Научная статья на тему 'Psychological-pedagogical conditions of self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers'

Psychological-pedagogical conditions of self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
psychic self-regulation / athletes / weightlifters / teen-age / psychological-pedagogical conditions.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Krylov Vladimir Mikhaylovich, Krylova Anastasiya Vladimirovna, Ponomareva Tatyana Aleksandrovna

One of the key effectiveness and reliability determinants of competitive activity is a high level of self-regulation development among athletes. It makes the question of psychological training methodical support extremely urgent, especially in the sphere of regulating skills and mechanisms formation. The problem of self-regulation development among weightliftersteenagers is conditioned by contradictions connected, first of all, with the lack of methodical instruments, adapted in correspondence with the peculiarities of this age period; secondly, with the absence of the differentiated methodologies. They are realized in the training process of weightlifters. Materials. The work presents the following psychological-pedagogical conditions of psychic self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers: the complex of psychophysical gymnastics realization, sports art-training organization, directed teaching of free personal tempo and speed of thinking regulation. In order to study the opportunities of the offered conditions in self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers we held an empiric research in two groups of respondents: the control and the experimental groups. Research methods: observation, stating and forming experiment, testing (V.I. Morosanova “Style of behavior self-regulation” test, “Vegetattive balance” test, correction task). Results. After the held e3xperimental work we underline considerable shifts in the experimental group. The level of self-regulation increased till “above the average” index (the final index in the control and experimental groups – 31 and 44,1) (p≤0,01). According to vegetative nervous system reaction to stress it was stated that after practical work the final index in the control group preserved within the zone of the first phase of stress (254). In the experimental group it transferred into the sphere of values, which correspond with adaptation stage (201). The results of psychic functions productivity test show that after the forming experiment great amount of mistakes were mentioned in the control group, the result according to all indices was validly lower (p≤0,05). Conclusion. The ability to realize self-regulation at the definite level depends not only on individual-typical features of an athlete (temperament, character), but also on the mastered skills of ways and methods of self-regulation use. The offered in the work psychologicalpedagogical conditions realization during the experimental research showed general level of psychic self-regulation increase, progressive dynamics of vegetative balance preservation skills development in terms of stress, normal cognitive functions support.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Psychological-pedagogical conditions of self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-3-35-41

Psychological-pedagogical conditions of self-regulation development

among weightlifters-teenagers

Krylov V.M., Krylova A.V.*, Ponomareva TA.

Sterlitamak branch of Bashkir State University

Sterlitamak, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-7514-2861, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0058-2947, Sfk [email protected]* ORCID: 0000-0001-7237-4691, [email protected]

Abstract. One of the key effectiveness and reliability determinants of competitive activity is a high level of self-regulation development among athletes. It makes the question of psychological training methodical support extremely urgent, especially in the sphere of regulating skills and mechanisms formation. The problem of self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers is conditioned by contradictions connected, first of all, with the lack of methodical instruments, adapted in correspondence with the peculiarities of this age period; secondly, with the absence of the differentiated methodologies. They are realized in the training process of weightlifters. Materials. The work presents the following psychological-pedagogical conditions of psychic self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers: the complex of psychophysical gymnastics realization, sports art-training organization, directed teaching of free personal tempo and speed of thinking regulation. In order to study the opportunities of the offered conditions in self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers we held an empiric research in two groups of respondents: the control and the experimental groups. Research methods: observation, stating and forming experiment, testing (V.I. Morosanova "Style of behavior self-regulation" test, "Vegetattive balance" test, correction task). Results. After the held e3xperimental work we underline considerable shifts in the experimental group. The level of self-regulation increased till "above the average" index (the final index in the control and experimental groups - 31 and 44,1) (p<0,0i). According to vegetative nervous system reaction to stress it was stated that after practical work the final index in the control group preserved within the zone of the first phase of stress (254). In the experimental group it transferred into the sphere of values, which correspond with adaptation stage (201). The results of psychic functions productivity test show that after the forming experiment great amount of mistakes were mentioned in the control group, the result according to all indices was validly lower (p<0,05). Conclusion. The ability to realize self-regulation at the definite level depends not only on individual-typical features of an athlete (temperament, character), but also on the mastered skills of ways and methods of self-regulation use. The offered in the work psychological-pedagogical conditions realization during the experimental research showed general level of psychic self-regulation increase, progressive dynamics of vegetative balance preservation skills development in terms of stress, normal cognitive functions support.

Keywords: psychic self-regulation, athletes, weightlifters, teen-age, psychological-pedagogical conditions.

For quotation: Krylov V.M., Krylova A.V.*, Ponomareva T.A. Psychological-pedagogical conditions of self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2020; 15(3): 28-32. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-3-35-41

One of the key effectiveness and reliability determinants of competitive activity is a high level of self-regulation development among athletes. In spite of great amount of works connected with the mechanisms, styles and conditions of studying its development during athlete's psychological-pedagogical training (A.V. Alekseev, B.A. Vyatkin, A.D. Ganyushkin, L.D. Gissen, O.V. Dashkevich,

B.B. Kosov, V.P. Nekrasov, N.A. Khudadov, A.Ts. Puni and others), several problems, connected with dependence of psychic self-regulation on individual-typical and age related peculiarities, on the level of sportsmanship, specialization and the stage of training are still very urgent.

