Научная статья на тему 'Perspective trends in the educational space of Ukraine'

Perspective trends in the educational space of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zaslavska Kateryna A., Salun Marina М., Sidorenko Viktoriia V., Yavdak Maria Yu.

The purpose of the paper is to identify trends in the development of the educational environment in the near and distant future in the context of globalization and define opportunities for the adoption and interpretation of these activities within the framework of the education system of Ukraine. This study used the results of generalization of literature in the fields of modern global educational trends, practical experience of the European and international community within the cooperation of universities and businesses, experience of the researchers with respect to the stationarity of the Ukrainian model of higher education and possible obstacles in the course of its reforming. Peculiarities of educational environment in the context of global changes have been considered and main trends in this field have been highlighted. The obstacles faced by the educational system of Ukraine have been identified. The need to use the European experience to ensure the interaction between universities and business has been justified. This article presents the issues related to consideration of the educational environment: the global trends, state of the labor market, constraints of the educational system of Ukraine. The study showed that the use of the European experience will enable adapting the educational space of Ukraine to the requirements of the global labour market. This paper provides an original analysis of prerequisites for development of the modern educational sphere. It will be valuable to everyone with an interest in current and prospective trends in the educational space of Ukraine.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Perspective trends in the educational space of Ukraine»

UDC 334.021.1



UDC 334.021.1

Zaslavska K. A., Salun M. M., Sidorenko V. V., Yavdak M. Y. Perspective Trends in the Educational Space of Ukraine

The purpose of the paper is to identify trends in the development of the educational environment in the near and distant future in the context of globalization and define opportunities for the adoption and interpretation of these activities within the framework of the education system of Ukraine. This study used the results of generalization of literature in the fields of modern global educational trends, practical experience of the European and international community within the cooperation of universities and businesses, experience of the researchers with respect to the stationarity of the Ukrainian model of higher education and possible obstacles in the course of its reforming. Peculiarities of educational environment in the context of global changes have been considered and main trends in this field have been highlighted. The obstacles faced by the educational system of Ukraine have been identified. The need to use the European experience to ensure the interaction between universities and business has been justified. This article presents the issues related to consideration of the educational environment: the global trends, state of the labor market, constraints of the educational system of Ukraine. The study showed that the use of the European experience will enable adapting the educational space of Ukraine to the requirements of the global labour market. This paper provides an original analysis of prerequisites for development of the modern educational sphere. It will be valuable to everyone with an interest in current and prospective trends in the educational space of Ukraine. Keywords: educational trends, higher education, educational space. Bibl.: 17.

Zaslavska Kateryna A. - Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economic (9a Nauky Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

Salun Marina M. - Doctor of Science (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economic (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

Sidorenko Viktoriia V. - Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Management, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economic (9a Nauky Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

Yavdak Maria Yu. - Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economic (9a Nauky Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

УДК 334.021.1

Заславская Е. А., Салун М. Н., Сидоренко В. В., Явдак М. Ю.

Перспективные направления в образовательном пространстве Украины

Целью статьи является определение тенденций в развитии образовательной среды в ближайшем и отдаленном будущем в условиях глобализации и выявление возможностей для принятия и толкования этих направлений в рамках системы образования Украины. В работе использованы результаты обобщения литературы в области современных глобальных образовательных тенденций, практического опыта европейского и международного сообщества в рамках сотрудничества вузов и бизнеса, опыт исследователей относительно стационарности украинской модели высшего образования и возможных препятствий в ходе ее реформирования. Рассмотрены особенности образовательной среды в контексте глобальных изменений и выявлены основные тенденции в этой сфере. Обозначены препятствия, с которыми сталкивается система образования Украины. Обосновано использование европейского опыта по обеспечению взаимодействия высших учебных заведений и бизнеса. Исследованы вопросы, связанные с анализом образовательной среды: глобальные тенденции, состояние рынка труда, ограничения образовательной системы Украины. Во время анализа установлено, что использование европейского опыта позволит адаптироваться образовательному пространству Украины к требованиям глобального рынка труда. Статья содержит оригинальный анализ предпосылок развития современной образовательной сферы. Она будет полезна всем, кто заинтересован в изу-

УДК 334.021.1

Заславська Е. А., Салун М. М., Сидоренко В. В., Явдак М. Ю.

