А. Zakirov
Currently there are more than 1,500 secondary specialized educational institutions in the Republic of Uzbekistan, within the framework of the National Program for Personnel Training, with approximately 110,000 teachers, out of which 90.6% have higher education and more than 70 % are specialists under 40 years old. These teachers prepare specialists in more than 200 in-demand areas and professions. Modern progressive pedagogical techniques and the latest computer technologies are being implemented in the training process in the system of vocational secondary, professional education (hereinafter VSE).
However, in the system of retraining of teachers there is a need to implement new efficient forms of training, including those with the use of longdistance technologies. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the existing system of retraining and advanced training of managers and teachers of the VSE system, “Regulations on Professional Development and Retraining of Managers and Teachers of Secondary Specialized Vocational Education” were approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and new efficient forms of further training and retraining of managers of teachers of VSE system were identified.
The structure and management of the system of training and retraining of pedagogical staff and managers of VSE system institutions are built on the following principles: (a) monitoring the quality of advanced training and retraining of pedagogical staff and managers of VSE system institutions; (b) introducing interactive methods of practical training aimed at professional growth of teachers and staff of professional colleges; (c) systemic improvement of assessment, organizational and methodological foundations of the introduction of effective forms of advanced training and retraining of teachers. The main objectives of advanced training and retraining, based on governmental requirements, are: (1) improvement of professional competence and skills, expertise in education (teaching); (2) psychological and pedagogical training and knowledge of the principles of rhetoric and oratory; (3) development of skills and capabilities of independent thinking and acquisition of new knowledge; (4) acquisition of new teaching and information technologies, practical skills of work with the global Internet; (5) carrying out educational, mental and moral work, strengthening the skills of control and objective assessment of students' knowledge, etc.
The following forms for advanced training of managers and the teaching staff of the VSE system are available: (a) advanced training at a higher educational institution with separation from one’s main job; (b) advanced training at a higher educational institution with partial separation from one’s main job as per the pattern 2 + 2 (2 weeks directly at the base institution and 2 weeks of self-training on the job), or 3 + 1 (3 weeks directly at the base institution and 1 week of self-training on
the job); (c) training at a higher educational institution without interruption of one’s job functions as per the method “Tutor - Student”; (d) advanced training with separation from one’s main job in the form of on-site training at a higher educational institution; (e) advanced training through self-learning in the form of an individual plan. The duration of these forms of training of managers and teachers is at least 4 weeks (144 hours).
Retraining of teachers of VSE system institutions is carried out in the following forms: (a) with separation from the main job (includes full course -classroom work, workshops, self-study - teaching on the basis of higher educational institutions, (b) partial separation from the main job (combined method) - not less than 50% of the total duration of the course is given in classes. The remaining part of the course is organized as practical lessons with individual tasks on the basis of VSE system institutions. It is possible to carry out practical training at a major workplace. For each studied module of practical training, an interim control is organized in the form of tests, writing an essay, reporting on practical work, etc.; (c) without separation from the main job by means of distance training -assimilation of knowledge and skills in psychology and pedagogy with the use of Internet technology, using the feedback method. The duration of pedagogical retraining, regardless of the form of training, shall be not less than 16 weeks (576 hours).
In the process of distance retraining of pedagogical staff, student activity, coordination and management of the educational process is carried out by a tutor (teacher-consultant) assigned from among the teacher and professor staff. The tutor’s duties include maintaining a continuous link with the students, providing necessary methodological assistance to them, monitoring the fulfillment of individual tasks, and assessing students’ knowledge. A tutor is solely responsible for the objectivity of assessment of an individual task done by a student. Communication with a tutor is organized via e-mail, by phone, chat and other electronic forums. Also, face-to-face communication must be conducted no less than once per week. To ensure stable feedback between a tutor and a student, the process of control and evaluation of the quality of education additionally include the following mechanisms: (a) drawing on the basis of the curriculum of an individual plan of study for each student, which is approved by the Academic Council of a educational institution; (b) organization of a periodical evaluation of the course of fulfillment of the individual plan by special committee not less than once per month on a full-time basis; (c) training programs are implemented in individual form according to a special plan. Receiving the individual task and access to the data bases of students is done by means of electronic registration on the web-site of an educational institution.
Long-distance pedagogical advanced training courses include “case technologies” of distance training with use of network technologies. A listener of the long-distance form of the pedagogical retraining course is given a course case with educational and methodological materials (course instructions, study guides, a folder with individual tasks, recommendations regarding preparation of the qualification paper, electronic multimedia textbooks and manuals, as well as other necessary teaching and methodological materials).
Listeners of the long-distance pedagogical retraining course independently study the training and methodological materials of modules using Web-sites according to lesson plans. The individual tasks (test, essay, research work, a written paper, a thesis, practice reports, etc.) are given to the tutor according to the schedule, and the interim test-control is carried out by special committee. After the complete course of retraining of teachers, students who have successfully passed the interim control are allowed to pass final tests that are held on a full-time basis and consist of test questions and defense of a graduation thesis.
Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translations Bureau