PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE TEACHERS IN UKRAINE IN TERMS OF GLOBALIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Riabova Yulia

In the article professional training of future teachers in Ukraine in terms of globalization is considered. New challenges in the system of training of future specialists are driven by socio-cultural dynamics, which are constantly accelerating under the pressure of globalization and the information revolution. In the context of globalization, competition in the field of educational services is increasing. In the context of society’s search for an effective educational policy and the need for a transition to flexible high-tech education the latest information and communication technologies should be used. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of current globalization trends on the training of future teachers in Ukraine. To achieve the purpose of the study a set of methods and techniques of scientific knowledge is used. Theoretical and methodological basis of the article is modern provisions of pedagogic theory, scientific development of foreign and Ukrainian scientists and specialists in the field of education. The method of logical generalization is used to substantiate theoretically the importance of the tasks and clarify the key concepts of the study. Methods of theoretical generalization and comparison were used to analyze current trends in globalization and their impact on modern education and on the requirements for training of future teachers in modern conditions and trends in order to correspond to world standards and demands. In the twenty-first century, the role of education for all countries is growing even more, decisive for the country’s competitiveness on the world stage. Education itself is a tool for influencing the mental values and priorities of people, taking into account the interests of long-term and current social practice. Education faces the major challenges of globalization, because modern social reality, which is characterized in the most general way by the collapse of the value system, the absence of rigidly structured normative models, requires new guidelines.

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УДК 378.09:371.1:301

DOI 10.25128/2415-3605.20.1.6


ID ORCID /0000-0002-0608-6293 [email protected] Ph.D. in pedagogy, senior teacher Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University 10 68 Desantnykiv Str., Mykolaiv



In the article professional training offuture teachers in Ukraine in terms of globalization is considered. New challenges in the system of training of future specialists are driven by socio-cultural dynamics, which are constantly accelerating under the pressure of globalization and the information revolution. In the context of globalization, competition in the field of educational services is increasing. In the context of society's search for an effective educational policy and the need for a transition to flexible high-tech education the latest information and communication technologies should be used. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of current globalization trends on the training of future teachers in Ukraine. To achieve the purpose of the study a set of methods and techniques of scientific knowledge is used. Theoretical and methodological basis of the article is modern provisions of pedagogic theory, scientific development of foreign and Ukrainian scientists and specialists in the field of education. The method of logical generalization is used to substantiate theoretically the importance of the tasks and clarify the key concepts of the study. Methods of theoretical generalization and comparison were used to analyze current trends in globalization and their impact on modern education and on the requirements for training offuture teachers in modern conditions and trends in order to correspond to world standards and demands. In the twenty-first century, the role of education for all countries is growing even more, decisive for the country's competitiveness on the world stage. Education itself is a tool for influencing the mental values and priorities of people, taking into account the interests of long-term and current social practice. Education faces the major challenges of globalization, because modern social reality, which is characterized in the most general way by the collapse of the value system, the absence of rigidly structured normative models, requires new guidelines.

Keywords: education, globalization, future teachers, internationalization, professional training.


кандидат педагопчних наук, старший викладач Чорноморський нащональний ушверситет ÍMern Петра Могили

