Научная статья на тему 'Typological peculiarities of blood circulation influence on athletes’ cardiorespiratory system indices in terms of increasing power load'

Typological peculiarities of blood circulation influence on athletes’ cardiorespiratory system indices in terms of increasing power load Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Fedorov N. A., Vanyushin Y. S., Elistratov D. E.

It is stated that the types of blood circulation influence the reaction of an organism during physical loads. At the same time, there are contradictory opinions concerning the cardiovascular system dependency on the peculiarities of blood circulation during physical load. The aim of the work is cardiorespiratory system indices determination among the athletes in terms of increasing power load depending on typological peculiarities of blood circulation. Materials. 105 men at the age of 18-35 took part in the experiment. According to HI (heart index) value athletes were divided into the groups according to the type of blood circulation. Research methods: In order to reveal CSV (cardiac stroke volume) differentiated rheogram was recorded. In order to define the indices of external respiration we used pneumotachograph; V.Kubicheka physiological estimation of cardiorespiratory system state, mathematical research results handling. Results. It was revealed that hypokinetic type of blood circulation (HTB) is more efficient in case of the highest inotropic hear function. It is considered as the most effective mechanism of urgent MBV (minute blood volume) adaptation to a load. Threshold of an adequate hemodynamic reaction in the groups of athletes is conditioned by typological peculiarities of blood circulation. The value of MRV (minute respiration volume) in different groups was achieved by different combination of RR (respiratory rate) and RC (respiratory capacity) indices. Conclusion. It is stated that the types of cardiorespiratory system adaptation are influenced by typological peculiarities of blood circulation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Typological peculiarities of blood circulation influence on athletes’ cardiorespiratory system indices in terms of increasing power load»

2017. Diagnostics of Functional State and Reserve Capacity of young Athletes' Organism. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences

Submitted: 07.08.2018

Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus).

Author's information:

Petrov R.E. — Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Yelabuga Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Kazan (Privolzhskiy) Federal University", 423604, Russia, Yelabuga, 10 Years of Tatarstan Str., House 24b/5, e-mail: [email protected]

Mutaeva I.S. - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor, Naberezhnye Chelny College (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Povolzhskaya State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism", 423807, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Batenchuk Str., House 21, e-mail: [email protected]

Ionov A.A. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Naberezhnye Chelny College (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Povolzhskaya State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism", 423807, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Batenchuk Str., House 21, e-mail: [email protected]

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-199-206



Fedorov N.A.1, Vanyushin Y.S.1, Elistratov D.E.1

1 Federal State Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Kazan State Agrarian


Russia, Kazan, nik-f-84@,mail.ru, [email protected]

Annotation. It is stated that the types of blood circulation influence the reaction of an organism during physical loads. At the same time, there are contradictory opinions concerning the cardiovascular system dependency on the peculiarities of blood circulation during physical load. The aim of the work is cardiorespiratory system indices determination among the athletes in terms of increasing power load depending on typological peculiarities of blood circulation. Materials. 105 men at the age of 18-35 took part in the experiment. According to HI (heart index) value athletes were divided into the groups according to the type of blood circulation. Research methods: In order to reveal CSV (cardiac stroke volume) differentiated rheogram was recorded. In order to define the indices of external respiration we used pneumotachograph; V.Kubichek- a physiological estimation of cardiorespiratory system state, mathematical research results handling. Results. It was revealed that hypokinetic type of blood circulation (HTB) is more efficient in case of the highest inotropic hear function. It is considered as the most effective mechanism of urgent MBV (minute blood volume) adaptation to a load. Threshold of an adequate hemodynamic reaction in the groups of athletes is conditioned by typological peculiarities of blood circulation. The value of MRV (minute respiration volume) in different groups was achieved by different combination of RR (respiratory rate) and RC (respiratory capacity) indices. Conclusion. It is stated that the types of

cardiorespiratory system adaptation are influenced by typological peculiarities of blood circulation.

Ключевые слова: cardiorespiratory system, types of blood circulation, physical load, athletes, reaction

For citations: Fedorov N.A., Vanyushin Yu.S., Elistratov D.E. The influence of typological peculiarities of blood circulation on cardiorespiratory system indices of athletes in terms of increasing power load. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports). 2018; 13(3): 147153. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-199-206.


