DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-2-57-61
Physical culture lessons methodology using "upper body" complexes of exercises in schoolchildren of the 10th-11th form during the period of self-
Ilona V. Adamova*
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism
Moscow, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-5320-3771, [email protected]*
Abstract: During senior school age there is almost no time for physical culture, as girls and boys are preparing for the final exams. They stop attending physical culture and sports lessons, they do not practice independently and it negatively affects their physical state. During recent year we faced such phenomenon as distance study and work. Pedagogical process realization in terms of self-isolation required reconsideration of the approaches to educational material presentation in physical culture program. Upper body is a fitness program. It belongs to power oriented class of aerobics, directed toward the upper torso muscles development, power endurance of muscles improvement. They condition correct bearing and head position preservation. The main means is the exercises with own body weight and the exercises with some weight (dumbbells, body bar, weights, rubber shock absorbers). The search for new means, organizational and methodological forms contributing to the solution of the main task of physical culture lessons, students' health strengthening and long-term preservation in a limited home space conditions the relevance of the research. Materials. To reveal the peculiarities of "upper body" lessons organization with ioth-iith form pupils during the period of self-isolation for physical heath state preservation. Research methods. Internet and scientific-methodical sources analysis, Ruffier, Genchi, Stange tests, Ketle and Pignet indices, method of control exercises, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical-statistical data handling. Results. According to the results of the pedagogical test in the pupils of the 10th -11th forms of a secondary school there were positive changes in test results in the EG. These tests condition power oriented hands abilities, power level of the right hand, the power of the body upper part muscles, power of abdominal muscles within one minute. In the CG changes were at the level of a tendency. Conclusion. There was physical development and physical readiness indices, power oriented abilities improvement in the experimental group, where students trained according to the created methodology with "Upper body" use. It proves the effectiveness of the presented methodology, as senior schoolchildren have to improve directly these abilities. Practical significance. The methodology of the "Upper body" lessons, adapted to the conditions of the restricted home territory can be used as the means of physical fitness support among senior schoolchildren and be used at physical culture lessons at a secondary school during power oriented abilities and power endurance development and in terms of independent training at home. The process of transferring educational material and its fulfillment control in "Physical culture" subject was carried out using WhatsApp, Zoom, student's e-mail. The created complexes using "Upper body" means allowed not only to preserve, but also increased strength level of the separate muscle groups.
Key words: senior school age, physical culture lessons in terms of self-isolation, upper body methodology, supporting the level of power oriented abilities.
For citation: Ilona V. Adamova*. Physical culture lessons methodology using "upper body" complexes of exercises in schoolchildren of the ioth-iith form during the period of self-isolation. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021; 16(2): 50-53. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-2-57-61
Physical culture lessons should increase schoolchildren's organism resistance to physical loads, provide personality's harmonious development and be directed toward physical and functional development improvement, working
capacity increase, students' health preservation and improvement [i,2,4,8].
Motor activity deficiency can lead to hypodynamia. It has negative influence on health level of a growing organism, makes body defenses weaker and, as a result, we can't achieve organism
forms and functions development.[3, 5,7]
At the age of 17-18 special attention is paid to power oriented and speed-power oriented abilities development. [6,8]
The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of "upper body" lessons organization with the students of the ioth-iith forms during self-isolation in order to support the level of physical state.
In order to realize the set objectives we used the following research methods: internet and scientific-methodical sources analysis, Ruffier, Genchi, Stange tests, Ketle and Pignet indices, method of control exercises, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical-statistical data handling.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Pedagogical experiment was held since October, 2020 till January, 2021. Several forms of a secondary school № 902 "Dialogue" took part in the experiment. The respondents were boys and girls, but the article presents only the results of boys.
The created content of the power oriented abilities upbringing methodology with the predominant use of "Upper body" includes 4 complexes. Each lesson is directed toward the muscles of the upper body part strengthening. The presented complexes are divided according to the influence on different muscle groups of the body upper part (spine, arms, chest and abdomen muscles) in order to achieve better effectiveness [ 9,10,11,12,13].
We used the exercises with weight together with the exercises for stretching and relaxation. As the pupils were at distance learning we offered to use not big dumbbells (4 kg each) for boys and 2 kg for girls. In case children had no dumbbells books or 5 liter bottles with water, or other equipment could be used. It is important to have sufficient load for the positive training effect achievement.
The lessons were held online under direct control. In order to improve emotional environment and effectiveness of the trainings music was used.
The created methodology included 4 complexes of exercises:
Complex № 1, directed toward spine muscles development and strengthening;
Complex № 2, directed toward chest muscles strengthening and development;
Complex № 3, directed toward arms muscles strengthening and development;
Complex № 4, directed toward abdomen muscles strengthening and development.
Physical culture lessons were held twice a week 45 minutes each. They included three parts.