вул. 68 Десантнишв,10, м. Микола!в



Розглянуто професшну тдготовку майбутнх учителiв в Укра'М з точки зору глобалгзацИ. Hoei виклики в cucmeMi тдготовки майбутнiх ф^вщв зумовлет соцюкультурною динамжою, яка постшно прискорюетъся nid тиском глобалгзацИ та iнформацiйноi революци. В умовах глобалгзацИ зростае конкуренщя у cфeрi оcвimнiх послуг. У конmeкcmi пошуку сустльством ефективно'1' оcвimньоi nолimuкu та нeобхiдноcmi переходу на гнучку вucокоmeхнологiчну оcвimу нeобхiдно використовувати новimнi тформацшно-комуткацшш технологи. Основна мета цього до^дження nроаналiзуваmu вплив сучасних тенденцш глобалгзацИ на професшну тдготовку майбутшх вчumeлiв в Укра'ш. Для досягнення мети до^дження використовуеться набiр мemодiв i nрuйомiв наукового пгзнання. Теоретико-мemодологiчною основою до^дження е фундамeнmальнi та cучаcнi положення neдагогiчноi теори, науково'1' розробки зарубiжнuх та укратських вчених та фахiвцiв у галузi оcвimu. Методи теоретичного узагальнення та nорiвняння використовувались для анализу сучасних тенденцш глобалгзацИ та 1'х впливу на сучасну оcвimу та вимоги до niдгоmовкu майбутшх вчumeлiв у сучасних умовах та тенден^ях, щоб вiдnовiдаmu cвimовuм стандартам i вимогам. У ХХ1 ст. роль оcвimu для вciх крат зростае, визначальною для крати на cвimовiй арeнi е конкурентоспроможтсть майбутых вчumeлiв. Оcвimа е iнcmрумeнmом впливу на мeнmальнi цiнноcmi та прюритети людей з урахуванням iнmeрeciв довгостроково'1' та сучасно'1' cоцiальноi практики. Оcвimа стикаеться з основними викликами глобалгзацИ, осюльки сучасна cоцiальна реальнкть, яка характеризуется найбшьш загальним способом крахом системи цiнноcmeй, вiдcуmнicmю жорстко структурованих нормативних моделей, вимагае

нових nidxodie. Шдготовка майбуттх учителiв розглядаеться в KOHmeKcmi глобалiзацii як важлива передумова модершзаци та трансформаци сучасно'1' освiти на покладаючись на вiтчизняний та зарубiжний досвiд. Основою професшно'1' пiдготовки вчителя е психолого-педагогiчна пiдготовка, яка скерована на формування глибоких антропологiчних знань, комункативних навичок та компетентностей у сферi людських вiдносин. Шдвищена професшна пiдготовка викладачiв у вищш школi передбачае реалгзацт педагогiчного процесу та розвитку знань, умiнь, компетентностей, цiнностей, норм поведiнки та педагогiчного спшкування, спрямованих на те, щоб стати ф^вцем вiдповiдальним за розвиток сво'1'х професшно значущих якостей. 1нвестицИ в освiту в умовах глобалiзацii стають чинником яюсного розвитку ттелектуального капталу кра'ши, а також мiжнародноi iнтеграцii та з розвитком iнформацiйноi тфраструктури розширюють освiтнiй простiр.

Ключовi слова: освiта, глобалгза^я, майбутт вчителi, iнтернацiоналiзацiя, професшна пiдготовка.


кандидат педагогических наук, старший преподаватель Черноморский национальный университет имени Петра Могилы

ул. 68 Десантников, 10, г. Николаев



Рассматривается профессиональная подготовка будущих учителей в Украине в условиях глобализации. Новые вызовы в системе подготовки будущих специалистов обусловлены социокультурной динамикой, которая постоянно усиливается под давлением глобализации и информационной революции. В условиях глобализации усиливается конкуренция в сфере образовательных услуг. В контексте поиска обществом эффективной образовательной политики и необходимости перехода к гибкому высокотехнологичному образованию следует использовать новейшие информационные и коммуникационные технологии. Основная цель данного исследования проанализировать влияние современных тенденций глобализации на подготовку будущих учителей в Украине. Для достижения цели исследования используется набор методов и приемов научного познания. Теоретико-методологической основой исследования являются фундаментальные и современные положения педагогической теории, научной разработки зарубежных и украинских ученых и специалистов в области образования. Методы теоретического обобщения и сравнения использовались для анализа современных тенденций глобализации и их влияния на современное образование и требований к подготовке будущих учителей в современных условиях и тенденциях, чтобы соответствовать мировым стандартам и требованиям. В XXI веке роль образования для всех стран еще больше возрастает, что является решающим фактором конкурентоспособности страны на мировой арене. Образование само по себе является инструментом воздействия на психические ценности и приоритеты людей с учетом интересов долгосрочной и современной социальной практики. Образование сталкивается с основными проблемами глобализации, поскольку современная социальная реальность, которая в наиболее общем виде характеризуется крахом системы ценностей, отсутствием жестко структурированных нормативных моделей, требует новых подходов и принципов.

Ключевые слова: образование, глобализация, будущие учителя, интернационализация, профессиональная подготовка.

