Role and significance of athletes' cardiorespiratory system during adaptation
to functional loads
Yurij S. Vanyushin, Nikolay A. Fedorov, Gulina K. Khuzina*
ORCID: 0000-0003-2667-6124, [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-6515-0451, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1672-1980, [email protected]* Kazan State Agrarian University Kazan, Russia
Abstract: Studying cardiorespiratory system still stays the main direction of present physiological science. Materials. The role and significance of the separate components of athletes' cardiorespiratory system revelation during adaptation to functional loads. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, methods of mathematical statistics. In accordance with the methodology by V. Kubichek and other authors (1970), in modification by Yu.P. Pushkar and other authors (1980) and Yu.S. Vanyushin (1996), during motor activity we recorded the differential rheogram. With the help of this rheogram we calculated heart rate (HR), blood stroke volume (BSV) and blood circulation minute volume (BMV). The indices of external respiration were defined with the help of pneumotachograph. The results of gas exchange were calculated according to generally adopted formulae. As functional loads we used active orthostatic test and physical loads of the increasing power at bicycle ergometer. Results. In order to reveal different reactions of the cardiorespiratory system parts of athletes' we created the methodology of a complex approach. It simultaneously registered cardiovascular and respiratory systems indices during functional loads of different orientation and the increasing power. The interaction between the components of cardiorespiratory system - cardiovascular and respiratory systems, is a difficult physiological process. The role and significance of the separate components is defined by the character and power of the functional loads, age related peculiarities of an organism and different kinds of sport. One of the absolute mechanisms of adaptation are the mechanisms connected with blood circulation indices (BI, CI) and gas exchange indices (COU2) increase. We revealed that these indices are typical for the group of 17-21 year-old boys and for 22-23 year-old athletes. The mechanisms with lung ventilation (RMV) volume increase are typical for 1516 year-old teen-agers and 36-60 year-old athletes. Conclusion. The offered methodology of athletes complex examination provides important theoretical information gathering concerning cardiorespiratory interaction in terms of different functional loads. It helps to create summarizing models in order to use them in practice for athletes' educational-training process correction and an individual approach during different volume and intensity physical loads planning. The applied orthostatic test and bicycle ergometer loads of the increasing power can be recommended at the laboratories for the process of adaptation, the role and significance of cardiorespiratory system components revelation.
Keywords: adaptation, cardiorespiratory system, load, functional system, blood circulation, respiration.
For citation: Yurij S. Vanyushin, Nikolay A. Fedorov, Gulina K. Khuzina*. Role and significance of athletes' cardiorespiratory system during adaptation to functional loads. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021; 16(2): 84-87. DOI:10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-2-101-105
Studying cardiorespiratory system still stays the main direction of present physiological science [1, 3, 5], though one of the first works of this orientation was published 80 ago. It is connected with the fact that cardiorespiratory system should be considered not only as a system of oxygen provision, but as the system based on interaction between
cardiovascular and respiratory components [2, 6, 7].These components form cardiorespiratory system and are its main parts. It is reasonable to consider them the indicators of the whole organism activity. Such an interaction reflects the processes, which form the base of an organism physiological functions, providing its integrity, effective adaptation reaction to outer stimuli influence [2, 10]. Such stimuli
include functional loads. They play the main role in the importance of the separate components of cardiorespiratory system revelation during urgent adaptation of athletes to motor activity.
The aim of the present research work was to reveal the role and significance of the separate components of athletes' cardiorespiratory system during adaptation to functional loads.
In order to reveal different reactions of the parts of athletes' cardiorespiratory system we created the methodology of a complex approach. It means simultaneous registration of cardiovascular and respiratory systems indices during functional loads of different orientation and the increasing power. According to the methodology by V. Kubichek and other authors (1970), in modification by Yu.P. Pushkar and other authors (1980) and Yu.S. Vanyushin (1996), during motor activity we recorded the differential rheogram. With the help of this rheogram we calculated heart rate (HR), blood stroke volume (BSV) and blood circulation minute volume (BMV). The external respiration indices: respiration rate (RR), respiratory volume (RV), respiratory minute volume (RMV) were defined with the help of pneumotachograph. The results of gas exchange were calculated according to generally adopted formulae. As functional loads we used active orthostatic test and physical loads of the increasing power at bicycle ergometer. The respondents were the athletes of different age: 1516 year-old teenagers (group 1), 17-21 year-old boys (group 2), athletes adults- 22-35 years old (group 3) and 36-60 year-old respondents (group 4). All they did endurance based kinds of sport.
