Научная статья на тему 'Possibilities of using literary texts in the interdisciplinary space of primary education'

Possibilities of using literary texts in the interdisciplinary space of primary education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Starykh Lyudmila V., Timokhina Tatyana V., Epishina Larisa V.

Studying the issue of increasing the efficiency of using literary texts in primary school conditions necessitated the study of the possibility of their use in the interdisciplinary space. The assumption that the empowerment of literary influence on other lessons was the reason for the organization of the study. The theoretical research using analysis and synthesis, generalization, systematization, classification, prognostication allowed identifying new opportunities for revitalizing children and improving efficiency in various classes at the initial school level. The most effective approaches to the organization of interdisciplinary interaction are presented: axiological, structural-analytical, systematically-holistic, structural-integrative. The forms of interdisciplinary interaction are classified by the nature of the content: structural, operational, methodological, organizational. An example of designing a plan for using literary texts in the interdisciplinary space of primary education is given. The obtained results allow us to optimize the activity of primary school teachers in the using of literary texts in a primary school. Development prospects include the further elaboration of new areas of interdisciplinary space and the enrichment of areas of application of literary texts.

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Возможности использования литературных текстов в межпредметном пространстве начального образования

Изучение вопроса повышения эффективности использования литературных текстов в условиях начальной школы обусловило необходимость исследования возможности их применения в межпредметном пространстве. Предположение о расширении возможностей литературного воздействия на других уроках послужило причиной организации исследования. Теоретическое исследование с использованием анализа и синтеза, обобщения, систематизации, классификации, прогнозирования позволило выявить новые возможности активизации детей и повышения эффективности на различных занятиях на начальной ступени школы. Представлены наиболее эффективные подходы к организации межпредметного взаимодействия: аксиологический, структурно-аналитический, системно-целостный, структурно-интегративный. Классифицированы формы межпредметного взаимодействия по характеру содержания: структурные, операционные, методические, организационные. Приведен пример оформления плана использования литературных текстов в межпредметном пространстве начального образования. Полученные результаты позволяют оптимизировать деятельность учителя начальных классов в области использования литературных текстов в условиях начальной школы. Перспективы развития заключаются в дальнейшей разработке новых направлений межпредметного пространства и обогащении областей применения литературных текстов.

Текст научной работы на тему «Possibilities of using literary texts in the interdisciplinary space of primary education»

Перспективы Науки и Образования

Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)

Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive19/19-06/ Дата публикации: 31.12.2019 УДК 373.3

Л. В. Старых, Т. В. Тимохинд, Л. В. Епишинд

Возможности использования литературных текстов в межпредметном пространстве начального образования

Изучение вопроса повышения эффективности использования литературных текстов в условиях начальной школы обусловило необходимость исследования возможности их применения в межпредметном пространстве. Предположение о расширении возможностей литературного воздействия на других уроках послужило причиной организации исследования.

Теоретическое исследование с использованием анализа и синтеза, обобщения, систематизации, классификации, прогнозирования позволило выявить новые возможности активизации детей и повышения эффективности на различных занятиях на начальной ступени школы. Представлены наиболее эффективные подходы к организации межпредметного взаимодействия: аксиологический, структурно-аналитический, системно-целостный, структурно-интегративный. Классифицированы формы межпредметного взаимодействия по характеру содержания: структурные, операционные, методические, организационные. Приведен пример оформления плана использования литературных текстов в межпредметном пространстве начального образования.

Полученные результаты позволяют оптимизировать деятельность учителя начальных классов в области использования литературных текстов в условиях начальной школы. Перспективы развития заключаются в дальнейшей разработке новых направлений межпредметного пространства и обогащении областей применения литературных текстов.

Ключевые слова: литература, текст, межпредметное пространство, начальное образование, образовательная организация

Ссылка для цитирования:

Старых Л. В., Тимохина Т. В., Епишина Л. В. Возможности использования литературных текстов в межпредметном пространстве начального образования // Перспективы науки и образования. 2019. № 6 (42). С. 183-191. сМ: 10.32744^.2019.6.15

Perspectives of Science & Education

International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)

Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive19/19-06/ Accepted: 15 September 2019 Published: 31 December 2019

L. V. Starykh, T. V. Timokhina, L. V. Epishina

Possibilities of using literary texts in the interdisciplinary space of primary education

Studying the issue of increasing the efficiency of using literary texts in primary school conditions necessitated the study of the possibility of their use in the interdisciplinary space. The assumption that the empowerment of literary influence on other lessons was the reason for the organization of the study.