Taking this into consideration, the problem of self-regulation development among weightlifters-

teenagers is conditioned by two contradictions. First of all, teen-age period is characterized by instability and immaturity of emotional-volitional sphere. It shows the absence of effective regulating skills both on the level of emotions and activity. The methods of their development among the athletes of this age category are not definitely differentiated. In terms of the last scientific works, connected with emotional states self-regulation among athletes, in particular with the methods and mechanisms of its development (N.N. Ozhug, 2002 [8]; V.N. Potapov, 2002 [9]; V.N. Smolentseva, 2006 [11]; Yu.Ya. Kiselev, 2009 [5]; N.N. Setyaeva, 2014 [10] and others), sampling included athletes of the highest qualification, starting from teen-age period. It means that the presented methods can't be used in the work with athletes-teenagers, as this age period demands stage-by-stage teaching starting from general regulating skills till the skills of special pre-start and start states regulation. At the same time, the existing methods are based on the developed and steady general skills of self-regulation.

Secondly, in weightlifting competitive result depends on the degree of maximal mobilization and focusing directly before a movement fulfillment, which defines the specificity of self-regulation style. However, in scientific literature, which considers methodical basis of psychological and psychological-pedagogical training of weightlifters, we can find general methods of self-regulation development, recommended for most kinds of sport. Differentiated methodologies were created and tested only in such kinds of sport, as shooting sports (N.N. Ozhug, 2002) [8], track and field (V.R. Malkin, 1977) [6], swimming (I.P. Volkov, 1973 [3]; N.N. Setyaeva, 2004 [10]), fencing (G.D. Babushkin, 1985 [1]), sports gymnastics (Yu.V. Golubev, 1981 [4]).

Mentioned above contradictions conditioned the necessity to search for and substantiate psychological-pedagogical conditions of self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers.

The aim of the research work is studying the peculiarities and determining conditions of self-regulation among weightlifters-teenagers.


1. To analyze the peculiarities of self-

regulation mechanisms among athletes.

2. To define the conditions of self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers.

3. To study empirically the opportunities of the offered conditions in self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers.


The research methods were the following: observation, stating and forming experiment, testing (V.I. Morosanova "Style of behavior self-regulation" test, "Vegetattive balance" test, correction task).


Scientific-methodical basis on the considered problem analysis (L.M. Abolin, A.V. Alekseev, L.D. Gissen, O.A. Konopkin, V.I. Morosanova, A.K. Osnitskiy, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya and others) helps to define self-regulation, first of all, as the function of the psyche to regulate and provide different kinds of a person's activity, taking into account his integrity, individuality and personality; secondly, as a unified process, which provides psychic and psychological abilities and peculiarities mobilization and integration for activity and behavior aims achievement. The system of psychic regulation can be presented by 4 blocks, which include psychic objects for influence (personality and world view, motivation, psychic steadiness, psychic states, motor steadiness) and formation by three kinds of psychic regulation: autogenic, heterogeneous, exogenous [13,14,15,16].

Styles and mechanisms of self-regulation have great variability and are conditioned by several factors, including the character of activity. The research works show that in sports activity the level and character of self-regulation is determined, first of all, by the level of professional mastery (V.P. Nekrasov, N.L. Pikkenkhayn, N.A. Khudakov, R. Frester) [7].

Among athletes with high qualification the main psycho-regulating mechanisms are the following: independence, high adaptive potential in terms of competitive activity, awareness of aims setting and achievement, the ability to level some personal characteristics, which prevent the set aim

achievement, steady evaluation criteria system of the fulfilled activity success. Speaking about the peculiarities of coping-strategy, we should mention that among highly-qualifies athletes adaptive strategies of coping prevail. These strategies include responsibility acceptance, searching for the ways of the problem solution using non-conflict ways in "problem-solution" system. Such athletes are ready to take responsibility for the achieved during the competitions result, control own state in stress situation, and consider any problem from the point of view of the possibility to get positive experience [2].

If we speak about the techniques and styles of self-regulation, which are used by high class athletes, N.N. Ozhug defines the ability to determine important for the set aim achievement conditions, high adaptive potential, high level of general personality self-regulation. It helps to use reasonable coping-strategies, which provide own mistakes acceptance, taking responsibility, positive reconsideration of the situation. The most frequently used ways of unfavorable states prevention are the following: positive emotions actualization, attention focusing, regimen following, music use, religious component [8].

One more determinant of self-regulation level and character, which is defined by G.B. Babushkin, is the age of an athlete. The author substantiates interconnection between earlier use of self-regulation development methods, in particular among teenagers, and the success of the training and competitive activity [12].

Analyzing the methods and conditions of self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers we determined that the main are the following: the training process realization according to the model, psychological field reconstruction, social contacts control and minimization (till isolation), selective communication, technique of progressive relaxation, auto-training. Most of the presented methods can be realized only in terms of sufficient level of basic regulating skills development, which is not typical for teen-age period. This age period is sensitive for their development.

