UDC: 159.99/796.81
DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-38-44
Psychological support of athletes of regional combat sports combined teams
in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Pavel I. Sidorov*, Kirsan S. Kolodeznikov, Aleksey A. Efimov M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk Yakutsk, Russia ORCID0000-0002-5143-3792, [email protected]* ORCID: 0000-0003-3427-5056, [email protected] ORCID0000-0003-3164-9825, [email protected]
Abstract: Nowadays it is hard to imagine the system of highly-qualified athletes-combatants training without a complex, integral approach. One of the most effective sides of sports training provision is psychological support. It helps athletes to cope with the problems and provide maximal psychological reliability, success in sports competitions. Materials. The training process optimization and sports results improvement among the athletes- combatants in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) by means of psychological support. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, the level of athletes' psychological state, anxiety level control and analysis, psychic reliability estimation, the level of working capacity and attention steadiness estimation. Results. The indices of the research helped to reveal excessive activity. It can lead to early burnout, lack of coordination in actions, helped to define behavioral reactions, anxiety level, motivation among combatants. Conclusion. According to the results of psychological support of the combined teams introduction and carried out research works, the athletes and coaches mastered the basic skills of self-regulation, ideomotor training, mobilization and relaxation. We gave the recommendations concerning educational-training process correction, organized conversations in terms of moral- ethical upbringing. All respondents of the research had competitions results improvement. It proves the effectiveness of the carried out work. Keywords: combat sports, psychological support, regional combined team, psychological-pedagogical state of athletes, anxiety level, psychic reliability estimation, the level of working capacity estimation.
For citation: Pavel I. Sidorov*, Kirsan S. Kolodeznikov, Aleksey A. Efimov. Psychological support of athletes of regional combat sports combined teams in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(2): 30-34. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-38-44.
In the theory and methodology of physical upbringing and sports training we come across with such notion as "high achievements sport". In this term the definite social phenomenon is meant. It is conditioned by the fact that sports achievements of the highest level became available for talented people. The training process of these talented people demands great material means and new achievements of science and sports competitions become a powerful factor of the International relations [10]. Nowadays it is hard to imagine the system of highly-qualified athletes-combatants and the reserve [1,2,3,6,] training without a complex, integral approach [4,5]. One of the most effective sides of sports training provision is psychological support. It helps athletes to cope with the problems and provide maximal psychological reliability, success in sports competitions [7,8,9,11].
The aim of the present research work was the training process optimization and sports results increase among athletes-combatants of the Republic
of Sakha (Yakutia) by means of psychological support.
Materials and methods
For the research we organized the following: information sources analysis and summarizing, the level of athletes' psychological state, anxiety level control and analysis, psychic reliability estimation, the level of working capacity and attention steadiness estimation. The complex of psychological support was introduced into work of the regional boxing, kick-boxing and freestyle wrestling combined teams of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
Results and discussion
The indices of the research helped to reveal excessive activity. It can lead to early burnout, lack of coordination in actions, helped to define behavioral reactions, anxiety level, motivation among combatants. 30 highly-qualified athletes took part in the research (boxers, kick-boxers and freestyle wrestlers). Psychic reliability estimation was studied according to V.E.
Milman methodology. In accordance with this methodology psychic reliability is considered as the steadiness of the main psychic mechanisms functioning in difficult competitive conditions. It includes several components: emotional competitive steadiness, self-regulation, motivational-energetic component, stability and noise immunity. Each answer belongs to one of 4 components (apart from general question - 17) and is estimated by the points. "-" mark shows the level of reliability decrease according to the given component in comparison with the average data; "+" mark shows the increased level of this or that psychic reliability component in comparison with the average level. Anxiety and motivation level was defined according to C. Spielberger express-methodology in order to estimate situation anxiety and motivation durig pre-start activity and the level of an optimal fighting state of an athlete. As a result we revealed the indices of anxiety and motivation level. They help to understand the desire to train or not; if there is an excessive motivation to realize activity. It can lead to early burnout and non-coordination of actions; to know the level of or self-complacency or nervous
The picture shows that anxiety level indices form 12 p, motivation - 26 p. It proves hunger for activity. There is excessive motivation to realize activity. It can lead to early burnout and non-cooperation of actions. There is some degree of self-complacency in the expected events, including the observations over behavioral reactions.
The level of working capacity and attention steadiness estimation. The methodology is directed toward the speed of orienting-searching eye movements revelation, in order to study the volume of attention (concerning visual stimulus). The main index in the test is the time of fulfillment and the amount of mistakes separately according to each table. As a result of each table fulfillment we can form "fatigability curve". It reflects attention steadiness and working capacity in dynamics. With the help of this test we can calculate such indices as effectiveness of work (EW), degree of the ability to merge into work at the beginning (MW), mental stability (MS). Table 1 and "Fatigability curve" diagram present the example.
