Significant qualities of a sports school coach rural
UDC 796.071
Dr. Hab., Professor I.V. Manzheley1 N.S. Gladkova PhD S.V. Ivanova2
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen 2Tyumensky district of the Tyumen region
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to study the professionally significant qualities of a children's coach in the opinion of three subjects of a rural municipality: coaches, athletes and parents.
Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work was carried out in 2022 at the Municipal Autonomous Institution of Additional Education for Children and Youth Sports School No. 2 of the Tyumen district of the Tyumen region with the involvement of coaches (16 people), teenage athletes (256 people) and their parents (278 pers.). The sample consisted of 550 people aged 10 to 69 years. During the study, an online survey was organized using structured questionnaires of three types "Coach", "Athlete", "Parent", consisting of 10 blocks of questions. In one of the blocks, the respondents were asked questions about the significant qualities of an ideal and real children's coach and a list of them was proposed, with a proposal to evaluate them on a 10-point scale.
Results and conclusions. It was revealed that the ideas about the image of the ideal children's coach, which have developed in the minds of the coaches themselves and the parents of athletes, exceed the assessment of a real coach in most qualities and differ from the assessment of teenage athletes, in whose minds a real coach is better than an ideal one. An analysis of the significant qualities of a children's coach showed that all the subjects of a sports school highly appreciate a real coach, giving preference to such personal qualities as responsibility, discipline, diligence, considering him primarily as a teacher-educator. In addition, the technical-tactical, psychological competence and self-control of the coach are important for coaches and parents, and the fairness of the coach is important for teenage athletes and their parents.
Keywords: children's coach, sports school of a rural municipality, professionally and personally significant qualities, teenage athletes, parents of athletes.
Introduction. The information cultural era imposes the requirements of predictability and advanced development on educational organizations of a sports orientation as social and genetic institutions in order to prepare the younger generation for life in the coming day.
The events of recent decades have shown that ignoring educational priorities in education has a negative impact on social development due to the violation of universal spiritual values and, as a result, rampant nationalism and extremism among the youth.
Sports activities and the sports environment have a unique educational potential for the formation in children and youth of not only health and psychophysical
conditions, but also spiritual values, reference models of behavior through inclusion in the training and competitive process as a "school of life", through coverage of sports in the media events and biographical information about the heroes of sports, demonstration of samples of moral choice [2, 3, 5].
A sports school in a rural municipality is the core of leisure life, the center of attraction for children and youth due to the insufficiently wide range of leisure activities in the countryside compared to the city.
A children's coach, who creates a special sports environment in his team and sports school, not only teaches technique, tactics and instills a love for sports, but is a model of moral behavior, a person who brings
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up children and adolescents by personal example.
Moreover, the expectations of coaches, parents and children from playing sports have a fairly wide range of differences: from health promotion and character education to achieving sports results, recognition and fame.
As part of the study of the socio-psychological characteristics of coaches, two groups of professionally and personally significant qualities are usually distinguished. To the professionally significant qualities of R.S. Weinberg, D. Goldwell (2001), E.P Ilyin (2006) refer to love or attention to children, creativity, physical fitness, communication skills, self-management, organizational and projective abilities, leadership qualities, anticipation [9, 3]. S.D. Neverkovich (2008) supplemented the group of professionally significant qualities of a coach with corporate culture, project thinking, erudition, diligence, openness to new things, eventfulness [7].
Personally significant qualities of a coach most often include benevolence, justice, honesty, sincerity, strong-willed qualities, self-control, patience [3, 7, 9].
In the work of R.A. Andreeva et al noted that the ideas of athletes and coaches about the qualities of an ideal coach diverge. Moreover, with the growth of skill, athletes give preference to professionally significant qualities to the detriment of personal ones [1].
However, time makes its own adjustments, and what was relevant ten or more years ago may not meet the expectations of the subjects and the requirements of today.
The question arises: what should be the ideal children's coach of the 21st century in order to meet the expectations of parents and children, and most importantly, be able to prepare their pupils for life in the day to come?
In this regard, it is appropriate to quote K.D. Ushin-sky: "The influence of the personality of the educator on the young soul is that educational force that cannot be replaced either by textbooks, or by moral maxims, or by a system of punishments and rewards" [8].
