UDC 796.83
DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-198-204
Boxing: functional training analysis at a pre-competitive stage
Kirsan S. Kolodeznikov*, Mikhail V. Pelmenev M.K. Ammosov Federal University, North-East Yakutsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-3427-5056, [email protected]* ORCID:0000-0002-1083-555X, [email protected]
Abstract: In terms of modern sport, training athletes for competitions of different level demands great efforts during searching for new ways of technical-tactical, physical and psychological readiness improvement, conditioned by individual characteristics of athletes, educational-training process and competitive activity quality and effectiveness. Taking into account high level of combats density in boxing and the effectiveness of technical-tactical actions increase during the final rounds of the combat, further progress in this important quality development in the nearest future, searching for the methods of boxers' functional readiness increase during different periods of the training process are very urgent now. Materials. Boxers' functional readiness study and analysis before the competitions using "Polar Electro OY". Research methods. The following research methods are used in the work: Information sources analysis connected with the topic of the research; functional readiness determination with the help of "Polar Electro OY". Results. The research work showed that mean values of arterial pressure volumes among boxers were within the range of normal values in terms of different heart rate indices. However, among some boxers short-term physical loads lead to negative levels of working capacity of cardiovascular system. Conclusion. The carried out research work helps to conclude that a pre-competitive training of boxers can be more effective in terms of timely made corrections of the training process using "Polar Electro OY".
Key words: boxing, pro-competitive stage, competitive activity, individual characteristics of athletes.
For citation: Kirsan S. Kolodeznikov*, Mikhail V. pre-competitive stage. Russian Journal of Physical 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-198-204.
In terms of modern sport, training athletes for competitions of different level demands great efforts during searching for new ways of technical-tactical, physical and psychological readiness improvement, conditioned by individual characteristics of athletes, educational-training process and competitive activity quality and effectiveness [1,3,7]. Competitive activity is thoroughly studied, the characteristics of training the leading combatants of this country and the world are controlled and analyzed [5,6,8,9]. Many scientists study modern methodologies of the functional state of cardiopulmonary system of general and special working capacity among combatants of different qualifications, carry out synthesis of biomechanical movements with the help of computer technologies [4,10,11] .Taking into account high level of combats density in boxing and the effectiveness of technical-tactical actions increase during the final rounds of the combat, further progress in this important quality development in the nearest future, searching for the methods of boxers' functional readiness increase during different periods of the training process are
Pelmenev. Boxing: functional training analysis at a Education and Sport. 2022; 17(2): 156-160. DOI:
very urgent now. Most research workers consider that the whole methodology, strategy and tactics of athletes' training depend on the functional readiness of athletes [2].
The aim of the research: to study and analyze functional readiness of boxers before the competitions using "Polar Electro OY" for corrections introduction into the raining loads according to the results of the research.
Materials and methods
Highly-qualified athletes from boxing combined team of Physical culture and sport Institute of M.K. Ammosov Federal University, North-East took part in the research.
The main objective was to create and study the training process of training for competitions at a pre-competitive stage. The research was held during 2-week mesocycle. The structure of the training loads at a pre-competitive stage of training was statistically analyzed. During the observation over the training level indices among the boxers we paid attention to the results of their functional readiness for the future competitions. At the beginning of the
research we took heart rate indices and recovery accordance with the set program of a coach using the indices among the boxers with the help of off-wire pitch sensor and a special «Polar Flow» application monitoring "Polar Electro OY". Boxers trained in (Fig. 1), 6 times a week (2 hours each).
Fig. 1. The indices of the recovery pulse and time of trainings
Results and discussion
The results of the experiment were revealed and analyzed during the pre-competitive stage.
During the research it was revealed that mean values of arterial pressure volumes among boxers were within the range of normal values in terms of different heart rate indices. However, among some boxers short-term physical loads lead to negative levels of working capacity of cardiovascular system. Table 1 presents the research results.
According to the results of the research we defined the state of the boxers. At the present stage boxers № 4, 5, 6, 9 showed good adaptation of an organism. It can overcome intensive training loads, stable functioning of cardiovascular and respiratory systems in terms of the specific physical load, training influence. It provided an optimal rehabilitation of an organism (90-95%). It proves that the organisms of the respondents achieved the 1st level of readiness ("sports fitness").
We offered the following corrections into the training load of respondents № 7, 10. For boxer № 7 it is necessary to fulfill the complete volume of the next training lesson, the intensity of the load should be 65-75%, the direction of the load should be 60% of glycolytic character and 40% of aerobic-anaerobic character. The state of boxer № 10 readiness helped to state, that the volume of his rehabilitation was 40-50%. As a result of this we recommended him the following for the physical load correction: the volume of the future training lesson is necessary to decrease by 50%; the intensity of the load is necessary to decrease by 75-80%; physiological orientation of the load should be aerobic and aerobic-anaerobic -till 20% from the recommended one.
Studying the state of respondents № 1, 2, 3, 8, 11 helped to reveal the following: over-tension during boxer's adaptation control under the influence of glycolytic character load; the function of boxer's cardio system energy supply decrease by 55-60% in terms of high index of pulse (90 beats/min.); high level of respiratory system activation in terms of cardio system productivity decrease, conditioned by
glycolytic character load; boxer's organism recovery 20 minutes after the training class ending was delayed; high level of respiratory system activation conditioned by glycolytic character load in terms of cardio system productivity decrease.
We see considerable pulse increase, heart works owing to cardiac contraction increase. It is irrational for the heart. Rehabilitation period becomes longer, tiredness accumulates.
