Образование и наука. Том 21, № 7. 2019/The Education and Science Journal. Vol. 21, № 7. 2019
УДК 372.881.111.1 DOI: 10.17853/1994-5639-2019-7-164-202
Part II1
M. N. Tatarinova1, O. V. Sungurova2
Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia.
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Abstract. Introduction. The revaluation of the tasks and results of school foreign-language education in our country updated the role of the emotionally-valuable component (EVC) of the content of foreign-language courses. There is broad agreement that the compliance of its criteria today is the most important prerequisite of foreign languages viability.
The aim of this article is to provide a scientific answer to the question if there is necessary background for the implementation of the EVC of the content of foreign-language education in the current study course "Spotlight".
Methodology and research methods. As the fundamental methodological tool the emotionally-valuable (axiological) approach to the study was applied. A number of complementary methods were used: a theoretical systemic-structural and comparative analysis; an analytical experiment - the content-analysis of the current English-language study course for a secondary school; a constructive (creative) experiment (experiential learning); a method and principles of visibility (a tabular and graphical presentation of information); methods of mathematical statistics.
Results and scientific novelty. It is proved that the EVC in the linear structure of the school subject "A foreign-language" is able to ensure an integral formation of a student's personality with developed intellectual, volitional and emotionally-valuable spheres. A practical implementation of this component is possible through students' work with speech patterns of emotionally-valuable context. The
1 The continuation. Part I was published in the Education and Science Journal:
2019; 6 (21): 146-170.
indicators of emotional value of teaching materials are selected. The content-analysis of the text library of the study course "Spotlight" showed that it does not fully meet the requirements for super-phrasal units of the EVC, intended to maintain an appropriate level of language skills and encourage the acquisition of various kinds of foreign-language speech activities: speaking, listening, reading and written speech. Therefore, additional adjustment of a number of speech samples is required in order to create all the necessary background for the exploitation of the EVC of the school programme content at different stages of foreign-language training. The results of experiential learning a foreign language, involving carefully selected texts of a sufficient and high degree of emotional value, and the use by teachers of special techniques of work, adequate to the axiological potential of speech samples, prove the appropriateness of such an approach to the organisation of an educational process. The axiological orientation of the training content significantly improves students' speech activities and contributes to the development of their emotionally-valuable relations with the surrounding world.
Practical significance. The materials in this publication may be in demand when making constructive changes and additions to the content and technologies of school foreign-language education.
Keywords: content of foreign-language education, emotionally-valuable component (EVC), text of emotionally-valuable contents; text library, study course, study course "Spotlight", content-analysis of "Spotlight" text library.
Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful to the reviewers of the Education and Science Journal for their help in preparing this article. Also, the authors gratefully acknowledge the help provided by their scientific adviser S. S. Kuklina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages of Vyatka State University.
For citation: Tatarinova M. N., Sungurova O. V. The implementation of emotionally-valuable component of the content of foreign-language education (on the material of study course "Spotlight"). Part II. The Education and Science Journal. 2019; 7 (21): 164-202. DOI: 10.17853/1994-5639-2019-7-164-202
Часть II1
М. Н. Татаринова1, О. В. Сунгурова2
Вятский государственный университет, Киров, Россия.
E-mail: 1mayya.tatarinova@^ail.ru; [email protected]
Аннотация. Введение. Переоценка задач и результатов школьного иноязычного образования в нашей стране актуализировала роль эмоционально-ценностного компонента (ЭЦК) содержания иноязычных дисциплин, соблюдение критериев которого сегодня многие специалисты признают важнейшей предпосылкой эффективности освоения иностранных языков.
Цель статьи - дать научно обоснованный ответ на вопрос, существуют ли в действующем учебно-методическом комплексе (УМК) «Английский в фокусе» все надлежащие условия для реализации ЭЦК содержания иноязычного образования.
Методология и методы. В качестве базового методологического инструментария в работе выступал aксиологический подход к исследованию заявленной темы. Был задействован комплекс взаимодополняющих методов: теоретический системно-структурный и сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ; аналитический эксперимент - контент-анализ действующего УМК по английскому языку для общеобразовательной школы; конструктивный (созидательный) эксперимент (опытное обучение); метод и принципы наглядности (табличное и графическое представление информации); методы математической статистики.
Результаты и научная новизна. Доказывается, что включение ЭЦК в линейную структуру школьного предмета «Иностранный язык» способно обеспечить формирование целостной личности ученика с развитыми интеллектуальной, волевой и эмоционально-ценностной сферами. Практическая реализация данного компонента осуществляется через организацию работы учащихся с речевыми образцами, обладающими эмоционально-ценностным контекстом. Выделены показатели эмоциональной ценностности дидактического материала. Контент-анализ текстотеки УМК «Английский в фокусе» показал, что она не в полной мере отвечает требованиям к сверхфразовым единствам ЭЦК, призванным поддерживать должный уровень языковой подготовки и стимулировать овладение различными видами иноязычной речевой деятель-
1 Первую часть см.: Образование и наука. 2019. Т. 21, № 6. С. 146-170.
Образование и наука. Том 21, № 7. 2019/The Education and Science Journal. Vol. 21, № 7. 2019
ности: говорением, аудированием, чтением и письменной речью. Следовательно, нужна дополнительная методическая коррекция набора речевых образцов, чтобы на различных ступенях иноязычной подготовки создать благоприятные предпосылки для максимально полной эксплуатации ресурсов ЭЦК содержания школьной программы. Результаты опытного обучения иностранному языку с привлечением тщательно отобранных текстов средней и высокой степени эмоциональной ценностности и использование педагогами специальных приемов работы с ними, адекватных аксиологическому потенциалу речевых образцов, подтверждают целесообразность подобного подхода к построению учебно-воспитательного процесса. Аксиологическая ориентация учебного контента значительно увеличивает продуктивность речевой деятельности учащихся и способствует приобретению школьниками опыта эмоционально-ценностного отношения к окружающему миру.
Практическая значимость. Материалы, представленные в публикации, могут быть востребованы при внесении конструктивных изменений и дополнений в содержание и технологии иноязычного обучения в общеобразовательной школе.
Ключевые слова: содержание иноязычного образования, эмоционально-ценностный компонент (ЭЦК), текст эмоционально-ценностного содержания, текстотека, учебно-методический комплекс (УМК), УМК «Английский в фокусе», контент-анализ текстотеки УМК «Английский в фокусе».
Благодарности. Авторы выражают признательность рецензентам журнала «Образования и наука» и научному руководителю, доктору педагогических наук, профессору кафедры иностранных языков и методики преподавания иностранных языков Вятского государственного университета С. С. Кук-линой за помощь в подготовке данной статьи.
Для цитирования: Татаринова М. Н., Сунгурова О. В. Реализация эмоционально-ценностного компонента содержания иноязычного образования (на материалах учебно-методического комплекса «Английский в фокусе»). Ч. II // Образование и наука. 2019. Т. 21, № 7. С. 164-202. DOI: 10.17853/19945639-2019-7-164-202
Brief Summary of Part I
The reassessment of the content and results of school foreign-language education in our country assumes a special relevance of the emotionally-valuable component (EVC). Its content is reflected in speech samples - texts, designed to teach speaking, listening, reading and written speech which must meet the indicators of emotional value. This is the most important prerequisite for the implementation of the EVC of the content of foreign-language education.
