PHILOSOPHICAL BASES FOR SOCIAL-PEDAGOGIC ACTIVITY IN THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Abramovskikh Natalya

The relevance of the considered problem is caused by value of social-pedagogic activity of a teacher accompanying children with special educational needs. The paper deals with consideration of philosophical approaches for identifying the essence of social-pedagogic activity in the educational system. The leading approach is the historical-logic analysis of philosophical views on the content of the category “activity', “social-pedagogic activity”. The result of the paper is identification of methodological approaches to realization of social-pedagogic activity in education. The paper can be useful to teachers of higher educational pedagogic institutions, graduate students and undergraduates.

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3. Davydova, O.I. (2013) Competence-based approach in work of preschool educational institution with parents, Saint-Petersburg, JSC Detstvo-Press,128 P.

4. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 17.10.2013 No. 1155 "About the approval of the federal state educational standard of preschool education" (14.11.2013 No. 30384 are registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation), Union of Right Forces the Consultant Plus.

5. Kuznetsova, I.V. "Improvement of professional competence of the teacher as means of improvement of quality of education in preschool educational institution", The Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open lesson", Available at: http://festival.1september.ru/articles/622636.

6. Mayer, A.A. (2007) "Model of professional competence of the preschool teacher", Management of preschool educational institution, No. 1 (35), Pp. 8-15.



The relevance of the considered problem is caused by value of social-pedagogic activity of a teacher accompanying children with special educational needs. The paper deals with consideration of philosophical approaches for identifying the essence of social-pedagogic activity in the educational system. The leading approach is the historical-logic analysis of philosophical views on the content of the category "activity', "social-pedagogic activity". The result of the paper is identification of methodological approaches to realization of social-pedagogic activity in education. The paper can be useful to teachers of higher educational pedagogic institutions, graduate students and undergraduates.


activity, social-pedagogic activ'ty, teacher, education

AUTHOR Natalya Abramovskikh

PhD in Education, Associate Professor Professor at the Theory and Technique of Preschool and Primary Education Department

Surgut State Pedagogic University Surgut, Russia [email protected]

Introduction. The area of professional activity of a teacher is rather wide and diverse. It includes a set of specific kinds of pedagogic activity, depending on object on which it is directed. The federal law "About Education in the Russian Federation" on 29.12.2012 No. 273-FZ defines education as "the uniform purposeful process of education and training, which is the socially significant benefit and is carried out in interests of a person, family, society and state. Also it is a set of the acquired knowledge, abilities, skills, valuable installations, experience of activity and competences of a certain volume and complexity for intellectual, spiritual and moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfaction of his educational requirements and interests" (The federal law ..., 2013). Thus, identification of methodological approaches

to realization pedagogical activ'ty in modern education is an actual problem for vocational training of future teachers.

Methodological base. Consideration of activity as the relations between its subject and object with transformation of the last due to activity of the subject and for satisfaction of its requirements is characteristic for the philosophical understanding of activity reflected in G. Hegel, I. Kant, K. Marx's works. Sociological approach to the analysis of category "activ'ty" is presented in M. Weber, E. Durkheim, G. Zimmel, K. Marx, M. Scheler, F. Engels's concepts and works of domestic researchers such, as G.M. Andreyeva, A.A. Bogdanov, R. S. Nemov, B.D. Parygin, A.V. Petrovsky, K.K. Platonov.

Results. One of teachenbi professional activty types is the social-pedagogic activity directed on support of various categories of children with special educational needs. Methodological basis of its realization in philosophical understanding is realization of individual approach to the category of children. The importance of social-pedagogic activity grows in modern society in connection with the crisis of confidence of younger generation in the state institutes noted by scientists; violation of mechanisms of socialization and growth of the asocial phenomena in the youth environment (drug addiction, alcoholism, offenses, etc.); decrease of educational potential of a family and educational institutions as main institutes of personal socialization. Therefore, the circle of problems that a teacher should solve is extremely various. In this connection, the special attention in the course of vocational training of future expert needs to be paid to formation of the conscious relation of future teacher not only to mastering technologies of training and education of children, but methods and techniques of pedagogical escort of children with special educational needs.

Discussion. Modern professional standards make great demands to pedagogical staff training. Besides theoretical preparation and profound knowledge of a subject, future teachers have to possess a wide set of practical skills and competences, including technologies of child's pedagogical escort. The Professional standard of a teacher on October 18, 2013 designates the concrete requirements to realization pedagogical activity in preschool, primary general, main general and secondary general education (Professional standard...). In the content of labor function, the developing activity is designated as a need of development and application of psychology-pedagogical technologies by a teacher (including inclusive), necessary for address work with various pupils: exceptional children, socially vulnerable children, children who have difficult life situations, children-migrants, orphan children, children with special educational needs (autists, children with syndrome of deficiency of attention and hyperactivity, etc.), children with limited opportunities of health, children with deviations or dependence.