The theoretical research using analysis and synthesis, generalization, systematization, classification, prognostication allowed identifying new opportunities for revitalizing children and improving efficiency in various classes at the initial school level. The most effective approaches to the organization of interdisciplinary interaction are presented: axiological, structural-analytical, systematically-holistic, structural-integrative. The forms of interdisciplinary interaction are classified by the nature of the content: structural, operational, methodological, organizational. An example of designing a plan for using literary texts in the interdisciplinary space of primary education is given.

The obtained results allow us to optimize the activity of primary school teachers in the using of literary texts in a primary school. Development prospects include the further elaboration of new areas of interdisciplinary space and the enrichment of areas of application of literary texts.

Key words: literature, text, interdisciplinary space, primary education, educational organization

For Reference:

Starykh, L. V., Timokhina, T. V., & Epishina, L. V. (2019). Possibilities of using literary texts in the interdisciplinary space of primary education. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 42 (6), 183-191. doi: 10.32744/pse.2019.6.15


he relevance of the transferring advanced pedagogical experience, demonstrating the various possibilities of using literary texts in the interdisciplinary space is due to the need to improve the effectiveness of teaching in the primary grades. Finding new opportunities of pedagogical interaction with the child will optimize the work of primary school teachers.

The problem of using literary texts in the interdisciplinary space is the subject of researches by many scientists. Works of O. E. Drozdova [1], L. A. Mednikova [2], I. L. Parshukova [3], N. V. Serbina [4] convincingly show that the teacher's development and frequent appeal to the connections between subjects both within the context of pedagogy and in interaction with other sciences, contributes to the child's quick adaptation to school conditions, effective socialization in the microsocium of a particular group and the school as a whole, the development of horizons, attentiveness, memory, imagination.

As part of the integration and widespread use of interdisciplinary space in the various disciplines, a number of studies are being conducted abroad. R. Fogarty [5] characterizes various ways of integrating the educational program. J. B. Ingram [6] offers the integration within the confines of not only individual subjects, but also continuing education. Wolfinger D. M. & Stockard J. W. [7] suggest the use of interdisciplinary space as the main method that significantly increases effectiveness.

0. E. Drozdova [1], considering the meta-subject functions of the Russian language in the educational process of the school, notes the need for their use in various subjects. The author identifies the problems associated with the interaction of the teacher with students, defines ways to solve them.

L. A. Mednikova in the study guide [2], considering pedagogical technologies in primary education, repeatedly notes the need for rational use of interdisciplinary space. The author denotes the ease of solving this problem in primary school due to the concentration of basic subjects on one person - a primary school teacher.

1. L. Parshukova [3] pays special attention to the organization of interdisciplinary communications in the scientific and methodological support of the educational process. In detail analyzing the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) of primary general education, the author notes the need for interdisciplinary interaction.

Work of N. V. Serbina is very interesting in this regard [4]. She, in the context of an art dissertation, allocates internal and external relations, characterize the interdisciplinary space in a pictorial work not only within the scope of her subject, but also in interaction with various sciences, including pedagogy.

Appeal to succession in various disciplines broadens the horizons of children, teaches them to compare, correlate, and focuses on practical orientation in obtaining knowledges. Building a trajectory of personal development, the child has the opportunity to choose a direction in accordance with his interests. Succession also contributes to the development of the motivational sphere of primary school students. The child knowing and often turning to other subjects disposes himself to study them according to his own interests and needs.

The phenomenon of interdisciplinary space in primary education is not new in pedagogical science and practice. It affects different levels and stages and is considered in the context of philosophical, medical, pedagogical, psychological sciences. Particularly

acute development of interdisciplinary connections is required in primary education at the time of coming from a preschool educational organization and the child's adaptation to school conditions. A qualitatively new practice-oriented approach to teaching requires the teacher to use new, more effective forms and methods of interaction with students.

Using literary texts in the interdisciplinary space of primary education is aimed at achieving the following objectives:

1. The formation of reader's interest;

2. The development of logical, conceptual and dialogical thinking;

3. The practice reading activity;

4. The developing students' creativity.

In connection with the above said, the intention of this work is to determine the methodological and theoretical foundations, the possibilities of using literary texts in the interdisciplinary space of primary education.

Materials and methods

In the process of the research, theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis, generalization, systematization, classification, prognostication) as well as a mathematical method for rating the received data were used.

