Modern environment in developing the educational organization structure
Dr. I. Samoylova
Anton Chekhov Taganrog Institute, 48, Initsiativnaya street, Taganrog, 347936 molot28@yandex. ru
Dr. O. Kurilkina
Anton Chekhov Taganrog Institute, 48, Initsiativnaya street, Taganrog, 347936 [email protected]
Yu. Zueva
Anton Chekhov Taganrog Institute, 48, Initsiativnaya street, Taganrog, 347936 zueva-ua@mail. ru
V. Timofeenko
Anton Chekhov Taganrog Institute, 48, Initsiativnaya street, Taganrog, 347936 molot28@yandex. ru nika61ru@mail. ru
Abstract. On the basis of a wide range of primary sources research, authors reveal the leading theoretical positions of media education, which have been further developed within the concrete concept, the task of studying the most important concepts of "media environment" and "structure" is solved. The concepts themselves are the object of researchers close attention as means of constructing and constituting the reality, as some subconstructs possessing the prescribed features; as the cognitive tools of socio-cultural space; as the mental units reflecting the individual real life experience, its ability to exist in a new virtual space that represents multi-environmental content, in which the media environment appears in the most prominent way. In order to describe the features and to identify the experience architectonics in the concepts of "media environment" and "structure", the hermeneutic analysis is used in the article, which allows investigating the concepts content, related to the question of the methods with the help of which this content is established. Due to the fact that the concepts have a multi-layered structure, they reflect the cultural life result, they form a qualitatively new substrate that fills the surrounding reality, and the meaning is the dominant line in the concepts structure, the concepts are analyzed with a combination of formal and structural methods. The widening of the research discursive field allows comprehending of the ontological nature of the mode and the media environment institutional organization; helps to consider the combination of media practices as a self-developing system, as well as the role of the subject and the object in the transformational activity. The existing media practices implicate the degree of the mediated product influence on the educational strategy implementation; they reveal the extent of educational organizations responsibility for the quality of the subject education, they also enlarge the range of trainees training, taking into account the attraction of the best media samples.
Keywords: media environment, structure, communication, informational-semiotic media content, interaction, students, metasubject abilities, subject cultural code, virtuality.
Let's turn to the concepts etymology, which are introduced into the scientific thesaurus. For the successful implementation of the communicative process, the environment state
(qualitative characteristics, resources, geometry, etc.), in which it is carried out, is important. The environment is
1. The surrounding, having configuration, navigational system, its own informational field, development trajectory, integration potential;
2. The structure, possessing the properties of connectivity, integrity, controllability, depending on the intension of its different resources [Bykasova, 2016, p. 130].
The modern educational space is a collection of different environments: informational, scientific, aesthetic, creative, socially-contacting, cultural and others. In the given palette the media environment is the most prominent one. The concept "media environment" is meant as a space of media culture [Sharonov, 2008, p. 234], and the mediation process is interpreted as the development of media environments [Sokolova, 2008, p.14].
The media environment is a sphere which connects a person with the surrounding world, it informs, entertains, promotes certain moral and aesthetic values, has an ideological or organizational influence on the world outlook and social behavior of people through the mediation of mass communication [Kirillova, 2006, p. 34].
The concept "media environment" capacious and complicated. In a broad sense, the media environment is a complex of published messages from all countries of the world. For us, the concept narrow meaning is interesting. The media environment is, by the definition of Y.V. Mochalova, informational-semiotic media context of personal activities [Mochalova, 2000, p. 21].
Based on the above information, our own definition of the concept can be formulated. The media environment is a socially- cultural phenomenon, representing:
- a multi-layer substrate, rich with diverse information material;
- qualitative content: archetypes, meanings, symbols;
- intellectual substance, typical to its subjects [Andreeva, Bykasova, 2013, p.12].
Materials and methods
Our research is based on a number of carried out activities, aimed at organizing the media environment through the creation of various communities with different shapes:
- methodical association of teachers who developed a model for organizing project activities in the field of trainees media education;
- scientific and creative community of students as an integration form of basic and additional education in the media environment creation;
- interdisciplinary, universal media projects in the channel of "man-nature", "man-art", "man-culture", "man-technology", "man-man", contributing to the further development of the media environment.