At the same time, the analysis of features of pedagogical education development shows that preparation for social-pedagogic activity is at formation stage in the Russian system of professional education of teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to consider philosophical approaches to define social-pedagogic activity and allocate methodological bases of its realization by a teacher and optimization the training system.

So, K. Marx noted that "the main lack of previous materialism is that subject, reality, sensuality are undertaken only in the form of object or in the form of contemplation, but not as human, sensual activity, practice, not subjective" (Marx, Engels, 1987).

From positions of modern philosophy, activity reveals the essence of a person. Depending on needs, activity is traditionally subdivided on material (connected primary needs); political (connected with change of the public relations); spiritual (in the field of science, art, religion). Activty in society appears as a system, which elements are people, their requirements and interests, object and motives of activity, aims, means and form of its existence (Grishchanov, 1998).

The modern sociology of labor develops K. Marx's tradition and assumes "work in general" as a starting point of the categorical analysis. The sociological encyclopedic dictionary defines the category "activity" as "a specific form of person's relation to the world around and himself, expressed in a peculiar change and transformation of the world and human consciousness" (Osipov, 1998).

Thus, philosophical and sociological approaches show that definition of the concept "activity" can be presented within the specific relation of a person to the world around, as its expedient activity. Thus transformations of both object and subject occurs as a result of active interaction between them.

As social-pedagogic activities for the intrinsic tasks are close to social work, the analysis of philosophical bases of social work as practices of assistance to the person, who appeared in a difficult life situation, is necessary.

The sociocultural processes in Europe and America caused by fast development of scientific technologies and expansion of industrial production were the main reasons for emergence of such professional activity. In turn, it caused processes of urbanization, population shift, growth of population with the low level of income that led to increase of crime rate, homelessness among children and teenagers, immoral behavior and other socially adverse effects.

These processes caused the need of professional activity of experts capable to give social help to the people, who got into difficult situations. So, scientific-theoretical justification of process of their preparation was respectively necessary. In line with applied philanthropy, in 1898 M. Richmond initiated the creation of the first national school, which tasks included training specialists of the corresponding profile. The author laid the scientific foundation of social work methods on the basis of an individual approach to a client. An approach to social work as to the public institute urged to solve specific social problems of the person starts locating in scientific literature.

The functional concept, which gained distribution in philosophical and sociological researches, had a great influence on scientific judgment of problems of social help. The analysis of the organization of society, questions of self-regulation and maintenance of balance of systems were the topical issues of the direction. Thus social work was considered as a part of wider social system with tasks and functions which were directed on maintenance of requirement of life support of a client as a bio-psycho-social being.

Ideas about person and society, their complete harmonious development, which were based on materialistic direction of philosophy had the great value in person's social protection. G. V. Plekhanov and M. A. Kropotkin noted the dependence of improvement of people's life on the social systems surrounding them. Therefore, the improvement is necessary for protection of person's resilience.

There is an idea about use of personal and social resources to exit difficult life situation in the philosophical directions of the beginning of the XX century. These philosophical-psychological doctrines generated the psychologically focused models of social work. In particular, existentialism (M. Heidegger, E. Gusserl, S. Kierkegaard) raised a question of personal freedom as the identity. According to this direction, free person is a person, who does not act as the thing, which is formed under the influence of natural or social need, and forms himself by each action and act, bores responsibility for every deed that he have made, but does not acquit himself by the circumstances.

This theory has impact on technique of the social-pedagogic help of personality. Thus the expert needs to correlate the client's problems to his last experience proceeding from which, the essence of a problem and technique of its decision is defined.

The humanization of social help to a person was promoted by development of humanistic direction in philosophy and psychology. Its basic principles was studying of a person in his integrity, uniqueness, continuity of development, freedom of will. This direction promoted the appeal of social-pedagogic activity to assistance to personality on

the basis of self-knowledge and value. Allocation of a person as the supreme value of society defined problems of social-pedagogic activty on the basis of freedom, humanity, observance of rights of personality.

At the beginning of the XX century, P. Natorp defined social pedagogics as a science addressed to problems of social-pedagogic activity. The main objective was considered the research of integration problems of society educational forces to increase cultural level of people. The subject was social education of a person throughout all his life; the object of social pedagogics was a person without the age (Natorp, 2006). Other point of view was stated by T. Nol, G. Boymer, who considered help to children in a difficult life situation (orphan, neglected, with socially negative behavior) the main direction of social-pedagogic activty (Piskunov, 1971). It should be noted that this contradiction finds reflection in researches of modern sciences.