Applied aspects were considered according to the results published in conference collection: "Metasubject approach in education: the Russian language at school and university teaching various subjects", "Professional standard. Formation of highly qualified labor resources" and others, publications in periodicals: "Innovative projects and programs in education", "Municipal education: innovations and experiment" etc, the results of many years of pedagogical experience. The survey results were partially used in the research, which was held among primary school teachers participating in the regional stage of the competition "Step into the Profession".

The results of the research

The stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language defines the text as "... a sequence of iconic units whose main properties are connectedness, integrity, completeness" [8]. In this case, the literary text should be considered as a prose, poetic or dramatic work, characterized by coherence, integrity, completeness in any branch of knowledges.

The work with literary texts in most researches is related to developing project activities that help to combine, teach to work together, help to find the right directions for each child to express themselves. This type of activity is very popular in modern pedagogy. It aims solving practice-oriented tasks, reflects the social orientation and interests of the participants.

I. G. Anushkevich [9], O. E. Drozdova [1], T. G. Ivleva [10], I. P. Podlasy [11] and others in the context of their scientific researches paid attention to the study and development of general pedagogical interdisciplinary communications. M. N. Prokopyeva [12], M. I. Larskih [13], E. Ermilova [14] and others were engaged in various opportunities to increase the effectiveness of teaching in the lessons of the Russian language and Literature in primary school.

Specific features of interaction in the interdisciplinary educational space of primary schools are the development of dialogical and creative thinking, communicative skills in the process of personality-oriented influence based on the use of integration techniques, in

particular, the use of literary texts. This is achieved through the inclusion in the educational process of integrated forms of learning that ensure the development of the personal and cognitive potential of students, motivate the desire for self-development.

The use of modern technologies, subject-matter and poly-subject matter in the planning of activities by the teacher allows you to link the preparation of students with the FSES [15].

Among the approaches to the organization of interdisciplinary interaction, the most effective of them can be distinguished: axiological, structural-analytical, systematically-holistic, structural-integrative.

The axiological approach is one of the fundamental in terms of the use of literary texts in the interdisciplinary educational space. Its use is determined from the point of view of the value-oriented paradigm of development of the modern education system.

The structural-analytical approach assumes that logically structured system that determines the selection of various means, forms and methods of interdisciplinary educational space consisting of the following components: reason - theoretical propositions that define the use of literary texts in the study of various disciplines; take into account didactic patterns of learning, methods using which interdisciplinary interaction is possible.

The systematically-holistic approach to the organization of interdisciplinary interaction consists in the selection of content, methods and teaching aids taking into account many integral components, among which we can distinguish: the level of creative and cognitive activity of students, the psycho-emotional state of the class, the appropriateness of using materials from other subject areas, etc.

The structural-integrative approach consists in comparing the purposes, content and expected learning outcomes with local, integral current educational results. This approach is fundamental in the organization of meaningful interdisciplinary interaction.

The mentioned approaches are aimed at students gaining "over-subject" experience, which is determined by the interaction of various educational spheres, the formation of a holistic picture of the world, the creation of a situation of the need to use humanitarian and dialogical thinking to solve problems of a different character.

Axiological, structural-analytical, systematically-holistic and structural-integrative approaches must be considered in the selection of educational material by teacher, integrated into interdisciplinary educational space. Literary texts appropriate to use at the lessons of a Foreign Language, Natural Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Technology, and even Mathematics and Computing.

In addition to the interdisciplinary interaction, there are other forms of using literary texts to solve the educational problems of various subjects, including: coordination of subject lines, integration of subject areas, as well as networking in the organization of educational processes.

Based on the analysis of the content of subject areas in primary education, it is advisable to conclude that it is advisable to use literary texts as in solving problems of the subjects of the humanitarian cycle: Art, Natural History, the Foundations of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the of Russian People and etc., as in solving problems of the natural scientific and mathematical cycles.

The coordination of subject lines involves the optimization and intensification of the educational process, since it is characterized by the search for the most optimal and effective options for the interaction of materials from various educational subjects. For example, when the seasons and their features are studied in the Natural History lessons, the information in the textbook can be supplemented by V. Berestov, A. Pleshcheev poems

and others, descriptions of the nature of M. M. Prishvin, musical works of P. I. Tchaikovsky, T. A. Popatenko, etc.

The integration of educational areas as the most common form of interdisciplinary interaction serves as a means of establishing interconnections between subjects and forming a holistic picture of students in the world.

