

The emergence of fiber optic communication systems in the late 80's and early 90's has made it possible to significantly expand the use of high-quality audio and video systems for two-way communication in education. Today, the communication system provides dual-channel interactive video, Internet services, as well as the basis for computer telecommunication and asynchronous Internet programs offered to distance students.

Speaking about the distance education, one should keep in mind the creation of single information and educational space for the educational process, where to introduce various electronic sources of information (network): virtual libraries, databases, consulting services, electronic schoolbooks, and cyberclasses. The main thing in the organization of distance learning is the creation of electronic courses, the development of didactic foundations of distance learning, the training of coordinators (tutors) [6, p. 30].

The possibilities of distance learning are rapidly increasing due to communication with computers. Tens of thousands networks are connected to the Internet, and millions of people around the world are using the Global Network [1].

Computer networks are the great way to deliver course materials to students who are in any part of the globe. The teacher organizes the course, selects the educational material, recommends the literature, and gives a task. Students perform tasks and participate in discussions, tests and conferences online.

It is believed that with the formation of socio-economic, educological (belonging to the development of education), scientific and personal prerequisites, distance education has acquired its historical significance for man and society and has found appropriate implementation in real life [5, p. 41].

The implementation of distance learning process in higher education, advanced training and postgraduate education, the implementation of distance learning programs is the training basis of potential specialists, the retraining of working professionals, parttime or unemployed women, ethnic minority workers, and jobless people, physically disadvantaged individuals whose qualification level is inadequate or should be improved.

Important in improving the national educational system in Ukraine is the implementation of scientific, comparative and pedagogical analysis of foreign experience in the organization of distance education that will stimulate the mobile introduction of world innovations into the domestic system of pedagogical education and increase the possibilities of integration into the world of pedagogical space. So, an important source of information for the development of distance education in Ukraine is the world experience.

Speaking about the comparative analysis, it should be noted that even

Plato used the method of comparative analysis to characterize the features of the Spartan and Athenian educational systems [4, p. 31-43]. In Renaissance and Reformation times education becomes a matter of "international" interest. There is a mutual interest of the representatives of different countries in teaching experience, needs for its comparison with the domestic one; there is an exchange of "personal educational visits". With such visits in the middle of the seventeenth century Ya. Komenskyi traveled several European countries (England, Sweden, Lithuania, Poland), to propagandize ideas of general education, advanced methods of studying Latin, the basis of a classroom education system, etc. It was Ya. Komenskyi in the article "The Way of Light", and then in the fundamental seven volume treatise "General advice on the correction of human cases" who has substantiated the provisions on the creativeness of international cooperation and mutual assistance in the educational sphere [11, p. 7].

Today, one of the leading providers of online courses in Europe is the British Open University, German Open University (Fern Universitat of Germany), the University of Twente (Netherlands), the Oslo Institute (NKI Nettskolen), they specialize in computer and information technologies, distant courses are not dependent on time and space in the system providing administrative, social, educational goals. They offer hundreds online distance courses. Distance learning is also developing successfully in Australia, Canada, where need is dictated by local specifics: large, low-population and inaccessible areas.

Great progress in development of distance education is made by the countries of other regions of the world. Examples of mega universities include: Chinese Teleuniversities, Indira Gandhi National Open University, South African University, Sukhothai Tampa-riat Open University, and University of Anadolu.

It should be noted that the American Open University, the New Nova Southeastern University and the University of Phoenix are the leaders in distance education.

The process of informatization of society is one of the most significant global processes at present. None of the spheres of modern life was left beyond the influence of information technology. According to S. Sysoieva, the information society produces a large amount of diverse information that comes to a person from sources of different degrees of reliability, and therefore search, critical assessment, structuring, work with information is the strategic knowledge that each person must have for orientation in space of information and creating their own ideas about the surrounding world [14, p. 121-127]. In the last decade, distant education in the world has experienced rapid development and radical change.


Thus, the formation of distance learning is a natural process of development of a higher education system that has developed from the early form distance learning (correspondent training) to modern (learning through information and communication technologies), which took place in parallel with the transformation of the society into information, post-industrial, with

development of continuous education. Throughout the whole life, the concept learning was shaped by the influence of environmental factors on the basis of experience gained in the development of education systems and is an example of dialectical transition to a qualitatively new stage in development of education systems — continuous education.

Conclusions. The leading tendency in the development of distance learning in the system of continuous education can be attributed to: globalization, competition and constant development of technologies; significant influence of scientific and technological progress on the vital activity of the society; innovative development of the society in the interests of every person; the transition from a limited concept of physical transfer students from country to country to concepts of mobile ideas, knowledge and learning; global distribution of communication channels; rapid development of information and communication technologies and wide possibilities of their application in educational practice; creation of a single information and educational space for the organization of educational process; development of didactic fundamentals of distance learning; special training of coordinator teachers and some others.

Perspective directions of further scientific researches of this problem are: development of modern forms, methods, technical means of distance education; definition of the essence and the study of the possibilities of using information, computer, media technologies in distance learning programs, courses; analysis and systematization of the views of scientists, analysts, and educa-

tors; comparison of domestic and foreign technologies of distance learning.


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