Typological peculiarities of blood circulation study in healthy population led the scientists to a new point of view concerning cardio-vascular system study [3, 7]. According to the results of works [4] authors define three types of blood circulation: hypokinetic type of blood circulation (HTB), eukinetic type of blood circulation (ETB), hyperkinetic type of blood drculation (HrTB). The base for such kind of division forms heart index (HI). This index is considered to be the main in the characteristics of blood circulation. HTB is characterized by a low HI. In case of HrTB the highest values of HI are determined. In case of the average values of HI the type of blood circulation was called eukinetic. It was stated that the types of blood circulation, defined in terms of relative rest, are able to influence the reaction of an organism in case of physical load [2]. Nevertheless, specialists express contradictory opinions concerning the dependence of reserve capacities, tolerance and efficiency of cardiovascular system activity on the type of blood circulation.

The aim of this research work was the athletes' cardiorespiratory system indices determination in terms of increasing power load, depending on typological peculiarities of blood circulation.


The choice of methodological techniques and the volume of the research were conditioned by the aim and the objectives of the work. The research work was held in the laboratory of functional diagnostics of "Physical upbringing" department of Kazan State Agrarian University. 105 men at the age of 18-35 took part in the experiment.

According to HI volume athletes were divided into 3 groups according to the types

of blood circulation: hypokinetic type of blood circulation (HTB)- with a high HI value, eukinetic type of blood circulation (ETB) - with the average HI value, hyperkinetic type of blood circulation (HrTB)- with a low HI index. Heart index was calculated according to the following formula: HI= MBV / S, where

HI - heart index,

MBV - minute blood volume, l;

S - body surface area, m2.

Physiological estimation of cardiorespiratory system state was held on the basis of the following indices analysis:

HR - heart rate, beats/min;

CSV - cardiac stroke volume, ml;

MBV - minute blood volume, l/min;

RR - respiratory rate (resp./min);

RC - respiratory capacity (ml, BTPS);

MRV - minute respiration volume (l/min, BTPS).

For CSV revelation differentiated rheogram according to V. Kubechik (1974), in modification of Y.T. Pushkar with the authors (1980).

Minute blood volume was calculated as the product of CSV into HR.

For the indices of external respiration determination we used pneumotachograph.

Statistical results handling was held in accordance with generally adopted methods of variative statistics [1,2,6]. For validity of differences estimation standard values of Student criterion were used.


In the groups of athletes we revealed three types of blood circulation: HTB, ETB,

HrTB. Most athletes belong to HTB type, 18 had HrTB type of blood circulation. In the opinion of the most authors, who study the types of blood circulation in terms of HrTB heart works in the less efficient regimen and the range of compensatory abilities of this type is restricted. HTB is the most efficient type and cardiovascular system in this case has greater dynamic range. The received results of heart pumping function (table 1) prove different contribution into the value of cardiac output of CSV and HR indices among the athletes with different typological peculiarities of blood circulation in case of increasing power load. At the same time, inotropic heart function was higher in the group of athletes with HTB. It can be considered as the most effective mechanism of urgent MBV adaptation to the load. Among the representatives of HrTB and ETB MBV increase was owing to heart rate frequency. Chronotropic mechanism of cardiac output increase in the group of athletes with HrTB was seen starting from 50 W load, in the group of athletes with ETB starting from 100 W. In case of HrTB adaptation to physical load happens owing to inotropic and chronotropic function of myocardium without Frank-Starling mechanism use. Speaking about HTB, during the physical load Frank-Starling mechanism starts to work, which shows more efficient character of adaptation. F.G. Uglov and other authors (1982) defined the threshold of an adequate hemodynamic reaction, during which CSV increase stops. This threshold in case of 150 W loads was achieved by the athletes with HTB, athletes with ETB in case 100 W load, athletes with HrTB in terms of 50 W load. MRV indices in groups of athletes with hypokinetic, eukinetic, hyperkinetic peculiarities of blood circulation in terms of increasing power load were the same at all levels of work at cycle ergometer, independent of the type of blood circulation (table 2). However the value of MRV in different groups of respondents was achieved using different combination of RR and RC indices. In the groups of athletes with ETB and HTB there was infrequent respiration,

which was compensated by high RC indices, which shows efficient activity of external respiration apparatus. In the group of athletes with HrTB at all stages of the load there was more intensive breathing with low RC indices.

All types of cardiorespiratory system adaptation are presented in the group of athletes with hypokinetic peculiarity of blood circulation, in the group of athletes with eukinetic peculiarity of blood circulation there is no respiratory type of cardiorespiratory system adaptation, in the group of athletes with hyperkinetic peculiarity of blood circulation there is no respiratory and inotropic-respiratory types of

cardiorespiratory system adaptation.

