Научная статья на тему 'Main trends and directions of development of the system of public governance by social-economic processes of Ukraine'

Main trends and directions of development of the system of public governance by social-economic processes of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
public administration / public administration system / socio-economic development / державне управління / система публічного управління / соціально-економічний розвиток

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Nepomnyashchyy Oleksandr Mykhailovych, Diegtiar Oleg Andriyovych

The article analyzes the peculiarities and tendencies of the development of the system of public administration of socio-economic processes in Ukraine. The authors paid special attention to the formation of measures aimed at implementing the principles of transparency and democracy in the activities of public administration bodies. The processes of globalization and the formation of an information society contributed to the development of these activities, which helped to improve the efficiency of public administration, and, consequently, the quality of life of society as a whole. Under public administration, the article refers to a set of functions of publiclaw formations implemented on the basis of the principles of transparency, legality, democracy, strategic partnership of power, population and business, ensuring sustainable feedback and involving in the process of managing the population in the form of institutionalized relations at the state, regional, municipal levels, in order to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of the territories and improve the quality of life. Consequently, for each public administration authority of a particular level (state, local), in accordance with the current legislation, the implementation of certain management functions is fixed. It is noted that the complexity and cumbersomeness of legislation in many respects complicates the control over its compliance and requires, for these purposes, a significant involvement of all kinds of resources by public administration bodies, which, in their constraints, is particularly critical. Implementation of the strategic partnership of government, population and business in the context of sustainable development, in our opinion, means the formation of new value systems for all participants in socio-economic relations in the context of the Global Reporting Initiative and combining their efforts in balancing economic, environmental and social processes based on socio-economic partnership of the population, government and business.

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Проаналізовано особливості та тенденції розвитку системи публічного управління соціально-економічними процесами в Україні. Особливу увагу автори приділили формуванню заходів, спрямованих на реалізацію принципів прозорості та демократичності в діяльності органів публічного управління. Не останню роль у розвитку цих заходів відіграли процеси глобалізації та становлення інформаційного суспільства, що сприяють при правильній розстановці акцентів у процесі управлінської діяльності підвищенню ефективності публічного управління, а значить і якості життя суспільства загалом. Під публічним управлінням у статті розуміється сукупність функцій публічно-правових утворень, що реалізуються на основі принципів прозорості, законності, демократичності, стратегічного партнерства влади, населення і бізнесу, забезпечення стійкого зворотного зв’язку і залучення до процесу управління населення у формі інституціоналізованих відносин на державному, регіональному, муніципальному рівнях з метою забезпечення сталого соціально-економічного розвитку територій та підвищення якості життя. Отже, за кожним органом публічного управління того чи іншого рівня (державного, місцевого) відповідно до чинного законодавства закріплена реалізація певних управлінських функцій. Відмічено, що складність і громіздкість законодавства багато в чому ускладнює контроль за його дотриманням і вимагає для цих цілей значного залучення всіх видів ресурсів органами публічного управління, що в умовах їх обмеженості є особливо критичним. Реалізація стратегічного партнерства влади, населення і бізнесу в контексті сталого розвитку, на наше переконання, означає формування в усіх учасників соціально-економічних відносин нових ціннісних установок в контексті положень Глобальної ініціативи по звітності і об’єднання їх зусиль у забезпеченні збалансованості економічних, екологічних і соціальних процесів на основі соціально-економічного партнерства населення, влади та бізнесу.

Текст научной работы на тему «Main trends and directions of development of the system of public governance by social-economic processes of Ukraine»

UDC: 364.2

Nepomnyashchyy Oleksandr Mykhailovych,

Doctor of science in Public Administration, Academician of Academy of building of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, (044) 490 95 00, email: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-5766-3150

Непомнящий Олександр Михайлович,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, академж Академи буд1вництва Украгни, професор кафедри публичного адмтктру-вання, Мiжрегiональна Академя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кигв, вул. Фро-метiвська, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-5766-3150

Непомнящий Александр Михайлович,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, академик Академии строительства Украины, профессор кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: n_a_m@ ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0002-5766-3150

Diegtiar Oleg Andriyovych,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Management and Administration, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marsha-la Bazhanova, 17, (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298

Дегтяр Олег Андршович,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту i адмтстрування, Харшвський нащональний утверситет мкького господарства т. О. М. Бекетова, 61002, м. Харкгв, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298

Дегтярь Олег Андреевич,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента и администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298

DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.vim.29

main trends and directions of development of the system of public governance by social-economic processes of ukraine

Abstract. The article analyzes the peculiarities and tendencies of the development of the system of public administration of socio-economic processes in Ukraine. The authors paid special attention to the formation of measures aimed at implementing the principles of transparency and democracy in the activities of public administration bodies. The processes of globalization and the formation of an information society contributed to the development of these activities, which helped to improve the efficiency of public administration, and, consequently, the quality of life of society as a whole.