Let's elaborate on the projects. In the media environment creation, in our opinion, the project activity has one of the leading places. For three years, with the students of different ages (students of the Anton Chekhov Taganrog Institute and senior students of the Taganrog Pedagogical Lyceum-Boarding School), the projects were carried out on the following thematic lines: "Social networks" , "The Empire of Excellence", "This wonderful film", "Dynasty", "The way of life is war", "My blog", "A Citizen", "Network school", "Comic book festival", "Study, while you're young!" "VKontakte? VKontakte ... VKontakte!", "Computer is easy!", "My choice", "From classics to folklore", "Carnations of the Fatherland", "Space Odyssey", "My Motherland", "Magic Baroque", "Artek" , "Festival of the Peoples from the North Caucasus", "Feat of Generations", etc. The analysis of the implemented projects goals and methodological foundations with the students shows that they are oriented towards the creation of the media environment, capable of
- bringing up a moral individual;
- developing meta-subjective abilities (readiness for self-development, implementation of moral choice, continuous education);
- forming the subject of cultural activity.
For collecting the empirical information, we used the following methods:
- method of prolonged pedagogical observation; method of expert assessments (expert scales, developed on the basis of the diagnostic complex by V.A. Levin);
- method of the psychological atmosphere estimation in the staff by A.F. Fiedler;
- a methodology for analyzing the correlation between the significance of the activities, carried out in the educational organization for the year, and the degree of their representation in the formed media environment (a news line on the website of the Ministry of Education of the Rostov Region, a news line on the website of the Taganrog Chekhov Institute);
- method of information content analysis, etc.
While working, the authors found out that the media environment design had some specific educational results. It was revealed that the type of educational project, conducted with the trainees, formed certain informational competencies of participants in the educational process.
All projects are figuratively divided into three groups.
I.This group of projects was aimed at developing the informational literacy of students in the media environment: "Network School", "My Blog", "Study, while you're young!", "VKontakte? VKontakte ... VKontakte!", "Computer is easy!","Social networks".
Based on the results of these projects, the researchers noted a significant activation in students while conducting the following cognitive operations:
- searching and storage of information;
- creation of screen versions, scripts;
- determination of connection between objects and frames;
- ability to use ICT tools;
- conducting immanent analysis of a media product;
- active supervision;
- conducting intellectual experiments;
- ability to interaction;
- actualization of constructive process creativity;
- striving for independent design of digital materials;
- organization of event spaces;
- generation of thinking media models;
- development of innovative complex programs;
- discussion of plans, scripts created by other participants.
II. Projects in the media environment with the author's additions: "Heroic act of Generations", "My Choice", "Dynasty", "My Family", "This Wonderful Film", "Lifestyle is War", "Norm and Law", "Citizen". According to the results of this group of projects, the researchers noted that the following skills and abilities were easily formed among trainees:
- creation of pictures collection;
- organization of a school site;
- conducting media games;
- the ability to combine articles fragments into a common digital history;
- use of materials created by other participants;
- receiving propaedeutic knowledge;
- receptive analysis of a media product;
- productive innovation;
- moderating communication between students and teachers;
- development of media practices;
- creation of educational scripts design;
- use of e-mail, wiki-wiki, audio and video chats, YouTube, and etc.;
- visual impact on a pupil;
- editing and discussion of their materials with the network participants.
III. Projects in the media environment Scratch: "Empire of Mastery", " Festival of Comics", "From Classics to Folklore", "Carnations of the Fatherland", "Space Odyssey", "My Homeland", "Magic Baroque", "Artek", "Festival of Peoples of the North Caucasus. " This group of projects contributed to the formation of such competencies among trainees which are responsible for the following intellectual operations:
- creation of schemes, intellectual pictures, interactive digital stories;
- interaction of agents;
- reflection of cognitive, semantic, semiotic constituents;
- development of visual texts;
- discussion of projects;
- creation of the semantic divergence multiplying effect;
- development of informational design, design of training networks;
- creation of training, informational, transformational, coordinating, developing
- construction of local social-technical system;
- publication of regular school edition;
- education of tasteful intelligence;
- development of digital materials;
- network activity;
- introduction of amendments to intersocial and intrasocial projects;
- designing the infrastructure of innovational activity in the new structure;
- formation of the network culture.
It is significant that the conclusions, made by the authors, correlate with the
statements of the foreign researchers [Pérez-Rodríguez, Delgado-Ponce, 2012, p. 14].
