DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-1-144-149
Reserve capacities of cardiorespiratory system are the key to high sport
achievements in cyclic sports
Yuriy S. Vanyushin'*, Dmitriy E. Elistratov2, Naylya F. Ishmukhametova2
'Volga region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism
Kazan, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-2667-6124, [email protected]* 2Kazan State Agrarian University Kazan, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-9018-1989, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4256-4368, [email protected]
Abstract: Cardiorespiratory system is one of the few functional systems, the activity of which is directed toward oxygen provision. Its role becomes especially important for the athletes. They are involved into endurance based kinds of sport. That is why the most significant condition for high sport results achievement in cyclic kinds of sport is to know the mechanisms, which provide organism of athletes with oxygen. The aim of the research is to study the parameters of cardiorespiratory system as an important instrument for expedient individual approach revelation during physical loads planning in cyclic kinds of sport. Materials. The respondents were athletes within the age range 15-60 years old. They were involved into endurance based kinds of sport. Depending on the age 4 groups were formed. Research methods. The model of physical load was work on a bicycle ergometer of the increasing power, during which the indices of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems were determined. Results. The results of the research showed that the mechanisms that provide the athletes' body with oxygen are influenced by the age of the respondents. The values of external respiration are typical for 15-16 year-old athletes-teenagers and 36-60 year-old athletes-veterans, blood circulation indices for young 17-21 year-old athletes, and for highly qualified 22-35 year-old athletes, indices related to the gas exchange function of the cardiorespiratory system. Conclusion. Thus, during the training process, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of these indices. They influence oxygen provision in the athletes' body.
Keywords: cardiorespiratory system, physical load of the increasing capacity, reserve capacities, blood circulation, respiration.
For citation: Yuriy S. Vanyushin*, Dmitriy E. Elistratov, Naylya F. Ishmukhametova. Reserve capacities of cardiorespiratory system are the key to high sport achievements in cyclic sports. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(1): 118-122. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-1-144-149
Cardiorespiratory system appearance, one of the most important functional systems, became the result of a difficult and a long-term physiological process of cardiovascular and respiratory systems study [1, 8]. It is actively studied during recent years in terms of different exogenous and endogenous factors [5, 6, 11, 14]. Cardiorespiratory system, as the results of many research works showed, is developed during constant ontogenesis and endurance based sports mastering [2, 3, 4]. The effectiveness of cardiorespiratory system manly conditions sport achievements in cyclic kinds of sport. There an adequate athletes' organism provision with oxygen is important [15].
The aim of the research was to study the parameters of cardiorespiratory system as an important instrument for expedient individual approach revelation during physical loads planning in cyclic kinds of sport.
Materials and methods
The respondents were athletes, who were involved into endurance based kinds of sport. 4 groups were formed. The first group included athletes-teenagers at the age of 15-16, the 2nd group included young athletes at the age of 17-21, the 3rd group included adult athletes at the age of 22-35 and the 4th group included athletes-veterans at the age of 36-60. We defined the indices of cardiovascular
system during the research among all respondents. These indices included the following: stroke volume and minute blood volume (SV, MBV). They are calculated according to differentiated rheogram [2, 12]. The indices of respiratory system: frequency of respiration (FR), respiration volume (RV), minute respiration volume (MRV) were defined with the help of pneumotography. Index of blood circulation (IB), cardiac index (CI), the coefficient of oxygen use (COU2) and arteriovenous difference according to oxygen (AVDO2) were calculated with the help of generally adopted formulae [9]. The respondents fulfilled the load at a bicycle ergometer. The load was gradually increasing from 50 to 200 W, during this process all mentioned above indices of heart and respiration activity were defined.
Results and discussion
Cardiorespiratory system is an important mechanism of adaptation [7, 8]. Its reaction to physical load can show functional state and reserve capacities of athletes' organism [3, 4]. That is why
studying and analysis of this system activity is one of the parts of an individual approach during athletes' educational-training process planning.
High values of some parameters of cardiorespiratory system are considered the sign of the ability to form adaptive response on environment influence (in the present research- physical loads). However insignificant increase of all elements of this system gives its positive characteristics. High values of external respiration, in particular minute respiration volume (MRV), show inability of cardiovascular system to react adequately to considerable physical loads. In our research works it was demonstrated in the groups of athletes. They are involved into endurance based kinds of sport, at the age of 15-16 and 36-60. Such a reaction of respiration proves minimal functional capacities of heart and gas exchange function. However, in the group of 15-16 year-old teenagers it was achieved owing to frequency of respiration (FR) increase, in the groups of 36-60 year-old athletes it was achieved owing to respiration volume (RV) increase (table 1).