Dynamics of social processes, changes of the world outlook, intensive information and technological progress of the country, integration of Ukraine into the European educational community put forward new requirements for teacher training, form new strategic directions for the development of national teacher education. This was evidenced by the revision of the conceptual foundations of the development of pedagogical education of Ukraine and the preparation of the Concept of the New Ukrainian school. The perspective of the professional activity of a teacher in the conditions of transformation of the Ukrainian education is reflected in the discourse of realization of the tasks of modernization of education, which determine the priority of personal development, adequate to modern tendencies of society development. It is established by the guidelines of the state policy in the field of education and is enshrined in the normative legal, conceptual and program documents: laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", State National Program "Education" (Ukraine 21st Century), National Doctrine of Educational Development in Ukraine, State Teacher Program, Teacher's Education Concept. Particular importance is the problem of qualitative training of graduates of pedagogical universities in connection with their future multifunctional

activities. Further improvement requires not only the formation of the professional qualities of future teachers, but also the education in the spirit of combining national and universal values, an active civic position, pluralism and democracy. In recent years, globalization has had a significant transformational impact on national higher education system. In the context of globalization, science and education are the driving forces behind the social development of the transition of post-communist countries to the frontier of scientific and technological progress, which integrate science, technology, economics, development of engineering progress, entrepreneurship and management. Effective transformation of modern society is possible only on the basis of complex fundamental factors of social progress, the determinants of which are science, new knowledge and information technologies, the development of a new economy or knowledge economy with an emphasis on the special role of the development of science and education.

Teacher education and training in the contemporary socio-cultural society in Ukrainian and foreign scientific practice were considered by scientists from various points of view. Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of future specialists, reformation of the educational sector and strategy of preparation for professional activity of the future teacher are outlined in the works of V. Andrushchenko, O.Antonova, I. Beh, N. Bibik, V. Bondar, G. Vasyanovich, S. Vitvitska, L.Grinevich, M. Yevtukh and others. Updating approaches to the teacher's professional training and culture of his speech, organization of independent research activities of future specialists, improvement of the system of training of future teachers are outlined in the works of B. Andrievsky, Y. Babansky, E.Barbina, E. Bogdanov, S. Goncharenko, O. Hochberg, L. Danilenko, N. Demyanenko, A. Derkach, O. Zabolotska, V. Zinchenko, L. Kalinina, L. Koval, A. Kolomiets, O. Onoprienko, L. Petukhova, L. Perminova, A. Podlasiy, O.Romanovsky and others.

Globalism as theory, ideology and strategy has been studied for a long time. G.Colin defines globalism as a type of comprehension of the current stage of the movement towards the improvement of the human community and the system of values of life [7]. According to P. Scott, globalization is directly relevant to universities, because it makes it especially important to spread national cultures, promote standardization of education, influenced by modern information technologies and the emergence of global research networks, and limit the budgetary opportunities of developed countries, on which most of the funding depends university education [10]. P.Scott and D.Delanty view globalization as a factor of implementation of market economy elements into universities, which changes both the national and the world higher education systems today [10]. V. Kremen believes that only a country capable off multiplying its intellectual property in the globalized world will be able to take a worthy place in the world community. According to N. Balabanova in terms of globalization a higher education institution should change its basic components, such as organizational structure, methods and forms of teaching [2]. For example, distance learning via the Internet becomes attractive and affordable, saving time and money, and enhancing the quality of education through such features, as self-management of knowledge, flexibility of timetable, innovativeness, creative search, personal choice. L. Khomich emphasizes that at the present stage of dynamic development of society new requirements are put for teaching staff, and higher education that should abandon the acquired stereotypes in the training of future specialists and organize the educational process so that students pass all stages of professional development, which would ensure the formation of a holistic experience of independent activity [12].

The main purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of current globalization trends on the training of future teachers in Ukraine.

