Научная статья на тему 'Psychological aspects of success and reliability demonstration among basketball players in competitive activity'

Psychological aspects of success and reliability demonstration among basketball players in competitive activity Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
basketball players / confidence / reliability / psychological aspects of training / psychic state

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Aleksey V. Pushkarev

Theoretical analysis of studying confidence and reliability increase in basketball players helps to consider athletes’ reliability both from quantitative and qualitative views. An integral index of this is competitive result of the team. The article is about psychological aspects of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players. It is mentioned that the success of the team during competitions mainly depends on the ability of each player to control own psychic state. Confidence and reliability study in basketball players can include different levels of training and readiness revelation. This, first of all, is achieved by psychological training organization. Research methods. Information sources, concerning the questions of psychological readiness and the levels of confidence and reliability, analysis and summarizing, questioning, questionnaire survey, observation and conversation. Materials. The main parts of psychological aspects of success and reliability demonstration in basketball players were revealed with the help of individual and group conversations and a questionnaire survey. The questions for a questionnaire survey were formed in order to reveal structural components of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players at the stage of precompetitive training. Basketball players of a national basketball team took part in the research. Results. During the conversation and a questionnaire survey we revealed the attitude of basketball players to such psychological categories, as confidence and reliability. We defined structural components of confidence and reliability demonstration among basketball players in the training process and during the period of training for competitions. We revealed the levels of confidence and reliability demonstration: physical, psychological, volitional, information, managerial and resulting. We gave the characteristics of all levels of confidence and reliability demonstration. Conclusion. We specified aspects of psychological training, directed towards confidence and reliability formation in the players of basketball team: the aims and objectives of psychological training at an individual and team levels; basketball players’ psycho-emotional and psychic state estimation and correction during the trainings and games; psycho-regulating trainings organization during basketball players training; personal practical recommendations given to the players for psychoemotional state regulation for the whole period of training; differentiated influence on psychoemotional state; recommendations of individual techniques of self-regulation; individual and group consultations organization; the events directed toward a united team creation; the ability formation to use the technique of an individual psychic state regulation and a positive influence on the atmosphere inside the team.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Psychological aspects of success and reliability demonstration among basketball players in competitive activity»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-2-92-98

Psychological aspects of success and reliability demonstration among basketball players in competitive activity

Aleksey V. Pushkarev*

Institute of Physical Culture and Sport Udmurtia State University Izhevsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-6192-4624, [email protected]*

Abstract: Theoretical analysis of studying confidence and reliability increase in basketball players helps to consider athletes' reliability both from quantitative and qualitative views. An integral index of this is competitive result of the team. The article is about psychological aspects of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players. It is mentioned that the success of the team during competitions mainly depends on the ability of each player to control own psychic state. Confidence and reliability study in basketball players can include different levels of training and readiness revelation. This, first of all, is achieved by psychological training organization. Research methods. Information sources, concerning the questions of psychological readiness and the levels of confidence and reliability, analysis and summarizing, questioning, questionnaire survey, observation and conversation. Materials. The main parts of psychological aspects of success and reliability demonstration in basketball players were revealed with the help of individual and group conversations and a questionnaire survey. The questions for a questionnaire survey were formed in order to reveal structural components of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players at the stage of precompetitive training. Basketball players of a national basketball team took part in the research. Results. During the conversation and a questionnaire survey we revealed the attitude of basketball players to such psychological categories, as confidence and reliability. We defined structural components of confidence and reliability demonstration among basketball players in the training process and during the period of training for competitions. We revealed the levels of confidence and reliability demonstration: physical, psychological, volitional, information, managerial and resulting. We gave the characteristics of all levels of confidence and reliability demonstration. Conclusion. We specified aspects of psychological training, directed towards confidence and reliability formation in the players of basketball team: the aims and objectives of psychological training at an individual and team levels; basketball players' psycho-emotional and psychic state estimation and correction during the trainings and games; psycho-regulating trainings organization during basketball players training; personal practical recommendations given to the players for psycho-emotional state regulation for the whole period of training; differentiated influence on psycho-emotional state; recommendations of individual techniques of self-regulation; individual and group consultations organization; the events directed toward a united team creation; the ability formation to use the technique of an individual psychic state regulation and a positive influence on the atmosphere inside the team.

Keywords: basketball players, confidence, reliability, psychological aspects of training, psychic state.