The problem of understanding of a person draws attention of many researchers nowadays. This problem has special value for professional social-pedagogic activty as its both subject and object is a person. In our opinion, the anthropological paradigm, which is presented in domestic humanitarian psychology of development, is of special interest in understanding a person.

According to this paradigm, person is considered, first, as a conscious being, capable for reflection; second, as an active being, capable to conscious transformation. According to S.L. Rubenstein, consciousness and activity are the fundamental characteristics of human existence defining his humanity (Rubenstein, 1973).

There are new works on sociology, social-philosophical anthropology, social psychology, which allow to overcome simplified sociological vision of a person. Special value has the image of structure of a human community as a system of communications and relations. Therefore, consciousness is initially considered in space of communications and human relations, in human communities and in the individual form - as reflection of the place in joint activity.

Conclusion. Thus, we connect the process of expert training for professional activity with purposeful creation of conditions for development of a student as the subject of the activity (Abramovskikh, 2016). At the same time, not only development of the subject, but also development of the activity occurs during immersion in activity. Development of future teacher is connected with transition from one level to another: from organization of preparation to diagnostics and design by teacher himself. Thus the content of social-pedagogic activity of a teacher assumes perception of a child as a person, as subject of own activity. The statements is important in research specifics of social-pedagogic activity and design of effective system of training of a teacher.


1. Abramovskikh, N.V. (2016) "Realization of the principles of an individual approach in vocational training of bachelors in the direction pedagogical education", Koncept, Special issue No. 02, ART 76020. Available at: http://e-koncept.ru/2016/76020.htm.

2. Grishchanov, A.A. (Comp.) (1998) The latest philosophical dictionary, Minsk, Publishing house 'V. A. Skakun', 896 P.

3. Marx, K. & Engels, F. (1987) Theses about Feuerbach, 2nd prod., V.3, Moscow, Publishing house 'Politizdat', Pp. 1-4.

4. Natorp, P. (2006) Chosen works, Composer V.A. Kurennaya, Moscow, publishing house 'Territory of Future', "University Library of Alexander Pogorelsky" series, 384 P.

5. Osipov, V. (Ed.) (1998) Sociological encyclopedic dictionary, INFRA, M-NORMA, 320 P.

6. Piskunov, A.I. (Comp.) (1971) Anthology of history of foreign pedagogics, Moscow, Education.

7. Professional standard. The teacher (pedagogical activity in the preschool, primary general, main general, secondary general education) (the tutor, the teacher). No. 544n is approved by the order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation on October 18, 2013.

8. Rubenstein, S.L. (1973) Problems of the general psychology, Moscow, Pedagogics, 423 P.

9. The federal law "About Education in the Russian Federation" on 29.12.2012 No. 273-FZ (2013), Moscow, KNORUS, 176 P.



The following paper examines the problem of onomatopoeia as a phenomenon, which happens to be one of the most brilliant and spectacular manifestations of lexical use that represents the sound of beings or objects. The approach under consideration lies in the fact that onomatopoeia as a linguistic phenomenon renders imitations of a variety of sounds that surround us on the one hand, - and on the other, the immense and irreplaceable Korean language onomatopoeic lexis does not express any sounds itself, however, a great number of such words exist, forcing linguists to think about a concept of individual classification of this category.


onomatopoeia, Korean language, English language, Saebun


Alexandra Ananyva Ksenja Gherman

Student Student

Foreign Languages Department Foreign Languages Department

Russian State Social University Russian State Social University

Moscow, Russia Moscow, Russia

selena [email protected]

The relevance of the given paper lies in the distinct absence of such phenomenon as onomatopoeia in Korean language on the one hand and the necessity to refer a large and commonly used group of onomatopoeic words to a certain class or phonetic category.

Under modern conditions of dynamically changing language environment, sound imitating words in Korean language appear as an exclusive factor in determining the culture and the features of the language.

Insufficiency of information, investigations and research on this topic is a great gap in relation to both; the study of the Korean language in general and understanding of the Korean culture by foreign students.

On the one hand, in many languages, onomatopoeia does not occupy and play an important role in everyday life. It is mostly used in the literary works. On the other hand, in the Korean culture, the mentality of the Korean people and the everyday use of the Korean language, word imitating words bear in themselves an unquestionable significance (Filimonova, 1999).

At first we are going to take into consideration the comparison of onomatopoeia in Korean and English languages to reveal the differences and similarities between two phenomena:

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