The purpose of this article is to answer the question if there is necessary background for the implementation of the EVC of the content of foreign-language education in the current study course "Spotlight". Achieving this goal involves a number of interrelated objectives:
1) to characterise the structure and functions of EVC of the content of foreign-language education;
2) to define the concept of "a foreign-language text of emotionally-valuable contents";
3) to identify the indicators of emotional value of a foreign-language text;
4) to carry out the content-analysis of the study course "Spotlight" text library in order to identify the prerequisites for the implementation of the EVC of the content of foreign-language education;
5) to organise and conduct experiential learning in order to see whether the emotionally-valuable approach to the selection of texts improves students' speech activities.
The leading approach to the study is emotionally-valuable (axiological). In the course of the study, we turned, first of all, to domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical concepts of values (N. A. Astashova, S. K. Bondyreva, A. P. Smantser (2018), V. I. Nevskaya (2000), O. G. Oberemko (2016), E. I. Passov (2000, 2010); as well as V. S. Bogaluskaya, F. V. Kadol (2017), D. Habenicht (2009); L. V. Khvedchenya (2013), J. Russel (2012), С. Schmitt (2011)) [2-11]. The above researchers characterise the nature and place of values in reality, their relationship with each other, the structure of a personality, social and cultural factors of his/her education and development.
Secondly, positive ideas of students' emotional sphere revitalisation were studied (V. M. Alyushin (2015), S. V. Chernyshov, Yu.N. Khusainova (2016), O. V. Kotomina (2017), O. V. Sungurova (2014), M. G. Yanovskaya (2008) [12-16], and also M. Beaudoin (1999), K. Kato, R. Zweig, B. Schechter Clyde, N. Barzilai, G. Atzmon (2016), R. Maguire, A. Egan, P. Hyland, P. Mag-uire (2017), J. Overton-Healy (1995), C. Radu (2014), P. Viguer, M. J. Cantero, R. Bañuls (2017), N. Wang, T. Young, S. C. Wilhite, G. Marczyk (2011), L. Zysberg, C. Orenshtein, E. Gimmon, R. Robinson (2017) [17-22]). The researchers emphasise the necessity of increasing students' motivation, satisfaction, of developing their interest to the subject "a foreign language" in different spheres of communication.
Thirdly, of utmost importance were the works in the field of designing and implementation of modern foreign-language education, evaluating its quality (M. Z. Biboletova (2013), I. L. Bim (2011), N. D. Galskova (2013); and also S. V. Gladio (2000), L. Klingberg, S. S. Kunanbayeva (2010) [23-28]. The
conclusion was drawn that an educational process should include not only what can be seen or heard in the classroom, what is explicitly expressed or clearly represented by its subjects, but also their feelings and emotions, as well as those mental processes that occur in students' minds.
A number of complementary methods were used in the research: a theoretical analysis (systemic-structural, comparative); an analytical experiment (the content-analysis of the current English-language study course for a secondary school); a constructive (creative) experiment (experiential learning); a tabular and graphical presentation of information; mathematical statistics.
The systemic-structural and comparative methods allowed us to solve the research tasks, related to the characteristic of the structure and functions of the EVC of the content of foreign-language education; to defining the concept of a foreign-language text of emotionally-valuable contents and identifying the indicators of its emotional value.
The content-analysis of the current English-language study course for a secondary school "Spotlight" was applied in accordance with speech activities, predominant at a particular stage: at a junior stage - foreign-language speaking; at a middle stage - listening; at a high stage - reading; at a profile-oriented stage - written speech. 282 foreign-language texts were taken, as presented in the textbooks and workbooks of the study course for the 4th, 7th, 9th and 11th grades, the final ones at each of the four stages of school foreign-language education [30-37].
The results of the analysis of the study course "Spotlight" speech material in order to identify the prerequisites for the implementation of the EVC of the content of foreign-language education were demonstrated with tables and charts (methods of a tabular and graphical presentation of information).
For the solution of the last task of the study, in its final stage, experiential learning was organised and conducted in schools of Kirov and Kirov region (140 students in junior, middle and senior grades). Specially selected texts of a sufficient or high degree of emotional value were used in experiential learning [39-73]. In addition, techniques of working with such texts were adequate.
The results were processed with a special programme, designed for a statistical analysis of quantitative data (methods of mathematical statistics).
Results and Discussion
Methods of theoretical analysis made it possible to identify that the EVC of the content of foreign-language education is based on social experience and associated with an individual's emotionally-valuable sphere. The results of mastering this component are not subject knowledge and skills, but
personal worldview dispositions, values, a life sense which are an integral part of a student's self-concept. In our study, the EVC is presented as a set of value, emotional, volitional subcomponents and their constituents, as well as personal universal educational actions (UEA):
a) value subcomponents are a combination of national (Russia) and universal human values (the truth, life, world culture, freedom and rights, communication and cooperation); as well as value orientations as a form of integration of cultural property in human activities and behaviour patterns;
b) emotional subcomponents are emotions and feelings that should be intensified in a foreign-language educational process: gnostic (intellectual), communicative, practical, aesthetic. These emotions and feelings, significant for foreign-language education, are identical in names. However, feelings are interpreted as a form of students' sustainable attitude to values within the framework of the dialogue of cultures that meet their needs and interests and have a personal significance for them. Derivatives of a person's emotions and feelings (experiences, moods, interests, motives, attitudes) should also be included in the number of emotional sub-components of the EVC. They are also important parts of students' experience of an emotionally-valuable attitude to the world of cultural values, value orientations and life sense;
c) a volitional subcomponent is will as a person's ability to create a system of values and make efforts to master the values of the world culture. The result of volitional efforts is spiritual consecration of a multicultural linguistic personality;
d) personal UEA are students' personal self-determination, value-semantic guidance, moral and ethical evaluation, sense formation, orientation in social roles and interpersonal relations. They make it possible to impart relevance to the process of developing the values of the world culture and provide the importance of an educational objective achievement.
Among a variety of functions, performed by the EVC in a foreign-language educational process, those ones were focused on that are methodologically essential in terms of understanding the role of this component. They are the most significant in the process of foreign-language communication: communicative, educational, developmental, axiological, motivational and cognitive, emotional, evaluative, cooperative, creative.
The conclusion was drawn that all the functions of the EVC, providing the experience of students' emotionally-valuable relations, have their own specifics and "charge". Interacting in different combinations, they create opportunities for forming a student's communicative competence and, ultimately, ensure the development of a multicultural linguistic personality. This is systemically important for the structure of functions of the EVC [75].
Another result of our study was the author's definition of a foreign-language text of emotionally-valuable contents, the basis of which is emotively-valuable speech material. S. V. Gladio considers emotivity to be one of the core textual characteristics, associated with emotional information and embodied through the affectively "charged" text constituents. They implement the author's intention and anticipate a reader's (listener's) emotional state in the process of working with a text [26].
Within the framework of school foreign-language education we will call speech samples (texts), characterised by the properties of emotivity, emotively-valuable, or emotively-axiological. The emotionally-valuable sense of the content of foreign-language education, characterised by emotivity, guarantees gaining students' personal experience of foreign-language communication through feeling, thinking, self-cognition.
Thus, a foreign-language text of emotionally-valuable contents is a coherent foreign-language speech micro- or macro- utterance that reflects a spiritual experience of mankind and ensures the implementation of the EVC of the content of foreign-language education.