Fields of educational results of the media environment design are superimposed on each other, intersect, interact, forming a three-matrix elimination of the personal experience of the subject [Kuznetsov, Vovchenko, Samoilov, Bykasova, 2018, p. 43]. The scheme is shown on the picture 1.
Projects in the media environment
Projects in the media environment with author's additions
Projects in the media environment Scratch
Picture 1. Link educational projects with mediatechnologies.
The application of the given techniques allows
1. To specify the media environment functions. According to J. Habermas, the media environment has the following functions: communicativeness, multimedia, instrumentality, interactivity, extensiveness [Habermas, 1988, p. 91]. Let's view these functions in details.
a) communicativeness is a person's connection not only with the other people; but also with the environment: the city, the state, the army;
b) multimedia is a combination of different types of impact and perception in the interaction process (up to the appearance of the synergy effect);
c) instrumentality is a possibility of using databases and information resources;
d) interactivity is providing feedback in the process of communication (interaction), intercommunication, exchange of information;
e) extensiveness is providing for the expansion of the senses capabilities and other human systems through the communication with the outside world.
These functions have a significant impact on the changing of individuals communication structure from different social strata. We'd point out, that the Internet has a special influence on the communication process. Due to the fact that the World Wide Web is (to a greater extent) the privilege of the youth, the virtual space has become a place of constant communication between children and adolescents.
2. To determine that in the virtual communication space a special social sub-environment is also created that is conductive to
- the emergence of new virtual (game) worlds that unite users around the world;
- the collaboration of students, teachers, parents (network communication form);
- the formation of a system-wide phenomenon: the " school spirit " as a certain emotional-valuable characteristics of relations [Bykasova, 2017, p. 54].
3. To establish that the main attributes of the educational organization media environment
- character (relations between participants, regime moments and so on);
- indications (intension, structuredness);
- parts (socially-contacting, informational, subjective and so on);
- discourse (educational program, teaching style, control character) [Sachs-Hombach, 2006. p. 110].
4. To characterize the media environment as a substance, having
- effects (integral, consolidating, educational foresight);
- abilities (teaching, educative);
- modification (virtual, educational, learning);
- relations (interpersonal, subject-objective, object-objective);
- factors (spatial, objective, material, cultural heritage, cultural identity, cultural diversity, etc.). [Maraña, 2010, p. 4].
Today, the society realizes more clearly that the media environment formation occurs in the process of the media education, which should not be identified only with the development of special programs, since the media education is the impact concordance of a wide range of different factors: apperception, iconicity, the level of phenotype and emotional intelligence formation, the personal experience dissimination, the futurozone geometry, etc.
The main mission of media research modern programs is communication, the subject involvement into the digital culture, into more deeper understanding of the society multiformity, into achieving a synergistic effect. We consider that in the educational space of the educational organization it is necessary to develop such media environment in which the trainee and the trainer will be partners, but the main function of education is preserved, that is the knowledge transfer to the object by the subject of knowledge. Comprehension of the media environment phenomenon epistemological foundations within the educational process, as well as in the format of the hermeneutic and cognitive approaches (graphics, video, animation) allows connecting digital and network communication technologies.
5. To reveal that the media environment allows connecting the discursive and intuitive elements of trainees creative activity; theory and practice of the education subject in the process
of communication. The media literacy, that arises within this unity, is accompanied by a new form of a dialogue between the subject and the object of education-a cultural-worldview, which means the opening of a symbolic relationship-the state of creativity.
To reflect the media environment state and the formation of the individual sacral landscape, we'll view the stable structure of the educational organization vital activity, defined as the "school structure". This concept was used by Russian teachers and psychologists at the end of the 20th century.
Among the main approaches presented in modern scientific research, devoted to the media environment development, the sociocultural approach is the most prominently highlighted. A.M. Tsirulnikov underlines that the sociocultural change is becoming the basic fundamental characteristic of the educational organization structure formed in it by the media environment [Tsirulnikov, 2010, p. 60].
In the works of the didactors and teachers of the twentieth century (B.M. Bim-Bad, S.T. Shatsky, T.V. Tsirlina, etc.) the basis for understanding the meaning of the concept "structure", "educational organization environment " is the notion that education and mental development of a person should be viewed within the framework of the social and cultural conditions of his development in the course of his education.