Under public administration, the article refers to a set of functions of public-law formations implemented on the basis of the principles of transparency, legality, democracy, strategic partnership of power, population and business, ensuring sustainable feedback and involving in the process of managing the population in the form of institutionalized relations at the state, regional, municipal levels, in order to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of the territories and improve the quality of life. Consequently, for each public administration authority of a particular level (state, local), in accordance with the current legislation, the implementation of certain management functions is fixed.

It is noted that the complexity and cumbersomeness of legislation in many respects complicates the control over its compliance and requires, for these purposes, a significant involvement of all kinds of resources by public administration bodies, which, in their constraints, is particularly critical. Implementation of the strategic partnership of government, population and business in the context of sustainable development, in our opinion, means the formation of new value systems for all participants in socio-economic relations in the context of the Global Reporting Initiative and combining their efforts in balancing economic, environmental and social processes based on socio-economic partnership of the population, government and business.

Keywords: public administration, public administration system, socio-economic development.



Анотацiя. Проаналiзовано особливостi та тенденци розвитку системи пу-блiчного управлiння соцiально-економiчними процесами в Украшь Особли-ву увагу автори придiлили формуванню заходiв, спрямованих на реалiзацiю принципiв прозоростi та демократичностi в дiяльностi органiв публiчного управлiння. Не останню роль у розвитку цих заходiв вiдiграли процеси гло-ба^заци та становлення iнформацiйного суспiльства, що сприяють при пра-вильнiй розстановщ акцентiв у процесi управлшсько! дiяльностi шдвищен-ню ефективностi публiчного управлшня, а значить i якостi життя сустльства загалом.

Пiд публiчним управлiнням у статт розумieться сукупнiсть функцiй пу-блiчно-правових утворень, що реалiзуються на основi принципiв прозоростi, законностi, демократичности, стратегiчного партнерства влади, населення i бiзнесу, забезпечення стiйкого зворотного зв'язку i залучення до процесу управлшня населення у формi iнституцiоналiзованих вщносин на державному, регiональному, мунщипальному рiвнях з метою забезпечення сталого соцiально-економiчного розвитку територiй та шдвищення якостi життя. От-же, за кожним органом публiчного управлiння того чи шшого рiвня (державного, мюцевого) вiдповiдно до чинного законодавства закршлена реалiзацiя певних управлiнських функцш.

Вiдмiчено, що складнiсть i громiздкiсть законодавства багато в чому ускладнюе контроль за його дотриманням i вимагае для цих цiлей значного залучення вах видiв ресурсiв органами публiчного управлiння, що в умовах 1х обмеженостi е особливо критичним. Реалiзацiя стратегiчного партнерства влади, населення i бiзнесу в контекстi сталого розвитку, на наше переконан-ня, означае формування в уах учасниюв соцiально-економiчних вiдносин нових цiннiсних установок в контексп положень Глобально! шщативи по звiтностi i об'еднання !х зусиль у забезпеченнi збалансованостi економiчних, екологiчних i соцiальних процесiв на основi соцiально-економiчного партнерства населення, влади та бiзнесу.

Ключовi слова: державне управлiння, система публiчного управлшня, соцiально-економiчний розвиток.


Аннотация. Проанализированы особенности и тенденции развития системы публичного управления социально-экономическими процессами в Украине. Особое внимание авторы уделили формированию мероприятий, направленных на реализацию принципов прозрачности и демократичности в деятельности органов публичного управления. Не последнюю роль в раз-

витии этих мероприятий сыграли процессы глобализации и становления информационного общества, что способствуют при правильной расстановке акцентов в процессе управленческой деятельности повышению эффективности публичного управления, а значит и качества жизни общества в целом.