A foreign-language text of emotionally-valuable contents provides:
1) the reflection of the highest humanistic values that the history of a human life has developed (man, happiness, society, nature);
2) the representation of students' desired emotionally-volitional and emotionally-evaluative relations to the world, to each other, to the reality, to what they are doing in the process of mastering a foreign-language culture;
3) taking into account the level of schoolchildren's multicultural and bilingual development, the relevance between the text contents and students' cognitive and communicative needs, opportunities, life experience and background knowledge;
4) the description of an objective socio-cultural reality; introduction of students to the lives of people, belonging to different social strata, races, minorities; acquiring knowledge about the identity and originality of representatives of different communities; a vision of the world by a native speaker of another language; including the idea of the world through the prism of the culture of their country and understanding the uniqueness of their own cultural values in the context of global processes;
5) the shift of emphasis from the formation of narrow subject skills and abilities to their integration with other subject and interdisciplinary skills for a holistic spiritual and intellectual development of a personality.
The first indicator of textual emotional value (the reflection of the highest humanistic values that the history of a human life has developed (man,
happiness, society, nature)) is associated with the implementation of value sub-components of the EVC of the content of foreign-language education. The second indicator (the representation of students' desired emotionally-volitional and emotionally-evaluative relations to the world, to each other, to the reality, to what they are doing in the process of mastering a foreign-language culture) refers to the emotional and volitional sub-components.
It is also important to take into account the level of schoolchildren's multicultural and bilingual development and their cognitive and communicative needs and opportunities, life experience and background knowledge, i.e. the third indicator of speech material emotional value. The combination of the first three indicators ensures the focus of a foreign-language text on the needs of students' emotionally-valuable development, their communicative and cognitive interests and the formation of schoolchildren's personal UEA. This suggests that the first three indicators are obligatory for a text of emotionally-valuable contents.
The fourth and fifth indicators increase the degree of textual emotional value, demonstrating to a student the importance of learning a foreign language, introducing a new way of speech communication, describing the culture of native speakers, characterising their verbal and non- verbal behaviour. This is done through a dialogue of cultures.
Next we were to identify whether the speech material (micro- and macro-texts), proposed by the authors of the study course "Spotlight", meets the requirements for texts of a sufficient degree of emotional value and, therefore, whether there are all the necessary prerequisites for the implementation of the EVC of the content of foreign-language education.
Let's present a content-analysis classifier which is a summarising table where the units in which each category of the study is expressed are added up and clearly assigned. S. G. Vershlovsky and M. D. Matyushkina state that a classifier is the main guidance document of the content-analysis, determining the matter and material of all other tools of this method [30].
The encoding matrix classifier of the content-analysis of the study course "Spotlight" text library is presented in Table 11.
The following document is an instruction for the content-analysis of the text library.
1 The cells of the table on the right are blank so far because at this stage of the study the chart is presented as just a document to be used in the content-analysis. The completed version of the encoding matrix classifier will be shown in Table 3.
Table 1
The encoding matrix classifier of the content-analysis of the study course
"Spotlight" text library
The categories and units of the analysis The identifiers of the texts (the numbers of the exercises)
1) The reflection of the highest humanistic values that the history of a human life has developed (man, happiness, society, nature)
2) The representation of students' desired emotionally-volitional and emotionally-evaluative relations to the world, to each other, to the reality, to what they are doing in the process of mastering a foreign-language culture
3) Taking into account the level of scho-olchildren's multicultural and bilingual development, the correspondence of the text contents to students' cognitive and communicative needs and opportunities, their life experience and background knowledge
4) The description of an objective socio-cultural reality; introduction of students to the lives of people, belonging to different social strata, races, minorities; acquiring knowledge about the identity and originality of representatives of different communities; vision of the world by a native speaker of another language; including the idea of the world through the prism of the culture of their country and understanding the uniqueness of their own cultural values in the context of global processes
5) The shift of emphasis from the formation of narrowly subject skills and abilities to their integration with other subject and interdisciplinary skills for a holistic spiritual and intellectual development of a personality
THE CONCLUSION: the type of the text
The instruction for the content-analysis of the study course "Spotlight" text library in order to identify the necessary prerequisites for the implementation of the emotionally-valuable component of the content of foreign-language education
1) You are to find out whether the speech material (micro- and macro-texts), proposed by the authors of the study course "Spotlight", meets the requirements for texts of a sufficient degree of emotional value, and, therefore, whether there are all the necessary prerequisites for the implementation of the emotionally-valuable component of the content of foreign-language education.
2) The unit of the analysis is an indicator of textual emotional value. In total, there are five indicators:
• the reflection of the highest humanistic values that the history of a human life has developed (man, happiness, society, nature);
• the representation of students' desired emotionally-volitional and emotionally-evaluative relations to the world, to each other, to the reality, to what they are doing in the process of mastering a foreign-language culture;
• taking into account the level of schoolchildren's multicultural and bilingual development, the correspondence of the text contents to students' cognitive and communicative needs and opportunities, their life experience and background knowledge;
• the description of an objective socio-cultural reality; introduction of students to the lives of people, belonging to different social strata, races, minorities; acquiring knowledge about the identity and originality of representatives of different communities; vision of the world by a native speaker of another language; including the idea of the world through the prism of the culture of their country and understanding the uniqueness of their own cultural values in the context of global processes;
• the shift of emphasis from the formation of narrow subject skills and abilities to their integration with other subject and interdisciplinary skills for a holistic spiritual and intellectual development of a personality.
3) Consider whether each of the indicators of emotional value is present in the text:
• if an indicator is present, put a "+" in the corresponding table cell;
• if an indicator is missing, put a "-"in the corresponding table cell;
• if an indicator is partially present, put a "+/-" in the corresponding table cell.
The last relates to indicator № 4, "The description of an objective socio-cultural reality; introduction of students to the lives of people, belonging to
different social strata, races, minorities; acquiring knowledge about the identity and originality of representatives of different communities; vision of the world by a native speaker of another language; including the idea of the world through the prism of the culture of their country and understanding the uniqueness of their own cultural values in the context of global processes". The fact is that a text, describing the realities of a foreign culture, may lack the second part of the indicator description, namely the idea of the cultural picture of the world through the prism of Russian culture and understanding the uniqueness of students' own cultural values.
4) When referring a text to type I (of a sufficient degree of emotional value) or II (of an insufficient degree of emotional value), it should be taken into account that the first three indicators are obligatory for a text of the first type. The fourth and fifth indicators increase a degree of emotional value of text speech material, demonstrating to a student the importance of learning a foreign language, introducing a new way of speech communication, describing the culture of native speakers, characterising their verbal and non- verbal behaviour.
5) Calculate the rate of an indicator expression in the text array.
6) To assess the significance of a unit of analysis i on average for this text array, take a frequency index:
JLf (')
where f (i, t) is frequency of occurrence of a unit of analysis i in the text t, n is the total number of texts.
Another document is a content analysis form. It is introduced below.
The form of the content-analysis of the study course "Spotlight" text library in order to identify the necessary prerequisites for the implementation of the emotionally-valuable component of the content of foreign-language education
1) The information about text documents.
• The text library of the study course "Spotlight" [31; 32] for teaching speaking in a primary school is represented by small texts, containing the studied language and speech material. They are examples of pupils' future di-alogical and monological utterances. All texts have an interesting and sometimes funny short plot. Speech material is selected so that each student is able to speak on a topic because it is close to him.