Robin Fogarty describes networking as a form of integration in education. [5]. The author is confident that students with the necessary set of competencies are able to independently manage integration, search and effectively use knowledges from various subject areas. As a rule, networks are created between students, providing a collective search for solutions to problems or learning difficulties.

The analysis of the advanced pedagogical experience carried out during the pedagogical competition [16] showed that most primary education teachers assess the use of literary texts in the interdisciplinary space of primary education as a positive, developmental direction.

Developed, well-organized interdisciplinary space educates children the ability to interact with a wide range of people and form sustainable relations. In addition, the integration of educational areas lays the foundation for systemic training.

According to the FSES, the subject results of literary reading should include: "understanding the importance of reading for personal development; the formation of ideas about the world, Russian history and culture, initial ethical ideas, concepts about good and evil, morality; success in all subjects; formation needs in a systematic reading" [15]. It is advisable to solve these problems in the context of all subjects implemented in primary school.

The analysis of scientific literature and our a long-term experience allow us to classify the forms of interdisciplinary interaction by the nature of the content: structural, operational, methodological, organizational.

Structural interactions occur within certain segments of particular subjects. It can be educational modules, individual topics, tasks and exercises within the same topic.

Operational interdisciplinary interactions can be realized when the same actions are used in the structure of various objects.

It is better to carry out methodological interactions with similar methods and technologies used in primary school.

Organizational interactions in the interdisciplinary space of primary education are used when there is a possibility of similar realization of the needs and aspirations of certain groups of children.

The child better perceives all these interdisciplinary interactions when literary texts are used and enriched with auditory and visual images. They contribute to the formation and development of elementary personality qualities at the primary school age level, which positively affect the processes of learning and teaching.

Great importance to the use of various possibilities of literary texts in the interdisciplinary space of primary education is given in connection with the problems that arose as a result of computerization and informatization of modern society.

Modern scientists support this point of view. L. A. Mednikova [2] considers the mandatory implementation of the educational development potential a priority in modern educational standards. T. G. Ivleva [10] is concerned about the lack of home reading with children. The author notes that parents stopped reading books to children, replacing them with a computer and phone. In the content of education, I. P. Podlasy [11] emphasizes

interdisciplinary learning abilities and skills that significantly affect the child's behavior and attitude to the world. O. E. Drozdova distinguishes the Russian language in a modern school as "...language of familiarization with reading and written culture in general" [1, p.7].

The main form of integration using literary texts is a lesson with the inclusion of interdisciplinary communications. In constructing the lesson of this type of treatment to a material other subjects sporadic.

One of the effective means of including interdisciplinary communications is an interdisciplinary task situation in which the teacher puts the student in a state of difficulty, and he discovers the insufficiency of the existing subject knowledge and skills recognizes the need to access the knowledge and skills to other subject areas.

Visualized interdisciplinary interaction advisable to register as a table, allowing the teacher to select teaching material, Kowhich will help to build meaningful interdisciplinary communication and to agree on the calendar and thematic planning. An example of such planning might be a table 1.

Table 1

Planning the use of literary texts in interdisciplinary interaction

Composition Subject Form Theme

N. Sladkov "The Golden Rain" Natural history 1 "Hello, Golden Autumn!"

Yu. Dmitriev "The Bear", "The Predators, Saviors and Defenders" Natural history 1 1 "These are All Animals" "Wild and domestic animals"

N. Konchalovskaya "Our Ancient Capital" Natural history 3 "Ancient Russia"

N. Nosov "Fedin's Task" Math 4 Text tasks

N. Nosov "The Patch" Technology 4 Work with fabric

A. Pushkin "The Autumn", "The Winter Morning", "Persecuted by Spring Rays", "Oh, the red Summer" Art 2 Drawing nature in various states

M. Gorkiy "As the Song Laid Down" Music 4 "Where were born, Russian music?"

The discussion of the results

Thus, the research identified the most effective approaches to the organization of interdisciplinary interaction: axiological, structural-analytical, systematically-holistic, structural-integrative. The forms of interdisciplinary interaction were classified by the nature of the content: structural, operational, methodological, and organizational. Based on the needs of primary education teachers an example of a plan for using literary texts in the interdisciplinary space of primary education was developed


In modern conditions, the activity of a primary school teacher will be more effective by using literary texts in the interdisciplinary space of primary education.


1. Drozdova O.E. Meta-subject functions of the Russian language in the educational process of schools and universities: problems and solutions / Meta-subject approach in education: the Russian language in school and university education in various subjects: a collection of articles of the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, April 19, 2018. Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2018, pp. 4-10. (in Russ.)

