his works into their curriculum, ensuring that future generations understand the importance of his message. Conclusion
Magtymguly Pyragy's creative works serve as a bridge of brotherhood and friendship, promoting unity within Turkmenistan and fostering understanding between the nation and the global community. His timeless message of love, peace, and social justice continues to inspire people across cultures and languages, reminding us of our shared humanity and the importance of building bridges of friendship in a complex and interconnected world. Magtymguly Pyragy's creative genius transcended the realm of literature. His poems served as a bridge, fostering a sense of brotherhood and friendship among Turkmen communities. By promoting unity through powerful language and universal themes, Pyragy's legacy continues to inspire generations and strengthen cultural ties across the region. References:
1. Music born with poetry». Turkmenistan (in Russian).
2. Gudar, Nurcan Oznal (2016). Mahtumkulu Guldeste. Istanbul: Salon Yayinlari.
3. Ekber, Kadir (1999). «Mahtumkulu». Turkic World Studies (in Turkish). 3 (2). Wisconsin University: Aegean University.
© Ilmyradova M., Charyyeva K., 2024
УДК 37
Malikova M., lecturer.
Magtymguly Turkmen State University.
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
Most of the world's languages, especially the languages of Western countries (English, German, Spanish, French) and the Turkmen language, are based on the letters of the Latin alphabet. As you know, the Latin alphabet consists of 26 letters. But English, German, Turkmen languages have many sounds (up to 44 sounds). There are very few letters that match the same sound. For example, Bb, Dd, Ff, Kk. Depending on the pronunciation of most letters, it is possible to represent different sounds. In addition, the sounds of the language are represented by additional letters and symbols. In addition, the pronunciation, writing and reading standards of the Czechs are not the same.
Key words:
foreign language, pedagogy, educational activities, students, young teachers, theory.
Маликова М., преподаватель.
Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули.
Ашхабад, Туркменистан.
Большинство языков мира, особенно языки западных стран (английский, немецкий, испанский,
французский) и туркменский язык, основаны на буквах латинского алфавита. Как известно, латинский алфавит состоит из 26 букв. А вот английский, немецкий, туркменский языки имеют много звуков (до 44 звуков). Очень мало букв, которые соответствуют одному и тому же звуку. Например, Bb, Dd, Ff, Kk. В зависимости от произношения большинства букв можно обозначать разные звуки. Кроме того, звуки языка представлены дополнительными буквами и символами. Кроме того, стандарты произношения, письма и чтения у чехов неодинаковы.
Ключевые слова:
иностранный язык, педагогика, образовательная деятельность, студенты, молодые преподаватели, теория.
Writing is also related to reading. Both reading and writing skills come from matching letters and sounds. Reading is done from letters to sounds and writing from sounds to letters. To write, you have to speak from your heart and read what you write. Thus, writing serves as a good tool for teaching spoken language and reading.
The tasks faced by foreign language teachers in teaching writing are as follows: 1. To ensure that students can write words that are part of the lexical minimum without mistakes. 2. To be able to write the sentences used to explain and reinforce the events that are part of the grammatical minimum, with and without examples. 3. To be able to express the content of the read text in writing. 4. To express in writing the content of the text listened to. 5. Write a 10-12 sentence essay on each topic of conversation. 6. Writing essays. 7. To maintain correspondence with foreign friends.
Teaching writing involves three basic skills and practices: 1. Teaching letters and letter combinations. 2. To teach correct writing. 3. Teaching writing by expressing speech.
Most of the world's languages, especially the languages of Western countries (English, German, Spanish, French) and the Turkmen language, are based on the letters of the Latin alphabet. As you know, the Latin alphabet consists of 26 letters. But English, German, Turkmen languages have many sounds (up to 44 sounds). There are very few letters that match the same sound. For example, Bb, Dd, Ff, Kk. Depending on the pronunciation of most letters, it is possible to represent different sounds. In addition, the sounds of the language are represented by additional letters and symbols. In addition, the pronunciation, writing and reading standards of the Czechs are not the same. Because the 6 consonants of the English alphabet represent 23 consonant sounds. The letters of the named languages have both uppercase and lowercase (uppercase and lowercase) forms. If we compare the shapes of printed and written letters, uppercase and lowercase, some letter shapes are the same and some are not. They are very different from each other.
One of the main problems in writing is that the same letter can be read differently in different contexts and words, and the same sound is represented by different letters. For example: in English, the letter "a" can mean up to seven sounds; And the sound [f] is represented by the letters f, ph, ff, gh and letter combinations.
One of the conditions that make writing and reading difficult is the illegibility of written letters. For example: in English b(u)ild, brou(gh)t, (h)our, (w)rite.
Teaching letters and letter combinations involves introducing letters, having students practice writing letters, and doing activities related to writing letters. At the elementary level, students' skills and abilities to write letters and letter combinations beautifully and clearly should be fully developed. Students should know the names, pronunciation, reading, writing, and connection of all letters in words. They should be able to write all letters and combinations of letters, singly and in words, with patterns and without patterns, quickly and beautifully. In solving this task, it is necessary for students to make appropriate use of the skills and abilities acquired in their mother tongue.
Список использованной литературы: 1. Антонова И.И., Рыжова Л.Н. Усвоение лексики английского языка с помощью ЭВМ в старших
классах. Ж. «ИЯШ», 1989, № 5.
2. Барышников Н.В. О преемственности целей обучения иностранному языку в средней школе и в вузе. Ж. «ИЯШ», 1989, № 5.
3. Рогова Г. В. Методика обучения английскому языку. (На английском языке) Л., 1975.
© Malikova M., 2024
УДК 37
Mollayeva A.,
Instructor of Magtymguly Turkmen State University,
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Myratdurdyyeva A., Atamammedova S.,
Students of Magtymguly Turkmen State University,
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
A language teaching method is a single set of procedures which teachers are to follow in the classroom. Methods are usually based on a set of beliefs about the nature of language and learning. Foreign language pedagogy offers a rich tapestry of methodologies, each with its unique strengths and target skills.
teaching methods, language learning, teaching foreign languages.
Моллаева А.,
Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули,
Ашхабад, Туркменистан Мыратдурдыева А., Атамаммедова С.,
Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули,
Ашхабад, Туркменистан
Метод обучения языку представляет собой единый набор процедур, которым учитель должен следовать в классе. Методы обычно основаны на ряде представлений о природе языка и обучения. Педагогика иностранного языка предлагает богатый набор методологий, каждая из которых имеет свои уникальные сильные стороны и целевые навыки.
Ключевые слова: методика обучения, изучение языка, обучение иностранным языкам.