The preparatory part prepared the organism for the future work, intensified the work of cardiovascular and respiratory systems and all groups of muscles. They were used during the main part of the lesson.
The main part of the lesson was directed toward the set objectives realization. We used the complex of exercises directed toward power oriented abilities upbringing with predominant use of the Upper body. As the means we used the exercises with weight (dumbbells, discs, books, bottles) or the complex was fulfilled with own body weight.
During the final part the exercises for active muscles relaxation and stretching were used, as the power of muscles increase has a negative influence on their elasticity and flexibility; exercises for respiration recovery. Organism was placed into the state of rest after activity.
As physical culture lessons were held twice a week all 4 complexes were repeated during the whole pedagogical experiment. During the first week - complex №1 and complex №2, during the second week - complex №3 and complex №4. Then the complexes of exercises were repeated and the technique of fulfillment improved, power oriented abilities increased and the muscle groups of the body upper part strengthened.
At the beginning of the pedagogical experiment the following results were received:
1. Ruffier test. At the beginning of the research the average values of cardiovascular system working capacity during physical load in the experimental group were 10,47±3,93, in the control group - 10,07±3,75. If we compare the results with the results of the table by E.M. Revenko, Zelov T.F., Krivoshchekov O.N., 2015, they correspond with "below the average" level.
2. Genchi test. At the beginning of the research in the control and experimental groups the
average values were the following: 26,73±4,27 and 27,60±5,40. Comparing with table results by E.M. Revenko, Zelov T.F., Krivoshchekov O.N., 20i5, they corresponded with the norm (not trained people).
3. Stange test. At the beginning of the research in the control and experimental groups the average values were the following: 45,87±9,03 and 47,27±9,72; Comparing with table results by E.M. Revenko, Zelov T.F., Krivoshchekov O.N., 20i5, they corresponded with the norm (healthy not trained people).
During the average results comparison among boys of the control and experimental groups with the table results of physical development level we revealed that there were no valid differences between the control and experimental groups (p > 0,05). The respondents fulfilled normative demands and showed the average result.
In the tests, which characterized the level of physical fitness at the beginning of the academic year, the results were the following:
1. In the control exercise "dip up", which estimates the power of arms muscles, the received average values 24,86±5,79 (boys from control group) and 26,29±7,67 (boys from experimental group), corresponded with the average level of development for the ioth and the iith forms, in comparison with the table results by V.I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich 20i0.
2. In the control exercise "hand dynamometry", which reveals the level of the right hand power, the average values 46,2i±4,23 among boys of the control group and 48,77±3,36 among boys of the experimental group correspond with the norm for this age group in comparison with the results by Pronina N.V., 20i6.
3. In the control exercise "pull-up" the average values 4,57±2,94 among boys from the control group and 7,00±3,38 among boys from the experimental group correspond with the low level of the upper part of the body muscles development in CG and the average level of development in the EG for the i0th and the iith forms comparing with table results by V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich 20i0 and RLD (ready for labor and defense) complex norms.
4. In the control exercise "body lifting from prone position within a minute", which estimates
the power of abdomen muscles, the received average values 48,86±5,93 (boys from the control group) and 50,29±6,24 (boys from the experimental group) correspond with the average level of speed-power oriented abilities development for the i0th and the iith forms in comparison with table results by V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich 20i0 and RLD complex norms.
After the held pedagogical experiment the indices of the control and experimental groups validly improved (p<0,05).
We revealed the effectiveness of the "upper body" lessons for senior schoolchildren's physical state.
According to the results of the pedagogical test among the pupils of the i0th and the iith forms of a secondary school, there were the following positive changes in the EG in contrast to the CG, where changes were at the level of a tendency:
- in the test №1 for power abilities of arms determination (quantity) the average indices improved among boys from 26,29 to 43,00;
- in the test № 2, which reveals the level of power of the right hand (kg), the average indices among boys improved from 48,77 kg to 54,27 kg;
- in the test № 3 for the power of muscles determination of the body (quantity) upper part the average indices improved among boys from 7,00 to
- in the test № 4, which defines the power of abdomen muscles within a minute, the average values improved among boys from 50,29 to 60,71.
Thus, we see physical development, physical fitness indices and power oriented abilities improvement in the experimental group. It trains according to the created methodology with the predominant use of "Upper body". It proves the effectiveness of the presented methodology, as senior schoolchildren should improve exactly these abilities.
The methodology of "Upper body" lessons, adapted to the conditions of the restricted, home territory, can be used as the means of physical fitness support among senior schoolchildren and be used at physical culture lessons at a secondary school during power oriented abilities and power endurance
development and in terms of independent training at home.
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Submitted: 20.04.2021 Author's information:
Ilona V. Adamova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism, 105122, Russia, Moscow, Sirenevyi bulvar str., House 4, e-mail: [email protected]