Под публичным управлением в статье понимается совокупность функций публично-правовых образований, реализуемых на основе принципов прозрачности, законности, демократичности, стратегического партнерства власти, населения и бизнеса, обеспечение устойчивой обратной связи и вовлечения в процесс управления населения в форме институционализован-ных отношений на государственном, региональном, муниципальном уровнях с целью обеспечения устойчивого социально-экономического развития территорий и повышения качества жизни. Итак, за каждым органом публичного управления того или иного уровня (государственного, местного) в соответствии с действующим законодательством закреплена реализация определенных управленческих функций.

Отмечено, что сложность и громоздкость законодательства во многом затрудняет контроль за его соблюдением и требует для этих целей значительного привлечения всех видов ресурсов органами публичного управления в условиях их ограниченности особенно критическим. Реализация стратегического партнерства власти, населения и бизнеса в контексте устойчивого развития, по нашему убеждению, означает формирование у всех участников социально-экономических отношений новых ценностных установок в контексте положений Глобальной инициативы по отчетности и объединение их усилий в обеспечении сбалансированности экономических, экологических и социальных процессов на основе социально-экономического партнерства населения, власти и бизнеса.

Ключевые слова: государственное управление, система публичного управления, социально-экономическое развитие.

Target setting. The main problem of the development of methodology, theory and practice of public administration of the processes of ensuring the quality of life lies in the fact that in Ukraine, until now, no clear doctrine of public administration has been developed, while in the European system of administrative law, the existing administrative-legal doctrines, their content and significance are determined by the significance of public interest reflected therein. The analysis of scientific pub-

lications showed many points of view concerning the essence of public administration. Some authors identify public administration with government administration, but most authors agree that the concept of public administration in relation to the concept of government administration has broader concept.

The confusion in definition of the essence and content of the concept of "public administration" is conditioned by the variety of options for transla-

tion of the term "public administration" into Ukrainian language, some editions translate it as state administration, some — as public administration, some — as social or municipal governance. At the same time, the most authors interpret the meaning of public management as denoting control or controlled by society [7, p. 8].

Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems of formation and development of the system of public administration in social and economic processes are covered in the writings of many famous Ukrainian and foreign scientists, in particular V. Bakumenko [1], O. Bosak [2], I. Vernudina [3], S. Gaiduchenko [4], I. Hrytsiak [5], O. Kudryavtsev [6], P. Miller [7], O. Obolensky [8] et al. Despite its significance and urgency, the problem of identifying the main trends and directions of the development of public administration system for quality of life processes remains theoretically poorly developed. There are different approaches to the definition of "public administration", "public administration system", but as of today, there is no definite categorical apparatus; there is no single classification of factors and indicators; there is no unified methodology for assessing the effectiveness of public administration in socio-economic processes.

The purpose of this article is to

study the main tendencies and directions of the development of public administration system of socio-economic processes in Ukraine and to provide suggestions for improving this process.

The statement of basic materials. Thus, under public administration V. Bakumenko understands the process

of purposeful influence of state authorities and local self-government on the object of management on the basis of legislation, in order to increase the economic growth of public-law formations and quality of life of the population [1, p. 8]. It is positively that the author of this concept approaches the definition of public administration from the standpoint of process approach and highlights the improvement of quality of life as one of the goals of public administration. However, the participation of civil society representatives in the public administration is not considered in this definition. In addition, it is not entirely clear what kind of meaning is enclosed to the control object.

I. Verundina explains public administration as a form of state activity, within which executive power is practically realized [3, p. 97]. It is obvious that the author equals the concepts of "public" and "state".

O. Obolensky defines public administration as a kind of social management, which has several levels of institutionalization: state, regional and municipal, characterized by unique intrinsic qualities: transparency, legitimacy, and democracy. At the same time, he understands the openness and dialogue of management process under transparency, which is expressed in public control over the activities of authorities and in procedures for coordinating decisions with the population. Legitimacy means the subjectively recognized legality of the management process, driven by the internal conviction of fairness in the activities of managers. And, finally, according to the author of above definition, the democracy is related to the reality of democracy in the management

process, which implies the existence of normatively entrenched self-government actions of people as the subject-object of governance [8, p. 28].