Objective of the study was to study the professionally significant qualities of a children's coach in the opinion of three subjects of a rural municipality: coaches, athletes and parents.
Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work was carried out in 2022 at the Municipal Autonomous Institution of Additional Education for Children and Youth Sports School No. 2 of the Tyumen district of the Tyumen region with the involvement of coaches
(16 people), teenage athletes (256 people) and their parents (278 pers.). The sample consisted of 550 people aged 10 to 69 years.
We organized an online survey based on structured questionnaires of three types "Coach", "Athlete", "Parent", consisting of 10 blocks of questions [6]. In one of the blocks, the respondents were asked questions about the significant qualities of an ideal and real children's coach and a list of them was proposed, with a proposal to evaluate them on a 10-point scale.
An analysis of the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents showed that there are four times fewer coaches - women (19%) than men (81%). Moreover, 2/3 of the coaches were persons aged 18 to 39 years (69%). 56% of coaches have a higher education, 31% have a specialized secondary education (63% physical education and 37% pedagogy). 19% of trainers have been working in their specialty for over 21 years, and 38% for up to five years. Among the athletes surveyed, 74% are boys and 26% are girls, 40% of athletes are 13-14 years old. Among the parents who participated in the online survey, 79% are women and 21% are men, of which 91% are between the ages of 30 and 49. Moreover, 50% of parents have higher, and 42% - secondary specialized education.
Results of the study and their discussion. An analysis of the significant qualities of a children's coach, in the opinion of the coach himself, indicates that the idea of an ideal children's coach exceeds the self-esteem of a real one in most qualities, with the exception of accuracy (+ 0.69 points), patriotism (+ 0.36), purposefulness (+0.11), perseverance (+0.9), which are higher than ideal scores.
Coaches' self-assessment in terms of such qualities as diligence, conscientiousness, responsibility,
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Figure 1. Professionally significant qualities of an ideal and real children's trainer (opinion of trainers from a rural municipality)
discipline, openness to new things is close in points to the ideal coach's scores.
Coaches' self-assessment showed them some dissatisfaction in comparison with the ideal of their technical-tactical (-0.86), psychological (-0.77 points), methodical (-0.64) competence and self-control (-0.68).
An analysis of the significant qualities of a children's coach, according to adolescent athletes, showed that the assessment of a real coach working "here and now" with children is slightly higher than their idea of an ideal coach. For a child, a coach, like a parent, is the best of the best, which is especially evident when assessing accuracy (+0.79 points), patriotism (+0.37) and conscientiousness (+0.35).
Figure 2. Professionally significant qualities of an ideal and real children's coach (opinion of teenage athletes from a rural municipality)
A different picture emerged when analyzing the significant qualities of a children's coach, taking into account the opinions of the athletes' parents. Parents' ideas about the ideal coach are significantly higher in all respects than their assessment of the significant qualities of a real coach, with the exception of accuracy (+0.65 points) and physical fitness (+0.15), which exceed the ideal ratings. According to parents, the most significant discrepancies between the desired and real significant qualities of a coach were found in psychological competence (-0.51), in the ability to self-control (-0.48) and fairness (-0.47). Moreover, justice, according to parents, ranks second in the hierarchy of significant qualities of an ideal coach and seventh in assessing the qualities of a real one.
In general, both ideal and real assessments of parents are in the corridor of high values, however, parents and coaches are much more critical in the assessments of the coach than adolescent athletes.
Figure 3. Professionally significant qualities of an ideal and real children's coach (the opinion of the parents of athletes in a rural municipality)
Conclusions. The ideas about the image of an ideal children's coach, which have developed in the minds of the coaches themselves and the parents of athletes, surpass the assessment of a real coach in most qualities and differ from the assessment of teenage athletes, in whose minds a real coach is better than an unknown ideal one.
An analysis of the significant qualities of a children's coach showed that all the subjects of a sports school highly appreciate a real coach, giving preference to such personal qualities as responsibility, discipline, diligence, considering him primarily as a teacher-educator. In addition, the technical-tactical, psychological competence and self-control of the coach are important for coaches and parents, and the fairness of the coach is important for teenage athletes and their parents.
Promising lines for improving the programs of additional education and advanced training were identified in order to improve the technical-tactical, psychological, methodological competence and self-control of the coaching staff in a rural municipality.
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