In accordance with the programme requirements in the field of foreign-language speaking at the end of a primary school period students should participate in a dialogue in situations of everyday communication, as well as discuss children's folklore: make up a dialogue of an etiquette character (acquaintance, congratulations, gratitude, greeting); ask simple questions (Who? What? Where? When?) and answer an interlocutor's questions; briefly talk about themselves, their families, friends; make short descriptions of an object, picture (about nature, school) on the model; of fairy-tale characters, based on an illustration [38].
That is why the analysis includes speech material of types I—11 (of a sufficient and insufficient degree of emotional value); sub-types I—II (didactic and semi-authentic); kind I (for teaching speaking); sub-kinds I-II (to teach dialo-gical and monological speech); varieties I-II (micro- and macro-texts); variants
I and III (texts of artistic and colloquial styles); sub-variants I-II (verbal and creolised): see Table 2.
• The main characteristic of a middle stage of school foreign-language education in accordance with the programme requirements is developing students' listening skills while working with simple texts with different depths of penetration into the contents (understanding the main information, selective and full understanding of a text), depending on a communicative task and text sub-kinds. The content and language of speech material is clear to students. It contains difficulties that listeners are able to overcome on their own or can ignore if it does not interfere with communication. The contents of texts for listening should be in keeping with the age characteristics and interests of students of grades 5-7, have an educational value [32; 33; 38].
At a middle level of teaching foreign-language listening speech samples of type I-II (of a sufficient and insufficient degree of emotional value); semi-, quasi- and authentic texts (subtypes II-IV), aimed to teach "clarifying", detailed listening and listening with a critical evaluation of the information (kind II; sub-kinds I-III), variety II (macro-texts), belonging to artistic, publicist, conversational, popular scientific styles (variants I-III and V), verbal and cre-olised (sub-variants I-II) will be analyzed: see Table 2.
• In the context of the programme requirements at a high stage of school foreign-language education work on a written receptive type of speech activities is carried out within the framework of reading original or partially didactic texts from fiction, popular science and socio-political literature with a different degree of understanding the contents:
• for general reading authentic speech samples of up to 500 words, describing the details of everyday life and reality, the specifics of a foreign-language culture are used;
• for detailed reading original text materials of various genres up to 600 words are suitable;
• for viewing/searching reading authentic texts - articles from foreign periodicals, as well as from the Internet sites are adequate.
Speech samples should have a didactic value, differ in emotional colouring, be clear for students of grades 8-9, characterised by a high degree of in-formativeness and include a number of difficulties of the contents and language. At the end of each module there are:
1) lessons of the series "Culture Corner" and "Spotlight on Russia". The focus is on text material, describing foreign and Russian socio-cultural reality;
2) lessons of the series "Going Green": reading texts of environmental issues. The purpose of these lessons is the development of the younger generation's environmental culture;
3) systematic extracurricular activities on an interdisciplinary basis under the heading "Extensive Reading. Across the Curriculum". The contents of speech samples promote cross-subject teaching, which is conscript to increase students' motivation to learn a foreign language as a means of gaining a socio-cultural experience [34; 35].
Thus, at a high stage of teaching foreign-language speech samples of type I-II (of a sufficient and insufficient degree of emotional value); semi-, quasi- and authentic texts (subtypes II-IV), aimed to practise all types of foreign-language reading: viewing/searching, general and detailed (kind III; subkinds I-III), of variety II (macro-texts), belonging to artistic, journalistic, conversational, popular and scientific styles (variants I-III and V), verbal and cre-olised (sub-variants I-II) are to be analysed: see Table 2.
In the field of foreign-language written speech the achievement of the goals and objectives for a profile-oriented stage at a secondary school (the basic level) contributes to the development of students' skills to write a personal letter, fill in questionnaires and forms; to present information about themselves as adopted in a foreign-language country (an autobiography/a resume); to make a plan, prepare abstracts of oral/written communication, including through text extracts; to ask about the news and report it in a personal letter; to inform about certain life facts/events, expressing opinions and feelings; describe plans for the future [37-39].
Based on the above, at a profile-oriented stage of teaching foreign-language written speech texts of types I-II (of a sufficient and insufficient degree of emotional value); didactic, semi-, quasi- and authentic (sub-types I-IV) will be included in the analysis. A letter, an essay and an abstract (kind IV, subkinds I, II and III) are used as samples of students' written utterances. The
varieties of texts are the first and the second (micro- and macro-texts), belonging to artistic, publicist, colloquial, official, popular and scientific styles (variants I-V), verbal and creolised (sub-variants I—11): see Table 2.
Table 2
The typology of texts of emotionally-valuable contents for teaching different types of foreign-language speech activities, included in the content-analysis at all stages in comprehensive schools1
The stage of school Foreign-language education The type of text s The sub-type of texts The kind of texts The subkind of texts The variety of texts The variant of texts The sub-variant of texts
« ИЗ « ИЗ H > « ИЗ H > « из H « ИЗ « ИЗ g > > « ИЗ
Junior (grades 2-4) + + + + 1 1 + * * * + + X + + + + 1 1 + +
Middle (grades 5-7) + + 1 + + + * + * * + + + 1 + + + + 1 + + +
High (grades 8-9) + + 1 + + + * * + * + + + 1 + + + + 1 + + +
ь'Зй ; мг + + + + + + * * * + + + + + + + + + + + + +
2) The protocol of the content-analysis results is presented in Table 32. The quantitative results of the content-analysis of the study course "Spotlight" text library for different stages of school foreign-language education are presented in Tables 4—5, as well as in the diagrams of Figures 1—7.
The data of the tables and diagrams show that the index of frequency of individual indicators of an emotionally-valuable speech material range from
1 The symbols in the table: + - the speech material is used; — the speech material is not used; * - the speech material is used at this stage of school foreign-language education, but is not analysed in our experiment; х - the speech material is absent in the typology.
2 Limited by the scope of the article, we present only a fragment of the protocol-table - the results of the content-analysis for kind I texts in the introductory module "Back together" of the study course "Spotlight" for grade 4 [30-31].
0.45 to 1; the total results for texts of type I (of a sufficient degree of emotional value) - from 0.74 to 0.93.
