UDC: 351.82
Prylipko Sergii Mykhailovych,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Doctoral Candidate of Department of Public Administration and Public Service, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, StrAntona Tsedika, 20, tel.: (067) 70836 79, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-6116-328X
Прилтко Сергш Михайлович,
кандидат eKonoMi4nux наук, доцент, докторант кафедри публгчного управлтня та nублiчноi служби, Национальна акаде-мiя державного управлтня при Президен-товi Украти, 03057, м. Knie, вул. Антона Цеджа, 20, тел.: (067) 708 36 79, е-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-6116-328X
Прилипко Сергей Михайлович,
кандидат экономических наук, доцент, докторант кафедры публичного управления и публичной службы, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Антона Цедика, 20, тел.: (067) 708 36 79, е-тай: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-6116-328Х
DO1 https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i13.144
Abstract. The content of the concepts of "public administration", "rural area", "integrated rural area development" and "public administration of integrated rural areas development" are determined. The conceptual principles of public administration of the integrated rural area development are substantiated due to the activation of servicing cooperatives to solve the most actual problems of territorial communities. It is determined that its essence consists in administrative decisions by the administrative management through introduction of effective mechanisms, tools and levers of state and regional policy. It is summarized that public administration should be carried out taking into account the project-targeted approach to increase the level of social and economic development of rural communities, rational use of natural resources and preservation of the environment. It is proved
that servicing cooperatives are the effective tool for self-organization of community representatives and serve as a unifying center for rural population. Their capabilities are not only in combining of commodity producers to meet economic interests in harvesting, processing and marketing of agricultural products, but they could be engaged also in providing quality services in the spheres of housing and communal services, servicing of communal property, the carry out and utilization of solid household waste, organization of civilized landfills, provision of landscaping. Due to the public-private partnership the local self-government bodies could be delegate some of their powers to cooperatives and support them through financing of measures of social and economic programs of integrated development of rural areas.
Keywords: public administration, rural area, integrated rural area development, agricultural servicing cooperative, servicing cooperation.
Анотащя. Визначено змют понять "публiчне управлшня", "сшьська тери-торiя", "комплексний розвиток сшьських територш" та "публiчне управлшня комплексним розвитком сшьських територш". Обгрунтовано концептуальш засади публiчного управлшня комплексним розвитком сшьських територш через активiзацiю дiяльностi обслуговуючих кооперативiв з метою виршен-ня найбшьш актуальних проблем територiальних громад. Аргументовано, що його суть полягае у реа^заци публiчною адмiнiстрацieю управлiнських рiшень через запровадження ефективних механiзмiв, iнструментiв i важелiв державно! та регюнально! полiтики. Резюмовано, що публiчне управлiння мае здiйснюватися з урахуванням проектно-цшьового пiдходу для шдви-щення рiвня соцiально-економiчного розвитку сшьських територiальних громад, рацiонального використання природних ресурав та збереження довкiлля. Доведено, що обслуговуючi кооперативи е дieвим iнструментом самооргашзаци представникiв громад та виступають об'еднуючим центром сiльського населення. 1х можливостi полягають не тшьки в об'eднаннi то-варовиробникiв задля задоволення економiчних iнтересiв у загопвл^ пере-робцi i збутi сшьськогосподарсько! продукцп, а й у наданш якiсних послуг у сферах житлово-комунального господарства, обслуговування об'екпв комунально! власносп, вивезення й утилiзацil твердих побутових вiдходiв, оргашзацп цивiлiзованих полiгонiв для смтезвалищ, забезпечення благоустрою. Завдяки державно-приватному партнерству органам мюцевого самоврядування запропоновано делегувати частину сво!х повноважень кооперативам i здшснювати !х пiдтримку через фiнансування заходiв сощаль-но-економiчних програм комплексного розвитку сшьських територш.
K^40bí слова: публiчне управлшня, публiчна адмiнiстрацiя, сiльська територiя, комплексний розвиток сшьських територш, сшьськогосподарсь-кий обслуговуючий кооператив, обслуговуюча кооперацiя.
