Научная статья на тему 'Priority trends in the development of forms of further training for personnel'

Priority trends in the development of forms of further training for personnel Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
improvement / summarizing system / education / improving qualification / re-training.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tashpulatov Salih Shukurovichn, Nigmatov Askar Nigmatullaevich

In this paper we propose a mechanism of accounting for intermediary forms of improving in-service qualification training of teachers through a set of points on four levels of competence, motivating enhancing of professional skills and competencies of teachers.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Priority trends in the development of forms of further training for personnel»


S. S. Tashpulatov A. N. Nigmatov

In this paper we propose a mechanism of accounting for intermediary forms of improving in-service qualification training of teachers through a set of points on four levels of competence, motivating enhancing of professional skills and competencies of teachers.

Key words: improvement, summarizing system, education, improving qualification, re-training.

At present, the further training and retraining of teaching staff in the sphere of secondary specialized professional training (hereinafter SSPT) is provided by 42 specialized higher education establishments. 1555 SSPT establishments are involved in the educational process, including 1412 vocational colleges and 143 academic lyceums. The top personnel of educational institutions is to undergo further training at least once every three years, while other teaching staff members shall do it at least once every four years. Over 27,000 teachers study at further training courses each year, including 23,394 persons improving their professional skills, while 3,810 undergo retraining. The existing procedure for further training and retraining of SSPT teachers does not provide for a personally oriented approach, since the training is performed according to a previously approved curriculum which precludes a differentiated approach toward trainees. Such further training form does not meet the modern requirements to SSPT.

In order to solve this problem a mechanism for an indirect form of further training is suggested which does not necessitate an approved curriculum. Such a form allows an accumulation of credit points within a certain period between the training courses. It provides for two stages of skill improvement on four levels of their qualitative evaluation on a 100-point scale (Fig. 1) and according to 14 competence criteria (Table 1).


Fig. 1. Evaluation structure for the lifelong education of top personnel and teaching staff

Evaluation criteria of the top personnel and other SSPT staff performance by activities


Criteria Level Points Note

Learning information and excellent 10

communication technologies good 5

average 3

Learning a foreign language excellent 10

good 5

average 3

Formation of the professional’s

personal electronic portfolio adequate 5

inadequate 2

Participation in theoretical and 3 or more 2

practical conferences: less than 3 1

With a report: 3 or more 6

less than 3 4

Publication in scientific papers : authorship To define the number

- international co-authorship 5 of points when

- national authorship 3 publishing in со-

co-authorship authorship, the total

amount of points is

divided by the number

of authors

Sharing professional experience in 3 or more 5

mass media less than 3 3

Open demonstration lessons using 3 or more 5

advanced experience less than 3 3

In-depth training to improve abroad 5 Certificate is to be

professional skills in educational presented


institutions 3

on the job 2

Participation in various international 5

competitions, exhibitions, etc. national 3

regional 2

Studies in short-term courses with 3 or more 5

basic educational establishments less than 3 2

Participation in the development National and

and improvement of educational sectoral education

standards, as well as experimental standards 10

approbations: Typical syllabi and

- development and improvement curricula leader 5

- experimental approbations as team member 3 2

Participation in theoretical and practical projects: - international as: leader 5

team member 2

- national as: leader 3

- contractual as: team member 1

leader 2

team member 0,5

Publication of teaching and To define the number

methodological materials of points when

teaching: publishing in со-

- authorship 2 or more 10 authorship, the total

- co-authorship less than 2 5 amount of points is

methodological: 2 or more 10 divided by the number

- authorship less than 2 5 of authors

- co-authorship 2 or more 5

less than 2 3

2 or more 5

less than 2 3

Defense of doctoral and master’s thesis - doctor 14

- master 4


* The total amount of points by criteria shall not exceed the top amount for this competence level

The first stage of further training is done through indirect on-the-job studies. If a person collects at least 76 points (see Table 1) he/she may take a final test at an authorized SSPT institution (within 3 years for the top personnel and 4 years for other staff). If the test shows over 75% correct answers the person may be awarded a state certificate without studying at the courses. If the result is lower than 75% the SSPT teachers will have to undergo a 36-hour thematic training course. Having accumulated 51 to 76 points, the SSPT teacher has to attend 36-hour courses. When the result is 26 to 50 points, the course duration shall be at least 72 hours. If less than 25% points have been accumulated, the SSPT teacher shall undergo a complete training program with at least 144 hours of studies.

The frequency and duration of direct further training courses for top personnel and other teaching staff depend on the organization forms and the requirements toward the qualification of teachers defined by the customer taking


into account the qualification level and individual professional demand for specialists. The total duration of the direct off-the-job training of the top personnel and other teaching staff is established for each 3 and 5 years respectively as follows: for school management and teaching staff - at least 4 weeks (144 hours); for teaching method specialists and other specialists (not involved in classroom lessons but otherwise supporting the training process) and for the staff with secondary special professional education - at least 2 weeks (72 hours). The specialists who have successfully completed the direct further training are awarded a standard certificate indicating the number of hours.

The total obligatory duration of all the forms of further training of top personnel and other staff aimed at obtaining a further qualification category, both on and off the job, is established for every 5 years as follows: for school management and teaching staff - at least 8 weeks (288 hours); for teaching methods specialists and other specialists (not involved in classroom lessons but otherwise supporting the training process) and for the staff with secondary special professional education - at least 4 weeks (144 hours).

The indirect form of further training provides for continuous independent acquisition of new knowledge and skills both in one’s own and allied speciality, aimed at improvement of the professional level, competence and broadening the professional outlook. Here, self-education is an integral part of the teaching profession: it is easily available and provides an incentive for studying information technologies, develops a competitive educational market, and eventually increases the quality of educational services.

Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translastions Bureas


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