организм воспринимает ее как непонятные и неприятные ощущения. Эргономичность - свойство комфортности и удобства для человека не только на психологическом, но и физическом уровне в определенном месте и определенный момент времени.
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Pidhirnyi O.
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Pedagogy State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky", Odesa, Ukraine
The article presents the analysis of the scientific foundation on the problem of preparation of future teachers of physical culture for self-educational activity. The purpose of the study was to conduct a terminological analysis of the problem of preparing future physical education teachers for self-educational activities. The contents of the basic concepts are defined: self-education (independent cognitive activity of a person, aimed at achieving certain personally-meaningful educational goals; satisfaction of cultural inquiries, cognitive interests in any field of activity, professional development) and self-education competence (the ability to learn throughout life, the basis of lifelong learning in the context of both personal and professional life).
The content of self-education competence consists of the following features: understanding of one's needs based on introspection, self-knowledge, self-accounting of strengths and weaknesses of one's activity; organizing your own knowledge, finding connections, gaps; the ability to develop their own self-education program, taking into account their own and society's needs; critical attitude to any information received, developing one's own position in the process of knowledge acquisition; flexibility of application of knowledge, ability, skills in the conditions of fast changes, search of non-standard solutions on the basis of self-acquired knowledge; ability to solve professional problems on the basis of self-acquired knowledge; availability of information culture (ability to work with information: to select, process, store and use information effectively); organization of own training methods; presentation, justification and protection of the result obtained in the process of self-education; ability to cooperate with others on the basis of dialogue, make decisions on the basis of cooperation, tolerant attitude to the opposition
view; ability to use new information and communication technologies; the formation of the installation on the social responsibility of the person in front of themselves, society, cultural environment; focus on constant self-development, self-change, ability to overcome difficulties, uncertainty; adequate assessment of the value of the acquired knowledge in one's own activity; responsibility for the organization and planning of self-education; constant self-analysis and self-control over self-educational activity; ability to correct, improve the results of self-education.
Keywords: self-education, self-educational competence, self-educational activity of physical education teacher.
At the present stage of transformational restructuring of the system of professional pedagogical education in Ukraine there is a contradiction between the traditional preparation of future teachers for professional self-educational activities and the new requirements of society to graduates of pedagogical educational institutions, who must be ready for the active independent using of knowledge and acquired information in complex socio-pedagogical conditions. The latter determines the generalization of theoretical and practical experience in the preparing of future specialists for professional self-educational activities and requires updating the theoretical and methodological principles on the identified problem. The issue of preparing future teachers for self-educational activities is not new for scientific and pedagogical research. This problem was studied by M. Rogozina, N. Sydorchuk, O. Spivakovska.
However, the role of self-educational activity in the system of professional qualities of a specialist in physical culture and sports is insufficiently highlighted.
The purpose of the article is to carry out a terminological analysis of the problem of preparing future physical education teachers for self-educational activities.
Presentation of the main material of the article.
According to N. Shchekotilina, a physical education teacher is a specialist with basic special education, which allows him to carry out professional and pedagogical health activities at a high methodological and scientific level, in accordance with the programs and methods of physical education, using the most effective methods, techniques and teaching aids, taking into account the preparedness, individual, psychophysical, emotional characteristics of students. These aspects of the professional activity of a physical education teacher require a constant increase in professional knowledge, skills and abilities, the acquisition of various types of integrated competencies, which is ensured by the ability to self-education.
Methodological guidelines for the development of the problem were aptly defined by M. Rogozina, noting that the essence of self-education of future teachers is determined by methodological regulations, which are formulated on the basis of personality-oriented and holistic approaches: humanization of vocational education requires the creation of conditions for the transformation in the minds of the future specialist of the professional values in the personal; in the structure of professional consciousness of the individual emotional, not rational component occupies a leading place; not only professional values, but also the values of the theory and technology of self-education should grow for future professionals into personal ones; self-educa-
tional activity is a systemic whole, and therefore, its organization must be built on a holistic basis, take into account the unity and interpenetration of all its aspects, goals, content components, methods, forms and means and to be adequate to the needs of development (general and professional) of all spheres of the student's personality as a whole.Based on the results of the analysis of modern research on the problems of synergetic by M. Rogozina the possibility to use the synergetic approach as one of the methodological principles of the organization of self-educational activity is considered.
Note that in the "Encyclopedia of Education" self-education is interpreted as an independent cognitive activity of a person, aimed at achieving certain personally significant educational goals; satisfaction of general cultural needs, cognitive interests in any field of activity, professional development, etc.
The well-known Ukrainian scientist S. Honcha-renko noted that self-education is education that is acquired in the process of independent work without passing an independent course of study in a stationary educational institution. Self-education, the author continues, is an integral part of systematic training in stationary institution, contributing to the deepening and expansion and stronger assimilation of knowledge. The main means of self-education, the scientist concludes, is the independent study of literature, and the media are also sources of self-education. Self-education skills are formed by the school.
I. Zimnya was one of the first in pedagogical science to use the concept of "self-educational competence". The scientist understands this concept as the ability to learn throughout life, the basis of lifelong learning in the context of both personal professional and social life. The content of this ability, according to the researcher, includes: the need for self-development; ability to build a personal life strategy; unity of intellectual development with the formation of personality; the ability to cope with the contradictions and uncertainties of their life experience; ability to independently control the course of their intellectual development; to achieve the heights of professionalism and creativity; expansion, increase of the accumulated knowledge and their structuring; mastering the culture of the native language; adequate value of taking into account in self-development of results and preservation of new perspective tasks.
