Научная статья на тему 'Usage of intellectual devices in defining structure and features of strewable substances'

Usage of intellectual devices in defining structure and features of strewable substances Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Boboyev Gaybulla Gafurovich, Matyakubova Paraxat Maylievna

In this article scientific-methodological bases of measuring electro-physical dimensions of grain products are investigated, which reflect primary producing structure and features of grain products conceptions, principles, ways and algorithms of counting that provide demanded reliability, cooperativeness and exactness of technological information, projecting and implementing of measuring means.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Usage of intellectual devices in defining structure and features of strewable substances»

Fig. 2. The scheme to determine the vertical load on rotary tiller: 1, 2 - left and right slatted tapered rollers; 3 - common axis


1. Patent RUz № FAP 00753. The device for the treatment of ridges and grooves between them/Tuhtakuziev A., Abdulhaev Kh. G. -Official Bulletin. - 2012. - № 9.

2. Patent RUz № FAP 00888. Rotary tiller/TuhtakuzievA., Abdulhaev Kh. G., Nuriddinov A. D. Official Bulletin. - 2014. - № 4.

3. Patent RUz № FAP 01071. The device for the treatment of ridges and grooves between them/Tuhtakuziev A., Abdulhaev Kh. G. -Official Bulletin. - 2016. - № 3.

4. Klenin N. I., Egorov V. G. Agricultural and land reclamation machines. - Moscow: Kolos, 2005. - 464 p.

5. Rudakov G. M. Technological bases of mechanization of cotton planting. - Tashkent: Science, 1974. - 244 p.

6. Burchenko P. N. Mechanical and technological bases of till aging a new generation of machines. - Moscow: VIM, 2002. - 212 p.

7. Sergienko V. A. Technological bases tillage mechanization between the rows of cotton. - Tashkent: Science, 1978. - 112 p.

8. Sineokov G. N., Panov I. M. Theory and Design of tillers. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1977. - 328 p.

Boboyev Gaybulla Gafurovich, Tashkent State Technical University, senior researcher of the applicant of chair "Metrology, standardization and certification" E-mail: [email protected]

Matyakubova Paraxat Maylievna, Tashkent state technical university, the Dr. Sci. Tech., professor of chair "Metrology, standardization and certification" E-mail: [email protected]

Usage of intellectual devices in defining structure and features of strewable substances

Abstract: In this article scientific-methodological bases of measuring electro-physical dimensions of grain products are investigated, which reflect primary producing structure and features of grain products — conceptions, principles, ways and algorithms of counting that provide demanded reliability, cooperativeness and exactness of technological information, projecting and implementing of measuring means.

Keywords: grains, humidity, converter, qualities, hydrometer, dielectric.

Satisfying people's demands for food much more abundantly and improving supplement in this field completely are considered as one of the most important issues as economic reforms are fulfilling successively nowadays. For implementing these tasks successfully, we should pay attention to important duties, especially such as preserving and reproducing grain products.

People usually grow grain products in rainy spring and hot summer days. Therefore, we cannot supply people with grain products without organising to gather harvest of these products and to preserve them appropriately in order not to waste them. As the quantity of growing grain products is increasing, the ways of preserving and

reproducing them are developing; new modern stores and reproducing factories are building simultaneously.

Wasting grain products can be diminished quite considerably, if growing, transporting, keeping and reproducing grain products are implemented with the help of achievements of science and technology, and, of course, advanced experience, which has been held all over the world until now [1].

According to the information of international organization of agriculture, the amount of squandering grain products is not more than 6-10 percent all over the world. It is one of the important tasks in to diminish this amount 1-2 percent year by year.

Usage of intellectual devices in defining structure and features of strewable substances

Achievements of several subjects and fields as chemistry, physics, biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, physiology of plants, agro-chemistry, microbiology, study of vegetables, protecting plants are being usedefficiently for keeping grain products for a long period.

There are two main tasks of this research:

- to investigate theoretical bases of technologies of preserving and reproducing grain products;

- to develop main ways of preserving and reproducing them regularly.

Scientific researches in this field are devoted to important issues like leading all processes of this field in scientific way, improving the quality of products, avoiding from wasting them, preserving and reproducing grain products.

Strewable grain substances are main sources of raw materials, half-ready products and ready products in the branches of industry such as producing food products, preparing fodder and reproducing grain. Till these days the control of technological processes, which these substances take part in, have been implementing in some difficult ways that take much time to get effective and objective information in this field. Besides, we should use expressive methods in reproducing fields of agro-industrial complex to automate complicated technological processes of exchanging heat and weight in treating raw materials with moisture and heat; to supply sufficient effectiveness that is taken from imposing modern structures of managing and automatic controlling, which effect to quality indicators of ready products; to analyse electro-physical features of strewable grain substances in agriculture [2].