2. Mednikova, L.A. Pedagogical technologies in primary education: a training manual / L.A. Mednikova, A.R. Lopatin. Kostroma: KSU named after N.A. Nekrasov, 2015. 268 p. (in Russ.)

3. Parshukova I.L. Scientific and methodological support of an educational institution in the context of the transition of the regional education system to GEF of primary general education. Municipal education: innovations and experiment, 2011, no. 6, pp. 10-12. (in Russ.)

4. Serbina N.V. Subject and intersubject space in a painting: a dissertation for the degree of candidate of art history. Yekaterinburg, Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky, 2011. (in Russ.)

5. Fogarty R. Ten ways to integrate the curriculum. Educational Leardership; Journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development. N.E.A, 1991, vol. 49 no. 2, pp. 61-65.

6. Ingram J.B. Curriculum Integration and lifelong Education: a contribution to the improvement of school curricula. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1979. 175 p. (in Russ.)

7. Wolfinger D.M. & Stockard J.W. Elementary Methods: An Integrated Curriculm. America: New York (Longman), 1997. 350 p.

8. Stylistic Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language / Ed. M.N. Skin; members of the editorial board: E.A. Bazhenova, M.P. Kotyurova, A.P. Skovorodnikov. 2nd ed., Rev. and add. Moscow, Flint: Science Publ., 2006.696 s. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://alleng.org/d/rusl/rusl305.htm. (in Russ.)

9. Anushkevich I.G. Work on the publication of a literary almanac at school. Innovative projects and programs in education, 2008, no. 3, pp. 91-96. (in Russ.)

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

10. Ivleva T.G. How to make a literary text: a textbook. 2nd ed., Erased. Moscow, Flint Publishing House, 2018. 77 p. (in Russ.)

11. Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy of elementary school: textbook. manual for students ped. colleges. Moscow, VLADOS Publ., 2000. 400 p. (in Russ.)

12. Prokopyeva M.N. Primary education teacher training as a resource for the development and developmental education / Professional Standard. The formation of highly qualified labor resources: Collection of scientific and methodological materials of the Education Forum "Education, forward!" / Edited by E.I. Mikhailova, 2013, pp. 738753. (in Russ.)

13. Larsky M.I. Psychological and pedagogical ideas of creating a model of a computer training program in Russian for elementary school. Psychology of education in a multicultural space, 2012, vol. 3, no. 19, pp. 117-123. (in Russ.)

14. Ermilova E. Russian language in elementary school: text quantization and tasks in test form. Pedagogical measurements, 2012, no. 3, pp. 105-107. (in Russ.)

15. Federal State Educational Standard (as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 26, 2010 No. 1241, dated September 22, 2011 No. 2357) Approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 [Electronic resource] / GEF. Available at: https://fgos.ru/ (accessed 15 September 2019) (in Russ.)

16. Timokhina T.V. Continuous Professional Training of Teachers under Conditions of Introducing Federal State Educational Standards (on the Example of Moscow Region) / T.V. Timokhina, I.A.Telina, E.B. Bulavkina, Y.V .Yeliseyev / 2018 International conference "Education Environment for the Information Age" (EEIA-2018), pp. 753-759.

Информация об авторах Старых Людмила Викторовна

(Россия, Московская, обл., г.о. Орехово-Зуево) Доцент, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры теории и методики начального и дошкольного образования Государственный гуманитарно-технологический университет E-mail: [email protected]

Тимохина Татьяна Васильевна

(Россия, Московская, обл., г.о. Орехово-Зуево) Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры теории и методики начального и дошкольного образования Государственный гуманитарно-технологический университет E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1255-5073

Information about the authors

Lyudmila V. Starykh

(Russia, Moscow Region, Orekhovo-Zuevo city) Associate Professor, PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Elementary and Preschool Education State University for the Humanities and Technology E-mail: [email protected]

Tatyana V. Timokhina

(Russia, Moscow Region, Orekhovo-Zuevo city) Associate Professor, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy State University for the Humanities and Technology E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1255-5073

Епишина Лариса Владимировна

(Россия, Московская, обл., г.о. Орехово-Зуево) Кандидат педагогических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры педагогики начального и

дошкольного образования Государственный гуманитарно-технологический университет E-mail: [email protected]

Larisa V. Epishina

(Russia, Moscow Region, Orekhovo-Zuevo city) PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary and Preschool Education State University for the Humanities and Technology E-mail: [email protected]

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