With the power of the fulfilled work increase at bicycle ergometer differences in HR indices between the groups of athletes with different typological peculiarities of blood circulation level up. However, such kind of differences in HR values stay between the groups of athletes, which present different types of cardiorespiratory system adaptation. Thus, the type of adaptation influences HR indices independent of power of the fulfilled load. It can be explained by the fact that typological peculiarities of blood circulation are defined at the state of rest and the types of cardiorespiratory system adaptation are defined in case of physical load. That is why such kind of changes take place in HR indices during the increasing power load fulfillment at bicycle ergometer.

Valid differences in CSV indices between the groups of athletes with hyper-, eu- and hypokinetic peculiarities of blood circulation were demonstrated in case of inotropic type of adaptation and in terms of 50, 100 and 200 W loads. The highest CSV indices were in case of inotropic type of cardiorespiratory system adaptation in comparison with other types of adaptation. The exception was the group of athletes with inotropic-respiratory type of adaptation, when in terms of 100, 150 and 200 W loads there were relatively high indices of CSV. It proves the expediency of dividing athletes into the types of cardiorespiratory system adaptation.

THE RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT (Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and

Sports), Volume 13 No.3 2018 ISSN 2070 4798

Heart activity indices in groups of athletes with different types of blood circulation in case of increasing power load

Table 1

Conditions Groups of athletes

of indices HrTB ETB HTB

record N=18 N=36 n=51


Initial state 78.53± 76.39± 6.64± 68.69± 82.81± 5.68± 62.24± 73.16± 4.48±

2.27 2.62 0.14 1.38* 1.88* 0.08* 1.36+A 1.42A 0.07+A

50 W 105.09± 106.03± 11.05± 95.45± 110.39± 10.46± 88.24± 99.95± 8.77±

2.15 4.97 0.48 1.71* 3.51 0.32 1.59+A 2.32A 0.23+A

100 W 121.94± 111.34± 13.46± 115.65± 123.51± 14.11± 107.49± 118.21±2.4 12.64±

2.47 5.01 0.50 2.14 3.57* 0.31 1.26+A 9 0.25A

150 W 147.14± 114.14± 16.70± 136.06± 126.29± 16.96± 128.16± 128.20±2.9 16.29±

2.92 4.61 0.56 2.59* 3.75* 0.39 1.56+A 6+ 0.31

200 W 168.04± 110.73± 18.34± 157.73± 125.47± 19.48± 150.47± 130.22±3.1 19.40±

2.83 6.55 0.84 2.71* 3.93 0.40 1.86+A 0+ 0.37

Note. * - statistical validity of differences between the indices of the groups of athletes, who belong to HrTB and ETB; + - statistical validity of differences between the indices of the groups of athletes, who belong to HrTB and HTB; A - statistical validity of differences between the indices of groups of athletes, who belong to ETB and HTB; ----------threshold of an adequate hemodynamic reaction.

THE RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT (Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and

Sports), Volume 13 No.3 2018 ISSN 2070 4798

Table 2

Respiration indices in groups of athletes with different types of blood circulation in terms of increasing power load

Conditions of Groups of athletes

indices HrTB ETB HTB

recording n=18 n=36 n=51


Initial state 17.54±0. 0.64± 10.60± 15.40±0. 0.76± 11.14± 15.14±0. 0,67± 9.52±

89 0.05 0.60 70 0.05 0.56 44+ 0.03 0.35

50 W 22.50±1. 1.18± 25.80± 19.30±0. 1.34± 25.50± 19.40±0. 1.35± 25.25±

07 0.06 1.15 72* 0.05 0.70 62+ 0.06+ 1.60

100 W 22.90±1. 1.61±0.08 35.24± 19.90±0. 1.79± 35.92± 20.42±0. 1.80± 35.34±

20 1.24 64* 0.05* 0.98 83 0.06 0.98

150 W 27.90±1. 1.85± 48.98± 22.56±0. 2.24± 50.24± 23.90±0. 2.14± 49.12±

65 0.11 1.90 72* 0.07* 1.44 70+ 0.07 1.39

200 W 30.50±1. 2.15± 65.00± 26.05±0. 2.52± 65.17± 27.03±0. 2.57± 67.63±

43 0.10 2.14 89* 0.08* 1.90 77+ 0.09+ 1.84

Notes. * - statistical validity between the indices of groups of athletes, who belong HrTB and ETB

+ - statistical validity of differences between the indices of groups of athletes, who belong to HrTB and HTB;


1. Three types of blood circulation are revealed in the groups of athletes: hypokinetic, hyperkinetic and eukinetic. At the same time the bigger part of athletes belong to hypokinetic type of blood circulation.