We should mention that there are still many losses in industry producing, because we do not have devices, which can define electro-physical parameters of grain products (especially the moisture of strewable substances) expressively, reliably and exactly. However, we should mention separately that, devices of controlling electro-physical parameters of grain products automatically have advantages; their advantages are felt in the usage of methods that have exactness and expressiveness.

The demand for automatic measuring devices is felt intensely in the process of operative measuring compactness, moisture, granule-metrical content, the degree ofpollution, dielectrical absorbencyof strewable substances in stores and silos, also the quality of food raw materials and ready products in automatic analysators. Absolute and sometimes opposite requirements are put in front of these devices for exactness, expressiveness and reliability of continuous working in technological conditions of complex producing [2; 4].

The issue of forming automatic structures of analysing the features of strewable substances requires solving some difficulties, among them the most common and important one is to find out the most effective ways of changing that is measured firstly for signals of proportional exit of electro-physical features of substances, which is to be controlled automatically. The results help to achieve exactness, expressiveness and reliability of the process of changing that is measured; besides, this issue demands supplying with equipment for fulfilling the most efficient methods, which can be base of reliable and appropriate working of measure devices in a field condition-one of the most difficult conditions in producing.

The experiments showed that we cannot supply increasing demands for diminishing expenditure of energy, which is spent to improve the quality of agricultural products and preserve them for a long time in new economic conditions, to reproduce and transport them in industry, without starting the usage of modern technological and informational measuring base that reflects the automated structure of leading technological processes and producing.

Therefore implementing the methods of automatic measuring the electro-physical features of grain products (we should pay attention that they are plants), and supplying the automated structure of leading technological processes and producing with modern devices are considered as an important scientific-technical issues. Less attention has been paid to technical and scientific issues in solving difficulties in measuring moisture of grain and other strewable parts of plants: investigating the features of strewable substances as objects automatic controlling; learning the features of grain and seed, gathering, preserving, packing and transporting them; founding the types of devices and their metrological parameters which depends on industry producing conditions.

Investigating electrical features of grain products broaden the knowledge about the factors that affect to their electrical features, and it gives an opportunity to develop the methods of accounting the structure of measuring moisture and measuring the parameters ofprimary changers, which help to minimalize the mistakes of measuring moisture.

The advantages of electric methods of controlling are considered to be felt in using the methods that have high frequency. Creating the structure (which has high frequency) of analysing the features of strewable substances requires solving the following tasks:

- to find out ways of changing control of substances into electrical signals that can help to achieve exactness and expressiveness;

- to supply optimal method with devices, which makes measuring device work reliably in the conditions of producing.

In this scientific article the future of analysing the state of the ways and means of measuring the moisture of strewable substances and creating measure means that use indicators of capacity is investigated. Moreover, here the issue of improving the parameters of measuring electrical features of grain products, which can change completely, is studied.

The task of projecting ways of improving the changers, which measure electrical features of grain products, is defined in the group of indicators of capacity that have high exactness of rechanging the parameters, which can substitute equivalent electrical patterns.

In some projects capacity indicators, which substance is put in them, are given as a pattern with two elements, so it cause some mistakes because of the parameters that are not counted. Therefore, we need to rechange the parameters of two-poled chain that has many elements, and of course to get exact information about the parameters of capacity indicators that have many quantities [3].

It was noticed that the most effective method is to influence impulsively to an active pattern, which has operative intensifier (OI), and to change parameters invariantly. Structure of measuring is usually given as an integral-differential formula and it is the base ofpattern topology. It includes operators ($ (p; n (X, Y); no)) which are marked with a base pattern that defines nomenclature and relativeness of the parameters of capacity indicators and conformity between influence of electricity to measuring structures (MS) and reaction against it: A(p) = ®P;П(X,Y);П0)*Э(p). (1)

In common case the exit signals of MS (amplitude, frequency, phase for an harmonic signal; spectral parts, quantity in a moment, character of changing or speed of changing — for an enharmonic signal) relate to several parameters of a capacity indicator. It conforms that we cannot solve the primary equation of changing with the parameters, which is searching, so it requires working on exit signals of indicators. We may analyse the algorithms of working on signals of MS using the theory of invariantness. There are two ways of supplying invariantness in this case.

The first way of supplying invariantness is a selective way; it needs to have one channel of changing. It implements particular operations with a member of the exit signal that has information about the parameters, which we are interested in.

If an informative member of the exit signal is defined as follows:

A (p) = ®y (P; n(Y); n0)* Э(p), (2)

in this case K(p) — the operator of producing selective means should satisfy this condition: K(p) *A(p) = 0, in this condition A(p) — writing of an uninformative member of an exit signal in the form of operator; $(p; n (Y); no) — the operator of MS which has uninformative parameters. Selection may be implemented with measuring degree and frequency of an exit signal, movements of its phases and spectral structure, the shape, time and changing speed of that signal.