Table 1
External respiration indices (FR, br/min; RV, ml; MRV, l/min) in the groups of teenagers (1), young men (2) and adult athletes (3, 4) during the increasing power load
Conditions of indices registration Indices Grou ns of athletes
1 2 3 4
initial state FR 18,09±1,29 17,03±0,60 15,11±0,49 13,76±0,67'"
RV 0,56±0,05 0,61±0,03 0,64±0,04 0,76±0,04"
MRV 9,73±0,81 10,24±0,40 9,59±0,61 10,15±0,47
50 W FR 22,80±1,83 20,81±0,87 19,05±0,83 19,43±0,50
RV 1,17±0,08 1,12±0,04 1,24±0,04 1,41±0,05'"
MRV 25,76±1,74 22,85±0,87 23,41±1,00 27,25±1,01"
100 W FR 26,08±2,03 22,36±0,98 20,03±0,76* 19,04±1,18'x
RV 1,58±0,09 1,56±0,06 1,67±0,05 1,93±0,07'"
MRV 40,35±3,04 33,11±1,27+ 33,50±1,44* 37,87±0,89"
150 W FR 30,19±1,78 25,00±0,94+ 21,47±1,00*° 23,83±0,89'
RV 1,84±0,11 1,88±0,08 2,20±0,09*° 2,42±0,12x
MRV 54,15±3,21 45,96±1,28+ 46,49±1,6o* 56,55±2,15"
200 W FR 33,00±2,28 27,46±0,85+ 24,35±1,13*° 27,78±1,08a^
RV 2,14±0,12 2,20±0,08 2,48±0,09*° 2,76±0,12x
MRV 68,57±3,84 59,34±1,48+ 59,55±1,79* 75,65±3,26"
differences between groups 1 and 3; A - statistical validity of differences between groups land 4; ° - statistical validity of differences between groups 2 and 3; x - statistical validity of differences between groups 2 and 4; • - statistical validity of differences between groups 3 and 4
In both cases such a reaction shows the importance of respiratory system during cyclic character loads fulfillment by the athletes of this age. That is why in order to achieve high results in endurance based kinds of sport among 15-16 year-old and 36-60 year-old athletes, it is necessary to develop external respiration function by means of the training lessons directed toward aerobic abilities development, using level and alternating methods of sport training. Control over this function is reasonable to realize with the help of vital capacity (VC) determination, using dry portable spirometer during the definite days of educational-training
process. It is better to do it when there are days of insignificant physical loads, during rehabilitation or supporting training lessons.
Among 17-21 year-old athletes the most significant indices turned out to be the following: index of blood circulation (IB) and cardiac index (CI), the increase of which was in case of stroke volume and minute blood volume (SV and MBV) increase during the increasing power load fulfillment by the athletes at a bicycle ergometer (table 2). In some cases during maximal physical tension athletes' cardiac output was 40-45 l/min [10].
Table 2
Central hemodynamics indices (HR, beats/min; SV, ml; MBV, l/min; IB, ml/kg; CI, ml/min/m2) in the groups of teenagers (1), young men (2) and adult athletes (3, 4) during the increasing power load
Conditions of indices registration Indices Groii ps of athletes
1 2 3 4
initial state HR 77,50±4,62 62,19±2,13+ 65,28±2,18* 65,41±2,06a
SV 62,54±3,54 79,36±2,21+ 82,27±3,20* 79,31±2,51"
MBV 4,76±0,27 4,94±023 5,28±0,18 5,22±0,26
IB 90,14±7,31 74,50±3,42 72,97±2,38* 75,36±4,59
CI 3,00±0,21 2,77±0,12 2,77±0,08 2,83±0,14
50 W HR 104,61±5,20 90,41±2,08+ 85,64±2,08* 87,22±1,74"
SV 81,08±3,43 106,01±3,81+ 115,97±3,67 101,60±3,94^"
MBV 8,45±0,51 9,61±0,48 9,94±0,43" 8,87±0,41
IB 159,77±12,36 148,07±7,96 137,67±6,14 128,76±7,45a
CI 5,33±0,37 5,40±0,28 5,23±0,22 4,85±0,25
100 W HR 133,12±6,04 108,76±1,94+ 103,85±1,70* 104,15±2,03"
SV 80,06±3,44 122,81±3,68+ 131,41±4,16* 117,97±3,64^a
MBV 10,52±0,40 13,31±0,37+ 13,59±0,38* 12,22±0,41"
IB 197,93±11,98 203,80±5,72 187,87±7,01 176,66±6,91x
CI 6,63±0,347 7,45±0,21 7,14±0,24 6,68±0,23
150 W HR 161,24^6,25 130,50±2,39+ 123,72±2,18*° 125,20±2,39'
