Научная статья на тему 'School-family physical upbringing organization and content of junior age schoolchildren'

School-family physical upbringing organization and content of junior age schoolchildren Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
school-family upbringing / physical upbringing / pedagogical experiment

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ludmila D. Nazarenko, Faniya M. Kolodova, Natalya V. Valkina

The main aim of junior age schoolchildren upbringing is the need formation for motor activity. It is directed toward new functional state level formation, motor-coordinating qualities development: muscular power, quickness, endurance, dexterity, accuracy, balance and others. It would provide health strengthening, harmonious development, kinesiological potential increase. Materials. The article presents scientific substantiation of physical upbringing objectives successful solution during the process of mutual activity of a family and a school. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, pedagogical progressive experience summarizing, pedagogical experiment. Results. The research was held in a close interaction with a form-master, physical culture teacher and pupils’ parents. They were informed about the fact that children are involved into mutual school-family activity in order to realize pedagogical organization of their free time, involving them into a healthy life style, a steady interest to physical culture and sport formation. Parents were asked to render assistance in this problem solution taking into account the peculiarities of their work and professional activity. Conclusion. A close connection and cooperation of a form-master, physical culture teacher and parents, a purposeful upbringing work during an academic year with the definite objectives helped to change the attitude of pupils and their parents of the experimental group to a healthy life style. It also helped to involve children into systematic physical culture lessons, increase the culture of life activity. School physical culture lessons and physical culture societies, sports sections, physical-health improving events, sports competitions were logically supplemented by other forms of physical exercises, available for a family: morning exercises, dynamic pause during home task fulfillment, outdoor games, visiting swimming pool and skiing with the whole family.

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Текст научной работы на тему «School-family physical upbringing organization and content of junior age schoolchildren»


DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-2-65-70

School-family physical upbringing organization and content of

junior age schoolchildren

Ludmila D. Nazarenko*, Faniya M. Kolodova, Natalya V. Valkina

Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-6225-6816, [email protected]* ORCID: 0000-0003-0343-8561, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4343-2706, [email protected]

Abstract: The main aim of junior age schoolchildren upbringing is the need formation for motor activity. It is directed toward new functional state level formation, motor-coordinating qualities development: muscular power, quickness, endurance, dexterity, accuracy, balance and others. It would provide health strengthening, harmonious development, kinesiological potential increase. Materials. The article presents scientific substantiation of physical upbringing objectives successful solution during the process of mutual activity of a family and a school. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, pedagogical progressive experience summarizing, pedagogical experiment. Results. The research was held in a close interaction with a form-master, physical culture teacher and pupils' parents. They were informed about the fact that children are involved into mutual school-family activity in order to realize pedagogical organization of their free time, involving them into a healthy life style, a steady interest to physical culture and sport formation. Parents were asked to render assistance in this problem solution taking into account the peculiarities of their work and professional activity. Conclusion. A close connection and cooperation of a form-master, physical culture teacher and parents, a purposeful upbringing work during an academic year with the definite objectives helped to change the attitude of pupils and their parents of the experimental group to a healthy life style. It also helped to involve children into systematic physical culture lessons, increase the culture of life activity. School physical culture lessons and physical culture societies, sports sections, physical-health improving events, sports competitions were logically supplemented by other forms of physical exercises, available for a family: morning exercises, dynamic pause during home task fulfillment, outdoor games, visiting swimming pool and skiing with the whole family. Keywords: school-family upbringing, physical upbringing, pedagogical experiment.

For citation: Ludmila D. Nazarenko*, Faniya M. Kolodova, Natalya V. Valkina. School-family physical upbringing organization and content of junior age schoolchildren. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2019; 14(2): 56-60. DOI10.14526/2070-4798-2019-14-2-65-70


One of the most important objectives of education and upbringing of junior age schoolchildren is the need formation for national and world physical culture values mastering. Motor function development among junior age schoolchildren is provided by systematic motor actions fulfillment: different kinds of walking, running, jumps, skip jumps, throws, leans, turns, twisting actions and etc. 2-3 physical culture lessons a week don't provide successful motor function formation [1-3, 5]. It is necessary to train every day under control of adults, that is why an effective problem solution we see in school-family upbringing organization.