Table 3
The report of the content-analysis results for texts of kind I in the study course "Spotlight" for grade 4 (a fragment)
The categories and units of the analysis The identifiers of the texts (the numbers of the exercises)
The introductory module "Back together"
p. 4, ex. 2 p. 5, упр. 4 p. 6, ex. 1 Workbook (WB), p. 4, ex. 2
1) The reflection of the highest humanistic values that the history of a human life has developed (man, happiness, society, nature) + + + +
2) The representation of students' desired emotionally-volitional and emotionally-evaluative relations to the world, to each other, to the reality, to what they are doing in the process of mastering a foreign-language culture + + + +
3) Taking into account the level of scho-olchildren's multicultural and bilingual development, the correspondence of the text contents to students' cognitive and communicative needs and opportunities, their life experience and background knowledge + + + +
4) The description of an objective socio-cultural reality; introduction of students to the lives of people, belonging to different social strata, races, minorities; acquiring knowledge about the identity and originality of representatives of different communities; vision of the world by a native speaker of another language; including the idea of the world through the prism of the culture of their country and understanding the uniqueness of their own cultural values in the context of global processes + /- + /- + /- + /-
5) The shift of emphasis from the formation of narrow subject skills and abilities to their integration with other subject and interdisciplinary skills for a holistic spiritual and intellectual development of a personality + + + +
THE CONCLUSION: the type of the text I I I I
Table 4
The quantitative results of the content-analysis of the study course "Spotlight" text library on the indicators of speech material emotional value
The categories and units of the analysis The kind of speech material / the stage of school foreign-language education
I (junior) II (middle) III (high) IV (profi-le-ori-ented)
The total number of texts 47 76 110 49
1) The reflection of the highest humanistic values that the history of a human life has developed (man, happiness, society, nature) 41 76 105 45
The frequency index 0.87 1 0.95 0.92
2) The representation of students' desired emotionally-volitional and emotionally-evaluative relations to the world, to each other, to the reality, to what they are doing in the process of mastering a foreign-language culture 34 73 102 46
The frequency index 0.72 0.96 0.93 0.94
3) Taking into account the level of scho-olchildren's multicultural and bilingual development, the correspondence of the text contents to students' cognitive and communicative needs and opportunities, their life experience and back-ground knowledge 35 74 99 43
The frequency index 0.74 0.97 0.9 0.88
4) The description of an objective socio-cultural reality; introduction of students to the lives of people, belonging to different social strata, races, minorities; acquiring know-ledge about the identity and originality of representatives of different communities; vision of the world by a native speaker of another language; including the idea of the world through the prism of the culture of their country and understanding the uniqueness of their own cultural values in the context of global processes 22,5 36 49 31,5
The frequency index 0.48 0.47 0.45 0.64
5) The shift of emphasis from the formation of narrow subject skills and abilities to their integration with other subject and interdisciplinary skills for a holistic spiritual and intellectual development of a personality 36 76 106 45
The frequency index 0.77 1 0.96 0.92
Table 5
The quantitative results of the content-analysis of the study course "Spotlight" text library on the types of speech material
The kind of speech material / the stage of school foreign-language education The speech material The frequency Index for type I texts
The total number of texts Type I Type II
I / junior 47 35 12 0.74
II / middle 76 71 5 0.93
III / high 110 97 13 0,88
IV / profile-oriented 49 42 7 0.86
The total result 282 245 37 0.87
Fig. 1. The quantitative results of the content-analysis of the study course "Spotlight" text library on the indicators of speech material emotional value
Fig. 2. The quantitative results of the content-analysis of the study course "Spotlight" text library on the frequency index of the indicators of speech material emotional value
Fig. 3. The results of analysis for kind I texts in the framework of the study course "Spotlight" for grade 4
The results of analysis for kind II texts
A j
Fig. 4. The results of analysis for kind II texts in the framework of the study course "Spotlight" for grade 7
Type I texts Type tl texts
Fig. 5. The results of analysis for kind III texts in the framework of the study
course "Spotlight" for grade 9
The results of analysis for kind IV texts
| Type I texts Type II texts
Fig. 6. The results of analysis for kind IV texts in the framework of the study course "Spotlight" for grade 11
Type I texts Type II texts
The results of analysis for kind III texts
The total results of analysis for kinds l-IV texts
H Type I texts Type II texts
Fig. 7. The total results of analysis for kinds I-IV texts in the framework of the study course "Spotlight" for different stages of school foreign-language
The final results indicate that there are texts of type II (of an insufficient degree of emotional value) in the text library. Their rates in different grades range from 7% at a middle stage (grade 7) up to 25% at a junior stage (grade 4). The average rating of texts of an insufficient degree of emotional value in the selection is 13%.
Table 6 presents the texts of a sufficient degree of emotional value, used in experiential learning with the purpose to figure out whether the emotionally-valuable approach to the selection of texts improves students' speech activities. Experiential learning was organised and conducted in the thematic areas of the study course "Spotlight" at different stages of school foreign-language education.
Table 6
Texts of a sufficient degree of emotional value, used in experiential learning in the thematic areas of the study course "Spotlight"
The stage of school The pre- dominant speech activities
foreign-language education Topics Texts
1 2 3 4
g "Furry friends" [76, p. 73-85] "My pet"; "My poor old bear"; Mr. Green-wood tells his students about
io 'S u in ki different animals", "A toy-pet"
a e p S "Home, sweet home!" [the textbook cited, p. 89-101] "In my friend's house"; "My room"; "My new flat"; "Do you live here?"
Образование и наука. Том 21, № 7. 2019/The Education and Science Journal. Vol. 21, № 7. 2019 184
1 2 3 4
"A day off!" [the textbook cited, p. 105-117] "What are you going to do on holi-day?";"What do you do at the weekends?";" In the park";" I'm happy. It's the week-end"
"Day by day" [the textbook cited, p. 121-133] "Tick Tock, it's eight o'clock"; "What do you do on week-days?"; "On Sunday"; "Fun at school"
Middle Listening "School days" [77, p. 25-34] "Bugsy likes school"; "Jim's first day at school"; "Do you go to school?"; "Bugsy and Dilly talk about school"
"That's me!" [the textbook cited, p. 35-44] "I've got good friends"; "Star forum"; "Ania and Silvio"; "Meet the twins and their friends again"
"My home, my castle" [the textbook cited, p. 45-54] "Life in a shell"; "A house out of this world"; "A strange house"; "Lady Blackdown"
"Family ties" [the textbook cited, p. 55-64] "David's family"; "Tony's letter"; "Amy and Nick talk about their families"; "James talks to Emma about his family"
"World animals" [the textbook cited, p. 65-74] "Reptiles"; "The monster of Norland"; "Mike talks to his father about lions and chimpanzees"; "What's my pet?"