As the results of our research works and scientific sources [3, 8] showed there are different mechanisms. They provide organism adaptation to muscle activity. In order to reveal the peculiarities of cardiorespiratory system components functioning we used different functional tests. One of such tests was body position change. That means an active transfer of the respondent from prone position into standing position. In medicine and physiology such test is called an orthostatic test. The results of our research works showed that during the transfer
from one position into another one, form a prone position into standing position, it is impossible to reveal the lading factor during cardiorespiratory system adaptation. All indices of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, cardiorespiratory system, changed insignificantly. It means insufficient functional load for an organism of the training athletes. In order to reveal the peculiarities in the activity of the separate components of cardiorespiratory system it is reasonable to use more intensive and more volumetric loads. That is why we used the increasing power loads at bicycle ergometer. It turned out that it provided different reaction of the cardiorespiratory system parts. In the group of 15-16 year-old teen-agers and 36-60 year-old athletes, who do endurance based kinds of sport, in terms of the increasing power load (200W) the leading factor in adaptation was the index of external respiration - RMV (table). However it was achieved by the following ways: in the group of teenagers- owing to счет RR, in the group of athletes-veterans- owing to RV, it means respiration depth. It is more effective way of RMV increase. Thus, the fundamental function of respiration is homeostasis support during the interaction between inner and outer environment. This process in the examined groups was realized by means of external respiration. It leads to alveoli ventilation.
In the group of boys, who do these kinds of sport, a significant element in adaptation was blood circulation indices: blood circulation index (BI) and cardiac index (CI) (table). In the group of highly-qualified 22-35 year-old athletes the leading factor during adaptation to physical loads of the increasing power at bicycle ergometer was the index of gas exchange - coefficient of oxygen use (C0U2).
During the load of the increasing power at bicycle ergometer, taking into account the weight of athletes 1.00, 2.00 and 3.00 W/kg, it turned out that during adaptation to maximal load (3 W/kg) the set of factors of the separate parts of cardiorespiratory system play the key role. That is why it is necessary to pay attention to power and duration of physical load, which can be an important element, providing the revelation of the leading factors during adaptation.
Thus, the interaction between the
components of cardiorespiratory system -cardiovascular and respiratory systems, presents a difficult physiological process in which the role and significance of the separate components is defined by the character and power of functional loads, age-related peculiarities of athletes' organisms and different kinds of sport. One of the absolute mechanisms of adaptation are the mechanisms connected with blood circulation indices (BI, CI) and gas exchange indices (COU2) increase. We revealed that these indices are typical for the group of 17-21 year-old boys and for 22-23 year-old athletes. The mechanisms with lung ventilation (RMV) volume increase are typical for 15-16 year-old teen-agers
and 36-60 year-old athletes.
The offered methodology of athletes complex examination provides important theoretical information gathering concerning cardiorespiratory interaction in terms of different functional loads. It helps to create summarizing models in order to use them in practice for athletes' educational-training process correction and an individual approach during different volume and intensity physical loads planning. The applied orthostatic test and bicycle ergometer loads of the increasing power can be recommended at the laboratories for the process of adaptation, the role and significance of cardiorespiratory system components revelation.
Table - Cardiorespiratory system indices in the group of 15-16 (1) year-old athletes-teen-agers, 17-21 (2) year-old male athletes, in the group of 22-35 (3) year-old athletes, in the group of 36-60 (4) year-old athletes-veterans during 200 W load at bicycle ergometer
Indices Grou ps
15-16 years-old 17-21 years-old 22-35 years-old 36-60 years-old
RR RV RMV 33,00+2,28 2,13+0,11 68.57+3,84 27,46+0,85+ 2,20+0,07 59,34+1,48+ 24,35+1,13"° 2,49+0,09*° 59,55+1,79* 27,78+1,08'-2,77+0,12x 75,65+3,26'.
BI CT 234,69+17,83 7,96+0,58 3i2,48±7,'19+ 11,42+0,25+ 278r17±9;810 10,58+0,33*0 267,95±7,12x 10,18+0,28x
COU2 40,82+1,64 44,30+1,00 47,64+1,17*0 40,37+1,21x-
+ - statistical validity of differences between the groups of 15-16 year-old and i7-2iyear-old athletes; * - statistical validity of differences between the groups of 15-16 year-old and 22-35year-old athletes; A - statistical validity of differences between the groups of 15-16 year-old and 36-6oyear-old athletes; 0 - statistical validity of differences between the groups of 17-21 year-old and 22-35year-old athletes; x - statistical validity of differences between the groups of 17-21 year-old and 36-60 year-old athletes; . - statistical validity of differences between the groups of 22-35 year-old and 36-6oyear-old athletes
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Submitted: 20.05.2021 Author's information:
Yurij S. Vanyushin - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Kazan State Agrarian University,
420015, Russia, Kazan, K. Marksa str, House 65, e-mail:[email protected]
Nikolay A. Fedorov - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Kazan State Agrarian
University, 420015, Russia, Kazan, K. Marksa str., House 65, e-mail:[email protected]
Gulina K. Khuzina - Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Kazan State Agrarian
University, 420015, Russia, Kazan, K. Marksa str., House 65, e-mail:[email protected]