он был комузистом: «Ждите, джигиты! Не переживайте за себя. Я пойду к хану и сообщу ему о смерти сына комузом» [5].
Все песни Кетбукы во всех вариантах носят название «угузуу». В кыргызской литературе есть отдельный жанр «угузуу» (сообщение о смерти). В народе говорится, что смерть сына Чингисхана сообщил Кетбука [2, с. 141].
В рукописном фонде Национальной академии наук Кыргызской Республики есть ценные материалы о жизни и творчестве Кутбукы. Инв. № 730 - материалы собранные Шакитаевым, рассказал ему великий комузист Атай Огом-баев. Инв № 1359 (408), Инв № 278 (78) - строки, стихи Койлу Токодой уулу.
Во всех вариантах легенды присутствуют конкретные исторические личности. Но вот сам сюжет не имеет под собой документальных доказательств. История доказывает, что сила музыки и словесного искусства влияет на людей и на их поступки. В наших примерах Кетбука повлиял на жестокого Чингисхана, который, несмотря на безжалостность и кровожадность, все-таки проявил милосердие. В исторических источниках встречаются не только отрицательные характеры Чингисхана, но и положительные.
Список литературы:
1. Абдылдаев М., Легендарлуу ырчылар жана сынчылар: Ырлар, Ала-Тоо, 1994. - С. 11.
2. Акматалиев, А. Кыргыз адабиятынын тарыхы [Текст] / А. Акматали-ев. - Бишкек: ШАМ, 2004. - I том. - С. 141.
3. Белек Солтонкелди уулу Солтоноев, Кызыл Кыргыз Тарыхы, Ала-Тоо журналы. - 1989. - № 4. - С. 82-83.
4. http://kmb3.hostenko.com/2015/02/18/buka-yrchy/.
5. http://www.kyrgyz.ru/articles/kyrgyz/moldobaev_kyrgyzy_v_epohu_zolot oy_ordy/.
6. http://www.welcome.kg/ru/kyrgyzstan/culture/ccssn/.
© Paluanova Halifa1
Uzbekistan state university of world languages, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
This article deals with the some ways of teaching environmental topics in EFL classes and studies the importance of ecological terms and units. Also we have given some activities that helpful for teachers in implementing ecological issues in their classes.
Key words: environment, ecological topics, integration, interaction, ecological issues, implementation.
1 Кафедра Фонетики и фонологии английского языка.
Over the past few years, recognition of the urgency of environmental problems has caused a quantum leap in the attention paid to «green» issues. With increasing frequency, the environment is turning up as the subject of newspaper and magazine articles, radio and television news reports, documentaries and feature films. This concern is reflected in everywhere around the world, where teachers of all subjects and at all grade levels are using the environmental theme as a means of linking the classroom to the world.
What have environmental issues got to do with teaching EFL? Shouldn't language teachers confine their concerns to the teaching of grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills? There are several good reasons for introducing the study of the environment to the EFL class. Some of the more compelling reasons follow.
The environmental situation is urgent. Problems such as rain forest destruction and animal extinction are so pressing that they demand a response from the entire educational community. As educators we have an ethical and personal responsibility to contribute to our students' awareness of environmental issues and to foster students' ability to make independent, responsible, and informed choices where the environment is concerned.
Environmental topics are a rich source of content. «Contextualizing» presentation and practice is a widely accepted rule of good language teaching. However, simply providing a situational context for language lessons organized around structures or functions may not be enough. Teachers are being urged to use content as a starting point for the selection of language items to be taught, rather than vice versa (Brinton et al. 1989). Teachers wishing to use content-based instruction will find that the environment can serve as a useful and relevant theme for integrating content with language-teaching objectives.
Environmental issues are real. By introducing environmental topics into the EFL class we can transcend the often narrow limits of language teaching and more effectively link classroom activities to «real life». As Cazden (1977:42) reminds us, «We must always remember that language is learned, not because we want to talk or read or write about language, but because we want to talk and read and write about the world».
Environmental issues motivate learners. Environmental issues such as rain forest destruction and endangered animals are not only real, but they are of considerable interest and relevance to students. Learners of all ages, and children in particular, are fascinated by the problems these issues present.
The environmental theme can be linked to all areas of the curriculum. Environmental topics can be linked to every subject in the curriculum-science, history, geography, mathematics, even music and art. By using the environment as a theme, we can help bridge the gap between EFL and other school subjects. Students gain academic knowledge and develop skills that can enhance achievement in all areas of the curriculum.
Environmental issues provide a useful framework for integrating language skills. Environmental themes present numerous opportunities for project work and other activities that integrate the four skills. For example, students working in teams to do a «mini-research» project on countries with environmental problems get to practice reading, note-taking, speaking, listening, and written composition. In addition to providing a framework for the practice of the basic skills, environmental topics can serve as a focus for stimulating the development of higher language skills such as critical thinking, group decision-making, and selective reading.