The aim of the research work is to substantiate theoretically and experimentally the importance

of school-family physical upbringing of junior age schoolchildren.


For this problem solution we held the pedagogical experiment. 44 junior age schoolchildren (8-9 years-old) from schools № 57 and 21 took part in the experiment. Two groups were organized: the control group (CG) - 20 people and the experimental group (EG) - 22 people. Physical culture lessons in the CG were held according to the traditional methodology, in the EG lessons were held in close interaction with the physical culture teacher, a form-master and parents. A new thing introduced into the experimental class (for children, who don't go in for sport) was the following: systematic

physical exercises (every day one hour during free time), taking part in health improving and sports-mass events, games, oriented toward healthy life style involvement.

The ability of a child to fulfill difficult in structure movements, change timely the character of motor actions depending on life conditions change conditions an organism adaptation to a new muscle load and physical activity during a personal life [4,6,8]. Motor function formation is conditioned by several biological and pedagogical factors. The leading ones are age-related characteristics of locomotor apparatus and central nervous system development [1, 9]. Special research works showed that among 7-11 year-old schoolchildren the speed of some body parts increases during intensive speed increase of small hand and foot muscles movement. For motor function development it is important to develop muscle power. Starting from 7-8 till 11-12 years-old it increases in the average from 30.0 till 60.0%, however, junior age schoolchildren have poor skills of muscular tension degree, spatiotemporal accuracy of motor actions regulation. They can't keep the set tempo.

Motor function development among junior age schoolchildren is mainly conditioned by effective physical upbringing process at school, by its orientation to different motor activity provision as the main condition for conditioned-reflex connections strengthening. They create the opportunity for new forms of movements mastering. Necessary for this age level of muscle power, quickness, endurance, dexterity, balance, spring ability and other qualities provides successful motor skills and abilities formation. It means that the necessary level of muscle power provides successful motor function [7-9,10,11,12]. A great role in motor function development belongs to the accuracy development of physical exercises reproduction according to their spatio-temporal and spatio-power parameters. Sufficient for this age level of muscle sense development provides the ability upbringing to control the movements.

Held by us pedagogical experiment at comprehensive schools № 57 and № 21 in Ulyanovsk showed its great effectiveness. The essence of school-family physical upbringing among the

pupils from the 1-3rd forms is in close interaction between physical culture teacher, a form-master and parents. For example, physical culture teacher shows children different ways of moving: walking, jumping, running and etc.. A form-master, who attends the lesson, includes these movements into the content of outdoor games during the break; parents, watching the lesson, use all studied kinds of physical exercises while going for a walk with their children, during games and competitive moments. For example, who is better in marching step: a child or a father, underlining the accuracy and evenness of the step, legs placing on the whole foot, preserving straight body position and raised chin; coordinated energetic hands movement; who is better in skip jumps on the right and left leg, fulfilling them with the same amplitude, landing softly from the tip on the whole foot (as a spring), hands on hips with further position change in every 4 skip jumps: on head, on back, on shoulders, on the nape, aside and etc.

During the main hands positions study at physical culture lesson a teacher explains the importance of a clear body parts location in space for the bearing formation, culture of movements upbringing, the ability development to regulate muscle tension, tension and relaxation change, muscle sense improvement. A form-master, observing the pedagogical techniques of a teacher, his explanations and demands, includes mastered by pupils exercises into the content of dynamic pauses, games during the breaks. Parents form complexes of morning exercises on the basis of new motor actions, mastered by a child; compete with a child in accuracy and beauty of each movement fulfillment during independent lesson outdoors. Invite for an objective estimation (with further stimulation) a grandmother, a grandfather or other relatives, neighbours, friends.

The content of school-family physical upbringing is based on general objectives: health improvement; many-sided harmonious development; motor function formation on the basis of physical readiness level increase, basic movements development and improvement, involving children into values of physical culture and sport from the first days at school.


