DOI 10.46566/2225-1545_2021_1_90_222
Hamrokulova Sh.E. doctoral researcher department of pedagogy and general psychology
faculty of social sciences National University of Uzbekistan
Abstract: The content of the article is devoted to the formation of mechanisms of environmental education. In the article, the author focuses on aspects of environmental education in the teaching of natural sciences. It covers issues of knowing and protecting the nature of its territory, loving animals, and achieving harmony in relationship between human and nature. The author also spoke about the use of innovative technologies and materials of folk pedagogy in improving the mechanisms of environmental education.
Keywords: ecological education, ecological consciousness, ecological culture, the relationship between man and nature, ecological problems, natural environment, interactive methods, learning mechanism, environment, folk pedagogy, ecological competence.
Every educator and teacher in secondary education system must focus on the environmental education in their teaching activities. The reforms of the government of Uzbekistan are also focusing on environmental education and raising the ecological culture of the youth. The Resolution No. 434, adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 27, 2019 is also dedicated for the purposes of increasing the ecological literacy of the younger generation, the formation and development of ecological consciousness and ecological culture, the effective organization of ecological education and upbringing, and ecology and environmental protection and ecological education in our country. It is also a huge responsibility of all of us today, considering the growth of technological devices, to control the use of mobile devices by young people, to gain access to reliable sources, to improve the base for young people to use the Internet. Organizing lessons using innovative technologies is a call of the present times. It should be noted that the use of innovative technologies helps to develop students' outlooks, logical and creative thinking skills. Furthermore, they play an important role in spiritual, moral and social education of young people. A comprehensive approach to the development of social education, including environmental education, the formation of feelings of love and care for nature on the basis of spiritual and moral education, regardless of
the topic, not only encourages the teacher to be creative, but also urges them to develop creative approaches to the lessons.
Continuing education is a deep, comprehensive education, a perfect combination of different forms, methods, tools, techniques and directions of training. The interrelationship between the various components of the quality of continuing education ensures that certain methods and techniques are rationally applied to the learning process.29
Innovative pedagogical technologies in the education system can be an answer to the question, "How the effective results can be achieved?". That is, in the current information-age and the development of cybernetic technologies, it is important to involve the student in the lesson, to make the lesson meaningful and interesting, to make the student interested in sciences and humanities. This requires the teacher to constantly work on themselves, be aware of innovations and improve the teaching process using modern technologies.
Improving the mechanisms of environmental education is a requirement of present times. In today's world, where environmental issues are global, one of the most important tasks facing every educator is to link lessons to the coverage of environmental issues, to cover the environmental issues within the framework of lessons, to develop students' environmental awareness, and to turn the conservation of environment into habits of students.
Each subject covers only a part of the environmental knowledge systems. It is up to the teaching skills of an educator to provide interesting information for students by bringing the issues environmental education to the current lessons. The acquisition of environmental knowledge is directly related to the teaching of natural sciences. Because lessons in natural sciences teaches students
- to know the nature around them;
- to analyze the interrelationship between humans and nature;
- the fact that nature is the environment in which people live and work;
- the fact natural resources are an important source of human life;
- The impact of nature on human wellbeing and the social environment;
- Diversity of organisms in the natural environment;
- Knowledge on the conservation of animate and inanimate nature;
- the responsibilities and rules that we must follow in our attitudes towards nature.
Improving the mechanisms of environmental education can serve as a basis of development of other types of social education. By preserving living and inanimate nature, it is possible to develop spiritual and moral education by teaching students to use natural resources sparingly, not only to save resources, but also to teach them not to waste them, not to harm animals, birds and trees. Nature is closely connected with our life, our activities. It is also necessary to
29 HmMy^aMegoB P., M^gameB M. Ta*MHM Ba Tap6naga ннновацнон negaroraK TexHonoraraap. T.: 2013 3-6.
develop the feeling of joy in students from natural beauties, flowers and trees, aesthetic pleasure in seeing their beauty.
Development of environmental education skills also requires the use of examples of folklore. Folklorist O. Safarov has studied Uzbek children's folk poetry and provides interesting information about the children's calendar, seasons and ceremonial songs related to the seasons. Well-known pedagogue Y. Illarionova in her book "Teach Children to Find Puzzles", emphasizes the types of puzzles, their use, the art of puzzles, and the importance of puzzles in educating children.30 The use of examples of folklore in improving the quality of education gives good results. The use of proverbs, riddles, quick sayings, and examples of folk wisdom teaches students to focus on the growth of thinking, ingenuity, and the qualitative characteristics of objects or natural phenomena. Riddles and proverbs about the elements of nature teach the reader first to awaken the imagination, to preserve the living and inanimate nature, and to have careful attitude towards them.