Viewpoint of D. Khalpern and A. Naftuliev correlate with this statement of scientists. They denote to the necessity of taking into account the mental development of a person (intellectual algorithms, critical thinking, education subject memory) [Khalpern, Naftuliev, 2000, p. 31]; as well as scientists B. Kitchenham, S. Charters, considering in their reviews the issues of the formation of broad media literacy of the population [Kitchenham, Charters, 2007, p. 19].
Table 1. Representation of the concept "structure" in modern concepts
№ Author Meaning of structure Types of structure Obertone
1. A.N. Tubelsky The structure is the closest connection of school life with different environments: educational, playing, creative, etc. Authoritarian, paternalistic, patriarchal, traditionalistic, family, democratic. External attributes
2. I.D. Frumin, L.A. Kozlova The structure is a system of educational and extracurricular relations. Traditionalistic, democratic. Identifying the behavior and activities of students and teachers.
3. T.P. Khrenova The structure is the system of public relations between all participants of the educational process. Authoritarian, traditionalistic, democratic. Formation of relations and public opinion with the help of state and non-state partners (radio circles, studios, newspapers)
The inspection of the conceptual bases (A.N. Tubelsky, I.D. Frumin, L.A. Kozlova, T.P. Khrenova, etc.) allows us to summarize with a certain degree of conventionality that in various theoretical approaches the authors accentuate the different system-wide aspects: structure , culture, ethos, media environment. In the scientific analysis practice, the semantic fields of these terms have wide areas of mutual overlapping and intercrossing (connection with the various environments, a system of educational and extracurricular links, a system of public relations).
Also, various media (informational, communicative, relating to news, etc.) are close in their nature, they implied their entry into a single media environment that is a part of the culture.
Based on the two approaches methodology: the humanistic (M.M. Bakhtin) and the phenomenological (T. Lukman) ones, we propose our own definition of the concept "the educational organization structure" and define it as a complex social system of subject-object interaction that is influenced by different environments (cultural, informational, communicative, media, etc.).
The composition of the structure has three components: value-based, subject-environmental, structural-procedural. The consequence of this logic is the change in the educational organization structure in connection with the media environment development (the Internet, new services, blogs, technologies, etc.).
The orientation to the advanced pedagogical practices, the most important place in which is the formation of the media environment in the new structure of the educational organization, is a feature of the national education system development in the 21st century. We'll consider the epistemological characteristics of the concepts in more detail.
Table 2. Epistemological characteristics of the concepts.
Episteme Media environment Structure
Definition -media culture space -informational-semiotic media context of personal life activity - multi-layer substrate - qualitative content -intelecctual substance - system of socially-pedagogical interrelations; - part of social reality
Characteristics virtualization digitalization gamification pop-education collaboration; social involvement
Composition - media market - formal communication - non-formal communication three components: valuable; subjective-environmental; constructive-processual
Attributes - character - indications - parts of the whole - discourse - education - mental development of a person - training
Functions - communicative - multi-media - instrumental - interactive - extensive - semiotic - informational - communicative - instrumental
Factors - level of the educational organization technical provision; - apperception, - iconicity, - level of the phenotype and emotional intelligence formation, - individual experience dissimination, - futurizone geometry - degree of technical means possession; - status
Accentualization activity and freedom democracy
Mission - communication, - subject introduction to digital culture, - to more deeper comprehension of the society multiformity, to achieving a synergistic effect - providing for a stable arrangement of the educational organization life activity
Correlation level valuable characteristics growth of humaneness
On the formation of personality in a new way of life is influenced by various factors. Schematically, this process is shown on the picture 2.
Structure: collaboration, vital activity
The spac e of me dia culture: media market, media environment
Leisure activities: communication, virtuality, digital culture
Picture 2. A set of options that form a modern personality.
Theoretical analysis and experienced-experimental work showed that the following things appear as the basic conditions for the formation of the school structure, with the active usage of the informational-communicative environments:
- calculation of the implicit character of the school structure development and, as a consequence, reliance on the reflexive mechanisms of the effectiveness provision for the basic functions of managing the school structure formation in the sphere of daily everyday life activity;
- usage of the systemic interrelations of the structure elements, when a change in one element involves into a change in the others;
- monitoring and accounting for the systemic character of the results and effects of managing the structure formation;
- primary usage of the indirect methods and management mechanisms;
- combination of a different type and character criteria for the completeness of informational-analytical support for the managing the structure formation processes;
- transformation of the behavior elements which arise under the influence of the ICS and the participants relations of the educational process into every day, habitual components of the structure.
