Научная статья на тему 'Gymnastics in the content of schoolchildren physical upbringing'

Gymnastics in the content of schoolchildren physical upbringing Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
physical upbringing of schoolchildren / aerobics / calisthenics / aesthetic gymnastics / physical qualities

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mikhailova E. I., Mikhailov H. G., Derevleva E. B, Kaimin M. A., Kudryavtseva O. V.

The article is about the variants of aerobics, calisthenics, aesthetic gymnastics use during physical upbringing of schoolchildren. Materials. The influence of different kinds of gymnastics on physical readiness of schoolchildren is considered. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, analysis of different kinds of gymnastics use in physical upbringing, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing. Results. The results of aerobics,calisthenics, aesthetic gymnastics use are presented and they confirm their influence on the main physical qualities and the culture of the formed movements development. Conclusion. The opportunity to solve physical upbringing problems with the help of aerobics,calisthenics, aesthetic gymnastics means is presented.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Gymnastics in the content of schoolchildren physical upbringing»

Moiseeva L.V. - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Federal State Bidgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ural State Pedagogical University", 620017, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Kosmonavtov ave., House 26, e-mail: [email protected]

Baynazarova T.B. - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associated Professor Deputy, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, the Head of Preschool and Primary Education Department, "Kazakh Female State Pedagogical University", Kazakhstan, Almaty, e-mail: tursinai-64@,mailru

DOI 10.14526/02_2018_321


Mikhailova E.I.1, Mikhailov H.G.1, Derevleva E.B.1, Kaimin M.A.1, Kudryavtseva O.V.1

Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University" Russia, Moscow, [email protected]

Annotation. The article is about the variants of aerobics, calisthenics, aesthetic gymnastics use during physical upbringing of schoolchildren. Materials. The influence of different kinds of gymnastics on physical readiness of schoolchildren is considered. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, analysis of different kinds of gymnastics use in physical upbringing, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing. Results. The results of aerobics,calisthenics, aesthetic gymnastics use are presented and they confirm their influence on the main physical qualities and the culture of the formed movements development. Conclusion. The opportunity to solve physical upbringing problems with the help of aerobics,calisthenics, aesthetic gymnastics means is presented.

Keywords: physical upbringing of schoolchildren, aerobics, calisthenics, aesthetic gymnastics, physical qualities.

For citations: Mikhailova E.I., Mikhailov H.G., Derevleva E.B., Kaimin M.A., Kudryavtseva O.V. Gymnastics in the content of schoolchildren physical upbringing. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Phycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture andSports).2018; 13(2): 129-136. DOI 10.14526/02_2018_321


The law "On education in the Russian Federation"No 273-FZ says that one of the principles of modern education is the right provision to get education during the whole life. It creates preconditions for a continuous educational system introduction, the separate steps of which should be based on continuity of education stages. The system of personality's physical upbringing is not an exception, as its main orientation provides physical nature of a person transformation

during all his life. It makes the idea of studying physical upbringing means and methods continuity at different stages of a person's career very urgent. This problem is many-sided and has a great number of aspects. In this research work we will consider physical upbringing opportunities among female population of this country. In this connection we will see, which kinds of physical activity can be widely used for health improvement among girls and women and can solve the problem of motional skills and

abilities formation, which are vitally important for this category of people.

It is known, that the basis of physical culture are formed at comprehensive school, which is to develop the need for constant physical exercises. However, physical culture programs construction provides different kinds of physical activity inclusion in terms of variative part, among which are the kinds of sport, which take into account national traditions of students. Here we can see such kinds of sport as lapta [2], football [9] and others.

At the same time, a lot of articles prove a positive influence of aerobics on physical development of girls and female teen-agers and women's health improvement [4-8, 10-12]. A significant experience of training girls in calisthenics transformed into the program for elementary school pupils [1]. Aesthetic gymnastics originated from calisthenics and preserved its elegance, beauty of movements and moderated the difficulty of the fulfilled movements that is why not only young girls can go in for aesthetic gymnastics, but also women of any age.

These kinds of physical activity provide the main physical qualities development, starting from flexibility and finishing with endurance, teach plasticity, expressiveness,virtuosity of own body managing, provide the skill of movement estimation in space, time and according to the degree of muscular efforts, increase functional steadiness of vestibular apparatus. These kinds of physical activity include a wide diversity of physical exercises: walking, running, jumping, leans, turns, swings and other exercises, which form the base for vital motional skills formation among women of our country [7, 8].