2. Threshold of an adequate hemodynamic reaction in the groups of athletes with hyperkinetic peculiarity of blood circulation is 50 W, in the group of athletes with eukinetic peculiarity of blood circulation - 100 W, in the group of athletes with hypokinetic peculiarity of blood circulation -150 W.

3. In case of the increasing power physical load among athletes with eukinetic and hypokinetic types of blood circulation MRV increase happens owing to high indices of RC. In the group of athletes with hyperkinetic peculiarity blood circulation there is more frequent respiration with low RC indices.

4. Athletes with hypokinetic peculiarity of blood circulation in case of physical load of the increasing power have the following types of cardiorespiratory system adaptation: inotropic, chronotropic-respiratory. Athletes with eukinetic peculiarity of blood circulation in case of increasing power physical load have the following types of cardiorespiratory system adaptation: inotropic, chronotropic, inotropic-respiratory, chronotropic-respiratory. Athletes with hyperkinetic peculiarity of blood circulation in case of increasing power physical load have the following types of

Submitted: 11.09.2018

cardiorespiratory system adaptation: inotropic, chronotropic-respiratory.


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III. P.101-102.

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9. Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Kuznetsova Z., 2017. Diagnostics of Functional State and Reserve Capacity of young Athletes' Organism. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus).

Author's information:

Fedorov N.A. - Candidate of Biological Sciences, FGBOU VO "Kazan State Agrarian University", 422570, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Verkhneuslonsky district, p. Upper Uslon, Olympic, the house 19 square meters. 2, e-mail: nik-f-84@,mail.ru

Vanyushin Y.S. - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, FGBOU VO "Kazan State Agrarian University", 420133, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, ul. Yamasheva, house 98 sq. M. 93, e-mail:[email protected]

Elistratov D.E.- Candidate of Biological Sciences, FGBOU VO "Kazan State Agrarian University", 422570, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Verkhneuslonsky district, p. Upper Uslon, Dalnaya, house 31 square meters. 21, e-mail: [email protected]

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-207-213



Sheveleva E.S.1, Panteleeva N.I.1, Roshchevskaya I.M.1'2

1 Federal State Budgetary Science Establishment Federal Research Center "Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences ", Syktyvkar (FRC Komi SC UrD RAS) 2Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education «Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin» Syktyvkar, the Republic of Komi

[email protected]

Annotation. Heart electrical activity and the indices of system hemodynamics among 9-12 year-old taekwondo athletes, who live in different climate zones of the Republic of Komi (62° u 67° c. m..), during spring-summer and winter periods in terms of rehabilitation after submaximal physical load was studied. Young taekwondo athletes of subarctic climate zone, in comparison with sportsmen, who live in temperate climate, have less favorable dynamics reaction of cardiovascular system to physical load during winter, than during spring-summer period. Material. Studying young taekwondo athletes' (Syktyvkar and Vorkuta) cardiovascular system reaction to physical load in least and most favorable seasons. Research methods: electrocardiography and blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) monitoring during bicycle ergometry. Result. The highest systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP)indices among taekwondo athletes from Varkuta were revealed during spring-summer period in comparison with the same indices of sportsmen from Syktyvkar. Step-by-step increasing load showed the difference of heart electrical activity indices among young taekwondo athletes, who live in different climatic-geographical zones of the Republic of Komi. Conclusion. It is demonstrated that during spring-summer period hemodynamic reaction to bicycle ergometric functional test was more unfavorable among children of the arctic zone, than among children of the moderate-continental climate and it proves increased tension of compensatory mechanisms of an organism for homeostasis support in terms of extreme natural factors.

Keywords: heart electrical activity, electrocardiogram, heart rate (HR), blood pressure, taekwondo athletes.

For quotation: Sheveleva E.S., Panteleeva N.I., Roshchevskaya I.M. Hemodynamic indices and heart electrical activity among young taekwondo athletes of the Republic of Komi during different seasons. Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture And Sport. 2018; 13(3): 153-157. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-207-213.


Great extension of European North zone conditions the difference of natural and climatic factors (atmospheric pressure, low temperatures, the number of daylight hours,

electromagnetic and radiation background, wind load) in its separate regions, defines intensity of their influence on a person's organism, affecting, firs of all, chronologic-biological processes in an organism [1,2].

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