"Day after day" [78, p. 35-44] "Daily routines"; "A text about entertainment and TV programmes"; "A perfect day"; "Britain's teens' leisure activities"
"Feasts" [the textbook cited, p. 45-54] "Party preparations"; "The Garma festival"; "Red Nose Day"; "Birthday presents"
"Leisure activities" [the textbook cited, p. 55-64] "Hobbies and interests"; "School clubs"; "Games and free-time activities"; "Board games"
"Now and then" [the textbook cited, p. 65-74] "A ghost story"; "Lost property"; "Toys of the past"
"Rules and regulations" [the textbook cited, p. 75-84] "Types of dwellings and rules / regulations"; "Places in town"; "House rules"; "Rules of keeping animals"; "Your neighbourhood"
High Reading "Celebrations" [34, p. 9-24] "What to say to people at parties"; "Culture corner. Ice festivals"; "Going Green. Art festival. Art in the desert"; "Across the curriculum. Stone Age holidays"
1 2 3 4
"Life and living" [the textbook cited, p. 25-40] "Teenagers and their parents"; "Culture corner. Home on the road"; "Going green. The swamp people of Louisiana"; "Across the curriculum. Alternative living. The bin scavengers"
"See it to believe it" [the textbook cited, p. 41-56] "Shark whisperer"; "Uncle Arthur's smoke signals"; "Going green. Nature's perfect killing machine"; "Spotlight on Russia. The State Hermitage Museum"
"Technology" [the textbook cited, p. 57-72] "Pushing the limits";" A bucketful of worlds"; "Culture corner. Where time begins: the Royal Observatory"; "Across the curriculum. The Nano robots"
"Art and literature" [the textbook cited, p. 73-88] "Dream big'; "Culture corner. Royal Ascot"; "Spotlight on Russia. Moscow's ice sculptures"; "Across the curriculum. Holography the new 3D"
"Town and community" [the textbook cited, p. 89-104] "Women at war"; "Culture corner. Charles Dickens' London"; "Spotlight on Russia. The Nenets reindeer herders"; "Going Green. Scary, but lovely to watch"
"Staying safe" [the textbook cited, p. 105-120] "The flood. Horror in the jungle. The monster"; "Culture corner. News in brief"; "Spotlight on Russia. Russian folk cures"; "Across the curriculum. The lost world"
"Challenges" [the textbook cited, p. 121-136] "One brain or two"; "Culture corner. The road to success"; "Spotlight on Russia. Star City: Russia's space camp"; "Going Green. Trip to the Titanic"
Profile-oriented Written speech "School days and work" [79, p. 45-62] An article about your school; an advertisement of a perfect school holiday; a letter of application; a paragraph, expressing your opinion about a school problem
"Earth alert!" [the textbook cited, p. 63-80] A letter to a friend about a package holiday; a for-and-against essay on choosing a package holiday; a story about Kitty and Vicky; a semi-formal letter about destroying the rainforests
1 2 3 4
"Holidays" [the textbook cited, p. 81-100] A holiday report; a description of a favourite place; recollections about a scientific expedition; a narrative letter to a friend about one's holiday experience
"Food and health" [the textbook cited, p. 101-120] A report on healthy food and nutrition; Russian national exam (RNE) writing. A letter to an aunt; a report on eating habits; a recipe of English Muffin pizza
"Danger" [36, p. 63-82] A paragraph, describing a dangerous journey; a diary entry as a character in a story; a story "It was only a small mistake, but it changed my mind"; a diary entry about a dangerous event; RNE writing. A discursive essay about the influence of video games on one's behaviour
"Who are you?" [the textbook cited, p. 83-100] A report "Make your house a safer place"; a short article about homes in your country; a personal email from Chris
"Communication" [the textbook cited, p. 101-118] A description of a day when contact with aliens is made; a for- and-aga-inst essay about working for someone or being your own boss; a short article about languages in your country; RNE writing. A for- and-aga-inst essay about having virtual friends versus real ones
"In days to come" [the textbook cited, p. 119-136] A verse of a poem about an animal; a formal letter/email of complaint; a paragraph about a way to change the world; a short article about university life in your country; RNE writing. A personal letter about horoscopes
The comparative table (Table 7) submits the results, highlighting positive and significant changes in the level of the key competences in the field of foreign-language education at the beginning and the end of experiential learning in the thematic areas of the study course "Spotlight"1.
1 The results are presented only in three stages of school foreign language education - junior, middle and high. Experiential learning at the profile-oriented stage is still ongoing.
Table 7
The main statistical characteristics of the level of the key competences in the field of foreign-language education
The stage of school foreign-language education Characteris tics Before experiential learning After experiential learning
Junior The average value 0,54 0,7
The minimum value 0,2 0,5
The maximum value 0,9 0,95
The standard deviation 0,17 0,12
The sum of squares of deviations based on the average value 0,89 0,47
Fisher index Ff = 1,89; Fcr = 1 (<1,89)
Middle The average value 0,56 0,8
The minimum value 0,1 0,5
The maximum value 1 1
The standard deviation 0,24 0,15
The sum of squares of deviations based on the average value 1,78 0,72
Fisher index Ff = 2,47; 1 (<2,47)
High The average value 0,73 0,84
The minimum value 0,2 0,4
The maximum value 1 1
The standard deviation 0,19 0,14
The sum of squares of deviations based on the average value 1,34 0,78
Fisher index Ff = 1,7; Fr = 1 (<1,7)
These tables show that the average group results of mastering the key competencies in the field of foreign-language education after experiential learning improved and moved to a higher level. This confirms the validity of the concept postulates of the research.
A controversial nature of a number of issues, connected with the component composition of the content of foreign-language education, did not prevent us to trace the key idea for this study: in addition to knowledge, skills and abilities, the content also includes the experience of students' emotionally-valuable relations (M. Z. Biboletova (2013), I. L. Bim (2011), N. D. Galskova (2013), I. Ya. Lerner (2002); and also S. V. Gladio (2000), L. Klingberg, S. S. Kunanbayeva (2010), etc.).
The novelty of this point of view consists in the inclusion in the content of foreign-language education of a non-linguistic factor. These are thoughts, spiritual values, culture, non-verbal means of communication. The above
constituents are an indication of the researchers' recognition of the need for an emotionally rich educational process, fostering the experience of students' axiological attitude to the objects of reality. Whereas the differences of research positions are determined, in our opinion, by the substantive content of the EVC and the degree of detail in its description.
In our study the conclusion was drawn that the EVC involves the accentuation of emotionally-valuable and volitional sub-components of students' perception of another culture and experience with it. These sub-components represent the bias of the targets from the results of foreign-language speech activities development upon the individuality of a learner as the subject of speech, knowledge, cultures, intercultural communication and ethics.
It was assumed that in practice this is achieved through the organisation of students' work with texts of emotionally-valuable contents which were characterised in accordance with the principles and criteria for the selection and organisation of foreign-language texts (I. L. Bim (2011), N. D. Galskova (2013), etc.). In particular, the study identified the concept of "a foreign-language text of emotionally-valuable contents" that answers:
• the general didactic principles of compatibility of the content of education in all its component forms and at all levels with the requirements of the society, science, culture and personality; the unity of informative and procedural aspects of teaching in the selection of the education content; educational, developmental and upbringing functions of training; the principles of variability and a problematic nature;
• the specific principles of an emotionally-valuable significance of speech material, a dialogue of cultures, cross-culture, communication and authenticity;
• the criteria of an integral reflection of the tasks of a personality's harmonious development and the formation of his/her basic culture; a theoretical and practical significance; the compatibility with learners' educational opportunities; the international standards of education content organisation.
Its criteria are: a cross-cultural and issue-oriented speech material, its compatibility with students' communicative needs and learning objectives, functionality and adequacy to foreign-language speech activities.
However, the content-analysis of the study course "Spotlight" in order to identify the prerequisites for the implementation of the EVC of the content of foreign-language education showed that the text library of the course does not fully meet the requirements to the texts of a sufficient degree of emotional value. 13% of texts lack it. They require a methodological processing in order to develop all the necessary prerequisites for the implementation of the EVC of the content of foreign-language education.
Positive dynamics in the level of the key foreign-language competences, demonstrated by the participants of experiential learning, increases the urgency for the EVC as a constituent of the system of foreign-language education content, as well as for further research in the field of methodological axiology.
The limitation of the study is the fact that the analysed text array does not cover all the speech material, presented in the textbooks and workbooks of the study course "Spotlight", but only the micro- and macro-texts for the 4th, 7th, 9th and 11th grades, the final ones at each stage of school foreign-language education. Such a situation could create some distortion of the results and fail to reflect a real situation.
Summing up the results of the research on achieving the goal and accomplishing the objectives of the study, it is necessary to emphasise that:
1. The EVC of foreign-language education content is to guarantee the development of a student's holistic personality in the integrity of his/her intellectual, volitional and emotionally-valuable spheres.
2. The realisation of the EVC of foreign-language education content can be feasible via learners' work with texts of emotionally-valuable contents. The five indicators of their emotional value were presented in the paper.
3. The content-analysis of the study course "Spotlight" revealed that its text library does not entirely comply with the requisitions for speech patterns of a sufficient degree of emotional value to teach various foreign-language speech activities: speaking, listening, reading and written speech.