The aim of the research is to study the opportunities of different kinds of gymnastic exercises use in physical upbringing of schoolgirls. MATERIALS AMD METHODS

Research methods and research organization. In order to study the influence of different kinds of calisthenics in physical

upbringing of schoolgirls traditional methods of pedagogical studies were used: pedagogical testing and pedagogical experiment. Pedagogical testing included several testing tasks, which are presented in tables 1-5. Pedagogical experiments were held since 2015 till 2017 at educational establishments of Moscow with schoolgirls.


Let's see how we can organize physical culture lessons using different kinds of gymnastics. Elementary school can be used as the period of basic movements formation among 7-11 year-old girls. Aerobics lessons begin from basic aerobic steps learning, which include the following: "Step" ("March"), "Knee lifting" ("Knee up"), "Max"("Kick), "Lunge" (Lunge), "Jumping legs apart-legs together"(Jumping Jack), "Skip"(Skip) and "Running"(Jog). During the basic aerobic steps learning first of all legs movements are mastered and then correct body position is fixed. Then arms movements are added.

Elementary school study includes sensitive periods for quickness, flexibility development and coordinating abilities improvement. Also this period is the most favorable for teaching different motional skills and abilities in order to form culture of movements, which is based on mastering correct technique of a wide range of movements fulfillment. That is why aerobics can be successfully used during elementary-school age for the mentioned aims achievement[9].

Experimental check of aerobic exercises effectiveness in terms of variative part of physical culture program among firstform girls proves the opportunity to form high indices of physical readiness (table 1).

Another direction helps to use the experience of training young female athletes in calisthenics [3]. The research works, held in terms of Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture, prove that the complexes of exercises fulfillment with the elements of calisthenics at

schools has a positive influence on coordinating abilities development (table 2). Table 1 - The results of testing first-form girls from the control group (CG) and the experimental

group (EG)

Tests CG EG Student's t- Significancelevel,

(n=15) (n=18) testvalue P

500m running, Before 3,43+0,59 3,31+0,61 0,37 >0,05

min. After 3,33+0,2 3,02+0,4 2,88 <0,01

Forward bend Before 2,8+0,4 3,0+0,5 1,33 >0,05

from sitting position, cm After 5,0+0,7 13,0+0,8 30.76 <0,001

Hang, seconds Before 3,6+0,8 4,0+0,9 1,37 >0,05

After 4,9+0,3 8,0+0,5 22,14 <0,001

30 m running, Before 6,9+0,3 6,8+0,4 0,83 >0,05

seconds After 6,8+1,6 6,3+0,3 1,19 >0,05

shuttle run Before 11,5+0,3 11,3+0,3 1,90 >0,05

3x10m, seconds After 11,3+0,9 10,7+0,5 2,31 <0,05

The offered methodology, directed at coordinating abilities development among 6-8 year-old girls, included specially created different complexes of exercises for the

abilities upbringing to preserve balance using balance beam and also outdoor games for general coordinating abilities formation.

Table 2 - Comparative indices of balance developmentamong girls from the control and the experimental groups___

Groups Experimental group (n= =12) Control group (n=12)

Indices Indices

Tests initial, s final, s P initial, s final, s P

X±o X±o X±o X±o

Dynamic balance indices 10,7±3,1 13,8±3,6 <0,01 11,1± 12,3±3,2 >0,05

Static balance indices 10,8±3,3 13,0±3,1 <0,01 10,8± 11,5±3,1 >0,05

Each complex included 10 exercises with 30 seconds till 3 minutes duration and had 10-15 repetitions. Together with varied movements, as walking and running, complexes included generally-developing exercises in a form of swings, jumps, hops and balances, which were fulfilled in terms of bearing area decrease and visual orientation

restriction in space. Complexes inclusion into the lessons of elementary school pupils helped to achieve valid indices increase of static and dynamic balance.