On the basis of the received indices we changed the training and the approach of the respondents. We offered the following recommendations: the volume of the training lesson should be decreased by 4550%; the intensity of the load should be decreased by 70-80%; physiological orientation of the load should be aerobic, and aerobic-anaerobic - till 20%. We decreased the intensity of the training in order to improve athletes' concentration. If an athlete's brain is relaxed, all other body parts transfer to the same state. In our opinion, it is reasonable to use these methodologies before the evening rest. For example, higher degree of relaxation can be achieved if an athlete takes a warm bath or a shower before going to bed.
After the set corrections and recommendations use the indices increased, respiration and heart rate increased moderately, rehabilitation gradually stabilized.
Functional readiness of a definite athlete depends on the level of his other motor qualities development (for example, speed, power oriented and etc.). In this connection it is necessary to take into account absolute and relative indices of endurance. The most popular in physical upbringing and sport relative endurance indices are the following: margin of speed, endurance index, endurance coefficient.
Indices of working capacity of boxers' cardiovascular system, received with the help of "Polar Electro OY"
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The athletes, who train systematically and use the training loads rationally, achieve a steady adaptation of an organism to intensive training loads, stable respiration functioning, an optimal organism recovery in terms of specific physical load.
Thus, timely selection of the boxers, taking into account the main leading factors, which condition physical working capacity, helps to increase sports readiness and reliability of athletes. It proves the effectiveness of a complex selection of boxers into educational-training groups.
Sports results increase in all kinds of sport,
including boxing, is connected with the training loads volume intensity and the density of the organized competitions increase. It makes coaches reveal the athletes. They are able to achieve high sport results, providing effective sports development at the further stages of a long-term training. We can underline that carried out by us experiment helped to define a functional index. It can be used as one of the selection criterion. It proves that the created methodology of a complex boxers' selection helps to realize the selection more effectively. While the athletes examination it is necessary to analyze the
main anthropometric, physiometric, functional indices. It is impossible to predict success of the performances in boxing using only psychological or physiological indices of athletes. It is necessary to realize a complex analysis of morphological, functional, psychological characteristics of athletes, their adaptive abilities and reactions to competitive and training loads increase.
Taking into account the received results we come to the following conclusion: while managing the process of pre-competitive training in boxers, it is necessary to follow strictly differentiated approach to each of them. As a result of the fulfilled research work we created the authors' concept of substantiating the essence, structure, content and specificity of the algorithm of training control at pre-competitive stage of year-round training from the positions of the theory and practice of pedagogical (physical culture) education in sport of the highest achievements. For the first time the notion of the algorithm was introduced into the system of physical culture and sport in sportsmanship improvement among boxers and its leading algorithms of three-weekly micro cycles were substantiated at a pre-competitive stage of training. The received theoretical and practical results help to diagnose the training levels of the qualified and highly-qualified boxers and also the degree of their sportsmanship and professional competence. We theoretically and experimentally checked the effective approaches to creation of 3-weeks algorithm of introduction into boxers' "sports fitness" at a pre-competitive stage of their training for the competitive period. Taking into account all mentioned above we make the following conclusions:
The advantage of this or that methodology depends on the following factors: simplicity, availability, reliability, availability of control and regulation systems estimation by means of adaptive mechanisms of an athlete's organism; the opportunities of quantitative and qualitative criteria during athletes' readiness analysis; information-expert analysis use; systematic diagnosing the state of athletes' organisms; competent explanation of the notions "readiness" of athlete and their "adaptation" to effective physical loads.
Nowadays the problem of adaptation to physical loads is understood as a dynamic adaptation and static adaptation. Dynamic adaptation is the leading one in sport. Adaptive effects decrease in case of unchanged in character and strength load. Further load increase increases adaptation. Adaptive transformation after a steady phase of organism functioning achievement at a new functional level ends in 10-13 days.
Nowadays in the theory of sports training there is no scientifically substantiated calculation of quantitative criteria of load effectiveness in terms of a separate training lesson. Our research work showed that the content of a pre-competitive mesocycle of boxers' training should be planned taking into consideration quantitative criteria of a special load. They help to improve the system of the training process correction, differentiate and locally improve their sportsmanship. Quantitative-time algorithms of a special physical load in the experimental weekly cycles help to create effective programs of a pre-competitive stage for "sports fitness" gaining.
The models of a pre-competitive stage microcycles among boxers should be created using the following: calculation of physical load algorithms; calculation of physical load algorithms of different physiological intensity; different techniques and methods of physical load algorithms calculation and substantiation; an urgent pedagogical control with boxers' readiness state analysis; calculation of general effectiveness of physical load in the models of the training microcycles.
Created by us models of microcycles in a pre-competitive mesocycle of boxers' training, the content of which form the algorithms of the load with the use of an operative control of readiness, present an effective technology and provide high results achievement.
Specific load during the training lessons created by us model microcycles of a pre-competitive mesocycle of training has a positive influence of boxers' organism and causes positive shifts in their functional state. It provides technical-tactical mastery improvement.
This research work doesn't completely solve the problem of boxers' training process control at a pre-competitive stage. It is necessary to study the questions of professional competency increase among the training staff, especially during the work with children, boys and girls during their transfer into sport of high achievements, including the questions of algorithm giving to their sports development.
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Submitted: 02.04.2022 Author's information:
Kirsan S. Kolodeznikov — Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, M.K. Ammosov Federal University, North-East, 677007, Russia, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Kulakovskogo str., House 42, e-mail: [email protected]
Mikhail V. Pelmenev — Post-graduate, M.K. Ammosov Federal University, North-East, 677007, Russia, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Kulakovskogo str., House 42, e-mail: [email protected]