Перспектива напрями в освтньому просторi Украни

Метою статт/ е виявлення тенденцй розвитку освтнього серед-овища в найближчому й в'ддаленому майбутньому в умовах глоба-лiзацii та визначення можливостей для прийняття та тлумачення цих напрямiв у рамках системи освiти Украни. У роботi використано результати узагальнення лтератури в област'1 сучасних глобальних осв'ттх тенденцй, практичного достду европейського та мiжнарод-ного спiвробiтництва для ствпрац вуз'в i бiзнесу, достд дотднимв щодо стацюнарнот укралнсьж модел'> вищо/ освти й перешкод у процеа иреформування. Розглянуто особливост'> освтнього серед-овища в контекст'> глобальних зм'ш i виявлено тенденци у цй сфери Окреслено труднощз якими стикаеться система освти Укра/ни. Об(рунтовано використання европейського досвiду щодо забезпечен-ня взаемоди вищих навчальних заклад'в i б'внесу. Дотджено питання, що пов'язат з розглядом системи освтнього середовища: глобальм тенденци, стан ринку прац1 обмеження освтньоI системи Укра/ни. П'1д час анал'ву встановлено, що використання европейського досвiду дозволить адаптувати осттнш прост'р Укра/ни до вимог глобального ринку прац^ У статт'1 розмщено ориг'шальний анал'в переду-мов розвитку сучасно: освтньосфери. Вона буде корисна вам, хто цкавиться сучасними та перспективними тенден^ями в освтньому простор Украши.

Ключов'1 слова: тенденци в галуз освти, вища освта, осттнш про-ст'р.

чении современных и перспективных тенденций в образовательном пространстве Украины.

Ключевые слова: тенденции в области образования, высшее образование, образовательное пространство. Библ.: 17.

Заславская Екатерина Анатольевна - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, кафедра менеджмента, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (пр. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина)

E-mail: [email protected]

Салун Марина Николаевна - доктор экономических наук, доцент, доцент, кафедра менеджмента, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (пр. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина)

E-mail: [email protected]

Сидоренко Виктория Викторовна - кандидат экономических наук, старший преподаватель, кафедра менеджмента, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (пр. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]

Явдак Мария Юрьевна - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, кафедра менеджмента, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (пр. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]

БШл.: 17.

Заславська Катерина АнатолП'вна - кандидат економiчних наук, доцент, кафедра менеджменту, Харжський нацональний економ'мний ушверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (пр. Науки, 9а, Хармв, 61166, Украша) E-mail: [email protected]

Салун Марина Миколавна - доктор економ'мних наук, доцент, доцент, кафедра менеджменту, Харжський нацональний економ'мний ушверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (пр. Науки, 9а, Хармв, 61166, Украша) E-mail: [email protected]

йдоренко Вiкторiя Вiкторiвна - кандидат економ'мних наук, старший викладач, кафедра менеджменту, Хармвський нацональний економiчний ушверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (пр. Науки, 9а, Хармв, 61166, Украша)

E-mail: [email protected]

Явдак Марiя Юрнвна - кандидат економiчних наук, доцент, кафедра менеджменту, Хармвський нацональний економiчний ушверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (пр. Науки, 9а, Харкв, 61166, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction. The development of the educational system and higher school is currently directed toward global changes. The widespread computerization, integration of science and practice, increasing mobility become the main priority of this sector for the near future. The preparation of highly qualified personnel, which is focused on continuous professional growth and mobility, should be based on the integration of the Ukrainian educational space into the European and global educational system at the same time taking into account their historical and national experience as well as traditions of higher school.

If global knowledge in general pretends to be one of the leading directions of science of the XXI century, so the emerging global education can be the engine, which will lead the educational process to a qualitatively new level corresponding to the most optimistic vision of the future of humanity. Globalization of the educational space is not limited only by the fact of formation of the educational space of a single region or area but by the requirements in accordance with global trends as well.

Intensive development of technologies and consciousness of people, their habits and needs, primarily in their working environment, defines a constant necessity to adapt to changing environmental conditions as well as global reorientation of labour market and educational space. This becomes the key link between professionals and companies defining new educational trends and leading to changes in the educational process.

