DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-4-10-14
The ratio of kinds of sports training at the initial stage in oriental combat sports (sports discipline "SITO-RYU") among 7-year-old athletes, who go in
for kata
Ildus G. Gibadullin*, Aleksandra M. Kapralova
Kalashnikov State Technical University, Izhevsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-6.386-1121, [email protected]*. [email protected]
Abstract: At the initial state of a long-term training among young athletes general physical training is very important. The research results prove the necessity to develop young athletes at the initial stage of sports training, paying much attention to general physical training in comparison with the special physical training, technical-tactical training and etc. Materials. The article is about the ratio of the kinds of sports training at the initial stage in "Oriental combat sports" (sports discipline "Sito-ryu") among 7-year-old athletes, who go in for kata. Methods. Scientific literature analysis and review, comparative analysis of program documents, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The meaning of general physical training as the means for high stable sports results achievement in combats and in bringing up the ability to demonstrate motor qualities: strength, quickness, endurance, flexibility and dexterity among young athletes at the initial stage is revealed. The ratio is presented, which is regulated by the Federal standard of sports training in "Oriental combat sports". Also the article presents the ratio, offered by the authors, who study the questions of planning the training process among young athletes in single combats and other kinds of sport. The comparative analysis between the authors' methodologies and the Federal standard of sports training was held. The contradiction was revealed between the demands of the Federal standard of sports training in "Oriental combat sports" concerning the ratio of kinds of sports training among young 7-year-old athletes, who go in for kata at the initial stage and the principles of a long-term training process organization. This contradiction leads to the training process forcing in order to achieve high sports results at an early age, in spite of many works in this sphere. They prove that during physical upbringing process among young athletes it is necessary to orient oneself not towards the close result, but towards the athletes' harmonious development. It is based on many-sided physical training, motor abilities broadening, rehabilitation, physical qualities, skills improvement and on different skills of a personality formation. Conclusion. The ratio of kinds of sports training at the initial stage in "Oriental combat sports", written in the Federal standard of sports training, contradicts the principles of a long-term training process organization. It leads to its forcing in order to achieve high sports results at an early age.
Keywords: oriental combat sport, the initial stage of sports training, general physical training, the ratio of kinds of sports training, young athletes.
For citations: Ildus G. Gibadullin*, Aleksandra M. Kapralova. The ratio of kinds of sports training at the initial stage in oriental combat sports (sports discipline "sito-ryu") among 7-year-old athletes, who go in for kata. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2018; 13 (4): 9-13. DOI 10.14526/2070-47982018-13-4-10-14
At the initial state of a long-term training among young athletes general physical training is very important [1,2]. Many authors underlined the unity of general, special and technical training. He also proved the dominating character of general physical training over other parts of the training process in motor skills broadening, rehabilitation, physical qualities and skills development and in a personality's different abilities formation [3,4,5,9].
Ildus G. Gibadullin and many other authors underline that during physical upbringing of young athletes we should orient ourselves not towards proximate results in this or that kind of sport, but towards a harmonious development of people, who train, based on many-sided physical training, with clear prospect for achieving high sports results during the period of full spiritual and physical strength improvement
THE RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT Theory and Methods of Sport Training Volume 13 No.4 2018
Many scientists underline that during infancy and pre-adult age, athletes fulfill a great amount of general developing exercises, directed toward main physical qualities development, as during this period the base for many-sided physical training is formed [10,14,16].
For stable sports results achievement in single combats it is important to take into account the level of an athlete's physical training, including the skills of motor qualities demonstration: strength, quickness, endurance, flexibility and dexterity [11,12,13].
Many authors define karate (note: sports discipline "Sito-ryu" of "Oriental combat sport" kind of sport is an ancient Japanese karate school) as an acyclic kind of sport and say that karatekas' training lessons should be directed toward aerobic and anaerobic volume of an athlete's organism increase [5,6].
The results of the scientific research works of the enumerated authors and many other authors prove the necessity to develop young athletes at the initial stage of sports training, general physical training predominance in comparison with special physical, technical-tactical training [17,18].
However, "Oriental combat sport" Federal standard of sports training offers the ratio of the kinds of young athletes' training during the 1st and the 2nd years of study. In spite of different research works and evidence of general physical training support predominance at this stage of training. The main part of time is devoted to technical-tactical training. Table 1 and picture 1 present the ratio of kinds of training, offered bv "Oriental combat SDort" Federal standard of SDorts training and offered bv us methodology.
