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self-educational competence / engineers of computer systems and automation / self-educational activities / project activities.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dzhedzhula O.

The article analyzes the research of the problem of developing self-educational competence. There are 4 types of self-educational activities: сommon (mastering the social experience necessary in everyday life), self-realization (changing properties and qualities of personality in accordance with the ideal), cognitive (knowledge of the surrounding world), professional serves to maintain and increase efficiency professional competence and social significance importance. A method of developing self-educational competence of future engineers of computer systems and automation is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed technique has been experimentally confirmed.

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Сложно создать общемировую единую морально-этическую доктрину, которая могла бы предложить систему универсально признаваемых ценностей или антропологических идей для решения быстро нарастающего числа конфликтов и затруднений, но можно разработать этические шаблоны, диалоги, практические занятия, которые явно показывали и устраняли основные ошибки в коммуникации «врач-пациент», и чтобы каждый пациент чувствовал, что его врач борется за его здоровье.

В заключении можно добавить, что проходящие процессы перехода врачебного сообщества на глобальные информационные позиции не умаляет возможностей развития профессиональных коммуникаций. Гуманитарное начало, следование нормам этики и деонтологии - непреложные требования профессиональной деятельности врача. Не забывая о табу и определённых запретах и ограничениях, врач имеет возможность делать свою профессиональную речь яркой и позитивной, а лингвисты и педагоги предлагать для её развития различные схемы и примеры.

Список литературы

1. Кодекс профессиональной этики врача Российской Федерации» (принят Первым национальным съездом врачей Российской Федерации 05.10.2012). - http:// "Кодекс профессиональной этики врача Российской Федерации" (принят Первым национальным съездом врачей Российской Федерации 05.10.2012) / КонсультантПлюс (consultant.ru)

2. Виноградов А.Ф. Этические принципы деятельности врача// Медицинская этика. - 2018. -Т.6. - №1. - С.17-20.

3. Биомедицинская этика и коммуникации в здравоохранении: учебно - методическое пособие / А.Т. Щастный [и др.]; под ред. А.Т. Щастного. -Витебск : ВГМУ, 2018. - 310 с.

4. Матвеева Т. В. Учебный словарь: русский язык, культура речи, стилистика, риторика. - М.: Флинта: Наука, 2003. - 432 с.

5. Романова, О. В., Сафонкина, О. С. Лингвистические особенности медицинских эвфемизмов в английском языке/ О. В. Романова О. С. Сафонкина// Вопросы прикладной лингвистики. - 2019. -№ 2 (34). - С. 115-138.

6. Allan K, Burridge K. (1991). Euphemism and Dispemism: Language Used as Shield and Weapon. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. — 288 p.

7. Smith R, Kelly N. (2012). Global attempts to avoid talking directly about death and dying, in BMJ Blogs. BMJ.

8. Каламбур / Российский энциклопедический словарь. - М., Научное издательство «Большая Российская энциклопедия», 2000. - С.616.

9. Андреева П.И., Де-Мондерик М.Д. Каламбур и аллюзия как стилистические приёмы в научных статьях на английском языке// Матер. Межвузовского научного конгресса (г. Москва, изд-во Инфинити, 2019. - С.

10. Назаров В.Н. Цифровой двойник как субъект информационной этики. - «Этическая мысль». - 2020. - Т.20. - №1. - С.142-154.


Dzhedzhula O.

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Head of the Department of Mathematics,

Physics and Computer Technologies, Professor


The article analyzes the research of the problem of developing self-educational competence. There are 4 types of self-educational activities: common (mastering the social experience necessary in everyday life), self-realization (changing properties and qualities of personality in accordance with the ideal), cognitive (knowledge of the surrounding world), professional serves to maintain and increase efficiency professional competence and social significance importance. A method of developing self-educational competence of future engineers of computer systems and automation is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed technique has been experimentally confirmed.

Keywords: self-educational competence, engineers of computer systems and automation, self-educational activities, project activities.

Self-education is important for a person at every stage of life. It plays a special role for students, because at the age of 18-25 people choose their life interests, future professional activities, aware of the need for self-education. Motivation can be different: career growth, the opportunity to get a new profession, interest in new information and so on. The problem of self-education becomes especially relevant for engineers of computer systems and automation, for whom access to information, the ability to work with it are key. Graduates in

this specialty work as computer system developers, database administrators, access administrators, task administrators, system administrators, computer communications analysts, computer systems analysts, computer data bank analysts, operational and application software analysts, engineers from automated production control systems, computer system engineers, computer software engineers, research engineers from computerized systems and automation. Such a wide range of activities requires knowledge of software develop-

ment technology, design of information and communication systems and networks, architecture of modern corporate networks, trends in computer technology, GRID-technologies, technologies of self-similar systems, information technology in science and education. According to Dmytro Wolf, a psycholinguist, sociologist, coach, social technologist and micro-learning expert, in today's world the skill of acquiring knowledge for a specific task is important. The demand for social and technical skills is growing by at least 30% [4, 6].