N. Dovmantovych aptly noted that the path of formation of competencies, in particular self-education, is quite difficult. And this path begins in practical classes, where activity is formed in the process of performing such tasks, that require the application of acquired knowledge to master skills and abilities, demonstrating to students the importance of this knowledge in life and
practice. In the study of general pedagogical disciplines, the scientist emphasizes, about 40% of teaching hours are provided for independent extracurricular work of students. Properly organized independent work of students, continues N. Dovmantovych, promotes the development of their thinking, observation, equips them with the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, develops their creative powers. In the educational process, independent work is aimed mainly at the random memorization of students learned concepts and their application in order to consolidate the relevant skills, the author emphasizes.
According to N. Sidorchuk, the problem of self-educational activity covers a wide range of issues. However, the problem of organizing self-educational activities of students of pedagogical educational institutions and the factors influencing its dynamics is practically undeveloped and requires a comprehensive study, as well as the creation of a qualitatively new model of the educational process (pedagogical technology), which would correspond new social, educational, cultural and educational trends, increase the level of professionalism and competence, social responsibility, the formation of universal values of future teachers.
According to the scientific position of N. Sama-ruk, personal self-education goes through several stages during your life. At the initial stage (self-education of schoolchildren) of its development, self-education is a situational, spontaneous, unconscious activity that arises on the basis of reflex. Self-education is unfocused, unsystematic in nature and the subject of learning is often not aware of and is not controlled. At the second stage (self-education of students) self-education is characterized by external motivation, motivated by the requirement of the teacher or the need to practice professional activities. In the future there is an increase in subjectivity, purposefulness of self-educational activity, its self-management; it acquires the features of activity. At the stage of self-educational activity (self-education of specialists in various fields of activity) the process of cognition becomes completely independent, there are both self-control and internal motivation of the cognitive process. Such self-educational activity is also in the process of development, the indicator that characterizes the transition of self-educational activity from one level to another is motivation, the author concludes.
Researcher N. Bukhlov sees the internal structure of self-educational competence as a combination of the following components: understanding of own needs on the basis of self-analysis, self-knowledge, self-accounting of strong and weak features of the activity; organizing their own knowledge, finding connections between them, gaps; ability to develop their own program of self-education taking into account their own needs and the needs of society; critical attitude to any information received, developing one's own position in the process of acquiring knowledge; flexibility of application of knowledge, abilities, skills in the conditions of fast changes, search of non-standard decisions on the basis of independently acquired knowledge; ability to solve professional problems on the basis of self-acquired knowledge; availability of information culture
(ability to work with information: to select, process, store and productively use information); organization of own teaching methods; presentation, substantiation and defense of the result obtained in the process of self-education; ability to cooperate with others on the basis of dialogue, to make decisions on the basis of cooperation, to be tolerant of the opposition view; ability to use new information and communication technologies; the formation of the attitude to social responsibility of person to yourself, society, cultural environment; focus on constant self-development, self-change, ability to overcome difficulties, self-doubt; adequate assessment of the importance of acquired knowledge in their own activities; responsibility for the organization and planning of self-education; constant self-analysis and self-control over self-educational activities; ability to adjust, improve the results of self-education.
According to M. Rogozina, the degree of self-worth of knowledge of the future teacher depends on: a) the teacher's ability to create conditions for the emotional experience of the future specialist of the content of specific scientific, educational or methodological work relevant to his professional development; b) the student's ability to form their own thoughts and express their own feelings about certain provisions of the author of the work, to systematize these principles, to find in a particular work logical connections between different concepts, ideas, its structural elements; c) the presence in higher education institutions of an effectively functioning system of pedagogical support for self-educational activities of students.
The researcher also formulated the following principles of self-educational activities of future teachers of natural sciences: personality-oriented approach to the organization of self-education; formation of students' perception of self-acquired knowledge as personal values; organization of self-education as a creative process of transformation of the acquired knowledge by the student on the basis of own thoughts and feelings; simultaneous correlated formation of students' general scientific, specific (professional) and self-educational knowledge and skills; formation of a harmonious ratio of socially significant and personal motives of self-educational activity in their unity; creating situations of emotional experience of students in their actions in self-educational work; comprehensive disclosure of the possibilities of curricula of natural sciences for the organization of self-educational activities; formation of readiness for self-education by future teachers of natural sciences at the expense of possibilities of all disciplines (both natural, and humanitarian).
According to V. Naumchuk, increasing the time for independent work in sports and pedagogical disciplines requires a radical improvement of other forms of organization of the educational process, which are closely related. In practice, the organization of independent work of future physical education teachers is not properly ensured by the restructuring of such forms of educational activities as lectures, seminars, practical classes. The content, forms, types and methods of independent work of students of physical education faculties in sports games are not implemented as components of a holistic system of the educational process.
The effectiveness of independent learning activities of students decreases due to insufficient provision of pedagogical conditions.
Conclusions. We see the main reason for insufficient training of future physical education teachers for self-educational activities in the fact that the professional training of future physical education teachers in the process of independent work in pedagogical science has not been studied enough. The professional training of physical education teachers in the process of independent work on sports games has not been studied as a pedagogical system, the degree of realization of interdisciplinary links between professional and general pedagogical disciplines has not been proved, as only certain aspects of this problem have been studied. This component of professional training was considered mainly in isolation from the future pedagogical activity of students.
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