УДК 37
Aydogdyyeva B.R.,
Student of Magtymguly Turkmen State University.
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
Proverbs are believed to have an important role in language teaching as a part of obtaining cultural knowledge, metaphorical understanding, and communicative competence.
proverbs, foreign languages, important, learning, culture. Аннотация
Считается, что пословицы играют важную роль в обучении языку как часть получения культурных знаний, метафорического понимания и коммуникативной компетентности.
Ключевые слова: пословицы, иностранные языки, важное, обучение, культура.
Long observed are the wisdom and spirit of people appearing in their proverbs and sayings, myths, legends, fairytales and folk songs. Therefore, the knowledge of proverbs and sayings helps promote better understanding of the thoughtway and character of the folk. Proverbs and sayings represent a national cultural heritage and are a favoured material for learning in a foreign language class. They give students primary information about grammar, syntax and phraseology, and information about the culture of the target language country. In addition, they make speech lively and eloquent. The paper presents some practical recommendations and exercises on the use of proverbs and saying in a foreign language class.
Proverbs form part and parcel of intangible cultural heritage. They are handed down from generation to generation and retained in the collective long-term memory of a people, constituting part of their language and culture. Through proverbs, students will learn about brevity in writing and speech, poetic meaning, sometimes rhyme, alliteration, assonance, and other literary techniques that enhance oral and written literacy. They are taken from whatever source while crafting a language, for instance, they can come from folklore, incidents, poetry, songs, etc.
Proverbs play a role in language learning because they enable cultural and metaphorical understanding, alongside providing a communicative edge. «He who knows no foreign languages knows nothing of his own». «You can never understand one language until you understand at least two». «If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart». Using the Proverb Definitions handout, explain what proverbs are and provide a few examples. Discuss the difference between proverbs and clichés. Ask the students to write down some proverbs they know and then ask them to share some of them. Today's youth are studying world languages in depth. Language teaching in kindergartens, middle and high schools has been improved. As a result, the enthusiasm of our young generation to learn the language is increasing. This helps them to better understand the knowledge being imparted. The abundance of scientific information and literature in world languages shows the importance of world languages in mastering rich scientific information. In general, language learning is very important for every human being. It is closely related to the world of human thought. Therefore, developing language learning skills and deep understanding of the resources of our mother tongue will help us to improve. New methods of language teaching and learning and modern types of lessons are being created in the digital education system. They can provide a source of comfort for individuals, create coherence within a community, and maintain a common cultural identity over
time. The Book of Proverbs is a perfect example of a seminal cultural resource that serves all three of the purposes listed above. Quite insightful, these introduce us to the finer aspects of human values, morals, and behaviour. These are wiser and more concise forms of learning applicable to life in all facets. Proverbs are timeless gems that inculcate within us a sense of enlightenment and a sense of living.
The use of proverbs and sayings contributes to the automation and activation of many grammatical phenomena. Proverbs and sayings develop creative initiative, enrich the vocabulary of students, and help to learn the structure of the language, develop memory and emotional expressiveness of speech.
A proverb is usually a short saying that gives someone some advice. Some of them are quite straightforward and relatively easy to understand. Some of them seem to make no sense at all (but that's where we come in). The more you hear proverbs and idioms used in context, the more you'll get a grasp of their meaning.They can be used to inspire or to motivate students; they can be used as cautionary wisdom. As proverbs have all developed in some human experience, students and educators may recognize how these messages from the past can help inform their own experiences. They can provide a source of comfort for individuals, create coherence within a community, and maintain a common cultural identity over time. The Book of Proverbs is a perfect example of a seminal cultural resource that serves all three of the purposes listed above. References:
1. Neil Norrick. 1985. How Proverbs Mean: Semantic Studies in English Proverbs. Amsterdam: Mouton.
2. Sw. Anand Prahlad. 1996. African-American Proverbs in Context. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
3. Hassan Zolfaghari & Hayat Ameri. «Persian Proverbs: Definitions and Characteristics». Journal of Islamic and Human Advanced Research 2(2012) 93-108.
© Aydogdyyeva B.R., 2023
УДК 159.9
Tangrykulyyeva A.
Instructor of Foreign languages department for technical fields Oguz han Engineering and technology university Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Positive Psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on studying what makes life most worth living. It is based on the idea that people can be inspired to achieve their maximum potential and develop their best selves. It focuses on positive states and traits that contribute to greater positive experiences, positive institutions, emotional resilience, visualizing success and mindfulness, factors that help people achieve a sense of fulfillment, and manage stress more effectively.
Key words:
kinaesthetic, conseptualize, positive psychology, morphosyntax Introduction
As language teachers, we have to pay attention to many things in our work so why add "attention to affect"? Perhaps the simplest, most direct answer is that whatever we focus most on in our particular context, be it general English, morphosyntax, phonetics, literature, English for academic writing or any other special area, attention to affect will make our teaching more effective. If I want to communicate to my students my respect for and interest in what I teach and to encourage them to share this interest, I have a valuable ally in attention