Literature. The basis of "global education" formed by the American forum for global education (1970) has been developed conceptually and supported at the international UNESCO conference "Bridges to the future" (1995) and enshrined in the Bologna Convention (1999). The concept of "global education" defines the main directions of development of global education

in the XXI century. It is based on the principles of globalism, holism, humanism and interdisciplinary approach. The global education is aimed to preparation of a person, who is ready to tackle the growing global problems, for living in a dynamic and interconnected world on the basis of creating the world-view, cross-cultural literacy and understanding the dynamics of global processes.

Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee in the book "The Second machine age" (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2011) draw attention to the fact that society is now at the point of transition from the industrial to digital era, the implementation of which depends on the four fundamental parameters — intangible assets: intellectual property, organizational capital, content generated by user and human capital. So there is a demand for specialists with the education corresponding to volatile external environment and rapidly developing digital technologies. Furthermore, in future only those companies that can invest in the development of their personnel skills not possessed by robots and machines will receive an additional competitive advantage.

Edward D. Hess in his book "Learn or die" (Hess, 2014) points out a possibility and absolute necessity of lifelong learning and argues that only learning with the involvement of any of its forms can allow enterprises to occupy a leading position in the market. Due to the globalization processes competitive will be companies from every part of the world that can get to any consumer by use of information technology.

Nobel prize winner Daniel Kahneman in his book "Thinking, Fast and Slow" (Kahneman, 2011) talks about two systems of human thinking: the first reproduces the automatic response built on previous experience and cultural beliefs, the second appears if it is necessary to make an informed decision, choose from several alternatives and is based on care and

validity. So, in the learning process it is appropriate to involve the second type of system, while in everyday life people do not seek to use it often. The author believes that the key task is to overcome the barriers of the system of the first type, especially for the purpose of creating a continuous learning organization.

In their research Alex Maritz and Jerome D onovan (Mar-itz and Donovan, 2015) from Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, identify the need to reconsider the diversity and relationship between innovation and entre-preneurship education and training, primarily from contextual, theoretical, measurement, distinctiveness, content, pedagogical and typological points of view. The range of multiple teaching models and learning processes must cover various contexts. Propositions and discussions are intended to provide a bridge between entrepreneurship and innovation education and training programs and seek to address the scientific legitimacy of education and training disciplines.

Lorraine Dacre Pool and Peter Sewell (Pool and Sewell, 2007) from Centre for Employability, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK in their article "The key to employ-ability: developing a practical model of graduate employability" (Pool and Sewell, 2007) developed a straightforward, practical model of employability, which will provide for the concept to be explained easily and can be used as a framework for working with students to develop their employability.

Recent research of scientists-economists demonstrates that learning of an individual and organization as a whole is of highest priority in the development of any system. Educational institutions of different levels (such as universities, training centres, educational on-line services) act as a link in the learning process. However, the largest segment in the educational environment is the higher education institutions. Therefore, one of the priorities of higher education is formation of the ability of higher educational institutions to meet the needs of the business environment and labor market.

The entry of Ukraine into the European educational space stimulates the reform of education, modernization of educational activity in the context of European requirements. Nowadays an urgent need for structural changes in the educational processes primarily associated with competence-based approach and value orientation can be solved only on the basis of the European experience.

Findings. The technological revolution has led to rapidly developing processes of globalization, which affected the majority of the most important areas of human activity. Such concepts as "globalization of education', "globalization of economy" "political globalization" are frequently used at the present time. Globalization, considered as the process of global, economic, political and cultural integration, can be called a process of the international scope. It has influenced all aspects of modern society as well as education.

According to the global map of education for the period of 2015-2035 [5], we can consider a number of directions to resolve existing and possible problems in the labour market of Ukraine and world in general. They are as follows:

Spread of DIY-culture (based on 3D-printing and smart technologies).

Multi-generation education (cross-age tutoring as a means of family reintegration. The main development of edu-

cation in the post-college segment. The growth of the middle class and increase in the quality of health care lead to the formation of massive and growing class of socially, physically and mentally active people older than 60 years.).

Spread of net-centric cultural values (expansion of network practices to life, new principles of interaction between participants based on utmost information transparency. The increase in the share of exchanges built on irrational basis).

