Научная статья на тему 'Layout diagram of the hinged oscillatory spike-tooth harrow and determination of its row-spacing width'

Layout diagram of the hinged oscillatory spike-tooth harrow and determination of its row-spacing width Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Abduvahobov Dilshod Abduvahidovich, Muhamedov Jobirhon, Umurzakov Akramjon Hakimovich

In the article the layout diagram of teeth of hinged oscillatory spike-tooth harrow on the framework and the research results for substantiation of its row-spacing width are specified

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Текст научной работы на тему «Layout diagram of the hinged oscillatory spike-tooth harrow and determination of its row-spacing width»

Layout diagram of the hinged oscillatory spike-tooth harrow and determination of its row-spacing width

Section 10. Technical sciences

Abduvahobov Dilshod Abduvahidovich, senior scientific employee researcher, The research institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture (IMEA), Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]

Muhamedov Jobirhon, candidate of the technical sciences, assistant professor, The Namangan pedagogical-engineering institute (NPEI)

Umurzakov Akramjon Hakimovich, candidate of the technical sciences, assistant professor, NPEI, Republic of Uzbekistan

Layout diagram of the hinged oscillatory spike-tooth harrow and determination of its row-spacing width

Abstract: In the article the layout diagram of teeth of hinged oscillatory spike-tooth harrow on the framework and the research results for substantiation of its row-spacing width are specified.

Keywords: Hinged oscillatory spike-tooth harrow, layout diagram of teeth on the framework, row-spacing width of teeth, the height of unprocessed combs, soil shearing by teeth.

A hinged oscillatory spike-tooth harrow has been developed by our side (furthermore a harrow) [1, 88]. It is applied for earlier spring and presowing soil harrowing for winter tillage, loosening the upper layers of soil after plowing and chiseling, demolition of

chunks and crusts, weeds destruction.

A harrow consists of framework and working bodies, connected to each one another and hinged by the framework. In the process

of work its working bodies will copy the uneven parts of the field

surfaces and perform angular and vertical oscillations at the lateral-vertical and cross-sectional flats. In the result the soil crumbling quality will get improved, equality of its loosening deepness, young seedlings of weeds are more completely destructed.

Figure 1 shows the layout diagram of the harrow teeth designed such that each tooth remained independent and throughout its widths of gripping groove were at the same distance from each other.

When the harrow is working the soil deformation zones at a depth of travel from the neighboring teeth will not be completely overlapped and therefore in the lower layers the unprocessed triangular shaped longitudinal combs are remained [2, 70-71], which form unevenness of the loosened bottom layer (Fig. 2).

As it was achieved the implemented experiments when the harrow is working the top part of combs is crumbled and its actual height Ahd is less than the theoretical Ah, i. e.:

Ah3 = AhKh = ^ KhCtgw,



Kh — coefficient which considers the decreasing of current height of combs;

a -width of teeth row-spacing; - an angle of lateral shearing of the soil.

Fig. 1. Layout diagram of the teeth of hinged oscillatory harrow: 1 - framework; 2 - draught; 3 - ring; 4 - working body; 5 - tooth

Section 10. Technical sciences

Fig. 2. The determination diagram of row-spacing teeth width

The value of Kh coefficient is determined as the ratio of actual height of the combs Ah3 to the theoretical Ah, that is as following:


Kh "TT Ah



The implemented experiments in the period of earlier spring harrowing of the plowed fields at movement velocities from 1.2 to 2.0 m/s show, that depending on the movement velocity the coefficient value Kh varies within the range of 0.26-0.30. In this case, by increasing the movement velocity the coefficient value Kh decreases. It occurs mainly at the account of increasing the velocity of refused soil pieces dropping aside by the harrow teeth.

As, the developed harrow mainly is used in the soil preparation for sowing proceedings, the height of processing bottom unevenness must not exceed the allowed value [Ahaux ] ,that means the following:

Ah3<[Ah0„% ]. (3)

This condition, as follows from the term (1), there may be satisfied at the account of changing the values a and \//. However, an angle of the lateral soil shearing, basically depends on its physical-

mechanical properties and depending on the teeth parameters it changes to a several margins. Therefore more efficient allowed height of combs can be achieved at the account of changing the teeth row-spacing width teeth.

By applying the terms (1) and (3), there may be determined maximum allowable width of row-spacing teeth ensuring the condition (3):

= ~2 [Ahu* №. K,


This formula allows to determine the value a, at which the bottom ridgeness of the loosened layer doesn't exceed the allowed margin.

By putting into the formula (4) the digital values of an angle of the lateral soil shearing (32°), allowable height of combs (1 cm.) as well as determined values of coefficient experimentally Kh (0.26-0.30), let's determine that:

a = 42 - 48 mm.

Thus, in effort to ensure acceptable ridgeness of the soil layer loosened by the harrow the maximum value ofwidth ofthe soil teeth row-spacing should be 48 mm.


1. Patent of the Rep. Uzbekistan № FAP 00909. Harrow/I. B. Mamajonov, J. Muhamedov, A. Umurzakov, Sh.Kenjaboyev, D. Abduva-hobov//Bulletin - № 6. - 2014. - P. 258.

2. Klenin N. I., Sakun V A. Agricultural and land-improvement machines. - Moscow: Kolos, 1980. - P. 671.


Tukhtakuziev Abdusalim, the Research scientific institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture, Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of Laboratory, doctor of technical sciences, professor

Abdulhaev Khurshed Gafurovich, the Research scientific institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture, senior scientific employee

E-mail: [email protected]

Rationale for the parameters of the rotary tiller of new implement for volumetric presowing of ridges

Abstract: This paper presents the results of research on the justification diameter and number of planks tapered roller rotary tiller new instrument for pre-processing of the ridges and the vertical load on it.

Keywords: a instrument for processing of the ridges, frame with lifting gear, ripping claw, rotary ripper, ripper teeth, diameter and number of strips of the conical roller, vertical load on the rotary tiller, working depth.

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