It is impossible to determine exactly which technologies will be leading in the future. Computer engineering is developing rapidly. Therefore, future engineers of computer systems and automation need to be ready to constantly look for new concepts and continue to study innovations that can be promising for computer hardware and software [13, 15].

The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for the development of self-educational competence of future engineers of computer systems and automation. The problem of self-educational competence is considered in scientific researches of scientists of different countries. Chebotareva E. considers the possibility of forming self-educational competence in the process of project activities. She considers that self-educational competence is one of the leading conditions for mastering professional values; an innovative style of professional thinking, a willingness to make creative decisions; the ability to understand and take into account the psychology of people; a systematic approach to professional activity; the ability to work collectively, co-management, the ability to lead, mobilize for the solution of humanistically oriented professional tasks; the ability to determine the priorities of production development; theoretical foundations of production management; ability to develop the concept of development of the enterprise, ways and means of its realization; ability to carry out the technological forecast of the future activity of the enterprise; reflexive technologies; methods of analysis, diagnosis, research; consulting techniques; managerial, organizational, gnostic, constructive, communicative, creative and other abilities [3].

The model of formation of self-educational competence of an English teacher is offered by L. Khalza-kova [6]. For the formation of self-educational activities, the author proposes to use remote support of professional activities, project training technology, portfolio technology, information multimedia technologies (electronic textbooks, website, teacher's blog).

In the structure of self-educational competence, R. Perkaty distinguishes 4 components: motivational (characterizes the attitude of future specialists to professional activity), cognitive (assumes mastering knowledge of self-education, as well as readiness for continuous self-education throughout life), operational (characterizes the mastery of skills in organizing and managing self-education, the application of the results of self-education in situations similar to professional activity) reflexive (includes the assessment and self-assessment of the effectiveness of cadets at all stages of the self-educational process) [14].

Samaruk N. considers the hierarchical three-level structure of self-educational competence, which consists of key, general industry and subject competencies. In the system of self-education, she pays attention to self-control as the ability to control their activities; self-determination as the ability to choose their place and role in society, to realize their interests; self-esteem as the ability to assess their capabilities; self-organization as the ability to find sources of knowledge appropriate to their capabilities types of self-education, the ability to plan and organize their workplace and activities; self-development as a result of self-education; self-accounting as the ability to take into account the presence of their qualities; self-criticism as the ability to critically assess the advantages and disadvantages of their own work; self-realization as the ability of the individual to realize their potential [16].

According to V. Tsisaruk and I. Tsisaruk, the effectiveness of the formation of self-education largely depends on the information support of the educational process. The use of the latest information technologies provides an opportunity to intensify the independent activities of students and, accordingly, to increase the level of formation of self-educational competence. One of the types of individual and independent work with students is the use of modern learning technologies introduced in higher education institutions. The authors focus on the modular dynamic object-oriented learning environment Moodle, which is created by teachers to help students and is based on the use of modern information technology and computer-based learning tools [19].

Ivanov V., Avanesyan A. define self-education as a means of self-education, since self-education contributes to the development of purposefulness, persistence in achieving goals, internal organization, hard work and other moral qualities. Independent educational and cognitive activity includes semantic, target and executive components. Mastering complex intellectual actions, the student comes to active goal setting, which allows him to determine his own approaches to solving the problem of self-education. Target and executive components include goal setting, task definition, action planning, choice of methods and means of their implementation, self-analysis and self-control of results, correction of prospects for future activities [8].

Maurice Gibbons and Gary Phillips develop the concept and practice of the Walkabout-Challenge-Self-Education. Based on their experience, they identify ten main elements of programs designed to teach self-education: visualization, learning style, individual curriculum planning, risk experience, self-culture, and more [12].

ilkay Askin Tekkol and Melek Demirel explore the skills of self-study of undergraduate students. Scientists consider , that for improved practices, instructional environments should be designed in a way to improve students' self-control skills and these environments should include the use of reflective journals, learning performance evaluation scales and cognitive and/or upper-cognitive learning strategies [7].

Analysis of the scientific literature allows us to identify 4 types of self-educational activities (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Types of self-educational activities

various practical activities - experiments, experiments, modeling, etc.

During the experimental work, students were offered a questionnaire to analyze the reasons for the success of self-educational activities. The results of the analysis allowed to identify the most important of them (table 1). 56 second-year students majoring in "Computer Systems and Automation" took part in the survey. The questionnaire contained questions in the context of future professional activities.