We are impressed with the fact that the author came up with a very meaningful approach to the definition of public administration in this definition, considering the mandatory participation of population in the management process and highlighting the unique intrinsic properties of public administration — transparency, legitimacy, and democracy. However, the author does not define the target benchmarks in this definition, the achievement of which is aimed at public administration.

O. Bosak considers public administration as an external manifestation of public authority [2]. However, while providing many definitions of public authority, the author does not give his own definition of public authority.

S. Gaiduchenko notes that public power is a special and independent power that does not coincide in its content and scope with state power. In a certain sense, public power is the highest form of government when we understand it as the power of people as a whole [4, p. 52-53].

We suppose that I. Hrytsyak provides the most capacious and correct definition of public administration: public administration is a manifestation of social power, which includes state administration, power of territorial public groups, autonomies and municipal entities, and, finally, the corporate power [5, p. 6-8].

The considered definitions allow to make some generalizations and to highlight the essential features of public administration.

Firstly, public administration is performed directly in the interests and in order to meet the needs of the whole society.

Secondly, public administration has a multilevel character and is in essence a form of manifestation of public authority at the state, regional and municipal levels.

Thirdly, public administration is based on principles such as transparency, legitimacy and democracy, as well as on the principle of strategic social partnership between government, population and business.

Fourthly, public administration is based on population involvement in the process of managing the, the degree of participation is determined by the level and, accordingly, the functions of public-law formations.

Fifthly, the existence of a stable feedback between public administration and the public is a distinctive feature of public administration, that is implemented through public hearings, questionnaires, voter orders, and others.

Sixthly, the assessment of effectiveness of public administration is based on monitoring and evaluation of the performance of public administration bodies and providing them with a public character.

Taking into account the generalizations of theoretical positions of the scientific schools of institutionalism and neo-institutionalism, corporatism and neocorporatism, social choice, cognitive and network approaches, as well as in the context of provisions of the Strategy for Sustainable Development [9], the above definition allows to give us the own definition of public administration.

By public administration we mean the totality of functions of public-law formations implemented on the basis of the principles of transparency, legality, democracy, strategic partnership of power, population and business, ensuring sustainable feedback and involvement the population in the process of managing in the form of institutionalized relations at the state, regional, municipal levels, in order to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of territories and improve the quality of life.

Consequently, in accordance with the current legislation the implementation of certain management functions is fixed for each public administration authority of a particular level (state, local).

The complexity and cumbersome nature of legislation greatly complicates the monitoring of its compliance and requires significant involvement of all types of resources by public administration for these purposes, which is particularly critical due to their constraints.

The principle of transparency in the context of sustainable development, in our opinion, means transparency and clarity of the implementation of administrative functions by public administration bodies for all participants of socio-economic relations, which is ensured by the openness (publicity) of their activities (publication of reports on the results of activities, measuring of economic, environmental and social effectiveness of public administration and provision of public nature to these results).

The implementation of legitimacy principle in the context of sustainable

development consists in recognizing the lawfulness of the government's actions of public administration bodies and their compliance with the strategic targets for the development of socioeconomic systems (focus on ensuring the balance of socio-economic processes, improving the quality of life of each individual and society as a whole).

In turn, implementation of the principle of democracy in the context of sustainable development implies providing the public nature to the process of public administration, namely ensuring close relationship between public administration and civil society representatives (discussing the results of public administration activities in terms of assessing the degree of balance of economic, ecological and social processes, achieved level of quality of life, taking into account public opinion and direct participation of representatives of the community in decision-making).

Implementation of the strategic partnership of government, population and business in the context of sustainable development, in our opinion, means the formation of new value systems for all participants of the socio-economic relations in the context of Global Reporting Initiative, as well as combing of their efforts to balance economic, environmental and social processes based on socio-economic partnership of the population, government and business.

Institutionalization of relations in the process of public administration at the state, regional and municipal levels means the formation of an appropriate institutional environment to ensure the balance of socioeconomic processes and the mandatory observance of formal institutional rules by all participants in

socio-economic relations, which essentially means an increase in the institutionalization of socio-economic system. For socio-economic transitional systems that are characterized by low levels of institutionalization, this process will contribute not only to preserving their integrity but also to sustainable socio-economic development.