For citation: Aleksey V. Pushkarev* Psychological aspects of success and reliability demonstration among basketball players in competitive activity. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2020; 15(2): 74-79. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-2-92-98


Historical aspect of confidence and reliability notions appearance in sports activity is connected with political and social importance increase of mass sport and professional sport. Modern level of basketball development is characterized by speed, tempo and quality of the game and staginess of

competitions improvement. It demands the state of high psychic readiness in different situations of the game [1]. In this connection, the problem of studying psychological aspects of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players, as the base for self-control, becomes very urgent [4,5,6,7].

Competitive activity of a basketball team

analysis shows self-expression and self-affirmation demonstration of a player in different extreme situations of the game, when he still stays a reliable partner in a team.

The problem of reliability in sport was considered by many specialists in terms of studying the state of psychic readiness or the state of an athlete's tactical efficiency [6,7]. Specialists mention that for the victory, in terms of equal readiness of the players, it is necessary to have a high level of psychic readiness state and reliability during the interaction between the opponents.

In the opinion of the specialists, psychic readiness includes confidence and reliability of the players during competitive activity. It demands the range of all sides of sports training broadening. V.A. Alatortsev, G.B. Babushkihn characterize an athlete's psychological readiness by the effectiveness of his performances and also by self-control development in competitive activity [1,3].

G.A. Kamalieva (2010) considers psychological readiness of volleyball players as an important conditions for volleyball players' confidence development in their psychic abilities [6, p. 36-42]. Many specialists identify reliability in sport as confidence and interference immunity in different situations, others as a functional quality, demonstrated in different situations.

N.N. Romanova, Ya.V. Latyushin, D.A. Dyatlov, V.A. Kuliev and others considering psychological aspects of training hockey players, revealed the necessity to realize psychological support during training. They take into account the specificity of the kind of sport. We underline the importance of all psychological aspects in sport and the necessity to consider functional components of psychological training [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16].

Summing up, we come to the conclusion that confidence and reliability increase in basketball player using psychological training becomes urgent. The aim of the present research work was to consider the importance of confidence and reliability increase among basketball players using psychological training.


Research methods are the following:

Information sources analysis, concerning different aspects of training basketball player. We studied different variants of confidence and reliability among basketball players. We organized a questionnaire survey concerning the athletes' awareness of reliability in sport. The results of our research works were received during long-term study of reliability among basketball players in competitive conditions. An experimental field of our research works was the base of training University teams in Izhevsk, Russia during 2017-2019. The main psychological aspects of success and reliability demonstration in basketball players during competitive activity were revealed with the help of individual and group conversations and a questionnaire survey among the respondents. The questions for the questionnaire survey were formed in order to reveal structural components of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players during the training process and during training for competitions (season 2017-2018; season 2018-2019). 32 basketball players took part in the research work. 12 coaches of the teams took part in the conversation.


The problem of confidence and reliability increase in competitive activity of sports games athletes was always urgent. One of the main reasons of reliability problem appearance in sport was quick sport importance increase in political and economic life. During the pedagogical observation and a questionnaire among the players of the team from Izhevsk, Russia, concerning the questions of confidence and reliability formation during sports training and competitions, we revealed and characterized the factors. They define reliability of an athlete's activity.

During the questionnaire basketball players mentioned the factors. They characterize confidence and reliability demonstration during competitive activity.

67% respondents mentioned that the first factor of reliability and confidence demonstration was the level of organism potentialities. The rest of the respondents mentioned, that an important component of reliability demonstration was stability of performances during important games.

We revealed the kinds of confidence and reliability demonstration, connected with sports activity of basketball players.

All revealed main structural components of confidence and reliability demonstration according to three levels are presented in table 1.

Table 1 - The main structural components of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players during the training process and during training for competitions (season 2018-2019)

The levels of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players Kinds of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players Structural components of confidence and reliability demonstration in different conditions of training

Training lessons Pre-competitive training Official games

Physical level Physical confidence and reliability Physical qualities State of physical readiness Physical abilities mobilization

Psychological level Psychological confidence and reliability Attitude of mind State of psychic readiness The level of motor and intellectual potential realization

Volitional level Executive volitional actions Will The aim of action presentation Volitional actions realization

Information level Information level of demonstration Orientation Conditions Stable and technical fulfillment of the main technical-tactical elements of the game

Managerial level Program Tasks fulfillment GPT (general physical training) and SPT (special physical training) The abilities of an organism realization

Resulting level The level of sports fitness gaining Level of sports fitness stabilization Stable and technical fulfillment of technical-tactical elements of the game Stable demonstration of an organism motor functional potential

Table 1 shows that confidence and reliability study among basketball players during competitive activity can include different levels of training and readiness revelation at the training lessons, before

the competitions and during the official games.