4. Methodical processing of texts of an insufficient degree of emotional value is necessary for providing all conditions for the realisation of the EVC of the content of foreign-language education at different stages in a secondary school. Besides, the issue of devising techniques of working with texts of axi-ological contents is also very acute.
5. The results of experiential learning on the basis of texts of a sufficient degree of emotional value and adequate techniques of working with them led us to the idea of expediency and necessity of the EVC as an integral component in the system of the content of foreign-language education.
6. The novelty of the research is in proving the necessity of an emotionally-valuable approach to the practice of teaching foreign languages, modelling the experience of students' axiological attitude to the surrounding world.
7. The theoretical and practical application of the research results, suggesting making changes and additions to the content of foreign-language education, as well as to the techniques of working with speech samples, should
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be aimed at students' harmonious and high-quality mastering a foreign-language culture at different stages of school education.
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29. Vershlovsky S. G., Matyushkina M. D. Kontent-analiz v pedagogicheskom issledovanii = Content analysis in pedagogical research. St.-Petersburg: St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education; 2006. 61 p. (In Russ.)
30. Bykova N. I., Dooley J., Pospelova M. D, Evans V. Angliiskii v fokuse dlya 4 klassa = Spotlight for grade 4. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2015. 184 p. (In Russ.)
31. Bykova N. I., Pospelova M. D, Evans V., Dooley J. Angliiskii v fokuse. Rabochaya tetrad' k uchebniku dlya 4 klassa = Spotlight. Workbook to the textbook for grade 4. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2017. 99 p. (In Russ.)
32. Vaulina Yu. E., Evans V., Dooley J., Podolyako O. E. Angliiskii v fokuse dlya 7 klassa = Spotlight for grade 7. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2018. 144 p. (In Russ.)
33. Vaulina Yu. E., Evans V., Dooley J., Podolyako O. E. Spotlight. Angliiskii v fokuse. Rabochaya tetrad' k uchebniku dlya 7 klassa = Workbook to the textbook for grade 7. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2017. 73 p. (In Russ.)
34. Vaulina Yu. E., Evans V., Dooley J., Podolyako O. E. Angliiskii v fokuse dlya 9 klassa = Spotlight for grade 9. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2018. 216 p. (In Russ.)
35. Vaulina Yu. E., Evans V., Dooley J., Podolyako O. E. Spotlight. Angliiskii v fokuse. Rabochaya tetrad' k uchebniku dlya 9 klassa = Workbook to the textbook for grade 9. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2019. 88 p. (In Russ.)
36. Afanasyeva O. V., Dooley J., Mikheeva I. V., Obi B., Evans V. Angliiskii v fokuse dlya 11 klassa = Spotlight for grade 11. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2018. 244 p. (In Russ.)
37. Afanasyeva O. V., Dooley J., Mikheeva I. V., Obi B., Evans V. Spotlight. Angliiskii v fokuse. Rabochaya tetrad' k uchebniku dlya 11 klassa = Workbook for grade 11. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2017. 73 p. (In Russ.)
38. Dobrenkov V. I., Grigoryev S. I. Osnovy sovremennoi sotsiologii = Fundamentals of modern sociology. Barnaul: Publishing house of Altai State University; 2001. 252 p. (In Russ.)
39. Baranova K. M., Dooley D., Kopylova V. V., Milrud V. P., Evans V. Anglijskij jazyk. 3 klass: uchebnik dlja obshheobrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenij i shkol s uglub-lennym izucheniem anglijskogo jazyka: v 2 ch. Ch. 1. = English. Grade 3: Student's book for general education institutions and schools with an advanced course of English. In 2 p. P. 1. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2011. 128 p. (In Russ.)
40. Baranova K. M., Dooley D., Kopylova V. V., Milrud V. P., Evans V. Angliiskii yazyk. 3 klass: uchebnik dlja obshheobrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenij i shkol s ug-lublennym izucheniem anglijskogo jazyka = English. Grade 3: Student's book for general education institutions and schools with an advanced course of English. In 2 p. P. 2. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2011. 136 p. (In Russ.)
41. Biboletova M. Z., Denisenko O. A., Trubaneva N. N. Angliiskii s udovol'stvi-em. 3 klass = Enjoy English. Grade 3. Obninsk: Titul; 2013. 142 p. (In Russ.)
42. Thompson T., Simmons N. Family and friends 3. Class Book. Oxford University Press; 2018. 122 p.
43. Baranova K. M., Dooley D., Kopylova V. V. Anglijskij jazyk. 5 klass: uchebnik dlja obshheobrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenij i shkol s uglublennym izucheni-em anglijskogo jazyka = English. Grade 5: Student's book for general education institutions and schools with an advanced course of English. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2019. 184 p. (In Russ.)
44. Baranova K. M., Dooley D., Kopylova V. V. Zvezdnyi angliiskii (Starlight). Angliiskii yazyk 5 klass. Kniga dlya uchitelya = Star English (Starlight). English. Grade 5. Teacher's book. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2010. 156 p. (In Russ.)
45. Biboletova M. Z., Denisenko O. A., Trubaneva N. N. Angliiskii s udovol'stvi-em. 5 klass = Enjoy English. Grade 5. Moscow: Drofa; 2017. 200 p. (In Russ.)
46. Biboletova M. Z., Denisenko O. A., Trubaneva N. N. Angliiskii s udo-vol'stviem. 5 klass. Kniga dlya uchitelya = Enjoy English. Grade 5. Teacher's book. Obninsk: Title; 2013. 136 p. (In Russ.)
47. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 1. Coursebook. Express Publishing; 2015. 166 p.
48. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 1. Teacher's book. Beginner. Express Publishing; 2011. 176 p.
49. Skinner C., Bogucka M. Friends 1. Students' Book. Pearson Longman; 2011. 111 p.
50. Baranova K. M., Dooley D., Kopylova V. V. Angliiskii yazyk. 6 klass: uchebnik dlja obshheobrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenij i shkol s uglublennym izucheni-em anglijskogo jazyka = English. Grade 6: Student's book for general education
institutions and schools with an advanced course of English. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2013. 184 p. (In Russ.)
51. Baranova K. M., Dooley D., Kopylova V. V. Zvezdnyi angliiskii (Starlight). Angliiskii yazyk 6 klass. Kniga dlya uchitelya = Star English (Starlight). English. Grade 6. Teacher's book. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2013. 168 p. (In Russ.)
52. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 1. Teacher's book. Beginner. Express Publishing; 2011. 176 p.
53. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 2. Coursebook. Express Publishing; 2011. 136 p.
54. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 2. Teacher's book. Elementary. Express Publishing; 2008. 175 p.
55. Skinner C. Friends 2. Students' Book. Pearson Longman; 2004. 114 p.
56. Mugglestone P., Lesnikowska E, Niedzwiecka K. Friends 2. Teacher's Book. Longman; 2008. 160 p.
57. Kilbey L., Skinner C. Friends 3. Students' Book. Pearson Longman; 2013. 112 p.
58. Mugglestone P., Lesnikowska E, Niedzwiecka K. Friends 3. Teacher's Book. Longman; 2008. 161 p.
59. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 3. Coursebook. Express Publishing; 2016. 142 p.
60. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 3. Teacher's book. Pre-Intermediate. Express Publishing; 2013. 152 p.59.