Usage of modern media programs to increase students' environmental knowledge. Through various animations, online tests, slide preparation, and software tools, in short, by creating programs that students can work with that are not complicated, it enables not only to engage students in science, but also to increase their environmental knowledge. When a student creates an object or slide through computer graphics or creates online tests or completes an assignment, he or she is directly involved in the process and approaches his or her work responsibly. At a time when there are many different resources classes such as the use of computer graphics programs, additional assignments, online data collection and analysis provide a basis for the proper organization of children's leisure time and work with educational portals on the Internet.
The education system has always attached great importance to the development of environmental education through the organization of extracurricular activities and the development of practical work skills. First of all, extracurricular activities, exhibitions, experiments, competitions, clubs, develop students' practical work skills, as well as learn to respect the work of others. Organizing various exhibitions, competitions of paintings dedicated to nature conservation, trees or birds, encourages students to think creatively, to awaken colorful ideas in achieving harmony in relationships between humans and their natural environment.
Developing skills such as problem-solving, analysis, evaluation, and creativity in high school students through the application of problem-based learning technology based on the nature of the topics in enhancing environmental knowledge. The instances for such activities may include: Assessing the impact of nature on human economic activity. Stating an option in solving environmental problems. Questions such as the consideration of
30 KoMunoBa r.A. MaKTa6rana emgaru 6o^anapra эк0fl0гнк Tap6ua 6epumga xa^K; TonHmMOK^apugaH $OHga^aHHmHHHr negaroruK HMKOHuaraapu gucc. Eyxopo.: 2005
environmental factors in the placement of production can be raised. In improving environmental education in general education curricula, disciplines can be divided into disciplines that directly and indirectly analyze environmental problems. Table 1 below shows the direct and indirect relationship of the sciences to environmental issues. In this table, we have analyzed how the sciences are related to environmental problems. While environmental problems and topic content are often directly related in the natural sciences, lessons in the social sciences or the humanities are indirectly related to environmental topics. In Geography, Biology, any topic can be linked to environmental issues. The analysis of interesting questions with different questions and the use of interactive methods further enhances the attractiveness of the lesson. In humanities and social sciences, such as history lessons, we can also focus on environmental issues in the explanation of the topic or in the interesting questions and answers section by mastering the same topic and analyzing the sources of that period. We can see that environmental topics have been used several times in textbooks of the Uzbek language and literature, as well as in Russian. Mainly stories, natural phenomena through works of art, poems, texts urge students not to be indifferent to plants and animals that are illustrated in textbooks. But in many cases the ecological content is left out by following the rules of text structure and grammar. Emphasis on environmental elements in the analysis of works of art, the study of texts can increase the content and level of the lesson several times.
Table 1.
Subject-title Name of the topic Competence Interrelation Additional assignments
Geography Use of natural resources Competence of the Competence of saving and wise use of natural resources Social activism competence Problems related to the rational use of resources, environmental pollution Mapping, identification of mineral deposits, consideration of environmental factors in the location of deposits and production facilities
Biology Living environment of organisms Competence to observe events and processes in living nature Proper behavior in nature, fostering environmental-friendly culture It teaches that the natural environment is a living environment for all organisms and that care must be taken to preserve it Drawing pictures, write essays, explaining the integrity of the natural environment, creating slides
History Amir Timur's Empire Competence to collect, Analyzing the attitude to nature Collection of additional
generalize facts, draw conclusions General cultural competence in that period by studying the history of the Timurid period. information, preparation of slides, work with Internet database, analysis of texts on ecological education from the book "Timur tuzuklari" (Timurs rules)
Computer Science Programming and programming languages Competence to collect information, create graphic elements Competence to comply with legal and ethical standards Implementation of attitudes to animate and inanimate nature through simple and straightforward programs, development of algorithms for nature protection Creating nature conservation slides, collecting additional materials, improving resource management
To conclude, it should be noted that the issues of environmental education remain relevant over time. Creation of the basis for engaging students in the lesson and a creative approach to the lesson requires connection of subjects to environmental problems in secondary school curricula, the use of innovative pedagogical technologies.
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