Environmental topics encourage interaction. Environmental issues engage the minds and feelings of learners and encourage real language use. Students are stimulated to discuss the topics, brainstorm solutions, and share their reactions with other students and the teacher.
The activities take an interactive, student-centered approach which provides opportunities for students to work together in pairs, small groups, or teams, pooling their knowledge and learning from one another. Students work together, exchanging information, discussing real issues, solving problems, or performing other specific tasks. In all, the teacher functions as a facilitator, guiding the class through the activities and encouraging the students to discover and learn about environmental issues on their own. Underlying the approach is the conviction that students learn to communicate better if they are presented with stimulating classroom activities in which they are personally involved.
Each activity is presented in the form of a lesson plan. The activities may be used alone, or several may be adapted and combined to make up a more extensive teaching unit. These few examples represent merely a sample from a wide range of possibilities for introducing the study of environment into language teaching. Imaginative teachers will come up with many other ideas for using environmental themes to stimulate thought and language use among their students.
Activity #1 CONDUCT A POLL
• to increase awareness of one's own and other students' attitudes toward specific environmental problems
• to practice listening, speaking, writing, mutual decision-making, and summarizing
No special preparation is needed.
• Divide the class into pairs.
• Tell the students that they are going to have the opportunity to find out their classmates' attitudes toward a specific environmental problem of their own choosing. Explain that they are to work together with their partners, selecting an environmental topic that interests them, and framing a yes/no question that they
can use to interview other people in the class. To help the groups get started, you may wish to write one or two examples on the board, e.g.:
- Do you think our government is doing enough to protect our forests? Why or why not?
- Are you concerned about the problem of ocean pollution? Why or why not?
• As the pairs work together, circulate among them and provide help as needed.
• When the pairs have finished writing their questions, ask them to move around the room and use their question to interview 8-10 other students. Explain that they should work together with their partner, keeping a record of people's responses and noting down any interesting comments they make.
• Pairs walk around the room, interviewing other students and making a record of the responses.
• When the students have finished all their interviews, have them write a one-page report, summarizing their findings. Remind them to include any interesting comments made by the people they interviewed. (Reports can be done in class or as a homework assignment.)
• to introduce and increase awareness of an environmental topic
• to provide an opportunity for students to evaluate their own prior knowledge of the topic
• to practice reading
• to stimulate discussion
Prepare an 8-10 item true-false or multiple-choice quiz on an environmental topic (see the sample quiz below). Make enough copies of the quiz to give one to each pair of students (or write the quiz on the board or on an overhead transparency).
• Divide the class into pairs and distribute the quiz. Give one copy to each pair of students.
• Explain to the students that they are going to take a quiz to find out what they already know about the topic. Tell them that they will not be graded on the quiz. The purpose of the quiz is merely to let them find out for themselves what they already know about the subject.
• Make sure that the students understand the questions.
• Students work in pairs, discussing the questions and marking their answers.
• After the pair work, volunteers take turns reporting their answers to the class. As volunteers report, write their answers on the board. If any students disagree, ask them to report their answer to the question at hand. Do not indicate at this stage whether the students' answers are right or wrong.
• After students have reported their answers, read off the correct answers to the class.
• Lead a whole-class discussion centering on the following questions:
1. Did any of the answers surprise you?
2. What did you learn from this quiz?
3. What else would you like to know about the topic?
As a follow-up, students can work in pairs or small groups, drawing up a list of questions they have about the topic. These questions can form the basis for project work or library research.
1. Brinton D.M., M.A. Snow and M.B. Wesche. 1989. Content-based second language instruction. Boston: Heinle and Heinle.
2. Cates K. 1990. Teaching for a better world: Global issues in language education. The Language Teacher, 41, 5, pp. 3-5.
3. Cazden C. 1977. Language, literacy and literature. The National Elementary Principal, 57, 1, pp. 40-52.
4. Maley A. 1992. Global issues in ELT. Practical English Teaching, 13, 2, p. 73.
5. Martin S. 1991. Tropical rainforests. London: Macmillan.
6. National Wildlife Federation. 1989. The big picture. Nature Scope, 4, 4, pp. 3-18.
7. Nimoy L. 1978. Come be with me. Boulder, Co.: Blue Mountain Press.
© Умарова Г.М.1
Филиал Ставропольского государственного педагогического института в г. Ессентуки, г. Ессентуки
В статье рассматриваются основные аспекты развития связной речи в школе.
Ключевые слова речь, учащиеся, школа, учебный процесс, методика русского языка.
Проблема ресурсов возникает практически всегда, когда есть необходимость поддержания какого-либо процесса в незатухающем, а еще более, в развивающемся состоянии [9, с. 37].
1 Студент 2 курса Гуманитарно-технического факультета. Научный руководитель: Откидач Н.А., заведующий кафедрой Русского языка и литературы, кандидат филологических наук.