Аннотация. Определено содержание понятий "публичное управление", "сельская территория", "комплексное развитие сельских территорий" и "публичное управления комплексным развитием сельских территорий". Обоснованы концептуальные основы публичного управления комплексным развитием сельских территорий через активизацию деятельности обслуживающих кооперативов с целью решения наиболее актуальных проблем территориальных общин. Аргументировано, что его суть заключается в реализации публичной администрацией управленческих решений через внедрение эффективных механизмов, инструментов и рычагов государственной и региональной политики. Резюмировано, что публичное управление должно осуществляться с учетом проектно-целевого подхода для повышения уровня социально-экономического развития сельских территориальных общин, рационального использования природных ресурсов и охраны окружающей среды. Доказано, что обслуживающие кооперативы являются действенным инструментом самоорганизации представителей общин и выступают объединяющим центром сельского населения. Их возможности заключаются не только в объединении товаропроизводителей для удовлетворения экономических интересов в заготовке, переработке и сбыте сельскохозяйственной продукции, но и в предоставлении качественных услуг в сферах жилищно-коммунального хозяйства, обслуживания объектов коммунальной собственности, вывоза и утилизации твердых бытовых отходов, организации цивилизованных полигонов для свалок, обеспечения благоустройства. Благодаря государственно-частному партнерству органам местного самоуправления предложено делегировать часть своих полномочий кооперативам и осуществлять их поддержку через финансирование мероприятий социально-экономических программ комплексного развития сельских территорий.
Ключевые слова: публичное управление, публичная администрация, сельская территория, комплексное развитие сельских территорий, сельскохозяйственный обслуживающий кооператив, обслуживающая кооперация.
Problem statement. An important task of the modern agrarian policy in Ukraine is the administrative provision of the integrated development of territorial communities in rural areas. To do this, there is a need to coordinate efforts of ministries and departments, ter-
ritorial bodies of state power, local self-government bodies, public institutions and business representatives capable of creating the necessary conditions for working and living the rural population through appropriate mechanisms of cooperation. In accordance with the plans
for the implementation of the Concept of Rural Development, the Concept for the Reform of Local Self-Government and Territorial Organization of Power in Ukraine, the State Target Program for the Development of the Ukrainian Village until 2015, the Concept for the Development of Farmers and Agricultural Cooperatives in 2018-2020 [1] the public authorities pay considerable attention to the development of state and regional programs aimed at ensuring the effective activity of agricultural producers and creating the proper living conditions for inhabitants of rural areas.
At present, territorial communities are the weakest link in the spatial development which is undergoing a systemic crisis [2, p. 86]. One of the most effective ways of overcoming it is the use of fundamentally innovative elements of public administration of territorial development at the regional level with the involvement of the cooperative relation subjects capable of ensuring the integrated development of rural areas. As the basis of sustainable development, cooperation is an institution of self-organization of the population. It is the unifying center of the rural population in solving the most pressing problems and is able to satisfy its members in different quality services.
Under the conditions of power decentralization, not all territorial communities have the opportunity to form a full budget which will cover the cost of maintenance of communal production and social infrastructure. It is through public and private partnerships that local authorities can delegate some of their powers to servicing cooperatives and support them through financing of
social and economic programs for the integrated rural area development, including targeted programs of development and support of cooperative relation entities in the village. Therefore, the study of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of conceptual principles of public administration of rural communities on the basis of cooperation is an urgent problem of the present.
Actual scientific researches and issue analysis. Theoretical and methodological provisions of sustainable development management of regions and rural areas are shown in the works of F. A. Vazhynsky [3], O. V. Kovalenko, V. P. Slavov [4], Y. O. Lupenko, M. K. Orlaty [5], M. F. Kropyvko [6], O. I. Pavlov [7, 8], P. T. Sabluk [9], V. V. Yurchyshyn [10] and others. The issue on the specificity of public management and regulation of territorial development is shown in the works of N. V. and O. I. Vasiliev [11, 12], P. I. Haidutsky [2], Y. V. Kovbasiuk [13], O. Y. Obolensky [14], V. I. Tiotkin [15] and others. Detailed study of issues on public administration of rural communities is possible with consideration of all components of regional development, further analysis of the theoretical and methodological base and development of measures of state and regional administrative and economic policy on this basis. The research on the above issues requires further theoretical and methodological developments and is especially important in the process of decentralization and evaluation of activities of public authorities.
The purpose of the article is to justify conceptual principles of public administration of the integrated rural
area development through activating cooperative relation entities which is aimed at solving urgent problems of territorial communities.
Statement of basic materials. Before considering the issues of public administration for the integrated rural area development and their effectiveness through the intensification of the cooperative movement, it should be focused on defining the content of such concepts as "public administration", "rural area", "integrated rural area development" and "public administration of the integrated rural area development".