The second way of supplying invariantness needs to have many channels. This way implements to increase the number of primary unsolvable equations more than the quantity of exact solvable equations with the help of forming extra independent equations, primary parameters of a capacity indicator are taken as their arguments. These equations may be results of extra-changing own parameters of MS with inserting one (or several) extra channels.

In the case of channels are asymmetric, exit signal of each channel has various operators in the field of its components. An operator form of writing internal signals ®1(p) has following look: i®,(p) = Kx (p)Ax(p) + K1YAY (p); |©2(p) = K2X (p)Ax(p) + K1YAY (p). (3)

If Kly (p) = K2y (p) and Kx (p) t K2x (p) are fulfilled we achieve the following:

A® = ®,(p)-&2(p) = [Klx(p)-Kx(p)]Ax(p). (4)

We may use this way practically only if channels are separated for some time.

We must implement L(p) changing on the informative member of the signal of MS with influencing to same channels asymmetrically:

f©,(p) = K (p)[L(p)Ax (p) + Ay (p)];


[®2(p) = K (p)[Ax (p) + Ar (p)].

In this case:

A© = &1(p)-&2(p) = K (p)Ax (p)[L(p) -1]. (6)

The condition of implementing A© # 0 and inserting L(p) operator helps to solve (6) structure with inserting extra equations. Primary changing can be selective; in that case, primary changing of uninformative member of exit signal is implemented.

If we use many channelled way of supplying invariantness we may solve primary equation structure with inserting extra leading measure M0(p):

[®(p) = K x (p)Ax (p) + K r (p)Ar (p);

\®2(p) = KMOK (p)E,(p)Mt(p). (7)

A© = Kx (p)Ax (p) + Klr (p)Ar (p) - Kan (p)E2 (p)M0(p), (8) where: E2(p) and M0(p) are chosen using prior information about the member of uninformative exit signal of MS, as a result the following condition is to be fulfilled:

KlY (p)Ar (p) - KAoK (p)E2(p)Mt(p) = (9)

Usually ruling signals in E2(p) = E(p) and DK is implemented by changing M0 (p) measure; controlling resistors or condensators, dividers of tension or digital-analogical changers are used as measurements.

Many factors influence on the exactness of dielcometric devices, which measures moisture, because control object £ is a complex function with many variables.

e = f (W,T, G, H, P). (10)

Here Wis wetness, T is temperature, G is granulometrical content of a sample, H is chemical content of a sample, P is criterion of electro-chemical limit — "electrode-grain".

In modern wetness measuring devices the influence of temperature on the results of measuring moisture is counted with the help of correction coefficient, in this case it is inserted to the last measuring results automatically or in a simple order. Granulometrical peculiarities of grain are not ideal, therefore the compactness of each quiver are different. That is why, results of measurements differs from each other. In modern wetness measuring devices, for diminishing the influence of sample's compactness, grain is compacted in quivers. The chemical content of grain sample depends on selection features. Calibrating (making accurate measurements) the sorts of agricultural plants, which has maximum peculiarities, is counted with inserting this in its curve form into the memory of microprocessors block or with complex sorting wetness measuring devices in tables and special calibration of this device before measuring. Besides, other factors influence of the chemical content of grain that cannot be forecasted, for example, various conditions, the content and features of soil, and weather. In some cases, using indicators is implemented for a particular plant with calibrating them.

Measuring results of dielectric absorbency £ depends on proportion of independent and dependent wetness. Moreover, present dielcometric wetness measuring devicesare specified with module of complex dielectric absorbency of a sample: i-i C



In this formula: Cm — the amount of volume of quiver, which grain is placed in it, that is measured with wetness measuring devices; C0 — the volume of empty quiver.

The amount of C can be counted like this: m i-

Cm = Co xejl + tg2S, (12)

where: £ — relative dielectric absorbency of an experimenting material; tgS — tangent angled dielectric losses of experimenting sample grain.

In other words, results of measuring depend on tangent angled dielectric losses of material. At the same time, we can increase the exactness of dielcometric measuring moisture with measuring real and abstract parts of complex dielectric absorbency.

But at the time of measurement the process of exchanging mass in the line of "quiver wall - grain" and volume of grain mass cause to change the degree of connection between molecules of water and structure of grain mass. During this experiment, real and abstract parts of complex dielectric absorbency cannot be constant [2; 4].

In this research electro-physical sample of one kind of grainis moistened in different quantity, then primary measuring changer of wetness measuring device, which has condensator, is experimented in different conditions with the help of sensitive elements. The results of the experiments confirmed that if the wetness of material is much, £ and tg change fast. As relative dielectric absorbency of an experimenting material was compared with primary results during 20 minutes, the absorbency increases till 10 %, losses increase till 25 %, for wet grains till 0.3 %, for dry grains till 1.5 %. So, changes of £ and tg in time can be used as the parameter of extra information in defining moisture of grains.

