Close Reading: Instructors can guide learners through a close reading of selected poems, focusing on unfamiliar vocabulary and cultural references.
Recitation and Performance: Encouraging learners to recite or perform Pyragy's poems aloud can solidify their understanding of the vocabulary and enhance pronunciation.
Creative Activities: Learners can create their own poems inspired by Pyragy's work, employing newly acquired vocabulary and emulating his style. Conclusion
Magtymguly Pyragy's poems offer a unique and engaging approach to enhancing vocabulary acquisition in foreign language classrooms. By integrating his works into lesson plans, instructors can equip learners with a richer understanding of Turkmen language and culture, while fostering an appreciation for the power and beauty of language itself. References:
1. Gudar, Nurcan Oznal (2016). Mahtumkulu Guldeste. Istanbul: Salon Yayinlari.
2. Kazimoglu, Samir (1994). Literature of Turkic People (in Turkish). Ecdad Publications.
3. Levin, Theodore; Daukeyeva, Saida; Kochumkulova, Elmira (2016). Music of Central Asia. Indiana University.
© Hezretkuliyeva G., Aydogdyyeva B.R., 2024
УДК 37
Hojanepesova M.,
Magtymguly Turkmen State University.
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
Creating and developing students' phonetic skills is based on several didactic principles. Implementation of the Consciousness Principle does not mean the theorization of the entire learning process. One of the most necessary situations is to explain the pronunciation of hard-to-pronounce sounds. This makes it easier to pronounce sounds. Pronunciation takes on an auxiliary character and ceases to be used after the formation of the appropriate phonetic skills and habits.
Key words:
foreign language, pedagogy, educational activities, students, young teachers, theory.
Ходжанепесова М.,
Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули.
Ашхабад, Туркменистан.
Создание и развитие фонетических навыков учащихся базируется на нескольких дидактических
принципах. Реализация Принципа Сознания не означает теоретизирования всего процесса обучения. Одна из самых необходимых ситуаций - объяснение произношения труднопроизносимых звуков. Это облегчает произношение звуков. Произношение приобретает вспомогательный характер и перестает использоваться после формирования соответствующих фонетических навыков и навыков.
Ключевые слова:
иностранный язык, педагогика, образовательная деятельность, студенты, молодые преподаватели, теория.
Creating and developing students' phonetic skills is based on several didactic principles. Implementation of the Consciousness Principle does not mean the theorization of the entire learning process. One of the most necessary situations is to explain the pronunciation of hard-to-pronounce sounds. This makes it easier to pronounce sounds. Pronunciation takes on an auxiliary character and ceases to be used after the formation of the appropriate phonetic skills and habits. Implementation of the activity principle means that students are encouraged to say the sounds on their own according to the patterns. Students should not only be able to pronounce the sounds, but also be able to compare them to their counterparts. Control from the teacher is then transferred to the students themselves. Students' ability to find their own mistakes and self-control also depends on his activity. Adherence to the principle of teaching by demonstration means the active participation of the senses, sight and hearing of the students. When explaining the pronunciation of sounds, students' attention should be drawn to the movements of the tip of the tongue, lips, and lower jaw. It means relying on the principle of teaching words and phrases by showing the teacher to perform directed actions. Dividing and stressing sentences written in books or on the blackboard is considered as a teaching tool. This principle also applies to the teacher's presentation. Accordingly, the teacher should always play cleanly and at a regular pace. Just as it is considered wrong to pray too fast, it is also unhelpful to pray too slowly. Because both of these situations make it difficult to understand what is being said. The technical means can also be interpreted as a means of teaching the principle of listening to recorded conversations by announcers.
In the teaching of phonetics, along with the above, it is necessary to take into account the principles such as consistency and gradually increasing difficulty of the learning material. Do-it-yourself exercises play an important role in improving students' phonetic skills and abilities. In this exercise, the following phonetic units can be considered: sound, sound connection, syllable, word, word connection, phrase, and text. Regular training of hearing and speech organs takes place on the basis of comparing the sounds and other phonetic phenomena of students' mother tongue and the studied foreign language. The introduction and acquisition of phonetic material occurs in the following order:
(a) pronunciation of a new sound in speech or speech patterns;
b) hearing the studied voice separately, its transcription is written on the classroom board or displayed on the table; where necessary, the pronunciation of that sound is shown and compared with the corresponding sound of the mother tongue;
c) learning the new voice by students individually and in public before moving on to reading the text;
(d) listening to a recording in order to recognize the new learned tone or intonation;
e) repeated repetition of phonetic activities to further improve listening skills.
Developing and improving listening skills should be based on the principle of awareness. Conscious mastery of the material is achieved by comparing the phenomena of the native language and the studied foreign language, using the general theory of phonetics as little as possible. As Professor G.V. Rogova pointed out, success in learning foreign languages depends not only on theory (interpretation) or experience, but also on experience based on that theory.
Both conscious and unconscious imitation are of great importance in teaching phonics. The use of these two types of stimulation depends on the stage of teaching and the age characteristics of the students. For
example, in teaching the phonetics of a foreign language to young students in the first and second years of schooling, the importance of implicit imitation, that is, the mechanical repetition of sounds, speech samples following the teacher or phonogram, is great. In the middle and upper stages, conscious imitation plays an important role. Because it helps students to monitor themselves and correct each other's mistakes. Список использованной литературы:
1. Антонова И.И., Рыжова Л.Н. Усвоение лексики английского языка с помощью ЭВМ в старших классах. Ж. «ИЯШ», 1989, № 5.
2. Барышников Н.В. О преемственности целей обучения иностранному языку в средней школе и в вузе. Ж. «ИЯШ», 1989, № 5.
3. Рогова Г. В. Методика обучения английскому языку. (На английском языке) Л., 1975.
© Hojanepesova M., 2024
УДК 37
Hudayberdiyev M. B.,
Instructor Magtymguly Turkmen State University,
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Aydogdyyeva B. R., Student of Magtymguly Turkmen State University,
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
This article expresses the multifaceted role of teachers in student assessment. We move beyond the traditional view of assessment as solely a tool for measuring achievement, and delve into the ways teachers utilize assessment to leader students on their learning journeys. The article expresses the concept of Assessment for Learning (AfL), highlighting how teachers design and implement assessments to identify student strengths and weaknesses, inform instructional decisions, and promote student self-regulation.
teachers, students, pupils, assessment, good, words, deserve.
Худайбердиев М. Б.,
Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули,
Ашхабад, Туркменистан Айдогдыева Б. Р., Студентка
Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули,
Ашхабад, Туркменистан
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