Comparatively new direction, aesthetic gymnastics, which originated from calisthenics, helps girls to realize themselves in a new physical-sports kind of activity. This

kind of sport doesn't have strict restriction in female-gymnasts selection and it gives an opportunity to use its means and methods of training in the system of additional education of 7-8 year-old girls. Aesthetic gymnastics lessons help to develop flexibility, elegance, beauty of movements, at the same time, moderating difficulty. The peculiarity of this kind of sport is in the necessity to demonstrate big amplitude of movements during gymnastic elements fulfillment, preserving smoothness and elegance. The research works, held with the help of methodology of teaching compulsory elements of aesthetic gymnastics, showed that elementary school girls have the main physical qualities development increase (table


During initial test of aesthetic gymnastics compulsory elements fulfillment integral mark was 4,3 points, which is above the average level, and corresponds with the age of pupils. The greatest quality the participants from the experimental group showed in fulfilling the elements, connected with flexibility (splits: right, left, straight): the average marks - 4,8±0,3, 4,3±0,6; 4,4±0,9 points and balance (side with a grasp, arabesque): the average marks - 4,5±0,6 and 4,6±0,3 points. The most difficult were the elements, which characterize speed-power-producing indices, estimated according to the results of jumps (table 3). It is obvious, that these elements are technically difficult for this kind of children because of not sufficiently developed muscles, which are used in repulsion during jumping.

Table 3 - The elements of aesthetic gymnastics fulfillment estimation among 6-8 year-old girls

Indices Flexibili ty (splits) Coordin ation (balance , turn) Speedpower -producingqual ities (jumps) Integral mark

Initial testing (n=14) £ «C e h-l Cross Side balance Arabesq ue Passe "Touchi ng" Bodyan dlegsbent

Average indices M 4,8 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,1 3,6 4,3 4,3

Standard deviation o 0,3 0,6 0,9 0,6 0,3 0,6 0,9 0,6 0,6

Standard errorm 0,08 0,16 0,24 0,16 0,08 0,16 0,24 0,16 0,16

Final testing (n=14) £ t J «C e O s M O !-H Si debalan ce ^ £ M u ai c bea !-H PH e es a a Touchin g" B odyandl egsbent In tegral mark

Average indices M 5 4,9 4,9 4,9 5 4,9 4,8 5 4,9

Standard deviation o 0 0,3 0,3 0,3 0 0,3 0,3 0 0,2

Standarderror m 0 0,08 0,08 0,08 0 0,08 0,08 0 0,05

For more successful basic elements of aesthetic gymnastics mastering we created the complexes of special exercises, which were held at the end of the main part of the lesson and provided flexibility in ankle and hip joints development (complex 1), coordination development (complex 2) and speed-power-producing qualities development (complex 3).

Complexes use, during the whole period of stating pedagogical experiment, helped to improve the results of mastering aesthetic gymnastics exercises: flexibility indices for splits were the following: with the right - 5 points among all participants of the experiment, with the left - 4,9±0,3 points and for cross split - 4,9±0,3 points. It proves the thesis of this period sensitivity for flexibility development. Good flexibility development helps to fulfill "arabesque" exercise, mark for this exercise was 5 points. For "passe" exercise the mark is lower - 4,9±0,3 points. The marks for jumps techniques fulfillment were also improved (table 3).

Such results demonstrate the possibility to use aesthetic gymnastics exercises in physical upbringing program for elementary-school girls.

At secondary and senior school the opportunities of these kinds of physical activity are still strong and even help to increase the effect of the lessons. However, they change the orientation of the developed physical qualities. For example, fitness-aerobics use in variative part of physical culture program among secondary school pupils helps to achieve valid improvement of general endurance, prelumabdominale power and flexibility (table 4), however, quickness and speed-power-producing qualities improved, but didn't achieve the level of validity.

At senior school there is indices increase, which characterize power-producing qualities, endurance and flexibility, among girls from the EG, which turned out to be validly higher than the results from the CG (table 5).

Table 4 - Testing results of the EG (the 6th grade) during aerobics use in variative part of physical

culture program (n=14 )

Tests Before X±m After X ± m t-criterion Significance level, P

1000 m running, min. 4,55±0,1 4,35±0,1 2,9 <0,05

Forward bend from sitting position, cm 8±1 14±1 4,3 <0,05

Body lifting from lying position, quantity 23±1 27±1 2,1 <0,05

30 mrunning from standing start, seconds 5,3±0,1 5,2±0,02 1 >0,05

Standinglong-jump, cm. 160±5 170±5 1,4 >0,05

The peculiarity of the lessons in the EG was exercises fulfillment for power-producing qualities development, which were fulfilled using dumbbells (1 or 2 kg) and also dip up fulfillment. Great attention to power qualities development at this age is

reasonable, as it helps to form correct bearing and nice body. Moreover, it should be noted, that the girls from the EG had coordinating abilities indices improvement, which are characterized by time of keeping balance increase (table 5).