Pragmatization of education (orientation of educational institutions to the needs of economy and society, development of educational programs based on the actual needs of the employer, development of practice-oriented research, privatization of the entire education system).

Automation of mundane intellectual processes (an increasing number of people lose their professions to automation).

New knowledge creation model (interdisciplinarity as a norm, convergence as a norm. Establishing a network for dissemination of knowledge created by new leaders (often amateur scientists), automation of a considerable part of producing new knowledge through the use of big data).

Development of cognitive ability improvement industry (changing the Internet under the impact of a package of new technologies: technology of information exchange "nervous system-computer-network" together with nanotechnologies and biotechnology to enhance the capacity of the nervous system).

Cognitive revolution (the spread of legal substances modulating the nervous system: stress, recreation. Synthesizing such substances at home).

War for talent (increasing labor and educational mobility, individualization of instruction lead to the fact that talented workers are the main value for companies under conditions of the toughening of struggle for markets).

The growth of the Asian leadership in education (as a result of urbanization and large-scale targeted investments in the human capital Asian countries become the largest markets for science and culture).

The era of global players in education (educational projects of leading universities in the connectedness of the educational process).

Rise of global values (in the era of globalization the effective implementation of individual and collective goals in a multicultural context as well as sustainable development requires a set of competencies, which are based on universal values).

Commitment to nature and sustainability.

Thus, a large number of diverse trends for a long-term period enables the higher education system to be improved in those areas that require it most of all and meet the expectations of the external environment.

The global map of education for 2015-2035 [5] may be used as a basis of main directions of development in educational space, in particular: the transition to competence diploma (2015), shift toward practice-oriented education (2015), standards forming individual educational trajectories in national systems of qualifications and competencies (2015), educational trajectory as a product, educational subscription to long life learning (2016), real-time monitoring of current educational trajectories and achievements (2017). Special attention is paid to the growing importance of global values. In this direction it

is assumed that education and society need to teach humanity, empathy, compassion. In 2018 the emergence of transparent competences implying a system that allows transition between different competence models is anticipated.

In 2020 there expected a trend of "design of values", i.e., a rational design of ethical systems and values, especially created for operation in new conditions, for different purposes and supporting various strategies.

Globalization brings advantages not only in terms of adding value to the educational system but also providing a real increase in the intellectual potential of the country, development of human capital (potential), opportunity for people to get the best education in the world and apply this knowledge for the benefit of the country increasing its prestige, level of development, standard of living.

Experts from the World Economic Forum 2016 mark the necessity of changing skills for future jobs [13]. They mention that it is critical for businesses to take an active part in supporting their current workforce through re-training, that individuals take a proactive approach to their own lifelong learning and that governments have created the favorable environment, promptly and creatively assisting these efforts.

The situation in economic and social environment is becoming increasingly difficult. Countries and companies must continually adapt their activity to the conditions of growing integration. International corporations need to be aware of the existing trends and be ready to react quickly to changes. Quick constructive transition to the economy of knowledge, innovation and high technology is the key to the country's competitiveness in the global market and, as a consequence, a tool for the fastest possible solution of the current problems of the labour market.

Today economies of various countries are so closely interconnected that businesses, governments and participants in industrial markets interact with each other, which was hard to imagine a few years ago. In the international labour market, the European Union plays a special role in the economy internationalization, so the national labour markets increasingly lose their isolation and separateness. There observed transnational-ism and labor migration, which have a systematic character and correspond to the dynamics of changes in demand and supply in the foreign/global market.

At the same time a major change in economics, including the labour market, is observed in Ukraine today. Among the negative trends there are the restructuring of public and private companies resulting in the dismissal of staff, growth of migration and refugees from unstable regions, which presents an additional burden on the labour market, and brain drain. Besides, there observed a high unemployment rate, which can be reduced by 0.5% annually according to the World Bank prognoses. A significant part (nearly two-thirds) of the unemployed, according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, are women. A high proportion among the unemployed (more than 30 %) is internally displaced persons. According to researches conducted by the United Nations, more than a million of Ukrainians have fled their homes as a result of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, more than 600 thousand of them temporarily moved to other regions of Ukraine [16]. At the same time, the opening of the European markets gives rise to creation of new jobs.