One time a week we held outdoor games, relay-races, competitions with parents. Mixed teams of adults and children were organized with the judges qualified athletes, masters of sport, coaches of sports schools for children and teen-agers and etc.. The content of games, relay-races, competitions was characterized by novelty of motor actions, their different combination. The conditions of physical exercises fulfillment were well-planned: the doze corresponded with age-related peculiarities of children. The gym was decorated colorfully, we used solemn music for the sports festival beginning; the duration of the event was no more than one hour. We planned such kind of competitions: pupils studied the content of motor tasks during physical culture lessons, mastered them with parents during an active rest outdoors. During the game outdoors or sports game the importance of correct interaction with classmates and adults, the necessity to control own emotions, present own ideas, use generally adopted notions, give convincing examples and arguments was explained.

Parents, being at the lesson, got acquainted with the demands of physical exercises fulfillment, recommendations of a teacher concerning preliminary training for muscle load of locomotor apparatus, cardiorespiratory system and the sequence of motor actions use; with the techniques of muscular load regulation and physical state control use.


Constant cooperation between parents, physical culture teacher, a form-master, their mutual activity concerning physical upbringing among junior age schoolchildren conditioned high health and physical readiness indices. Children from the experimental class started to try to fulfill motor tasks more clearly, precisely. They were responsible while fulfilling the tasks and orders of physical culture teacher. The level of discipline and working capacity increased, children were less ill. During the pedagogical experiment it turned out that the most acceptable forms of mutual activity of a family and school, concerning the problem of school-family physical upbringing, are the following:

- attending physical culture lessons by parents

for the content of 8-9 year-old children physical upbringing process study; for studying motor actions, skills and abilities. They should junior age schoolchildren master; for studying the demands, recommendations of physical culture teacher connected with their motor activity organization;

- mutual outdoor games; relay-races, competitions organization at school and at home with parents: "Mother, father, me form sports family";

- sports and physical culture festivals organization by parents, physical culture teacher and a form-master;

- physical culture home tasks fulfillment control by parents and physical culture teacher;

- special physical readiness diary of a child, where sports achievements of a child are registered; physical readiness level dynamics, physical and functional state control during mutual activity of physical culture teacher and parents.

During the pedagogical experiment, in order to get acquainted with physical upbringing content and organization among the children of the i-3rd forms, 36 parents from the experimental group attended physical culture lessons. 12 sports events with parents and family members participation were held at children's place of residence. Outdoor games and sports games and also game elements were chosen with constant requirements complication for children's physical readiness. We created the situations for their ethical and moral qualities demonstration. During outdoor and sports games we paid attention to their upbringing content. It helps to cultivate the best personal qualities. Games of children model different life situations, creates conditions. They demand positive personal qualities demonstration. They become stronger gradually and become dominant.

Physical readiness indices analysis, held at the end of a school year helped to reveal its positive dynamics. The number of pupils with physical readiness level above the average increased from 16,2% to 19,7%; with the average level increased from 42,1% to 48,4%. The number of schoolchildren, who have below the average physical readiness level decreased from 41,7% to 31,9%.


School-family physical upbringing is one of the most prospective directions of educational process effectiveness increase in order to provide an optimal level of motor activity among junior age schoolchildren, improving their health and providing their many-sided and harmonious development. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed that the organized system of school-family upbringing provides life culture increase, children involvement into systematic physical culture lessons, their free time organization, their physical readiness improvement. Specially organized system of school-family upbringing includes also great opportunities for own psycho-emotional state control, own role in society realization.


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Submitted: 15.04.2019 Author's information:

Ludmila D. Nazarenko - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, square of the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth, House 4, e-mail: [email protected]

Faniya M. Kodolova- Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Ulyanov State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432017, Russia, Ulyanovsk, Naberezhnaya reki Sviyagi, House 40, e-mail: faina. [email protected]

Natalua V. Valkina- Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, square of the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth, House 4, e-mail: [email protected]

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