Table 5 - Testing results among senior pupils from the control and experimental groups

Tests Student's t-testvalue Significancelevel, P

CG (n=15) EG (n=15)

Body liftingin sitting position, quantity Before 22±6 23±5 0,54 >0,05

After 23±6 27±5 2,16 <0,05

Armsbending-extension, quantity Before 10±5 11±4 0 >0,05

After 12±5 15±4 1.81 >0,05

Forward bend from sitting position, when legs are together, cm Before 0,7±6,0 0,7±6,2 0 >0,05

After 1,7±5,0 4,8±3,2 2,15 <0,05

Hopping over the skipping rope, quantity Before 99±5 100±5 0,55 >0,05

After 101±6 113±8 4,68 <0,01

Balance, s Before 8,9±5,4 10,9±6,6 0,91 >0,05

After 10,6±4,6 13,6±7,8 1,15 >0,05

Considering the opportunities of different kinds of physical activity use among school age girls, it should be noted that the orientation of the fulfilled exercises changes. At elementary school the platform of basic movements is formed by means of the chosen kind of gymnastics with an emphasis on flexibility and coordinating abilities development. At secondary school the exercises of the mentioned kinds of gymnastics are selected for many-sided influence on the main functional systems and different groups of muscles, which are constantly functioning during the complexes of gymnastic exercises fulfillment in a dynamic regimen. Finally, during senior school age attention is paid to endurance and power development during aerobics lessons with the help of complexes of exercises of a corresponding orientation, during calisthenics and aesthetic gymnastics lessons attention is paid to beauty of movements upbringing by

means of expressiveness of body movements and its separate segments development, plasticity of movements development.


Different kinds of gymnastic exercises use is accompanied by a purposeful improvement of schoolgirls' physical readiness indices development during the whole period of studying at comprehensive school. Gymnastic exercises fulfillment at elementary school is mainly directed at correct technique of the initial positions and poses of different movements fulfillment, which form aerobics, calisthenics and aesthetic gymnastics complexes.At secondary school the means of these kinds of physical activity are used with an emphasis on widening motional abilities and skills of gymnastic exercises fulfillment, plasticity and flexibility of the fulfilled movements development. At senior school gymnastic exercises are selected into the complexes for

power qualities and general endurance development by means of duration of exercises increase and light poundage use in a form of additional equipment. The exercises from the arsenal of calisthenics and aesthetic gymnastics bring up beauty of movements among senior schoolchildren, increasing their ability to create the images and express feelings with the help of body and its separate parts movements.


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Submitted 31.03.2018

Mikhailova E.I. - Candidate of Pedagogics, Professor, Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University", 117303, Russia, Moscow, Balaklavskiyavenue, House 32, Building 4, e— mail: [email protected]

Mikhailov H.G. - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University", 117303, Russia, Moscow, Balaklavskiyavenue, House 32, Building 4 Derevleva E.B. - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University", 117303, Russia, Moscow, Balaklavskiyavenue, House 32, Building 4 Kaimin M.A. - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University", 117303, Russia, Moscow, Balaklavskiyavenue, House 32, Building 4 Kudryavtseva O.V. - Senior Lecturer, Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Spor State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University", 117303, Russia, Moscow, Balaklavskiyavenue, House 32, Building 4

DOI 10.14526/02_2018_322



Nazarenko L.D.1, Kuznetsova Z.M.1, Meshcheryakov A. V.1

1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov " Russia, Ulyanovsk, [email protected], [email protected]

Annotation. Expansive growth of athletes, who took doping and stimulating substances, had devastating diseases and died too soon, underlines the necessity to combine and coordinate the efforts of different countries in order to solve this difficult problem. The existing situation is also complicated by the fact, that the victims are the most active, intellectually and physically developed young people, who are to be useful for their country, be the example for new generations. It is inadmissible to make business, commerce interests, individual self-interest of the separate entrepreneurs more important than health and life of teen-agers and young people, who go in for sports. Materials. The article is about the conception of sport moral basis return, which is in harmony with the ideals of a well-known enlightener, humanist and educator Pierre de Coubertin, who is the founder of modern Olympic movement. Research methods: scientific-methodical literature analysis, summing up the heritage of Pierre de Coubertin, pedagogical experiment, conversations, questioning, discussions, questionnaire survey, statistical data handling. Results. The authors revealed the main reasons for doping taking; the stages of creation and mass distribution of synthesized man-made different kinds of doping and stimulants. The definite directions of struggle with doping are considered, the realization of which demands coordination and efforts consolidation of international sports organizations and committees, interested in this

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