The analyses of the results investigating relative dielectric absorbency of an experimenting wet grain and losses, which depends on time, and the results that are taken with the help of sensitive condensator element, which is made of different materials, show that after placing experimenting sample of grain into a quiver the process of exchanging wetness is happened in the line of quiver wall - grain

Substantiation of parametres division drum with an elastic element spinning the device

and in volume of grain mass; changes are happened in both the direction of losses and the direction of connections. These processes cause to change £ and tg during all experiment. The process that happens in the volume oflatter experimenting sample, which occurs after placing experimenting sample of grain into a primary changer-quiver-conden-sator, can be explained like that. At the moment of placing grain into a quiver all features are changed and the torn of energy happens. As a result, water molecules are linked much stronger and we can see the decrease of £ and tg. After placing the sample, new quiet state appears

and ties between water molecules and grain structure diminish. This causes the increase of £ and tg. After some time the process of stopping connection of independent and dependent moisture in grain occurs and ties of water molecules balance [3; 4].

The processes that are given above have complex character, which depends on the material of walls of sensitive element; it influences considerably on the exactness of dielcometric devices that measures moisture. The speed of exchanging wetness depends on the degree of moistening an experimenting sample of grain.


1. Matyakubova P. M., Gafurova D. A. Identifikator pokazateliy kachestva zerna//Materil' mejdunarodnoy NPK "Infotekstil' - 2005". -Tashkent, 2005. - P. 232-233.

2. Matyakubova P. M., Babaev G. G. Analysis of capacitor converters of humidity of grain//journal "Pribori". - Russia, 2016. - № 5. - P. 23-25.

3. Usmanova H. A., Boboev G. G., Turg'unbayev A. Methods of reducing the influence of the forms of communication moisture to error converter//International journal of advanced research in science, engineering and technology. - India, October 2015. -Vol. 2, Issue 10. - P. 964-969.

4. Matyakubova P. M., Boboyev G. G., Masharipov Sh. M. Question of the application of modern tools measured at determining the composition and properties of the particulate materials//Vestnik Tash GTU, special issue. - Tashkent, 2016. - P. 45-50.

Djumaboev Gulomjon Xalilovich, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, the Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]

Djuraev Anvar Djuraevich, technical sciences associate, professor of the Department "Theoretical and applied mechanics", Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry E-mail: [email protected]

Jumaniyazov Kadam Jumaniyazovich, technical sciences associate, professor of the Department "Theoretical and applied mechanics'"

Substantiation of parametres division drum with an elastic element spinning the device

Abstract: In article it is resulted a design and a work principle division drum with the elastic plug of spinning installation. On the basis of the numerical decision of a problem dependences of change of parameters drum are received, their best values are proved. Keywords: Division drum, a tooth, a fiber, a tape, diameter, rigidity, a friction, coupling.

The choice of optimum or best parameters and operating modes division drum basically depends on technology of digitization of fibred of a clap. The question of influence of fibres with teeth's division drum is well shined in works [1; 2]. In the given works process of rupture of fibres from a tape submitted to a digitization zone is insufficiently studied. Besides the problem becomes complicated that teeth's division drum are established on a screw line.

In a zone of combing of fibres teeth's division drum operate on fibres which is in attainability limits, and from a tape those fibres which communication with a tape is less than total force of influence of a tooth with a fibre are taken. At tooth influence division a drum from a small beard one or several fibres are taken. Follow to notice, that one fibre can be grasped two or several alternating teeth's барабанчика. Fibre separation comes under the influence of forward or lateral sides of teeth's. The arrangement of a separate fibre on set depends on its arrangement in a small beard. Fibres located under a corner to a direction of movement sets, or tightened can a life extended by a forward side of a tooth. Usually in existing designs

division drum fibres located under a corner to a movement vector tend to formation of small knots. And in an offered design division a drum the fibres located under a corner to a direction of movement also are separated at the expense of increase in the axial force, operating from teeths [3], and also additional angular fluctuations drum because of deformation of the elastic plug.

Division drum it is executed compound (see fig.1) including an axis 1, on it metal 2 and further rubber plugs 3, and also the external plug 4 with gear гарнитурой 5. In the course ofwork at the expense of deformation of the elastic rubber plug 3 in a circular direction to occur original torsional fluctuations of the external plug 4 with gear headset 5.

The amplitude and frequency of these fluctuations basically depends from inertsionno-zhestkostnyh system characteristics. Thus definition of parameters division drum, providing effective division of fibres from a submitted tape in the spinning car is important. In the course of digitization drawing out fibres from a small beard occurs under certain conditions.

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