Table 1

Analysis results for the reasons for the success of self-educational activity

Reason for success self-educational activities Number of students, %

Awareness of the personal need to acquire additional knowledge 99,8

Possession of the necessary mental development, the ability to find problems, formulate them, plan sequential steps to find an answer 100

Ability to update knowledge, methods of activity, to select the ones necessary to solve the problem that has arisen 100

The desire to solve a problem, and if necessary, to search for information from other fields of science to solve the problem 99.6

We define self-education as all types of acquisition of knowledge connected with independent work of the student on the information necessary for studying. The main form of self-education is the study of scientific, popular science, educational, fiction and other literature, the press. Self-education also provides the opportunity to use a variety of aids: listening to lectures, reports, concerts, consultations, watching plays, movies, TV shows, visiting museums, exhibitions, galleries,

The results of the analysis show that the presence of motivation is the most important condition for the formation of self-educational competence, since self-education always has personal significance. Self-education arises on the basis of needs, and they are realized in professional activity, everyday life, in the process of cognizing the world around and educating certain qualities in oneself in order to be realized in a social environment.

At the beginning of self-educational activity requires careful prior preparation. We consider two aspects important: the first is setting the goal of self-education. You need to clearly define what and why you need to study. Defining the goal contributes to the development of an effective plan for the formation of self-educational competence; the other. determining the amount of knowledge that is planned to be acquired. When drawing up a plan, it is desirable to consult with a specialist in this field. It is important. After all, only a professional can determine the required amount of information, take into account the complexity of topics, develop a learning trajectory.

The basis of the methodology of formation of self-educational competence of future engineers of com-

puter systems and automation, we put the project activity. Scientists consider that the project type of thinking is the most successful for programmers [9] The project method requires the search for new information, the ability to work in a team, generate new ideas, justify their own decisions. Thus the student should organize the loyalty, correctly to burn free time. It is expedient to introduce the methodology for 2nd year students. At this time, they already have knowledge of special disciplines and can carry out projects for topics of future professional activity. The technique is implemented in the study of special disciplines at the following stages.

The first stage. The teacher creates groups of 2-3 students. It should take into account the wishes of students, their organizational skills, the presence of a leader in the group.

The second stage. Students choose the project theme and plan the course of its implementation. The project must be feasible to carry out. There are two main areas in computer engineering: hardware and software.

The themes of the projects correspond to these two directions. Examples of project themes are presented in Table 2.

Table 2

Changing themes of projects_

№ Theme

1 Development of a PEG-grammar parser generator for Object Pascal

2 Mobile workplace based on instant messaging system

3 Service of registration of events of the level of operational control and management

4 Development of a financial analysis and planning system

5 Document analysis system based on templates on the example of the business process "Control of the execution of orders"

6 Implementing an extension of the Java language to support parallel algorithms

7 System for creating three-dimensional computer games and designing game logic

8 Creation of an application for automating a project and task management system for a web studio

9 Automated system of accounting and control of supplies at the enterprise

10 Development of subsystems for document management, formation of declarations and administration for a declaring system for retail trade in products

At this stage, it is important to suggest themes that interest students. themes should be aimed at implementation in specific industries. Planning is one of the important elements of successful work. To organize the work, students develop a project implementation plan (table 3).

Table 3

An example of a ^ project execution plan

Action Responsible Deadlines The control

The third stage. At this stage, students are working on projects. The role of the teacher is to provide counseling, organizational support and control. Teacher consultations should be conducted systematically to reduce the danger of errors in project implementation.

The fourth stage. At the end of the project, its analysis is required. The end result of any project is a written report of a certain volume. It should include the following information: rationale for the choice of theme and project objectives; description of the main stages of work on the implementation of the project; description of the main problems and difficulties encountered during the implementation of the project, and their solution; self-assessment of the project implementation process and its results (in relation to the set

goals). Experience shows that the best result in the analysis of the project can be obtained when the discussion is attended by performers and students of other groups. During the analysis of the project it is possible to expand the problem considered in the project in the context of the subject of the project. Students are always interested in issues related to encryption, cryptography and information security, human-computer interface and others. Interesting discussions often arise on these themes.

To assess the effectiveness of the method, a comparative analysis of the formation of self-educational competence in students of control groups who studied the traditional method (CG) and students of experimental groups who studied the proposed method (EG), Fig.2.

Fig. 2. The results of a comparative analysis of the formation of self-educational competence in the control and experimental groups

The formation of self-educational competence was assessed on a 100-point scale: 90-100 points (high level); 80-90 points (average level); 50-80 points (low level); below 50 points - critically low level. Indicators of the formation of self-educational competence were: recognition of the role of self-education for professional growth, use of free time to acquire new knowledge and skills, understanding the need for independent work with educational resources and tools to update and improve practical skills, the efficiency and convenience of the practical use of knowledge and the environment, joint studios with self-certification processes of subsidiaries, the degree of verification of the independence of knowledge in the production of scientific knowledge.

In the experimental groups, the number of students with a high level of self-educational competence is more than 15% compared to students in the control groups. At the same time, the number of EG students with a low level of self-educational competence is 21% lower than students in the control groups. This testifies to the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Conclusions. Students' self-educational competence is a personal characteristic that is manifested in activities. Therefore, the method of projects is used in the method of formation of self-educational competence. Project activity allows to form skills of work in a team, to show leadership qualities, creates an opportunity for work with new technologies.

Further research is expected to develop a model of formation of self-educational competence of students in higher education institutions and the conditions of its implementation.


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