Selection of the corporate level in the national system of public management is conditioned by the need to increase corporate social responsibility for the results of its activities to society. This provision is in line with the principles advocated by non-governmental international organization Global Reporting Initiative, where the recommendations of compilation of corporate social reporting reflecting the effectiveness of interaction with society, in particular, suggest that the stages of the organization's functioning, such as the arrival [in the region], activity and exit [from the region] have significant impact on the stability of a particular [geographic] area. In this regard, it is important to have a characteristic reflecting the organization's approach to systematical management of its effects, both negative and positive, in those local communities where it operates [10, p. 3].

According to O. Kudryavtsev, corporation as the participant in social development should stimulate and support innovation and recognize responsibility for the quality impact on life of others. The efforts of the organization should be directed towards voluntary environmental activities (organizations should support and encourage efforts and various activities in the field of environmental protection to improve the quality of life of society as a whole) [6].

In this regard, corporations are equal participants in socio-economic relations, which objectively predetermines their involvement in public management of the quality of life processes. The processes of globalization and the formation of information society impose their imprint on the main trends and directions of development of the national system of public administration.

First of all, development of the Internet and increased requirements for ensuring transparency of the public administration of its functions and improving the quality of provision of state (municipal) services led to the organization of official sites by public-law formations, as well as public administration at various levels. In the course of study, a significant number of redundant and duplicate functions was implemented by public administration.

Despite the differentiation of spending powers in accordance with the changes introduced into the Budget Code and a number of legislative and regulatory acts, and the transfer of these powers from state to local level, the efficiency of the mechanism of providing state and municipal services remains low. Many procedures relating to the provision of public or municipal services require significant time expenditures. Such concepts as fictitious and redundant public services are used in scientific circulation. By fictitious public service one means a service, established in a normative legal act, but not implemented in reality by the executive authorities. Excess public service, or administrative barrier — is a service, the cost of which exceeds both private benefits for the economic entity subject

to its effect, and public benefits, taking into account the effect of income [11, p. 9-15]. Now it is necessary to focus not on structural but on functional changes in the system of public administration bodies [11]. But, as we see, functional and structural transformations mutually determine each other, and their separation will be very difficult.

One cannot but admit that some functions of public administration bodies are indeed excessive, excessively bureaucratic and should maximally simplified.

The structure of public administration bodies in Ukraine is still complex, cumbersome and requires considerable resources from state and local budgets.

At the same time, it is necessary to note significant transformations in the field of public administration of the processes of ensuring quality of life, caused by the processes of globalization and development of the information society in the socio-economic system of Ukraine.

It is necessary to state the positive tendencies of development of large Ukrainian companies that consist in the publication of corporate social reporting on their official websites in accordance with the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative. However, this positive process is still in the stage of formation, although the number of published corporate social reports increases yearly.

The list of measures aimed at implementing the principles of transparency and democracy in the activities of public administration bodies can be continued. But one thing is clear: the processes of globalization and the formation of information society contribute to increasing of the efficiency of public

administration in case of the correct allocation of emphasis in the management process, and hence the quality of life of society.

Conclusions. The above mentioned allows to provide the definition of structure of the national system of public administration of the processes of ensuring the quality of life of every person and society as a whole, which is a set of bodies and institutions of public administration at the state, local and corporate levels, the functioning and interaction of which is carried out in the form of institutionalized relations that ensure the balance of economic, environmental and social processes based on the development of human capital in socio — economic systems.

Human capital, in our opinion, is a key strategic resource of public management of the processes of ensuring quality of life and an endogenous source of sustainable development of socio-economic systems.

The system of public administration of socio-economic processes has a multilevel character (state, local, corporate levels) and functions on the basis of regulatory acts regulating the activities of subjects and objects of public administration. At the state (municipal) level, the national system of public administration provides for the development and implementation of forecasts, strategies for sustainable socio-economic development, programs and projects for economic, environmental and social development with the participation of representatives of civil society.

Interaction of subjects of public administration and population is ensured by organizing public hearings, questionnaires, holding focused interviews,

etc. in accordance with the applicable normative legal acts. At all levels of the national system of public administration, public administration bodies manage social and economic processes in order to improve the quality of the overall human capital of socio-economic systems (state, regions, local government), and on this basis — ensuring quality of life at the level of scientifically sound standards.

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