Professional difficulties of coaches in working with qualified athletes of humanitarian and technical universities
PhD, Associate Professor Z.A. Gagieva1 PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Khamikoev1 PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Ryzhkin2 PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Ezhova3
1North Ossetian State University after Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov, Vladikavkaz 2Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don 3Voronezh State Academy of Sports, Voronezh
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to study, generalize and offer coaches ways to overcome professional difficulties in working with qualified athletes of humanitarian and technical universities.
Methods and structure of the study. As part of the study, which was conducted during 2021-2022, a questionnaire was developed to study and justify the difficulties encountered in the professional activities of coaches when working with qualified athletes who are university students. The experiment was carried out at the North Ossetian State University after K.L. Khetagurov (Vladikavkaz) and Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don). In total, 25 highly qualified trainers took part in the survey.
Results and conclusions. Based on the study, general pedagogical and special requirements for a coach were drawn up, by fulfilling which he will be able to avoid many of the difficulties that arise when working with qualified student athletes in humanitarian and technical universities.
Keywords: student, humanitarian and technical university, qualified athletes, coach, professional difficulties.
UDC 796.071
Introduction. In the modern system of higher education, special attention is paid to the training of active qualified athletes who participate in the educational process without interrupting the main training and competitive activities [4]. Coaches working with active athletes are constantly faced with a large number of professional difficulties, as they have to find a balance between many years of training focused on achieving high sports results in their chosen sport and receiving the education that is in demand in modern society, providing humanitarian and technical universities of the Russian Federation [2, 3].
Thanks to the effective interaction of coaches and the faculty of humanitarian and technical universities, it is possible to correct the educational process, in particular, with the involvement of information technologies, and create favorable conditions for the training and competitive activities of athletes in their chosen sport [1, 5]. Thus, the analysis of the professional dif-
ficulties of coaches in working with qualified athletes who are university students determined the relevance of the research topic for modern practice.
Objective of the study was to study, generalize and offer coaches ways to overcome professional difficulties in working with qualified athletes of humanitarian and technical universities.
Methods and structure of the study. As part of the study, which was conducted during 2021-2022, a questionnaire was developed to study and justify the difficulties encountered in the professional activities of coaches when working with qualified athletes who are university students. The experiment was carried out at the North Ossetian State University after Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov (Vladikavkaz) and Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don). In total, 25 highly qualified trainers took part in the survey.
The results of the study were summed up by summing up the scores obtained in assessing the diffi-
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I december I № 12 2022
culties caused by professional activities. Components that caused less difficulty received a lower sum of points (in this case, the absolute minimum is 25 points, if all 25 trainers give the same component 1 point, that is, they are considered to cause the least difficulty compared to other components). It is possible to judge the disagreements that have arisen in the assessment of specific issues by the degree of discrepancy between this assessment and the average statistical indicators.
Based on the results of the study, recommendations were proposed for overcoming professional difficulties.
Results of the study and their discussion. The
research allowed to establish that modern coaches experience the greatest difficulties with athletes involved in their chosen sport at the stage of improving sportsmanship and higher sportsmanship - 87 and 74 points (1st and 2nd place in the ranking) (Table 1).
It should be noted that athletes undergoing sports training in various sports at the stages of improving sportsmanship (16-18 years old) and higher sportsmanship (19-22 years old), as a rule, correspond in age to 1-2 and 3-4 th courses of study in a humanitarian and technical university.
In conversations with coaches, it was found that it is quite difficult for them to communicate with qualified athletes, especially those with leadership qualities, since it is difficult to find a common language with them, while maintaining their authority and normal working atmosphere in the team. All of the above reasons lead to the fact that most coaches consider working with groups of athletes studying at the university the most problematic.
The results of the analysis of the picture made it possible to establish that for the majority of modern coaches the most acceptable style of working with qualified athletes is the democratic style - 70 points (1st place in the rating).
Sum of points
□ Authoritarian
I Democratic
□ Liberal
Styles of work of modern coaches with qualified student athletes
In the process of professional activity, when a coach performs his functions and builds relationships with a large number of people, he relies on the relevant principles, takes into account his personal qualities, chooses certain forms and methods that he uses to solve the tasks assigned to each athlete. Such activity of a trainer is characterized as a style of activity ("handwriting" of his work). Watching the work of experienced mentors, you can see that in the style of any of them there is something from the "authoritarian", and from the "liberal", and from the "democrat", only some features are most pronounced.
Table 1. Difficulties encountered when working with different groups of athletes
Stages of preparation Sum of points Place
Stage of initial training 47 4
Stage of sports specialization 60 3
Stage of improvement of sportsmanship 87 1
Stage of higher sportsmanship 74 2
Table 2. Areas of activity that cause difficulties in the work of a coach with qualified student athletes
Activities Sum of points Place
Effective combination of educational and training activities by an athlete 74 1
Planning of educational and training activities 67 2
Participation of an athlete in competitions 53 3
A sociological survey showed that the most problematic area of activity for modern coaches is the effective combination of educational and training activities by athletes - 74 points (1st place in the ranking) (Table 2).
The planning of educational and training activities and the participation of an athlete in competitions also occupy a fairly high rating in the difficulties associated with the areas of activity of modern coaches - 67 and 53 points, respectively (2nd and 3rd places in the ranking).
A qualified coach has to solve a number of tasks related to health-improving, educational, hygienic, and social functions. The biggest difficulty for coaches is the role of a psychologist. This is due to the fact that during the training at the university, an active athlete goes through many psychological and physiological stages, which leaves its negative imprint on the role of a coach-teacher.
Conclusions. Based on the study, general pedagogical and special requirements for a coach were drawn up, by fulfilling which he will be able to avoid many of the difficulties that arise when working with qualified student athletes in a humanitarian and technical university. General pedagogical requirements are: a high level of moral self-awareness; Teacher Education; stable moral and volitional qualities; interest in modern achievements in sports theory, pedagogy, psychology and physiology; high general cultural level; the ability to manage oneself in any conditions; good organizational skills; the ability to lead a team and enjoy authority among their students.
Special requirements for coaching activities are: knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education, medical control; the ability to possess practical skills and knowledge of modern scientific and methodological achievements in the chosen sport; the ability to plan the future training of athletes, taking into account their individual training schedule at the university.
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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I december I № 12 2022