The first level, in the opinion of the respondents, should be considered as physical one. It includes the components of general and special

physical training. In the opinion of the respondents, confidence in a game is formed during the training process in terms of the repeated game situations fulfillment. It can be met in a competitive game. There a basketball player realizes his individual potentialities. However, we should take into account that during the game situations training we can test the level of motor abilities demonstration and reveal drawbacks and advantages of their demonstration in athletes' sports fitness formation (each athlete and team in general).

Physical level of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players is characterized by physical qualities demonstration during the training lessons, by physical readiness state before the game and physical abilities mobilization during official competitions.

Psychological level of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players is characterized by psychic readiness state formation and demonstration. It is demonstrated during athletes' motor and intellectual potential realization (each player and team in general). The main criteria of confidence basketball players connect with nervous system tranquility and nervous processes flexibility. In the first variant confidence is demonstrated in the reaction to game situations of the players and the opponents. Slow reaction is explained as the index of confidence lack in a game. We estimated the behavior of basketball players during the games and in contact. In the second variant confidence of a basketball player is demonstrated in combination with qualitative indices of motor and technical-tactical actions demonstration during the game. Stable motor actions in basketball player specialists connect with nervous activity characteristics, such as strength, mobility, tranquility.

Basketball players characterized their sports reactions to game situations and the attitude to opponents. It was mentioned that most of all they demonstrate aggression, emotional outbursts, shouts, public utterance. In this connection basketball players can be divided according to the power of nervous system in tapping test. Mentioned above evaluation criteria of basketball players' nervous system help to define. Their motor actions form sports character of the basketball player

himself and motor actions form the behavior of a team in general. It is important for an athlete to analyze own behavior and the sense of confidence and reliability concerning own actions in a team. This way a basketball player controls and trains own nervous system, going to the level of reliability demonstration.

Volitional level of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players is in realized regulation of own abilities and mastering own behavior in a team. In basketball, in the opinions of the players themselves, these are actions directed toward the set aim realization, even if different difficulties appear. It is known that volitional actions are connected with muscles work. When an athlete tries to demonstrate own abilities, he trains his volitional abilities. In this case volitional actions of basketball players form the component of confidence and reliability demonstration in a game.

Information level of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players is in the initial level of physical, functional and psychological readiness and the state of psychic readiness estimation in basketball players. During the game it is characterized by quantitative and qualitative indices of stable and technical fulfillment of the main technical-tactical elements of the game and game situations.

Managerial level of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players is in sports training objectives fulfillment and basketball players' functional abilities realization.

Resulting level of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players is in sports fitness gaining and stabilization and a stable motor functional potential of basketball players' organism demonstration in official starts.

Thus, the revealed main structural components of confidence and reliability demonstration in basketball players in the training process and during training for competitions (season 2018-2019) prove the necessity to take into account psychological aspects of their realization.

We specified the following aspects of psychological training, directed toward confidence and reliability formation in the team players:

- aims and objectives of psychological

training at an individual and team level;

- basketball players' psycho-emotional and psychic state evaluation and correction during the trainings and games;

- psycho-regulating trainings mastering during training basketball players;

- personal practical recommendations from the coach to players in order to regulate psycho-emotional state for the whole period of training and competitions;

- differentiated influence on psycho-emotional state of players;

- recommendations of individual techniques of self-regulation;

- individual and group consultations organization;

- events directed toward united team creation;

- the abilities formation of using the technique of an individual psychic state regulation and a positive influence on the atmosphere in a team.

During the research work each player neglected practical recommendations concerning psychic state regulation before the game. All respondents underlined, that coaches had only one mindset, which is to use all abilities to win. In further works we will consider the ways and the technique of psychic state self-regulation, taking into account outer factors and inner state of basketball players.


In modern practice of sports games not much attention is paid to the technique of psychic state self-regulation creation by means of psychological trainings. Nowadays this is a global problem of professional sport. It is known that basketball at any level has the influence on the player's traits of character, forming axiological orientations. It is important that during the game situation basketball players have to solve motor actions problems very quickly. It is especially important to show volitional qualities. In basketball players' volitional qualities formation special place should take support and consultations of sports psychologists. WE think that without sports psychologist it is impossible to create strong team. A coach can see the level of readiness,

players' confidence, but the reliability of a player for further day can be estimated only by a psychologist.


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Submitted: 10.03.2020 Author's information:

Aleksey V. Pushkarev - Senior Lecturer, Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Udmurt State University, 426034, Russia, Izhevsk, Universitetskaya str., House 1 Block 5, e-mail: Alexeipushkarev@ mail.ru

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