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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Allayarov M.

This article defines methods for determining the effectiveness of environmental education in elementary school pupils. At the same time, the forms of environmental education have been clarified.

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готовности студентов к профессиональной деятельности // Вестн. Нижегород. ун-та им. Н. И. Лобачевского. 2014. № 1 (2). С. 37-41.

7. Кудинов С.С., Авдеев Н.П., Архипочкина К.В. Индивидуально-типологическая

характеристика самореализации личности // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Сер. Психология и педагогика. 2012. № 4. С. 85-90.

Allayarov M.

Lecturer at Nukus State Pedagogical Institute,




Abstract. This article defines methods for determining the effectiveness of environmental education in elementary school pupils. At the same time, the forms of environmental education have been clarified.

Keywords: environmental education, primary school students, nature, people, teaching methods, environmental protection, environmental culture, environmental education criteria.

The urgency of the problems of ecology and nature protection in our country puts the task of pedagogy one of the most important tasks is to educate the younger generation, who knows how to protect nature, preserve the ecological situation and rational use of natural resources. This extremely complex issue can be solved positively only when pupils fully grasp the scientific basis for the relationship between humans and nature.

Contemporary scholars believe that the purpose of environmental education is to create a system of knowledge, attitudes and beliefs that will help pupils develop a responsible attitude towards the environment.

This purpose of environmental education is inextricably linked to the common goals of our society. Commitment to homeland and a conscious commitment to work is hard to imagine without a responsible, attentive and caring attitude to the environment around us. Therefore, the purpose of environmental education is characterized by a broad range of categories of personality, such as "behavior", "attitude", "responsibility". It is no coincidence that the result of environmental education provided by teachers is the formation of a high culture of human behavior towards nature.

To date, the educational impact of nature on the pupil's personality, the development of ways and techniques for building a positive attitude to nature, have not yet attracted the attention of educators, psychologists and methodologists. However, in recent years, a lot of work has been done to define the concept of "ecological culture", to define its essence, to describe the conditions for the formation of the ecological culture of the individual, to define the indicators of different levels of culture.

The importance of enriching the educational content of the Karakalpak schools with the environmental education of elementary school pupils is of paramount importance. The formation of elements of ecological culture in pupils can assist in the selection of criteria, types, forms and methods of environmental education for elementary school pupils in Karakalpak schools by demonstrating their overall content in a pedagogical and psychological manner.

Thus, the psycho-pedagogical foundations of the formation of a responsible attitude to the elements of environmental culture, namely the nature and the environment in elementary school pupils, include:

1. Integration of environmental education goals, objectives and principles in the elementary grades.

2. Understand the purpose of environmental education in primary school as the formation of elements of environmental culture (environmental responsibility) in young children and the elimination of consumer attitudes only to nature.

3. Determine the content of the environmental education in elementary school and its didactic principles.

4. Justification of the principles of ecological education in the elementary grades of Karakalpak schools.

5. Building a positive attitude towards nature as an integral part of the outlook of junior high school pupils.

The 1st grade curriculum for Karakalpak schools is one-off excursions and tours and is introduced to the "Alphabet of Nature". They learn about water, soil, flora and fauna, and the way people interact with them through paintings, poems, puzzles, folk tales, and small mantles. In the process of getting acquainted with nature, it is necessary to learn to protect, preserve it, treat it with affection, and to understand the practical meaning of words, such as situations, wastes, rewards and death.

The junior school age is a time when the abilities and interests of the natural sciences are developing. Pupils of this age are very kind and responsive. Therefore, they can be directed to a specific purpose and to encourage conservation through texts from textbooks and additional literature.

Karakalpak schools have their own criteria for providing environmental education to primary school pupils.

Criteria usually refer to measurements, symbols, and signs. Criteria for determining the value of our research are:

There is a need to establish the pedagogical and psychological basis of environmental education in the elementary grades of Karakalpak schools. It is also necessary to rely on these pedagogical and psychological bases in determining the criteria, types,

forms and methods of environmental education in elementary school. There are several types of environmental education in primary school in Karakalpakstan. For example, environmental education and training using examples of national pedagogy is of great importance in this area. At the same time, it is important to use the ideas of the Eastern thinkers, the words of the Qur'an and the Hadith, and the ideas based on ecological education. Environmental education is based on the age and mental state of primary school pupils. Identifying forms and methods of environmental education in the Karakalpak elementary school classrooms enrich one another.

The following should be considered in environmental education of primary school pupils in Karakalpakstan: For example:

- describe the environment based on the topics taught in the seasons;

- orientation on the teaching of such values as goodness, good manners, human values, cleanliness and diligence based on our national values.

Another form of environmental education in schools will be related to the acquisition of information on our topic, such as "Our Motherland Karakalpakstan". In this regard, it is important to study the texts on the theme "A tree planted by my father", which reflects the natural features of Nukus, Karakalpakstan.