This situation requires changes in the educational sphere, especially in higher education. First of all, it is necessary to form the educational environment, which meets the international requirements, enables implementing educational projects, easily adapts to global changes and meets the requirements of globalization of higher education.

The modern concept of higher education in Ukraine (Law of Ukraine "On higher education', Law from July 1, 2014 № 1556-VII) provides the modernization through the integration of higher education of Ukraine into European space of higher education through the implementation of the provisions and principles of the Bologna process [13]. One of the basic directions of modernization is to ensure the quality of higher education and science through the development of an independent system of quality assurance of higher education. The proposed directions of changes are relevantly and fully aligned with the Bologna Declaration aimed to create the European space of higher education and form a united framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences (Europass).

The current trends in the education system of Ukraine present the final transition from the soviet system of education to the European one, general humanitarization of education, use of the curriculum as the main form of educational process management, competence as an end result of learning, inclusion into the Bologna process.

The analysis of the modern prerequisites of the development of education system in Ukraine shows the following trends. First of all, there takes place a final transition to the principles of the Bologna process and, accordingly, a two-level system of education (bachelor and master levels). Secondly, a new classifier of specialties, which involves the identification of general directions for each area of knowledge, is actively being developed. Thirdly, an important modern trend is the increasing of academic freedom of universities, involvement of faculty and student bodies into the process of exchanging experience with universities in other countries and in the mobility processes. Fourthly, there is a constant pursuit of practice-oriented education, which involves interaction with the real sector of the economy.

But there are several problems. First of all, the development of educational services on national levels is being financed from the state budget residually. The educational system is very inert and slow in responding to new requests of the labor market.

On the other hand, according to the World Bank research [4], the employers are unsatisfied with the level of training, especially practical skills, while employers are not in contact with high educational institutions and do not affect the situation (less than a quarter of Ukrainian companies cooperates with universities). Cognitive and socioemotional employee skills are estimated by an employer as low and taken as they are.

Other problems of the educational system and business in Ukraine are the lack of value orientation within their interaction, unawareness of including global values into professional activity and educational process. So it requires structural changes and usage of new approaches in educational processes in Ukraine.

That is why there is a need to use the European experience as well as results of projects previously implemented in the educational sphere. It will help leave the comfort zone of

Ukrainian educational system and contribute to the formation of a new environment that goes beyond national education standards. One of the possible decisions can be the creation of platforms for interaction between universities and business environment on the basis of higher educational institutions. The analysis of activity of such platforms in Ukraine revealed the lack of experience, insufficient practice in partnership with a large number of business participants. The realization of such a cooperation will lead to enhancement of interaction between universities and employers in monitoring practical skills of graduates; the structuring and increasing of cognitive and socio-emotional skills of the employee; formalization and distribution of the list of competencies for the transition of higher education system to the concept of competence diploma; supporting communication between employers, higher education institutions, students and other stakeholders.

Higher education has always been a source for formation of new generation of people, agents of changes. The inclusion of global values in the learning process will serve as orientation for the formation of a socially responsible business and bring structural changes in society. In addition, this process is mutual. On the one hand, universities are shaping new thinking and skills in students, on the other — make business to think about the necessity of knowledge and insight into issues of competency and global values.

As a result of these changes the increase of employability and competitiveness of students and other stakeholders, enhanced interaction between universities and the business, improvement of the quality of education and formation of value-based environment are expected.

Conclusions. The changes in modern technologies of learning are dictated by rapidly developing in the digital era production capabilities, competitive advantages and globalization of markets. The learning experience of companies in various industries shows that the main factor of success is the personnel with relevant educational baggage. Such competence may only be held by people and organizations that are capable of continuous learning involving the whole system into this process. To ensure such tendencies the educational institutions of European countries offer their services in the market with clear understanding of what they want from their business environment.

As the globalization changes involved the business environment of Ukraine as well, so the education system seeks to meet the requirements of modern companies. However, the transition to such conditions requires consideration of the European experience, exploration of its possibilities for the use in Ukrainian reality and the constraints that will arise as well as the ways of their elimination and leveling.

The use of European experience in the field of education will facilitate not only successful projects but also the establishment of new partnerships, as well as it will allow the adaptation of the educational space of Ukraine to the requirements of time and the global labour market. It will meet the request of the business environment to the educational market in Ukraine. It is also linked with the necessity of training and retraining on the basis of the competence approach and formation of an environment of entrepreneurship and the labour market with global values taken into account.