SV 77,84±4,61 129,85±3,31+ 141,71±4,94° 130,81±4,46'
MBV 12,34±0,56 16,91±0,43+ 17,43±0,55* 16,27±0,46"
IB 231,01±13,81 260,04±7,91 242,37±10,67 232,47±6,17x
CI 7,75±0,41 9,46±0,25+ 9,23±0,34* 8,84±0,21"
200 W HR 178,12±6,97 150,45±3,01+ 142,44±2,83*° 147,33±2,68'
SV 73,31±5,46 136,30±4,44+ 141,90±4,20 129,51±5,54"
MBV 12,91±0,88 20,39±0,47+ 20,04±0,58* 18,94±0,68"
IB 233,69±17,83 312,49±7,19+ 278,18±9,81° 267,96±7,12x
CI 7,95±0,58 11,42±0,24+ 10,57±0,33"" 10,17±0,29*
For highly-qualified athletes at the age of 22-35 the indices connected with gas exchange are extremely important - the coefficient of oxygen use (COU2) and arteriovenous difference according to oxygen (AVDO2) (table 3).The increase of these
indices proves gas exchange function inclusion. It is the most reasonable during oxygen provision. In this connection in order to achieve high sport results in cyclic kinds of sport, connected with endurance formation, it is necessary to develop
the ability of an organism to increase the following parameters of heart activity: SV, MBV and gas exchanging function. It can be achieved owing to interval and repetitive methods of training use in the training process, as they provide cardiac muscle growth. It has a positive influence on sport results
in endurance based kinds of sport. The control over these indices increase is necessary to realize in laboratory environment with the help of testing loads and reaction of cardiovascular and respiratory systems during complex examination of athletes.
Table 3
Gas exchange indices (COU2 ml/l; AVD02 ml) in the groups of teenagers (1), young men (2) and adult
athletes (3, 4) during the increasing power load
Conditions of indices registration Indices Groui ps of athletes
1 2 3 4
Initial state COU2 21,35±1,97 22,73±0,81 23,71±1,14 22,44±0,60
AVDO 2 44,28±5,58 48,22±2,68 42,09±2,26 44,68±2,31
50 W COU2 28,51±1,86 34,31±1,37 34,86±1,03 32,44±0,80
AVDO 2 89,03±8,31 86,94±7,28 83,15±4,21 101,49±5,38-
100 W COU2 33,39±2,02 39,45±1,43+ 39,85±1,30* 38,18±0,93'
AVDO 2 126,51±9,95 101,37±4,90+ 99,43±5,30* 120,72±4,36"
150 W COU2 36,35±2,56 43,31±1,28+ 43,36±1,20* 39,89±1,03"
AVDO 2 158,25±11,32 118,21±5,46+ 116,05±5,30* 137,54±6,49"
200 W COU2 40,82±1,64 44,30±1,00 47,64±1,17™ 40,37±1,21"
AVDO 2 219,14±11,87 130,96±6,35+ 143,12±5,98* 161,86±7,08'"
Thus, during cardiorespiratory system indices study as an important instrument for an individual approach revelation during physical loads planning in cyclic kinds of sport, which develop endurance, it is necessary to take into consideration cardiovascular and respiratory systems indices. These indices include the following: minute respiration volume, index of blood circulation, cardiac index, the coefficient of oxygen use and arteriovenous difference according to oxygen. These indices can be considered the effectiveness criteria of reserve capacities of athletes' cardiorespiratory system in endurance based kinds of sport and the factor of sports training process optimization [11,
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Submitted: 01.01.2022 Author's information:
Yuriy S. Vanyushin - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, 420010, Russia, Kazan, Universiade village, House 35, e-mail: [email protected]
Dmitriy E. Elistratov - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Kazan State Agrarian University, 420015, Russia, Kazan, Karl Marks str., House 65, e-mail: [email protected] Naylya F. Ishmukhametova - Senior Lecturer, Kazan State Agrarian University, 420015, Russia, Kazan, Karl Marks str., House 65, e-mail: [email protected]