According to J. M. Sharits, public administration focuses on solving such issues as planning, organizational and information provision, management, personnel management, performance evaluation and control. According to D. Keeling, it is the best use of resources in order to achieve the state policy priorities [16, p.8]. By definition of O. Y. Obolensky, public administration is to implement a set of rational influences on functioning and development of the collective of people to achieve predetermined goals. Conceptual principles of public management include provision of the common good, social values, interests and needs, integrity of the management process, systemic and institutional character, openness, solidarity, rationalism, effectiveness, efficiency, expediency, timeliness, consolidation of the community and society around the vision of its future and state based on modern management methods [14, p. 5].
Indeed, under the conditions of globalization and the process of the Ukrainian integration into European
space, the domestic system of regional governance needs substantial modernization and improvement, and local self-government should be based on the interests of human development and the territorial community. Public administration should be carried out by the administration which includes a system of executive bodies, local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations in the case of delegation of some their powers by the executive bodies and local self-government bodies, as well as any entities that carry out public administration functions, organizational actions and measures [12, p. 21].
It should be noted that in the context of the administrative reform of rural areas, all the characteristic features of classical public administration should be considered from the standpoint of the integrated approach to their development. In our opinion, the administration must take into account the public opinion of the inhabitants of rural areas for the effectiveness of managerial decisions. One of the tools of influence on public authorities and immediate implementers of planned activities may be unifying population organizations, for example, service cooperatives. They are able to influence the officials in the territorial communities and formulate a well-considered policy for the integrated development of rural areas through activation of their activities.
According to V. P. Slavov and O. V. Kovalenko "the rural area is an economic and ecological category, a regional and territorial formation with specific climatic, social and economic conditions where economically and ecologically balanced and energetically in-
terconnected resources (natural, labor, material, energy, information, financial ones, etc.) in order to create a cumulative social product of a specific territory and a valuable living environment for present and future generations" [4, p. 69]. V. V. Yurchyshyn notes that "the rural area in the modern sense is a complex and multifunctional natural, social and economic and production and economic structure and is characterized by peculiar features" [10, p. 7]. O. I. Pavlov uses the term "rural areas" to designate rural areas of specific parts of the country, namely, natural and economic, administrative and territorial entities and others. [8, p. 28]. The draft law "On the Planning of Territorial Infrastructure of the Countryside" states that the area is rural which share of rural population in the total number exceeds 15-50 %. Article 1 of the draft law "On the ordering of village settlement network, deepening the principles of local self-government in rural areas and promoting population de-urbanization" in rural areas refers to the territory in which there are rural settlements (villages and urban villages), agricultural and other lands, forests, reservoirs, transport and other infrastructures serviced by inhabitants of rural settlements [1].
In accordance with the Concept of Rural Area Development, the integrated approach to solving their development problems involves foundations for sustainable development principles. Ensuring integration is the rational formation of competitive multi-sector and mixed agriculture, a diversified rural economy, a favorable living environment based on the growth of human and social capital and the development
of state and business partnerships. The integrated development of areas is considered as a system of developing organizational and legal, social and economic conditions for approximation and equalization of the living conditions of urban and rural population in State Target Program for the Development of Ukrainian Village up to 2015 [1]. The integrated rural development is facilitated by all program activities, including support both for agricultural production and for the social sphere.
M. M. Chornobay and L. M. Chor-nobay define the integrated development of rural areas as a process of stable functioning of territorial communities on the basis of ensuring the effective development of economic, social and ecological settlement components and reproduction of labor potential. They attribute the efficiency indicators to the growth of agricultural production, diversification of the rural economy, food security of the country, the number of rural population, the level and quality of life in the countryside and the environmental situation in rural areas [17, p. 104]. Public administration of the integrated development of rural areas should be based on the application of the program-target method in solving social problems of rural area development within the framework of the implementation of the Concept of Rural Area Development [15, p. 33]. In our opinion, the integrated development of the area is also the establishment of a permanent, balanced, harmonious relationship between a man, society and nature.
