«My health is my wealth» is a saying of our ancestors and they considered the words of the ancestors as the source of health. They understood correctly that where there is health, there will be wealth, and that all wealth is gained through health. This concept is also reflected in proverbs and proverbs. Narratives covering all aspects of life in the book «Source of Wisdom» also attract attention.
Of course, proverbs are distinguished by their versatility. This situation is confirmed by sayings such as «Health is my wealth» and «Health is wealth» in the book. We not only teach our young generation to love life and knowledge, but we also consider raising them to be physically and mentally healthy. This task is one of the most important and basic tasks of the state. Our traditions and beliefs, which have been going on among our people since ancient times, fully confirm that health is the most valuable asset of mankind. The health quotes in the book «Source of wisdom» are also of great importance in the life of mankind. If we pay attention to the translations of these quotes in foreign languages, we can see the connection between the two peoples in the health of the country. That is, when we look at the Italian equivalent of those proverbs, we can see both the connection and the difference in these proverbs:
L'appetito vien mangiando - See it from the mouth
Chi vuole vivere a lungo in buona salute, mangi salvia a maggio - If you want to be healthy, don't eat much, if you want to be respect, don't say much.
Here we can see the similarities between the two languages in these proverbs. That is, when we take the proverb «Salute - tesoro» here, this proverb has a direct meaning in the Turkmen language.
In the wedding rituals of our people, the concepts of tooth wedding, cap wedding, circumcision wedding, white wedding are also rooted in the social validity of health concerns. Our wise poet Magtymguly Pyragy says: «Stay is the pleasure of the soul, health is the king of the soul.» Our people's behavior towards healthy living is also rooted in health concerns.
Health means living right. In recent years, the concept of healthy living has been given greater importance. When we say health, we think about the health of one's testicles, but it also means the health of thoughts. When the thoughts are healthy, the body is also healthy... References:
1. World Health Organization. The determinants of health. Geneva. Accessed 12 May 2011.
2. Public Health Agency of Canada. What Determines Health? Ottawa. Accessed 12 May 2011.
3. Lalonde, Marc (1974). «A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians» Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services. Archived 2014-10-28 at the Wayback Machine.
© Aydogdyyeva B.R., 2024
УДК 37
Aydogdyyeva B.R.,
Student of Magtymguly Turkmen State University.
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
Stylistically set apart from regular speech, they are often metaphorical or symbolic in nature. Speakers can use proverbs to impart knowledge, offer advice, teach or reinforce morals, make an argument, relieve interpersonal tensions, aid in understanding, or to console or inspire others.
proverbs and sayings, Turkmen family, folklore, education and upbringing.
Айдогдыева Б.Р.,
Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули.
Ашхабад, Туркменистан.
Стилистически выделяясь из обычной речи, они часто носят метафорический или символический характер. Ораторы могут использовать пословицы, чтобы передавать знания, давать советы, обучать или укреплять мораль, аргументировать, снимать межличностное напряжение, помогать в понимании, а также утешать или вдохновлять других.
Ключевые слова:
пословицы и поговорки, туркменская семья, фольклор, образование и воспитание.
In Turkmen families, traditions are very important in raising the young generation. In them, the life experience of our people, good morals, upbringing, school of encouragement, sweet and juicy language are concentrated. The educational value of proverbs and sayings has been widely recognized by people since ancient times. The sayings, which have been created and preserved for thousands of years, can be said to be an oceanlike treasure of wisdom of our forefathers, a lamp-counselor that always gives the right direction. The folk wisdom found in the life experience of many generations, the correct solutions and valuable advices arising from the events experienced in everyday life are reflected in the stories. Proverbs have not lost their importance in all times, and with their deep meaning, memorable poetic lines, they have been firmly embedded in the minds of the people. They are widely used in various genres of literature, legends, fairy tales, and other types of folklore. Tales are a stream of wisdom filtered from the wisdom of the people, the experience of life events, and the philosophy of sages.
The relation to woman was also reflected in Turkmen proverbs and sayings - in this encyclopedia of popular wisdom. Underlining that the woman is the beginning of all beginnings, Turkmen say: "Bolduran hem ayal, güldüren hem ayal" ("It is woman who gave the birth and made to be glad"). "Without wife there is no happiness, without son - well-being", "Good daughter follows the mother's example", "If you lost father - cry a day, if mother - cry whole life" - these and many other Turkmen proverbs and sayings tell about family values, about role and value of the woman, especially mother. Those ideas reflect the high value our fathers placed on the educational value of proverbs. Narrations have been successfully carrying out their important task - the education of the perfect generation for many centuries now. Proverbs and proverbs develop children's habit of expressing their thoughts concisely and meaningfully. They have a strong influence on the formation of patriotism, brotherhood, humanitarianism, beauty, morality, hospitality, honesty and many other good qualities in the young generation. References:
1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Source of Wisdom. Ashgabat, 2016
2. Пословица // Литературная энциклопедия. В 11 т. Том 9 / Гл. ред. А. В. Луначарский. — М.: Гос. Ин-т «Советская энциклопедия», 1935.
3. Пословицы // Литературная энциклопедия. В 2 т. Том 2 / Под. Ред. Н. Бродского, А. Лаврецкого и др.— М.—Л.: Л. Д. Френкель, 1925.
© Aydogdyyeva B.R., 2024