On the basis of the presented data, the Pearson linear correlation coefficients accounting is conducted, reflecting the dynamics of the trainees' results in the formed media environment. To do this, we needed to determine the interrelations between two variables: the level of the media environment development and the type of the educational institution structure.
We established positive statistically significant correlation links using the tooling "Formula-statistics" in the computer program Microsoft Excel for Windows. Let's present the obtained research data:
1. Correlation coefficient between projects' quantity and participants' quantity is
R=0,986, p> 99%;
2. Correlation coefficient between total number of participants and project's level is R=0,923, p > 99%;
3. Correlation coefficient between total number of participants and total number of winners is R= 0,961, p > 99%.
Table 3. Dynamics of trainees' achievements
№ Result (per year) 2015 2016 2017
1. Number of projects 1 8 2 1 2 3
2. Infrastructure (number of places) 7 8 1 1
3. Total number of participants 109 116 124
4. Teachers' quantity 4 5 7
5. Pupils' quantity 6 1 6 9 7 2
6. Students' quantity 4 4 4 2 4 5
7. Level of a project (local/municipal) 15/3 16/5 17/6
8. Number of winners between pupils 1 2 1 3 1 6
9. Number of winners between students 2 4 4
10. Number of winners between teachers 2 2 3
0 10 20 30 40 50
Picture 3. Correlation between the educational organization structure and the media
It is established that the formation of the media environment as an informational-semiotic media context for the individual life activity, is facilitated with the realization of a large number of projects: the conducted olympiads, contests, reviews, etc. The project activity of students in the media environment is an integrative activity, based on
- the calculation of the individual characteristics of the education subject;
- the implementation of the individual development goals;
- the revelation of creative individuality.
With the media environment development, the educational organization structure, the following subsequent operations are closely connected:
a) increasing the creativity level of trainees [Meyer, 2005, p. 57];
b) development of the media competence (through the assimilation of a wide range of knowledge in the field of the electronic media);
c) development and generation of the trainees cognitive skills (mastering the productive state of consciousness, developing the systemic thinking, cultivating the multilingualism and multiculturalism) [Stetsenko, Bykasova, Molodtsova, Nadolinskaya, 2016, р. 77];
d) formation of consciousness in the difference of advantages usage in new and existing media;
e) evaluation of the modern information and communication support;
f) evolution of the digital media, providing for a new toolkit for work;
g) realization of the subject's potential in the informational society;
h) development of the subject's communication culture in the conceptual and didactic format, and also in terms of the methodological support].
1. It was found out in the research that the multi-environmental space, in which the media environment occupies the most important place, influences over the formation of the educational organization structure. This happens due to the following things
- creation of the media design places;
- realization of various forms of the subject-objective community media events;
- comprehension in the media environment of the society polimentality;
- the formation of the spiritual life foundations in a qualitatively new media environment, excluding the aggression in chats, YouTube, in forums.
- enlightment of the educational objects on psychological-legal issues of the media environment impact ambivalence (hacking, cracker, Internet addiction, cybercrime).
2. In the modern educational continuum, the processes of mediating the basic constructive components of the educational organization structure-scripted norms and forms of communication, activities, and other various elements of the media environment (mission, attributes, composition, characteristics, functions, factors, accentualization) intensively occur, which leads to the emergence of a new cultural and pedagogical phenomenon - the virtual projection of the structure. Under the virtual projection of the structure we mean
- informational reflection of the structure, possessing a certain integrity, in different environments (website, social networks, Wikipedia, blog);
- symbolic segmentation of the media processes (iconography, animation, comics, speech balloons, Internet memes, strips, etc.);
- formation of the subject cultural code, getting acquainted with the cyberspace elements; using a certain software, filter programs, as well as reflecting the exponential growth of the information amount coming through the Internet.
3. Virtual projection (for example, the website of an educational organization) is dichotomous: on the one hand, it is an independent constructive element of the structure, on the other hand, it is possible to realize the special information technologies of the management (correction of the events reflection in the media field, filling the event with the symbolic meaning, fixing it in the symbolic composition of the educational organization structure).
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