The development of animal industry in Karakalpakstan will create new forms of environmental education for pupils by explaining them in the course of the lesson. Thus, the forms of environmental education for primary school pupils in Karakalpakstan are developed through the classroom. To further improve it, it is necessary to establish environmental education methods.

Today, the curriculum is being developed based on the content and purpose of the academic subjects, which are aimed at deepening the natural, environmental and knowledge of schoolchildren. There are different ways of teaching. With this in mind, we recommend using more appropriate methods for environmental education in schools. Including:

The lecture method - is a compilation of a teacher's summary of a given topic and one of the ways to quickly deliver it to pupils. But generally, the lecture method can be boring for junior high school pupils. The effectiveness of education will increase if the lecture is combined with other teaching methods.

Expressive reading is a method of teaching that has little impact on pupils' ability to fully absorb the necessary information such as lectures.

The use of audio visual aids to convey the topic of the study through visual aids (films, video films, computer techniques, etc.). At the same time, the teacher improves pupils' ability to fully absorb the information as a result of analyzes after each presentation.

Visual aids. Pupils receive information through different senses during the learning process. In this process, the teacher will be able to take into account which of the sensory organs the pupils have received. For example, one student can remember the material by

listening to the other, and the third by touching it. Based on these, the teacher should use a variety of visual aids.

Analysis. A way for teachers and pupils to exchange ideas. As a result of the analysis, the pupils' thinking abilities are enriched with different information. It can give a variety of ideas and suggestions that can help the reader make final remarks and respond to others.

The teacher needs to know how to implement the learning experience necessary for environmental education. This will create an opportunity for the pupils to think about the practical application of the knowledge gained in the educational process.

In addition to the methods of environmental education for the pupils mentioned above, there are other methods.

Field-based methods study the harmonious effects of environmental factors on a harmonious environment, the development and overall survival of a species.

The method of environmental experiments

examines the impact of some factors on the development of living organisms. This usually allows modeling of ecologically relevant teaching materials for the purpose of educational purposes. For example, a pond model is an aquarium. It is also possible to list the following methods of experimentation.

Experimental work on the determination of pollution levels. Indication of changes, phenomena, changes in the body, physical, chemical and biological methods.

As a result of experimental studies, physical methods are used to detect temperature, odor, taste, clarity, color, and electrical conductivity. Chemical methods are used to identify contaminants and to use different chemical compounds. This results in chemical reactions.

Using physical and chemical methods, it becomes possible to determine the degree of contamination of ecosystem elements.

The methods of environmental education based on the age characteristics and interests of elementary school pupils in Karakalpakstan are as follows:

1. The audio demonstration method is highly effective in enhancing environmental knowledge in the learning process. The teacher can provide environmental information on the topic of study films, films, video films, and computer use.

2. In reading lessons, it is important to use visual aids that incorporate learning material into environmental education. In elementary school, the ability to remember through visual memories rather than hearing is stronger. For example, visual aids that represent the seasons of nature in grades 1-2 should consist mainly of color drawings and landscapes. There should be pictures, paintings, and diaphragms that reflect the environmental conditions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

3. Given that elementary pupils' ability to communicate is to a certain extent lower than that of adolescents, the teacher should be able to co-operate with the teachers. Recommendations on environmental education of the pupils, for example, the environmental protection of the Aral problem, will be taken into

account and the final thoughts of all pupils will be heard during the lesson. The opinions of others are formed by the learner's personal opinions, and at the end of the exchange the feedback from the teacher is received.

Theoretical and practical knowledge of the teacher plays an important role in the study of criteria, forms and methods of environmental education for elementary school pupils in Karakalpakstan. Thus, it is necessary to pay special attention to the results obtained in defining ecological education methods for elementary school students in Karakalpakstan.

Formation of ecological knowledge and skills in elementary school reading is based on the principle of gradual succession. For example, it can be tedious to teach elementary school pupils all the time during the lesson to form elements of environmental culture. In particular, in the out-of-classroom learning process, it is important to identify ways of environmental education.

The teacher should have a solid knowledge and pedagogical capacity to organize extracurricular activities according to the needs and needs of the elementary school pupils. Conversations, meetings, and trips based on pupils' age, interests, and educational attainment will have positive effects. For example, pupils will be given new environmental insights and knowledge through meetings on such topics as "I am a part of nature", "Healthy body is healthy", "Nature is our wealth", "Aral yesterday and today". Pupils begin to understand the ecological processes one by one. Their views on natural resources, flora and fauna are expanding.

Post-excursions, oral interviews, group and individual interviews, and analysis of their written work will give positive results, taking into account their interests and tendencies in the environmental education of elementary school students. These require the teacher to use pedagogical skills, persistence and

effective forms and methods of effective environmental education in the gradual implementation of environmental education.


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