Ukrainian education of the 21st century must be personality oriented, democratic, competitive and meet the needs of changing personality and society. The national doctrine meets the needs of the modern time, the modern perspective, European and world educational standards, as well as the leading tendencies of their development. Adopting a national doctrine does not solve the full range of problems that arise in the field of education and defines the main guidelines and paradigm for its development in the future. Effective transformation of modern society is possible only on the basis of complex fundamental factors of social progress, the determinants of which are science, new knowledge, information technology, development of economy and knowledge with emphasis on the special role of science and education. In terms of globalization, it is important not only to be able to operate with knowledge, but also be ready to change and adapt to new labor market needs, manage and operate with information, act actively, make quick decisions and learn throughout life [9]. The modern concept of the philosophy of education can play a significant role in optimization of society knowledge in Ukraine. It tends to focus on global issues such as access, cooperation and justice, with

an emphasis on the dissemination of knowledge and the division of labor. In general, globalization is seen as standardization, economic integration, and cross-cultural comparability, as the building of relationship between two or more states linked by a common goal, such as the formation of a single educational space [7]. The globalization of higher education affects all national higher educational systems and cannot be stopped. Therefore, in connection with the globalization of higher education in the XXI century there is a necessity of modernization of the content of education; ability to operate with the needs of the information society; ensuring high quality education; adaptation of education to the needs of a market economy. Globalization is not yet a tool for the formation of a truly unified world, where ethnic tolerance, cooperation and coexistence of different ethnic groups and cultures prevail, as its adherents claim. Over the last 10-15 years, globalization has significantly increased its impact on the transformation of national higher education systems. According to one of the well-known theorists of university education, P. Scott, globalization is the most fundamental challenge faced by high school in its millennial history [10].

A lot of key issues of globalization are grouped around education, especially higher education: the strategy of internationalization; transnational education; ensuring international quality; entrepreneurial approaches to the functioning of education; regional and interregional cooperation; information and communication technologies and virtual educational institutions; the emergence of new educational intermediaries - education providers, the problem of equality and access to education [9]. The higher education system is able to influence globalization, forming the line of future policy of the state and the region. Therefore, to understand the peculiarities of the interaction of globalization and higher education, it is necessary to consider the specifics of global processes in the new model of management, reform, restructuring and arrangement of higher education in terms of new requirements. Globalization is associated with the flow of cultural patterns and information about cultural events around the world. Many goods and services sold and distributed around the world are closely intertwined with the cultural context. Any culture is directly related to the higher education [1]. For instance, the expansion of transnational education brings to the fore the interrelationships between culture, globalization and higher education, including the recognition of the importance of global pedagogy and the impact of foreign education providers on the regional higher education system. The huge accumulation, processing and almost instantaneous transmission of information through the merger of information and communication technologies is a key aspect of globalization [7].

The global processes of transition to the information society, as well as the economic, political and social changes that accompany it, are accelerating the process of reforming of the higher education system, in which pedagogical education has a special place. This feature is that pedagogical education is directly related to economic, social and political state of society, provides the level of education of the population, determines the effectiveness of professional activities of professionals and their functional responsibilities, accompanies formation, development and prosperity of the nation. Pedagogical education ensures the assimilation of a certain social experience [6].

The modernization of pedagogical education in its links and the fulfillment of the task of orienting teachers as soon as possible to the realization of the needs of a rapidly changing society and its citizens acquire special significance in addressing human problems. In terms of globalization and informatization of education the educational range expands fundamentally new opportunities for creation of information-technological maintenance of professional training of teachers in the higher pedagogical school which would stimulate teachers improve their professional skills and professional self-improvement during all life acting as professional support of their creative potential [8]. The use of information technology in the educational process of the future teacher allows to change the spatial and temporal boundaries of interaction, to individualize the educational process, to adapt to the characteristics of each student, to build learning in dialogue. Among the leading features of the information society, researchers identify: the formation of a single information and communication space, improving education and changing its role in the society, creating effective acquisition, dissemination and use of information. One of the important problems in the training of a modern teacher is the transmission of the information into professionally significant knowledge [4]. The process of such transmission is based not only on the readiness of participants in the pedagogical process to perceive and reproduce information, but also on the availability of information technology, which creates opportunities for the implementation of a set of pedagogical technologies. Socioeconomic, political, socio-cultural changes taking place in modern society, the transition to the information society, as well as globalization explain the general crisis of the education system, the essence of which is associated primarily with the inadequacy of educational content and levels of

educational system. Globalization is characterized by a high level of information technologies, developed infrastructures that provide the development of information resources and access to information, radical changes in social structures, expanding the scope of information activities. To prepare a creative teacher who is able to use the latest achievements of computer science, pedagogy, psychology, management and other branches of science, to form the ability to carry out professional information activities and with their help increase the efficiency of the educational process [5]. Training of a future teacher involves theoretical, practical and scientific aspects. Theoretical training is determined by the standard curriculum of the specialty, which indicates the list of basic disciplines, general and professional-practical, to each of which a working program of the discipline is developed. Practical training includes practice, which is the final stage in the formation of professional qualities of the future teacher and assesses their readiness to perform functional duties [11].