In terms of our research work we offered the following psychological-pedagogical conditions

of psychic self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers: complex of psychophysical gymnastics realization (every day after training lessons- 15 minutes) in order to achieve the balance of vegetative regulation; sports art-training organization (once a week) in order to develop the skills of emotional states psycho-regulation; directed teaching free regulation of personal tempo and speed of thinking.

In order to estimate the dynamics of psychic self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers in the offered conditions we organized an empiric research work. The respondents were 42 weightlifters-teenagers, who were divided into the control and experimental groups. In order to observe the sampling representativeness all respondents were of one age and gender - 13-14 year-old girls.

As a result of the initial diagnostics it was stated that all respondents had the same indices of self-regulation level, all had disbalance of vegetative regulation during the competitions/ before competitions, there were negative changes of cognitive sphere as a reaction to stress factor (attention focusing and psychic processes productivity decrease). Then we estimated the dynamics of these indices in the control and experimental groups.

Psychic self-regulation analysis among the respondents with the help of V.I. Morosanova "Style of behavior self-regulation" test showed the following results. Before the experiment there were no significant differences both according to the separate scales and in integral index. The level of self-regulation was at "below the average" level. After the held experimental work we saw considerable shift in the experimental group. Here the level of self-regulation increased till "above the average" index (the final index in the control and experimental group- 31 and 44,1).

Almost all received values, excluding "estimating subjective features of flexibility" scale, have statistically valid differences in the zone of significance p<0,05 u p<0,0i.

"Estimating subjective features of flexibility" scale calculates the level of regulating flexibility (the ability to change, correct the system of self-regulation in terms of the changing external

and internal conditions). The respondents with the average level of flexibility, which can be found in both experimental groups, demonstrate plasticity of regulating processes and can be transformed and change own behavior depending on the changing external and internal conditions of activity.

The next evaluation criterion of self-regulation level was the reaction of vegetative nervous system to stress. We stated the following with the help of physiological markers of stress registration, which we fixed before competitions. Before the experimental work there were changes of vegetative regulation in both groups of children, which can be presented as the first phase of stress. There were no statistically valid differences in the level and character of vegetative disbalance between the groups. Additional testing in the same conditions (before the competitions) demonstrates positive dynamics in the control group, which is seen in intensity of stress decrease. More sensitive marker turned out to be muscles tonus, which can be conditioned by the method of progressive muscle relaxation. In spite of this, an integral index of vegetative balance doesn't leave the limits of the first phase of stress. Another situation is in the experimental group, where there is the tendency to the studied index decrease, however, here the decrease is even in all markers. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the final index is included into the sphere of values, which correspond with the stage of adaptation.

The next evaluation criterion was cognitive functions productivity in terms of stress, which was estimated with the help of correction task. It was revealed that at the stage of the entrance testing in both groups of respondents before the competitions we stated considerable concentration, steadiness and attention stability decrease in comparison with the results received during the training lessons.

At the end of the forming experiment we see that competitive activity (stress factor) also provides cognitive functions worsening, but the character of these declines in the control and experimental groups is different. In the control group we see more mistakes, the result according to all indices among athletes of this group is validly lower. In the experimental group we see the initial results

improvement in comparison with the results of the control group.


The ability to realize self-regulation at the definite level depends not only on individual-typical features of a person (temperament, character), but also on the mastered skills of using self-regulation means and methods. Mastering the techniques of self-regulation, the effectiveness of their use develops during the process of teaching and social experience interiorization. The ability of an athlete to realize self-regulation mainly conditions the success and reliability of his competitive activity. In this connection special urgency gain the questions of self-regulation development among athletes-teenagers because of instability and immaturity of their volitional sphere and effective regulating skills absence both at the level of emotions and in activity. We offered the following psychological-pedagogical conditions of psychic self-regulation development among weightlifters-teenagers: the complex of psychophysical gymnastics realization, sports art-training organization, directed teaching of free personal tempo and speed of thinking regulation. These conditions realization during the experimental research demonstrated general level of psychic self-regulation increase, progressive dynamics of vegetative balance preservation skills increase in terms of stress, normal functioning of cognitive functions provision.


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Submitted: 27.07.2020 Author's information:

Krylov Vladimir Mikhaylovich - candidate of pedagogics, assistant professor; Sterlitamak branch of Bashkir State University, 453103, Russia, Sterlitamak, Lenin avenue, House 49, e-mail: Krylova.s.v@ inbox.ru

Krylova Anastasiya Vladimirovna - candidate of psychological sciences, assistant professor; Sterlitamak branch of Bashkir State University, 453103, Russia, Sterlitamak, Lenin avenue, House 49, e-mail: Sifk [email protected]

Ponomareva Tatyana Aleksandrovna - candidate of sociological sciences, assistant professor; Sterlitamak branch of Bashkir State University, 453103, Russia, Sterlitamak, Lenin avenue, House 49, e-mail: [email protected]

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