61. Baranova K. M., Dooley D., Kopylova V. V., Milrud V. P., Evans V. Angliiskii yazyk. Anglijskij jazyk. 9 klass: uchebnik dlja obshheobrazovatel'nyh uchrezhde-nij i shkol s uglublennym izucheniem anglijskogo jazyka = English. Grade 9: Student's book for general education institutions and schools with an advanced course of English. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2013. 216 p. (In Russ.)
62. Baranova K. M., Dooley D., Kopylova V. V., Milrud V. P., Evans V. Zvezdnyi angliiskii (Starlight). Angliiskii yazyk 9 klass. Kniga dlya uchitelya = Star English (Starlight). English. Grade 9. Teacher's book. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2013. 200 p. (In Russ.)
63. Biboletova M. Z., Babushis E. E., Clark, I. O., Morozova A. N., Solovye-va, I. Yu. Angliiskii s udovol'stviem. 9 klass = Enjoy English. Grade 9. Obninsk: Title; 2013. 240 p. (In Russ.)
64. Biboletova M. Z., Babushis E. E., Clark, I. O., Morozova A. N., Solovye-va, I. Yu. Angliiskii s udovol'stviem. 9 klass. Kniga dlya uchitelya = Enjoy English. Grade 9. Teacher's book. Obninsk: Title; 2010. 120 p. (In Russ.)
65. Bell J., Gower R. Matters. Intermediate. Student's Book. Longman; 2004. 168 p.
66. Kay S., Jones V. New Inside Out Intermediate Student's Book. Macmil-lan; 2007. 159 p.
67. Oxenden C., Latham-Koenig C. New English File Pre-intermediate. Student's Book. Oxford University Press; 2012. 159 p.
68. Oxenden C., Latham-Koenig C., Seligson P., Clanfield L. New English File Pre-intermediate. Teacher's Book. Oxford University Press; 2013. 280 p.
69. Baranova K. M., Dooley D., Kopylova V. V., Milrud V. P., Evans V. Anglijskij jazyk. 10 klass: uchebnik dlja obshheobrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenij i shkol s uglub-lennym izucheniem anglijskogo jazyka = English. Grade 10: Student's book for general education institutions and schools with an advanced course of English. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2012. 200 p. (In Russ.)
70. Dooley J., Evans V. Enterprise 4. Coursebook. Express Publishing;
2015. 198 p.
71. English Recipes - Traditional British Food, Easy English... [Internet]. [cited April 02 2019]. Available from: http://indobase.com>recipes/category/english-recipes.php
72. Oxenden C., Latham-Koenig C. New English File Intermediate. Student's Book. Oxford University Press; 2013. 160 p.
73. Oxenden C., Latham-Koenig C. New English File Upper-intermediate. Student's Book. Oxford University Press; 2014. 161 p.
74. Shamov A. N. Metodika i tekhnologiya nauchnogo issledovaniya v pred-metnoi oblasti "Teoriya i metodika obucheniya i vospitaniya (inostrannyi yazyk)" = Methods and technology of scientific research in the subject area "Theory and methods of teaching and education (a foreign language)". N. Novgorod: Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod; 2014. 236 p. (In Russ.)
75. Tatarinova M. N. Emotsional'no-tsennostnyi komponent soderzhaniya ino-yazychnogo obrazovaniya s pozitsii sistemno-strukturnogo i strukturno-funktsi-onal'nogo podkhodov = The emotionally-valuable component of the content of foreign language education from the viewpoint of system-structural and structural-functional approaches. Kirov: Vyatka State University of Humanities; 2016. 121 p. (In Russ.)
76. Bykova N. I., Dooley J., Pospelova M. D, Evans V. Angliiskii v fokuse dlya 3 klassa = Spotlight for grade 3. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2017. 178 p. (In Russ.)
77. Vaulina Yu. E., Evans V., Dooley J., Podolyako O. E. Angliiskii v fokuse dlya 5 klassa = Spotlight for grade 5. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education;
2016. 164 p. (In Russ.)
78. Vaulina Yu. E., Evans V., Dooley J., Podolyako O. E. Angliiskii v fokuse dlya 6 klassa = Spotlight for grade 6. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2019. 144 p. (In Russ.)
79. Afanasyeva O. V., Dooley J., Mikheeva I. V., Obi B., Evans V. Angliiskii v fokuse dlya 10 klassa = Spotlight for grade 10. Moscow: Express Publishing: Education; 2019. 248 p. (In Russ.)
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33. Ваулина Ю. Е., Эванс В., Дули Дж., Подоляко О. Е. Английский в фокусе. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику для 7-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Москва: Express Publishing; Просвещение, 2017. 73 с.
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40. Баранова К. М., Дули Д., Копылова В. В., Мильруд В. П., Эванс В. Английский язык. 3 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка: в 2 ч. Ч. 2. Москва: Express Publishing; Просвещение, 2011. 136 с.
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45. Биболетова М. З., Денисенко О. А., Трубанева Н. Н. Английский с удовольствием. 5-й класс. Москва: Дрофа, 2017. 200 с.
46. Биболетова М. З., Денисенко О. А., Трубанева Н. Н. Английский язык: книга для учителя к учебнику «Английский с удовольствием» / Enjoy English для 5-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений: учебно-методическое пособие. Обнинск: Титул, 2014. 136 с.
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2015. 166 p.
48. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 1. Teacher's book. Beginner. Express Publishing, 2011. 176 p.
49. Skinner C., Bogucka M. Friends 1. Students' Book. Pearson Longman, 2011. 111 p.
50. Баранова К. М., Дули Д., Копылова В. В., Мильруд В. П., Эванс В. Английский язык. 6 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Москва: Express Publishing; Просвещение, 2013. 184 с.
51. Баранова К. М., Дули Д., Копылова В. В. Звездный английский (Starlight). Английский язык, 6 класс: книга для учителя. Москва: Express Publishing; Просвещение, 2013. 168 с.
52. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 1. Teacher's book. Beginner. Express Publishing, 2011. 176 p.
53. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 2. Coursebook. Express Publishing, 2011. 136 p.
54. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 2. Teacher's book. Elementary. Express Publishing, 2008. 175 p.
55. Skinner C. Friends 2. Students' Book. Pearson Longman, 2004. 114 p.
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Information about the authors:
Maya N. Tatarinova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]
Olga V. Sungurova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]
Contribution of the authors.
M. N. Tatarinova took part in determining the basic methodological and theoretical positions for the formulation of the research problem; stating its goals and objectives; organising, conducting and summarising the results of the experimental study.
O. V. Sungurova participated in the selection of sources of Russian and foreign authors to be studied, determining the logic, refining the methodology and methods of the research, structuring and editing the text of the article.
Received 19.01.2019; accepted for publication 15.05.2019.
The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
Информация об авторах:
Татаринова Майя Николаевна - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и методики обучения иностранным языкам Вятского государственного университета, Киров, Россия. E-mail: [email protected]
Сунтурова Ольга Владимировна - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и методики обучения иностранным языкам Вятского государственного университета, Киров, Россия. E-mail: [email protected]
Вклад соавторов.
М. Н. Татаринова принимала участие в определении базовых методологических и теоретических положений для постановки проблемы исследования; в формулировке его цели и задач; организации, проведении и подведении итогов экспериментального исследования.
О. В. Сунгурова занималась подбором источников русскоязычных и зарубежных авторов, определением логики, уточнением методологии и методов исследования, структурированием и редактурой текста статьи.
Статья поступила в редакцию 19.01.2019; принята в печать 15.05.2019.
Авторы прочитали и одобрили окончательный вариант рукописи.