1. Atlas of European Values [Electronic resource]. - Access mode : http://www.atlasofeuropeanvalues.eu/new

2. Brynjolfsson E. Race against the Machine, Digital Frontier Press [Electronic resource] / E. Brynjolfsson, A. McAfee. - 2011. - Access mode : https://tanguduavinash.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/ the-second-machine-age-erik-brynjolfsson2.pdf

3. Digital Learning Environment Manifesto [Electronic resource]. - Access mode : http://manifesto.edutainme.ru

4. Employer Voices, Employer Demands, and Implications for Public Skills Development Policy Connecting the Labor and Education Sectors. - 2016 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode : http:// www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/ 2016/02/29/090224b0841bf95f/1_0/Rendered/PDF/Employer0-voice0nd0education0sectors.pdf

5. Global Educational Future [Electronic resource]. - Access mode : http://map.edu2035.org/futuremap

6. Hess E. D. Learn or Die: Using Science to Build a Leading-Edge Learning Organization / E. D. Hess. - New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 2014.

7. Joint declaration of the European Ministers of Education. - 1999 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode : http://www. socio.msu.ru/documents/umo/bologne/Joint%20declaration%20 of%20the%20European%20Ministers%20of%20Education.pdf

8. Kahneman D. Thinking, fast and slow / D. Kahneman. -New York, NY : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011.

9. Rothenberg L. E. The Three Tensions of Globalization [Electronic resource] / Laurence E. Rothenberg // Occasional Papers from the American Forum for Global Education. - 2003. - No. 176. -Access mode : http://webspace.ship.edu/hliu/347/14global/3-ten-sions.pdf

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11. Maritz A. Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Setting an Agenda for Greater Discipline Contextualisation / A. Maritzand, J. Donovan // Education+Training. - 2015. - Vol. 57, No. 1. -P. 74-87.

12. New Vision for Education: Fostering Social and Emotional Learning Through Technology // paper presented on World Economic Forum 2016, 20-23 January, Switzerland, Davos-Klosters [Electronic resource]. - Access mode : http://www3.weforum.org/ docs/WEF_New_Vision_for_Education.pdf

13. Pool L. D. The key to employability: developing a practical model of graduate employability / L. D. Pool, P. Sewell // Education + Training. - 2007. - Vol. 49, No. 4. - P. 277-289.

14. Концеп^я розвитку ocBi™ Укра'ни на перюд 20152025 роив. - 2014 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode : http:// education-ua.org/ua/draft-regulations/319-proekt-kontseptsiya-rozvitku-osviti-ukrajini-na-period-2015-2025-rokiv

15. The Global Competitiveness Report. - 2015-2016 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode : http://reports.weforum.org/glob-al-competitiveness-report-2015-2016

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

16. Ukraine labour demand study. World Bank, 2009 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode : http://siteresources.worldbank. org/UKRAINEEXTN/Resources/WB_Book_Report_labor_demand_ EN_prew.indd.pdf

17. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNH-CR) Ukraine Factsheet. - 2015 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode : http://www.unhcr.org/5614d38e3.html


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Maritz, A., and Donovan, J. "Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Setting an Agenda for Greater Discipline Contextualisation"Ed ucation+Training vol. 57, no. 1 (2015): 74-87.

"New Vision for Education: Fostering Social and Emotional Learning Through Technology" http://www3.weforum.org/docs/ WEF_New_Vision_for_Education.pdf

Pool, L. D., and Sewell, P. "The key to employability: developing a practical model of graduate employability" Education + Training vol. 49, no. 4 (2007): 277-289.

Rothenberg, L. E. "The Three Tensions of Globalization" http://webspace.ship.edu/hliu/347/14global/3-tensions.pdf

"The Global Competitiveness Report" http://reports.wefo-rum.org/global-competitiveness-report-2015-2016

"Ukraine labour demand study" http://siteresources.world-bank.org/UKRAINEEXTN/Resources/WB_Book_Report_labor_de-mand_EN_prew.indd.pdf

"United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Ukraine Factsheet" http://www.unhcr.org/5614d38e3.html

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