The practice is comprehensive and implemented in the following areas: teaching - provides readiness to teach basic, professionally-oriented disciplines, organizational and educational to organize educational work in the study group, research - improves the skills of future masters as the research scientists [3]. The result of scientific training is the implementation of a master's thesis that contains scientifically substantiated theoretical or experimental results, conclusions and recommendations and testifies the ability of the future high school teacher to conduct research in the chosen field of knowledge. Modern society requires a transition to a new strategy of its development based on knowledge and highly efficient technologies. In terms of globalization it is necessary to change the functions of the educational process, focusing it on encouraging future specialists to get new knowledge and information. One of the requirements is the informatization of education. Scientists define the concept of informatization of education in different ways. In particular, the informatization of education in a broad sense means a set of socio-pedagogical transformations associated with the provision of educational systems with information resources, tools and technologies, in a narrow sense, it is the introduction of higher education information tools based on microprocessor technology, as well as information resources and pedagogical technologies [4, 5]. Investments in education in the context of globalization are becoming the factors in the qualitative development of intellectual capital of the country, as well as international integration and with the development of information infrastructure expand the educational space in such conditions as globalization, the comprehensive role of information and science. The state promotes social equality of society through educational policy. Training of future teachers is considered in the context of globalization as an important prerequisite for the modernization of education on the basis of understanding the national and foreign experience. The basis of professional training of a teacher is psychological and pedagogical training, which involves the formation of deep anthropological knowledge, communication skills and competencies in the field of human relations. Thus, in order to transform the system of continuing pedagogical education, the pedagogical community should solve the problem of training of future teacher, who is able to take the initiative and responsibility for the implementation of transformations. In the context of the scientific idea, advanced professional training of a teacher in a higher education institution as an educational process is aimed at mastering the competencies necessary for a university graduate for active professional activity both in the short and the long term. Advanced professional training of teachers in higher education involves the implementation of the pedagogical process for the development of knowledge, skills, competencies, values, norms of behavior and pedagogical communication aimed at becoming professionals, who are responsible for the development of their professionally significant qualities (responsibility, creativity, purposefulness, reflexivity), disclosure of internal resources (spiritual and physical health, style of thinking, self-esteem, pedagogical abilities, emotional qualities) necessary to fully perform the main types of professional activities (pedagogical, methodological, cultural and educational), functions (motivation, goal setting, informing, forecasting, decision making, organization, communication, control, correction), roles (teacher, educator, leader, tutor, organizer, researcher, expert, methodologist, consultant, curator, social educator), manifestations of role positions (inspirer, master, facilitator, diagnostician, initiator, strategist, counselor, psychotherapist, designer, leader, speaker, moderator).

In the twenty-first century, the role of education for all countries is growing even more, decisive for the country's competitiveness on the world stage. Education itself is a tool for influencing the mental values and priorities of people, taking into account the interests of long-term and current social practice. Education faces the major challenges of globalization, because modern social reality, which is characterized in the most general way by the collapse of the value system, the absence of rigidly structured normative models, requires new guidelines. The main trends in the development of higher

education in the context of globalization are the following: strengthening competition in higher education; growth of integration processes in the field of higher education; strengthening higher education in the training of future teachers; popularization of global multicultural values; the emergence of large flows, cultural information and consumer images. Advanced professional training of a teacher in a higher education institution, taking into account the near and the long-term prospects of a teacher's activity, is marked by a focus on: professional and personal development of students; self-educational activity of students; self-awareness of a teacher, who is able to adequately understand the professional reality, its place, importance and role, to promote the ideas of inclusive education, health education, education for sustainable development and democracy. Prospects for further research are the improvement of the system of organization of pedagogical education through the development and introduction of new ways of teacher training; improvement of the management system of higher education development; ensuring a high level of professional training of teachers; expansion of alternative ways of professional development of teachers.


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