Соотношение видов спортивной подготовки
Легод! Сьыше Логед! «да
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1 Тмр# nnfCK« подготовка
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Picture 1 - The ratio of the kinds of sports training
До года- till one year Свыше года- more than a year
Федеральный стандарт спортивной подготовки по ВБЕ- Oriental combat sport federal standard of sports training
Никитушкин В.Г.-Nikitushkin V.G.
Манукян А.С., Ким В.В. -Manukyan A.S., Kim V.V.
Авторская методика- the author's methodology
Общая физическая подготовка-general physical training
Специальная физическая подготовка-special physical training
Технико-тактическая подготовка-technical-tactical training
Теоретическая подготовка -theoretical training
Участие в соревнованиях, инструкторская и судейская практика- participation in competitions, instructor and referee practice
The table and the picture present the ratio of the kinds of sports training at the initial stage in percentage and in hours. The column "Federal standard of sports training" presents the average values of the offered range.
"Oriental combat sport" federal standard of sports training gives 42% (132 hours) of total time to technical-tactical training, 35% (109 hours) to general physical training, 15% (47 hours) to special physical training, 5% (15 hours) to theoretical training, 3% (9 hours) to participation in competitions. During the second year the ratio of technical-tactical and theoretical training changes - 41% (128 hours) and 6% (19 hours). The amount of hours for technics and tactics decreases and increases the amount of hours for the theory. Other indices stay unchanged.
Many authors offer [1,2] the following ratio of the kinds of training during the first year of training: 80% (250 hours) - general physical training, 20% (62 hours) - special physical training. During the second year of training the ratio is the following: 70% (218 hours) - general physical training, 30% (94 hours) -special physical training.
We offer to give 80% (250 hours) of total time to general physical training during the first year of training, 15% (47 hours) to special physical training, 5% (15 hours) to technical training. During the second year of training the ratio is the following: 70% (218 hours) - to general physical training, 20% (62 hours) -to special physical training, 10% (32 hours) - to technical training.
In our opinion, such kind of the ratio of different kinds of sports training in "Oriental combat sport" at the initial stage of training those, who go in for karate at the age of 7 is an optimal one. It corresponds with the principle of many-sided harmonious development. Moreover, special attention is paid to coordinating skills development. They are very important in this kind of sport and it is proved by the following authors: Bokin A.Y., Galimskiy V.A., Dushchenko S.A., Dyakova S.A., Kim V.V., Manukyan A.S., Parmuzina Y.V., Chernyaev V.V.. At the same time, kata is the means, which develops coordination of motor skills and biomechanics of motor actions by means of different stands use with technical defensive and attacking actions.
On the basis of everything mentioned above we come to the following conclusion: the ratio of the kinds of sports training at the initial stage in "Oriental combat sport", adopted by the federal standard of sports training, contradicts the principles of a long-term training process, which leads to its forcing in order to achieve high sports results during an early age period.
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Table 1 - The ratio of the kinds of sports training
The ratio of the kinds of sports training
Oriental combat sport federal standard of sports training NikitushkinV.G. Manukyan A.S., Kim V.V. Author's methodology
Kinds of Till one year More than one vear Till one year More than one year Till one year More than one year Till one year More than one year
sports training % hours % hours % hours % hours % hours % hours % hours % hours
General physical training 35 109 35 109 80 250 70 218 80 250 70 218 80 250 70 218
Special physical training 15 47 15 47 20 62 30 94 20 62 30 94 15 47 20 62
Technical- tactical training 42 132 41 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 15 10 32
Theoretical training 5 15 6 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Participation in competitions, instructor and referee practice
3 9 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 100 312 100 312 100 312 100 312 100 312 100 312 100 312 100 312
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Submitted: 16.10.2018
Ildus G. Gibadullin* - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Kalashnikov State Technical University, Izhevsk, Russia, 426069,30 let Pobedy str., House 37, Sports Block 4, e-mail: [email protected]* Aleksandra M. Kapralova - Associate Professor, Kalashnikov State Technical University, Izhevsk, Russia, 426069,30 let Pobedy str., House 37, Sports Block 4, e-mail: [email protected]