We believe that service cooperatives can be an effective tool for self-organization of representatives of territorial
communities, capable of dialogue with public authorities and defending the interests of its members. They provide broad opportunities for the sustainable development of rural settlements. Local self-government bodies can solve the most problematic issues of social and economic development, rational use of natural resources and ensuring environmental protection through promotion of their activities and delegation of part of their powers. In particular, this concerns not only the association of commodity producers in order to satisfy their economic interests in harvesting, processing and marketing of agricultural products but also provision of quality services in the spheres of housing and communal services, maintenance of communal property objects (buildings, water pipes, roads and others engineering networks and structures), transportation and utilization of solid household wastes, organization of civilized landfills for disposal sites, providing amenities, etc. which are the most pressing problems of our time. The mechanism of cooperation of service cooperatives with public authorities should be clearly stated in the Statute of the Territorial Community, as well as in the Statute and Rules of the Internal Economic Activity of Cooperative Organizations. Particular attention should be paid to such services, for which local governments delegate part of their powers to cooperatives through the implementation of public and private partnership agreements. On the one hand, representatives of public authorities at the state, regional and local levels will contribute to the comprehensive attraction of investments, including grants from international technical assistance pro-
jects to rural communities through the adoption of comprehensive targeted social and economic development programs. On the other hand, service cooperatives on the basis of competitive selection will carry out planned activities in rural settlements, assuming the responsibility for the quality of services to their members who are residents of the territorial communities. Since multifunctional agricultural service cooperatives predominate in territorial communities, we believe that at the first stage they can be the subject of cooperative relations for the provision of services for the integrated development of rural territorial communities in public and private partnership agreements.
Above all, promotion of activities of service cooperatives in rural areas depends on conducting a well-considered public administration policy and effective tools for its implementation. The policy of local and regional development should focus on generally accepted European standards and principles: decentralization of public administration, deconcentration of authorities, partnership and cooperation efforts of local executive authorities and local self-government bodies. It is based on the concentration and rational utilization of resource support, subsidiarity in providing services to the population and the best possible servicing of the territorial community [11, p. 303].
Public agricultural policy should be aimed at the development of rural areas and the effectiveness of its implementation depends on effective mechanisms for its implementation. P.I. Gaidutskyi notes that lack of differentiation in measures to support agriculture and rural areas distort the real picture of the
support of the agrarian sector [2, p. 86]. Academician P. T. Sabluk believes that the functioning of each rural settlement, development of its infrastructure and incomes of its inhabitants should be ensured through the mechanisms of agrarian policy [9, p. 5]. This opinion is supported by M. F. Kropyvko, arguing that sectoral and regional programs should be differentiated and the development of rural areas is the prerogative of local self-government [6, p. 121].
As noted by O. I. Pavlov, tools of state policy of the integrated development of rural areas are embodied in the corresponding schemes of planning areas, general plans for the development of settlements, strategies, targeted programs and their implementation is the process of management activities [7, p. 13]. At the same time, he stresses that the management of rural development belongs to the horizontal type of governance where partners are dominated by partnerships. All directions of the state policy within the framework of their interaction must synergize with each other, forming a certain development environment. Cooperation in areas of the agrarian and rural development is extremely important in addressing key issues related to poverty reduction and economic development. In the process of such interaction it is necessary to identify clearly functions of the rural and agricultural development and therefore the differentiation of concepts of the agricultural development and the development of rural areas is important [3, p. 145].
Effectiveness of public administration policy depends on the cooperation, mutual understanding and the desire of bodies of state executive and local
self-government to solve the important problems of territorial communities in the village through the activation of service cooperatives in territorial communities. At the same time, it is necessary to involve civil society institutions, population, business representatives and other business entities whose activities are directly related to the functioning of the settlement for the adoption of managerial decisions and development of local programs. Rural area development programs should include rural development support measures that meet the needs of the territorial communities of villages, settlements, districts and regions.
In our opinion, promotion of activities of service cooperatives is an important component of public administration of the integrated development of rural areas. Cooperation of public authorities with cooperative relation subjects on the basis of public and private partnership consists in the introduction of effective mechanisms, tools and instruments of state and regional policy. They are aimed at raising the level of social and economic development of rural communities, rational use of natural resources and preservation of the environment, taking into account the project-targeted approach. The combination of a balanced system of economic, social and environmental indicators in managerial decisions to achieve the result indicates the sustainable development of areas as the basis for their balanced functioning.
Conclusions and directions for future research. Public administration of the integrated development of rural areas plays an important role in the formation of the state agrarian policy. A service cooperative is a powerful tool
for the self-organization of territorial communities. Taking into account the project-targeted approach, promotion of its activities will contribute to the solution of the most important problems in the village by public authorities through the introduction of mechanisms and tools of public and private partnership. In order to make managerial decisions and develop local programs, local self-government bodies with representatives of service cooperatives should be closely involved with civil society institutions, population, business representatives and other business entities whose activities are directly related to the functioning of the rural settlement. Directions for future research are to find effective mechanisms for cooperation between public authorities and cooperative organizations in order to ensure the integrated development of rural areas.
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