Table 1
curve" table
Name Surname Attempts Effectiveness work Degree of the ability to merge into work at the beginning Mental stability
1 Wrestler 1 37 33 27 41 34 34 high 1.0 average 1.2 average
12 3 4 5
10 -■ 20
30 -I 40
50 -I 60 -■ 70
Fig. 2. "Fatigability curve" diagram
On the basis of the results, presented in the table we come to the conclusion that the effectiveness of work of an athlete is high (34 p.) in terms of the average degree of the ability to merge into work at the beginning (1.0 p.). Mental stability is on the average level (1.2 p.). The athlete is ready
to fulfill and cope with a long-term physical load in terms of tiredness.
Motivation to sports activity estimation. The methodology is used during thorough psychological study organization among the athletes in order to select into teams and in order to make decision while planning psychological training. It demands information concerning the level, structure and hierarchy of sports activity motives. The given test considers the following needs: need for achievement,
need for struggle, need for self-improvement, need for communication, need for encouragement. All mentioned above helps to create the profile of sports activity motives and it provides comparative analysis of the separate motives intensity and the structure of motivation, the level of motivation in general with values hierarchy, measured by the 1st methodology. Table 2 presents the example.
Table 2
Profile of sports activity motives
Needs General motivation
for achievement for struggle for self-improvement for communication for encouragement
36 excessive 34 excessive 34 excessive 34 excessive 28 optim 33 optim
This profile shows that an athlete has an excessive level of motivation: need for achievement (36), for struggle (34), for self-improvement (34), for communication (34). The indices of the need for encouragement and expectations from the competitions are optimal (28). General motivation is optimal.
Personal qualities estimation. Standardized multifactorial method of personality study (SMPS) presents MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) test modification (Hathaway,
McKinley). The methodology is directed toward personality study, it reveals the outline of psychological clear emotions and personality features and diagnoses psychopathology.
"Psychological profile of a personality" of each person includes many different features, as a picture includes different colors. They are called accentuations. Different people have different degree of accentuations and it forms the final "personality profile" (Fig. 3).
Results according to the main scales
L F K SI 52 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 sa S9 SO
♦ Results according to the main scales 53 7S 52 70 5S 51 73 53 53 63 34 77 64
Fig. 3. Results according to the main scales
This profile shows the increase according typical for a completely balanced personality. At the
to the following scales: 8 "Individuality" - 84 p, 9 same time we see considerable increase according
"Cheerfulness" - 77 p, 4 "Impulsiveness" - 73 p. to the following scales: 8 "Individuality" - 84 p, 9
Most scales are in a narrow range of a norm "Cheerfulness" - 77 p, 4 "Impulsiveness" - 73 p. - within 48-58 T- oscillations of a profile and are
These scales define the accentuated features. They sometimes make social-psychological adaptation of a person difficult. Mentioned above scales are the leading tendencies. They define characterological peculiarity.
More detailed description of the indices according to the scales is the following: there is combination of the increased sensitivity with emotional frigidity and aloofness in interpersonal relations. We see distinct intuitivity, the ability to feel and perceive abstract images. Everyday joy and sorrow, as a rule, don't cause needed emotional reaction. Increased in the profile with the normative indices according to other scales it reveals isolated -contemplative personal position, analytical mind; inclination for thinking prevails over feelings and operative activity. Abstract-analytical style of perception prevails. It is demonstrated in the ability to reproduce integral image on the basis of minimal information paying special attention to subjectively important aspects, mainly connected with the world of own fantasies, than with reality. The situation, subjectively perceived by them as a stress, causes the state of confusion.
If their real values are affected, we see excessively low stress resistance and disadaptation has the most irrational variant.
1. Hypertemic type. Constant desire to search for "adrenaline". The desire to have a trial in extreme and non-standard situations.
2. Insufficient experience is compensated by intuitivity and quickness of reactions. At the same time primitive personality, who is ready only to take and who has excessive ambitions, an individual, who is boring, lazy and who is not able (or doesn't have any desire) to master the basis of general education course. Who tries to attract attention of people around by means of negative ways, violating generally adopted style of behavior and neglecting moral-ethic rules of society.
According to the results of the combined teams introduction psychological support and carried out research works, the athletes and coaches mastered the basic skills of self-regulation, ideomotor training, mobilization and relaxation. We gave the recommendations concerning educational-training process correction, organized conversations in terms of moral- ethical upbringing. All respondents of the research had competitions results improvement. It proves the effectiveness of the carried out work. In the future we plan to continue and develop the work of psychologists in several directions:
• Individual consulting of athletes, coaches, parents.
• Psychological support of the teams.
• Trainings of goal-setting, team-building,
teaching the techniques of own state and phyche resources control.
• Athletes' psychological readiness, social-psychological climate in a team and athletes compatibility diagnostics , the features of emotional instability study.
• Teaching athletes the skills of not favorable psychic states self-regulation (visualization, ideomotor training, mental training and others).
• Training seminars for caches, workshop sessions.
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Submitted: 12.03.2022 Author's information:
Pavel I. Sidorov — Post-graduate, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, 677007, Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Kulakovskogo str., House 42, e-mail: pavel [email protected] Kolodeznikov K.S. — Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, 677007, Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Kulakovskogo str., House 42, e-mail: [email protected]
Aleksey A. Efimov — Post-graduate, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, 677007, Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Kulakovskogo str., House 42, e-mail: saxa. [email protected]